// Home Paage
        public IActionResult Index(string searchTerms, string targetURL, string numResults)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerms))
                // Set the search filters
                GoogleFilter filters = new GoogleFilter(Convert.ToInt32(numResults));

                // Object used to perform search queries and get parsed results
                GoogleSearch google = new GoogleSearch(filters);

                // Get results for query filtred by url
                List <WebResult> results = google.RunSearchQuery(searchTerms, targetURL);

                // A web exception was thrown
                if (results == null)
                    ViewData["WebError"] = "A web error has occured";

                // Pass data to view
                ViewData["Results"]     = results;
                ViewData["ResultCount"] = results.Count;
                ViewData["TargetURL"]   = targetURL;
                ViewData["NumResults"]  = numResults;
                ViewData["Query"]       = searchTerms;

        public void TestGoogleFilter()
            // Given...
            GoogleFilter filter = new GoogleFilter(5);

            // When...

            // Then...
            Assert.Equal("y", filter.GetTimePeriod());
        public void GoogleParserTest()
            // given...
            GoogleFilter        filter = new GoogleFilter(5);
            GoogleSearch        google = new GoogleSearch(filter);
            GoogleResultsParser parser = new GoogleResultsParser();

            // open file
            string currentpath     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string testProjectPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(currentpath, @"../../../"));
            string testFilePath    = Path.Combine(testProjectPath, "GoogleResultsTestHtml.txt");
            string testHtml        = File.ReadAllText(testFilePath, Encoding.UTF8);

            // when...
            List <WebResult> results = parser.ParseHtmlToSearchResults(testHtml, "info");

            // then...
            Assert.Equal(3, results.Count);
            Assert.Equal("https://www.infotrack.co.uk/", results[0].Url);
            Assert.Equal(1, results[0].Rank);
            Assert.Equal(3, results[2].Rank);
            Assert.Equal("InfoTrack", results[0].Title);
            Assert.Equal("Conveyancing Searches - InfoTrack | LEAP UK", results[1].Title);