Beispiel #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            Guid catID = new Guid("b6385b44-1b6d-41ab-81df-d265d363dea7");
            var  data  = db.uspProductsGetbyCat("e4db916e-5427-42d0-8a94-6ced86bedabe").ToArray();
            int  rows  = data.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                Image picture = new Image();
                picture.ID = "picture" + i;
                //picture.Width = 306;
                //picture.Height = 204;
                picture.Attributes.Add("class", "productImage");
                TableRow  row     = new TableRow();
                TableCell cellOne = new TableCell();
                TableCell cellTwo = new TableCell();

                string prodID        = data[i].ProductID.ToString();
                string prodName      = data[i].Name;
                string prodPriceInfo = data[i].PriceInfo;
                string prodDesc      = data[i].Description;
                picture.ImageUrl = data[i].ImagePath;

                cellTwo.Text            = "<p class=\"content-words\"><b>" + prodName + "</b><br />" + prodPriceInfo + "<br />" + prodDesc + "</p>";
                cellTwo.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
                //cellOne.Width = 320;

        protected void btnProdDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button                  btn    = (Button)sender;
            GridViewRow             gvr    = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;
            string                  prodID = gvProducts.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db     = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();

 protected void chkbxCategory2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     prodViewCat = chkbxCategory2.SelectedValue;
     if (prodViewCat != "" && prodViewCat != "none")
         GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
         var prodData = db.uspProductsGetbyCat(prodViewCat);
         gvProducts.DataSource = prodData;
        protected void btnView4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 3;
            plJournal.Visible          = false;
            Calendar1.SelectedDate     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            Calendar1.VisibleDate      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            var newses = db.uspNewsGetAll();

            gvNews.DataSource = newses;
Beispiel #5
        private void refreshImgsList()
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();

            var data2 = db.uspNewsPicsGetByArticle(NewsID);

            foreach (var row in data2)
                NewsImage img = new NewsImage();
                img.imageID  = row.NewsImgID.ToString();
                img.fileName = row.Path;
Beispiel #6
        public Stream GetPhoto(string photoId)
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            Binary binary = db.uspGetAppleImage(photoId).FirstOrDefault().Image;

            byte[] result = binary.ToArray();

                return(new MemoryStream(result));
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
        protected void btnSbt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Panel1.Visible = false;
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();

            if (TextBox3.Text != null && TextBox3.Text != String.Empty)
                string phoneTxt = TextBox3.Text;
                string phone    = (Regex.Replace(phoneTxt, "[^0-9]", ""));
                db.uspConnectionInsert(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, phone);
                db.uspConnectionInsert(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, null);

            Panel2.Visible = true;
Beispiel #8
        public void save()
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();

            if (NewsID == null)
                var result = db.uspNewsInsert(Content, newsDate).ToArray();
                NewsID = result.FirstOrDefault().NewsID.ToString();
                //System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(NewsID, @"\s+", "");
                foreach (NewsImage imgInfo in articleImages)
                    db.uspNewsPicAdd(NewsID, imgInfo.fileName);
                db.uspNewsUpdate(NewsID, Content, newsDate);
Beispiel #9
        public Article(string NewsID)
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            var data = db.uspNewsGetSingle(NewsID).FirstOrDefault();

            this.NewsID = NewsID;
            Content     = data.NewsContent;
            newsDate    = data.NewsDate;

            var data2 = db.uspNewsPicsGetByArticle(NewsID);

            foreach (var row in data2)
                NewsImage img = new NewsImage();
                img.imageID  = row.NewsImgID.ToString();
                img.fileName = row.Path;
        protected void btnNewsDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button                  btn   = (Button)sender;
            GridViewRow             gvr   = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;
            string                  artId = gvNews.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db    = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();

            catch (Exception ex)
                ListItem li = new ListItem();
                li.Text = ex.Message;
                blNewsErr.Visible = true;
        protected void btnProdEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataSet images = Methods.GetImages(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Products"));

            ddlImages.DataSource = images.Tables[0];

            ddlImages.DataValueField = "FileName";
            ddlImages.DataTextField  = "FileName";
            plProductsView.Visible = false;
            plEditProduct.Visible  = true;
            Button      btn    = (Button)sender;
            GridViewRow gvr    = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;
            string      prodID = gvProducts.DataKeys[gvr.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();

            for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text  = i.ToString();
                item.Value = i.ToString();

            FileUpload2.Visible     = false;
            ddlImages.Visible       = true;
            imgSample.Visible       = true;
            plUpdatProdSucc.Visible = false;

            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            var data = db.uspProductsGetSingle(prodID).FirstOrDefault();

            txtTitle2.Text = data.Name;
            txtPrice2.Text = data.PriceInfo;
            txtDesc2.Text  = data.Description;
            lblProdID.Text = data.ProductID.ToString();
            ddlOrderIndex.SelectedValue = data.OrderIndex.ToString();
            lblTest.Text             = "Originally was: " + data.Name;
            imgSample.ImageUrl       = data.ImagePath;
            chkbxImage.SelectedValue = "Use Existing Photo";
            ddlImages.SelectedValue  = Path.GetFileName(data.ImagePath);
            plNewProduct.Visible     = false;
 protected void ddlCategory2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ddlCategory2.SelectedValue != "67a6ec19-a89b-43c9-8b69-a6711673c77e")
         chkbxCategory2.Visible = false;
         prodViewCat            = ddlCategory2.SelectedValue;
         chkbxCategory2.Visible = true;
     if (prodViewCat != "" && prodViewCat != "none")
         GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
         var prodData = db.uspProductsGetbyCat(prodViewCat);
         gvProducts.DataSource = prodData;
Beispiel #13
        protected void SendMail()
            // Gmail Address from where you send the mail
            var fromAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            // any address where the email will be sending
            var toAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            //Password of your gmail address
            const string fromPassword = "******";
            // Passing the values and make a email formate to display
            string subject = YourSubject.Text.ToString();
            string body    = "From: " + YourName.Text + "\n";

            body += "Email: " + YourEmail.Text + "\n";
            body += "Subject: " + YourSubject.Text + "\n";
            body += "Question: \n" + Comments.Text + "\n";
            // smtp settings
            var smtp = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();

                smtp.Host = "";
                smtp.Port = 587;
                smtp.EnableSsl      = true;
                smtp.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                smtp.Credentials    = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress, fromPassword);
                smtp.Timeout        = 20000;
            // Passing values to smtp object
            smtp.Send(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, body);

            if (chkbxOptIntoMail.Checked)
                GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
                db.uspConnectionInsert(YourName.Text, YourEmail.Text, null);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            var    data   = db.uspNewsGetTopSeven().ToArray();
            string output = "";

            //foreach (var x in data)
            //    string modals = "";
            //    string content = x.NewsContent;
            //    Article article = new Article(x.NewsID.ToString());
            //    foreach (NewsImage img in article.articleImages) {
            //        string path = Path.Combine("/Images/News/", img.fileName);
            //        string modal = string.Format("<img id=\"myImg\" src=\"{0}\" width=\"240\" height=\"135\" onclick=\"modalize(this)\">", path);
            //        modals += modal;
            //    }
            //    output += string.Format("{0} <br /> {1}", modals, content);

            //Literal1.Text = output;

            foreach (var x in data)
                Table     tbl     = new Table();
                TableRow  row1    = new TableRow();
                TableRow  row2    = new TableRow();
                TableRow  dateRow = new TableRow();
                TableCell tc      = new TableCell();
                Article   article = new Article(x.NewsID.ToString());
                foreach (NewsImage img in article.articleImages)
                    string path = Path.Combine("/Images/News/", img.fileName);
                    string html = string.Format("<img id=\"myImg\" src=\"{0}\" width=\"170\" height=\"115\" onclick=\"modalize(this)\">", path);
                    tc.Text += html;
                TableCell tc2 = new TableCell();
                tc2.Text = string.Format("<br /><div class=\"news\">{0}</div><br /><hr>", x.NewsContent);
                TableCell tc3 = new TableCell();
                tc3.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"newsP\">Posted on {0}</div><br /><br />", x.NewsDate.ToShortDateString());
                //tbl.Width = 900;
                tbl.Attributes.Add("class", "newsTbl");

            //foreach (var x in data)
            //    GridView tbl = new GridView();
            //    GridViewRow row1 = new GridViewRow(0, 0,DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal);
            //    GridViewRow row2 = new GridViewRow(1, 1, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal);

            //    Article article = new Article(x.NewsID.ToString());
            //    foreach (NewsImage imgInfo in article.articleImages)
            //    {
            //        Image img = new Image();
            //        img.ImageUrl = Path.Combine("/Images/News/", imgInfo.fileName);
            //        img.Width = 240;
            //        img.Height = 150;
            //        img.Attributes.Add("onclick", "mocalize(this)");
            //        row1.Controls.Add(img);
            //    }
            //    TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
            //    txtBox.Text = x.NewsContent;
            //    row2.Controls.Add(txtBox);
            //    tbl
            //    tbl.Rows.Add(row2);
            //    plNews.Controls.Add(tbl);
        protected void btnProdUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool hasTitle   = false;
            bool validImage = false;


            if (txtTitle2.Text != null && txtTitle2.Text != "")
                hasTitle = true;
                lblErr2.Items.Add("there must be a title.");
                lblErr2.Visible = true;

            if (chkbxImage.SelectedValue == "Use Existing Photo")
                if (hasTitle == true)
                    string path = "~/Images/Products/" + ddlImages.SelectedValue;
                    GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
                    db.uspProductUpdate(lblProdID.Text, txtTitle2.Text, txtPrice2.Text, txtDesc2.Text, path, Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrderIndex.SelectedValue));
                    plEditProduct.Visible   = false;
                    plUpdatProdSucc.Visible = true;
            if (chkbxImage.SelectedValue == "Upload New Photo")
                if (FileUpload2.HasFile)
                    if (!Methods.isPictureFile(FileUpload2.FileName))
                        validImage = false;
                        lblErr2.Items.Add("Image file must be JPEG.");
                        lblErr2.Visible = true;
                        validImage = true;
                    validImage = true;

            if (hasTitle && validImage)
                string fileName     = FileUpload2.FileName;
                string tempFileName = fileName;
                string path         = null;
                int    somnum       = 0;
                while (Methods.fileExists(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Products/"), tempFileName))
                    tempFileName = "(" + somnum + ")" + fileName;
                    GoodEatsFarmDataContext db = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
                    FileUpload2.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Products/") + tempFileName);
                    path = "~/Images/Products/" + tempFileName;
                    // If atleast a name, category, and file was given, and the file succesfully got saved. Upload all of it to the database.
                    db.uspProductUpdate(lblProdID.Text, txtTitle2.Text, txtPrice2.Text, txtDesc2.Text, path, Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrderIndex.SelectedValue));
                    plEditProduct.Visible   = false;
                    plUpdatProdSucc.Visible = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblErr2.Visible = true;
        // Uploads the new product form into the database.
        protected void sbtProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // New product form variables.
            GoodEatsFarmDataContext db  = new GoodEatsFarmDataContext();
            string         title        = txtTitle.Text;
            string         price        = txtPrice.Text;
            string         description  = txtDesc.Text;
            string         categoryID   = "none";
            HttpPostedFile picture      = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
            string         fileName     = picture.FileName;
            string         tempFileName = fileName;
            string         path         = null;

            // Reset form validation errors.
            blErrors.Visible = false;
            // Server-side form validation variables.
            bool hasName        = false;
            bool hasCategory    = false;
            bool isValidImgFile = false;
            bool fileGiven      = false;

            // If "Fruits" category selected, display fruit radio buttons.

            if (ddlCategory.SelectedValue == "67a6ec19-a89b-43c9-8b69-a6711673c77e")
                categoryID = chkbxCategory.SelectedValue;
                categoryID = ddlCategory.SelectedValue;
            // If product name is not given, display error.
            if (txtTitle.Text == "" || txtTitle.Text == null)
                hasName          = false;
                blErrors.Visible = true;
                blErrors.Items.Add("You must give a product name.");
                hasName = true;
            // If no category is selected, display error.
            if (categoryID == "none" || categoryID == "" || categoryID == null)
                hasCategory      = false;
                blErrors.Visible = true;
                blErrors.Items.Add("A category must be selected.");
                hasCategory = true;
            // If file given and if file is valid JPEG.
            if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                fileGiven = true;
                if (Methods.isPictureFile(fileName))
                    isValidImgFile = true;
            if (fileGiven == true && isValidImgFile == false)
                blErrors.Visible = true;
                blErrors.Items.Add("The file you chose is not a valid file type. Must be a JPEG.");

             * If there is a product name and category, submit form.
             * If no file is given, the path field in db is set  "null".
             * If no description or price is given, the fields are set "" in db.
            if (hasName && hasCategory)
                if (fileGiven)
                    if (isValidImgFile)
                        int somnum = 0;
                        while (Methods.fileExists(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Products/"), tempFileName))
                            tempFileName = "(" + somnum + ")" + fileName;
                            picture.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Products/") + tempFileName);
                            path = "~/Images/Products/" + tempFileName;
                            // If atleast a name, category, and file was given, and the file succesfully got saved. Upload all of it to the database.
                            db.uspProductInsert(title, price, description, categoryID, path);
                            plNewProduct.Visible     = false;
                            plNewProdSuccess.Visible = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            blErrors.Visible = true;
                // If only Product Name and Category given, submit them to database with null image path and empty string price and description.
                    db.uspProductInsert(title, price, description, categoryID, path);
                    plNewProduct.Visible     = false;
                    plNewProdSuccess.Visible = true;