public async Task <IActionResult> GeneralException()
            IExceptionHandlerPathFeature feature = HttpContext
                                                   .Get <IExceptionHandlerPathFeature>();
            ExceptionHandlerModel model = new()
                DateTime                = $"{DateTime.UtcNow} (UTC)",
                OriginalPath            = feature?.Path ?? "Unknown",
                ExceptionSource         = feature?.Error.Source ?? "Unknown",
                ExceptionTargetSite     = feature?.Error.TargetSite.Name ?? "Unknown",
                ExceptionTargetHelpLink = feature?.Error.HelpLink ?? "Unknown",
                RawExceptionMessage     = feature?.Error.Message ?? "Unknown",

                StatusCode = HttpContext.Response.StatusCode.ToString() ?? "Unknown"

            GoliathHelper.PrintDebugger(GoliathHelper.PrintType.Error, feature.Error.StackTrace);
            if (_signInManager.IsSignedIn(User))
                await _repository.SignOutAsync();
            _logger.LogError($"Encountered error in execution: {feature.Error.StackTrace}");
            TempData[TempDataKeys.Redirect]         = RedirectPurpose.Exception;
            TempData[TempDataKeys.ErrorInformation] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
            return(RedirectToActionPermanent(nameof(AuthController.Index), GoliathControllers.AuthController));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an email to a user while using a template from UserEmailOptions. <br /> This method
        /// is not directly called to send an email rather it is passed through one of the public
        /// async methods of this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"> </param>
        /// <returns> If the email was sent successfully. </returns>
        private async Task <bool> SendEmailAsync(UserEmailOptions options)
            // Setup the mail message.
            MimeMessage message = new()
                Subject = options.Subject,
                Body    = new TextPart("html")
                    Text = options.Body

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(_smtpConfig.DisplayName, _smtpConfig.Address));
            // Send the email message to all recipients.
            foreach (string toEmail in options.ToEmails)
                message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("User", toEmail));

            using (SmtpClient client = new())
                    // Async connect to the SMTP host and validate it exists.
                    await client.ConnectAsync(_smtpConfig.Host, _smtpConfig.Port, MailKit.Security.SecureSocketOptions.StartTls);

                    // Attempt to login to the SMTP using the settings from appsettings.json
                    await client.AuthenticateAsync(_smtpConfig.Address, _smtpConfig.Password);

                    // Send the message to the client.
                    await client.SendAsync(message);

                    // Disconnect from the session.
                    await client.DisconnectAsync(true);

                    client.Timeout = 20000;
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Sent an email to {options.ToEmails.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b)} at {DateTime.UtcNow} (UTC).");
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Failed to send an email to {options.ToEmails.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b)}.");
                    GoliathHelper.PrintDebugger(GoliathHelper.PrintType.Error, e.Message);
        public async Task LoadDefaultsAsync()
            if (!(await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(GoliathRoles.Administrator)))
                _logger.LogInformation("Creating SuperUser account and Goliath roles.");

                #region Create admin role

                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                    Name            = GoliathRoles.Administrator,
                    Icon            = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("<span class='badge badge-pill badge-danger ml-1'>ADMIN</span>"),
                    IsAdministrator = true

                #endregion Create admin role

                #region Create default role

                await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationRole()
                    Name = GoliathRoles.Default,
                    Icon = string.Empty

                #endregion Create default role

                #region Create super user account

                IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationUser()
                    UserName             = _config["SuperUser:Username"],
                    Email                = _config["SuperUser:Email"],
                    EmailConfirmed       = true,
                    BackgroundColor      = "#FFFFFF",
                    DarkTheme            = "false",
                    UserData             = string.Empty,
                    PendingNotifications = string.Empty,
                    LogoutThreshold      = 0,
                    AccountCreationDate  = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),
                    LastPasswordUpdate   = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()
                                                                       password : _config["SuperUser:Password"]

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    ApplicationUser superUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync("GoliathAdmin");

                    await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(superUser, GoliathRoles.Administrator);
                    GoliathHelper.PrintDebugger(GoliathHelper.PrintType.Error, "Could not create super user.");
                GoliathHelper.PrintDebugger("Created Super User.");

                #endregion Create super user account