Beispiel #1
        public void FileAttributes_ForEachLanguage()
            var xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                       "<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='test' guid='810e6d78-4239-4902-9ff0-8fbcd2173d6e'>" +
                                                                       "<abbrev ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</abbrev>" +
                                                                       "<abbrev ws='" + WsEs + "'>prueba</abbrev>" +
                                                                       "<abbrev ws='" + WsDe + "'>Probe</abbrev>" +
                                                                       "<term ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</term>" +
                                                                       "<term ws='" + WsEs + "'>prueba</term>" +
                                                                       "<term ws='" + WsDe + "'>Probe</term>" +
                                                                       "<def ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</def>" +
                                                                       "<def ws='" + WsEs + "'>prueba</def>" +
                                                                       "<def ws='" + WsDe + "'>Probe</def></item></eticPOSList>"));

            Assert.AreEqual(3, xliffDocs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(WsEn, xliffDocs.Keys);
            Assert.Contains(WsEs, xliffDocs.Keys);
            Assert.Contains(WsDe, xliffDocs.Keys);

            var originalXpath = $"/xliff/file[@original='{TestFileName}']";

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(xliffDocs[WsEn].ToString()).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(originalXpath, 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(xliffDocs[WsEs].ToString()).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(originalXpath, 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(xliffDocs[WsDe].ToString()).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(originalXpath, 1);

                $"/xliff/file[@target-language='{WsEs}']", 1);
                $"/xliff/file[@target-language='{WsDe}']", 1);
Beispiel #2
        public void TranslationState()
            const string id        = "Adjective";
            const string guid      = "30d07580-5052-4d91-bc24-469b8b2d7df9";
            const string abbrEn    = "adj";
            const string abbrEs    = "adj";
            const string abbrZh    = "";
            const string termEn    = "Adjective";
            const string termEs    = "Adjetivo";
            const string termZh    = "";
            const string defEn     = "An adjective is a part of speech whose members modify nouns.";
            const string defEs     = "Un adjectif est un modificateur du nom.";
            const string defZh     = "";
            const string citEs1    = "Crystal 1997:8";
            const string citEs2    = "Mish et al. 1990:56";
            var          xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                            XDocument.Parse(@"<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='" + id + @"' guid='" + guid + @"'>
		<abbrev ws='"         + WsEn + @"'>" + abbrEn + @"</abbrev>
		<abbrev ws='"         + WsEs + @"'>" + abbrEs + @"</abbrev>
		<abbrev ws='"         + WsZh + @"'>" + abbrZh + @"</abbrev>
		<term ws='"         + WsEn + @"'>" + termEn + @"</term>
		<term ws='"         + WsEs + @"'>" + termEs + @"</term>
		<term ws='"         + WsZh + @"'>" + termZh + @"</term>
		<def ws='"         + WsEn + @"'>" + defEn + @"</def>
		<def ws='"         + WsEs + @"'>" + defEs + @"</def>
		<def ws='"         + WsZh + @"'>" + defZh + @"</def>
		<citation ws='"         + WsEs + @"'>" + citEs1 + @"</citation>
		<citation ws='"         + WsEs + @"'>" + citEs2 + @"</citation>

            Assert.AreEqual(3, xliffDocs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(WsEn, xliffDocs.Keys);
            Assert.Contains(WsEs, xliffDocs.Keys);
            Assert.Contains(WsZh, xliffDocs.Keys);

            var esXliff = xliffDocs[WsEs].ToString();
            var zhXliff = xliffDocs[WsZh].ToString();

            const string itemXpath = "/xliff/file/body/group[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "']";

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(esXliff).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(itemXpath, 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(zhXliff).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(itemXpath, 1);
            const string tuXpath = itemXpath + "/trans-unit";

                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/target[@state='final' and text()='" + abbrEs + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/target[@state='final' and text()='" + termEs + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/target[@state='final' and text()='" + defEs + "']", 1);
                $"{tuXpath}[@id='{guid}_{id}_cit']/target[@state='{XliffUtils.State.Final}' and text()='{citEs1};{citEs2}']", 1);

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(zhXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/target");
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(zhXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/target");
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(zhXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/target");
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(zhXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_cit']/target");
Beispiel #3
        public void CitationHasInstructions()
            const string id        = "tst";
            const string guid      = "810e6d78-4239-4902-9ff0-8fbcd2173d6e";
            var          xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                            XDocument.Parse("<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='" + id + @"' guid='" + guid + @"'>" +
                                                                                            "<abbrev ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</abbrev>" +
                                                                                            "<term ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</term>" +
                                                                                            "<def ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</def>" +

                $"/xliff/file/body/group[@id='{guid}_{id}']/trans-unit[@id='{guid}_{id}_cit']/note[text()]", 1);
Beispiel #4
        public void FileAttributes_NoPath()
            const string fullPath  = "D:/Some/Long/Path/" + TestFileName;
            var          xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(fullPath,
                                                                                "<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='test' guid='810e6d78-4239-4902-9ff0-8fbcd2173d6e'>" +
                                                                                "<abbrev ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</abbrev>" +
                                                                                "<term ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</term>" +
                                                                                "<def ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</def></item></eticPOSList>"));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, xliffDocs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(WsEn, xliffDocs.Keys);

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(xliffDocs[WsEn].ToString()).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath($"/xliff/file[@original='{TestFileName}']", 1);
Beispiel #5
        public void ItemHasAllData()
            const string id        = "Adjective";
            const string guid      = "30d07580-5052-4d91-bc24-469b8b2d7df9";
            const string abbr      = "adj";
            const string term      = "Adjective";
            const string def       = "An adjective is a part of speech whose members modify nouns.";
            const string cit1      = "Crystal 1997:8";
            const string cit2      = "Mish et al. 1990:56";
            const string cit3      = "Payne 1997:63";
            var          xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                            XDocument.Parse(@"<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='" + id + @"' guid='" + guid + @"'>
		<abbrev ws='en'>"         + abbr + @"</abbrev>
		<term ws='en'>"         + term + @"</term>
		<def ws='en'>"         + def + @"</def>
		<citation ws='en'>"         + cit1 + @"</citation>
		<citation ws='en'>"         + cit2 + @"</citation>
		<citation ws='en'>"         + cit3 + @"</citation>

            Assert.AreEqual(1, xliffDocs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(WsEn, xliffDocs.Keys);
            var enXliff = xliffDocs[WsEn].ToString();

            const string itemXpath = "/xliff/file/body/group[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "']";

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(enXliff).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(itemXpath, 1);
            const string tuXpath = itemXpath + "/trans-unit";

                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/source[text()='" + abbr + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/source[text()='" + term + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/source[text()='" + def + "']", 1);
                $"{tuXpath}[@id='{guid}_{id}_cit']/source[text()='{cit1};{cit2};{cit3}']", 1);

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(enXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/target");
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(enXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/target");
            AssertThatXmlIn.String(enXliff).HasNoMatchForXpath(tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/target");
Beispiel #6
        public void SourceConverted()
            const string source    = "based on <link></link> &amp; modified by hand.";
            var          xliffDocs = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                            XDocument.Parse("<eticPOSList><source>" + source + "</source>" +
                                                                                            "<item id='test' guid='810e6d78-4239-4902-9ff0-8fbcd2173d6e'>" +
                                                                                            "<abbrev ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</abbrev>" +
                                                                                            "<term ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</term>" +
                                                                                            "<def ws='" + WsEn + "'>test</def>" +
            const string sourceXPath = "/xliff/file/body/*[local-name()='source']";

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(xliffDocs[WsEn].ToString()).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(sourceXPath, 1);
            var sourceElt = xliffDocs[WsEn].XPathSelectElement(sourceXPath);

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException -- we just asserted there is 1 sourceElt
            Assert.That(sourceElt.ToString(), Does.Contain(source));
Beispiel #7
        public void ConvertsSubItems()
            const string parentId   = "ad-position";
            const string parentGuid = "ae115ea8-2cd7-4501-8ae7-dc638e4f17c5";
            const string id         = "pre-position";
            const string guid       = "923e5aed-d84a-48b0-9b7a-331c1336864a";
            const string abbrEn     = "prp";
            const string abbrEs     = "prep";
            const string termEn     = "Preposition";
            const string termEs     = "Preposición";
            const string defEn      = "A preposition is an adposition that occurs before its complement.";
            const string defEs      = "Una preposición es una adposición.";
            const string citEn      = "Crystal 1997:305";
            const string citEs1     = "Mish et al. 1990:929";
            const string citEs2     = "Payne 1997:86";
            var          xliffDocs  = GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                                                             XDocument.Parse(@"<eticPOSList><source/><item type='category' id='" + parentId + @"' guid='" + parentGuid + @"'>
		<abbrev ws='en'>adp</abbrev>
		<abbrev ws='es'>adpos</abbrev>
		<term ws='en'>Adposition</term>
		<term ws='es'>Adposición</term>
		<def ws='en'>An adposition is a part of speech whose members are of a closed set and occur before or after a complement composed of a noun phrase, noun, pronoun, or clause that functions as a noun phrase and forms a single structure with the complement to express its grammatical and semantic relation to another unit within a clause.</def>
		<def ws='es'/>
		<item type='category' id='"         + id + @"' guid='" + guid + @"'>
			<abbrev ws='"             + WsEn + @"'>" + abbrEn + @"</abbrev>
			<abbrev ws='"             + WsEs + @"'>" + abbrEs + @"</abbrev>
			<term ws='"             + WsEn + @"'>" + termEn + @"</term>
			<term ws='"             + WsEs + @"'>" + termEs + @"</term>
			<def ws='"             + WsEn + @"'>" + defEn + @"</def>
			<def ws='"             + WsEs + @"'>" + defEs + @"</def>
			<citation ws='"             + WsEn + @"'>" + citEn + @"</citation>
			<citation ws='"             + WsEs + @"'>" + citEs1 + @"</citation>
			<citation ws='"             + WsEs + @"'>" + citEs2 + @"</citation>

            Assert.AreEqual(2, xliffDocs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(WsEn, xliffDocs.Keys);
            Assert.Contains(WsEs, xliffDocs.Keys);
            var esXliff = xliffDocs[WsEs].ToString();

            const string itemXpath = "/xliff/file/body/group[@id='" + parentGuid + "_" + parentId + "']/group[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "']";

            AssertThatXmlIn.String(esXliff).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath(itemXpath, 1);
            const string tuXpath = itemXpath + "/trans-unit";

                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/source[text()='" + abbrEn + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/source[text()='" + termEn + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/source[text()='" + defEn + "']", 1);
                $"{tuXpath}[@id='{guid}_{id}_cit']/source[text()='{citEn}']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_abbr']/target[text()='" + abbrEs + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_term']/target[text()='" + termEs + "']", 1);
                tuXpath + "[@id='" + guid + "_" + id + "_def']/target[text()='" + defEs + "']", 1);
                $"{tuXpath}[@id='{guid}_{id}_cit']/target[text()='{citEs1};{citEs2}']", 1);
Beispiel #8
 public void BadInputThrows()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => GoldEticToXliff.ConvertGoldEticToXliff(TestFileName,
                                       "File with no item should throw");