public async Task <ActionResult <GoalData> > PostGoalData(GoalData goalData)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetGoalData", new { id = goalData.GoalId }, goalData));
Beispiel #2
 private void SetMockGoals()
     MockGoals = new Mock <DbSet <Goal> >().SetupData(GoalData.Data());
     MockGoals.Setup(x => x.Find(It.IsAny <object[]>())).Returns <object[]>(ids => GoalData.Data().FirstOrDefault(d => d.GoalId == (int)ids[0]));
     MockGoals.Setup(x => x.FindAsync(It.IsAny <object[]>())).Returns <object[]>(ids => Task.FromResult(GoalData.Data().FirstOrDefault(d => d.GoalId == (int)ids[0])));
     MockContext.Setup(x => x.Goals).Returns(MockGoals.Object);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateGoalAsync(GoalData goalData)
            _log.LogDebug($"Request: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(goalData)}");

            User user;

                user = await ControllerUtils.GetUserForRequestHeaderTokenAsync(this, _tokenStore, _userStore, _log);
            catch (AuthenticationException ex)
            catch (InternalServerException)

            Goal goal = await _goalStore.CreateGoalAsync(

            _log.LogDebug($"Goal created: {goal}");

                           Mapper.Map <GoalData>(goal))));
Beispiel #4
    }                                                  //NPCか否か

    //  公開関数
    public void Initialize(PlayerCharStateData aData)

        m_AncData       = m_CouresAncs.GetAnc(0);
        m_AncDataGround = m_CouresAncs.GetAnc(0);

        m_wait     = aData.wait;
        m_Gravity  = new GravityStatus();
        m_Speed    = new SpeedStatus(aData.accel, aData.turn, aData.maxSpeed);
        m_Jump     = new JumpStatus();
        m_Glider   = new GliderStatus();
        m_Heat     = new HeatStatus();
        m_Rack     = RackState.READY;
        m_GoalData = new GoalData();

        m_TrgState = new BoolArray32(false);
        m_NowState = new BoolArray32(false);

        InputStart();   //入力
        CameraStart();  //カメラ

        SpeedStart();   //速度・方向
        StartPhysics(); //重力やレイキャスト
        SpwanStart();   //復帰する処理用
        TurnnStart();   //ターン

Beispiel #5
        public GetGoalDataResponse GetGoal(GetGoalDataRequest request)
            GetGoalDataResponse result = null;

                result = new GetGoalDataResponse();
                IGoalRepository repo = Factory.GetRepository(request, RepositoryType.Goal);

                GoalData goalData = repo.FindByID(request.Id) as GoalData;

                //if (patientGoalData != null)
                //    //Get all barriers for a given goal
                //    patientGoalData.BarriersData = getBarriersByPatientGoalId(request, patientGoalData.Id);

                //    //Get all tasks for a given goal
                //    patientGoalData.TasksData = getTasksByPatientGoalId(request, patientGoalData.Id);

                //    //Get all interventions for a given goal
                //    patientGoalData.InterventionsData = getInterventionsByPatientGoalId(request, patientGoalData.Id);

                result.GoalData = goalData;
                result.Version  = request.Version;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutGoalData(int id, GoalData goalData)
            if (id != goalData.GoalId)

            _context.Entry(goalData).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!GoalDataExists(id))

Beispiel #7
        public GoalData[] GatherGoals()
            List <GoalData> allgd = new List <GoalData> ();
            int             ccmax = Registry.only.GetCount <GoalManager> ();

            for (int cc = 0; cc < ccmax; cc++)
                GoalData    gd = new GoalData();
                GoalManager gm = Registry.only.GetObject <GoalManager> (cc);
                gd.InitialStatus = GoalStateToStatus(gm.initialState);
                gd.CurrentStatus = GoalStateToStatus(gm.currentState);
                gd.IsActive      = gm.isActive;
                gd.RegistryIndex = gm.ListIndex;
                gd.ActualIndex   = cc;
Beispiel #8
        public object FindByID(string entityID)
            GoalData goalData = null;

                using (PatientGoalMongoContext ctx = new PatientGoalMongoContext(_dbName))
                    List <IMongoQuery> queries = new List <IMongoQuery>();
                    queries.Add(Query.EQ(MEGoal.IdProperty, ObjectId.Parse(entityID)));
                    queries.Add(Query.EQ(MEGoal.DeleteFlagProperty, false));
                    queries.Add(Query.EQ(MEGoal.TTLDateProperty, BsonNull.Value));
                    IMongoQuery mQuery = Query.And(queries);
                    MEGoal      meG    = ctx.Goals.Collection.Find(mQuery).FirstOrDefault();

                    goalData = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <GoalData>(meG);
            catch (Exception) { throw; }
Beispiel #9
    private void RefreshGoalsTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_goals.* FROM goap_goals");

        Dictionary<int, GoalData> goals = new Dictionary<int, GoalData>();
        int i = 1;
            int c_id = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_desc = reader.GetString(1);

            GoalData data = new GoalData();
            data.ID = c_id;
            data.Description = c_desc;

            goals.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[goals.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "Add New..";

        if(goals.Count > 0)

            for(int index=1; index <= goals.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = goals[index].Description;


        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Available Goals:");
        _tab1Goal = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 150, 20), _tab1Goal, dropDownOptions);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 250, 20), "Description: " + dropDownOptions[_tab1Goal]);
        _tab1Description = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 15), _tab1Description, 100);

        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(170, 110, 60, 20), "Save"))
            if(_tab1Goal > 0)
                RunQuery("UPDATE goap_goals SET description = '" + _tab1Description + "' WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            else if(_tab1Goal == 0)
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goap_goals (id, description) VALUES (null, '" + _tab1Description + "')");

        if(_tab1Goal > 0 && GUI.Button(new Rect(240, 110, 60, 20), "Delete"))
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goap_goals WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_goals WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            _tab1Goal = 0;

        if(_tab1Goal > 0)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 140, 200, 20), "Conditions:");
            IDataReader conditionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, goal_conditions.* " +
                "FROM goal_conditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON goal_conditions.world_state_id = AND goal_conditions.goal_id = '" + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + "'");

            List<GoapWorldState> conditions = new List<GoapWorldState>();
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldStateJoint(conditionReader);

            //get all the world states in order to form a drop down list
            IDataReader worldStatesReader = RunQuery("SELECT world_states.* FROM world_states");

            _worldStates = new Dictionary<int, WorldStatesData>();
            int stateIndex = 0;
                int c_id = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = worldStatesReader.GetString(1);
                int isBool = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(2);

                WorldStatesData data = new WorldStatesData();
                data.ID = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;
                data.IsBool = isBool;

                _worldStates.Add(stateIndex, data);

            string [] conditionOptions = new string[_worldStates.Count];

            int rectHeight = 160;
            int heightStep = 30;
            int condIndex = 0;

            //remove existing goal conditions in db
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);

            foreach(GoapWorldState state in conditions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                if(_worldStates.Count > 0)
                    for(int index=0; index < _worldStates.Count; index++)
                        conditionOptions[index] = _worldStates[index].Description;
                        if(state.Name == _worldStates[index].Description)
                            selectedName = index;

                    int height = rectHeight + heightStep * condIndex;
                    selectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, conditionOptions);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Equals");

                    int selectedValue = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), ((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0, new string[]{"False", "True"});

                    bool toBeDeleted = false;
                    if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                        toBeDeleted = true;
                    //add new entries to db
                        RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                            + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[selectedName].ID + ", 0, " + selectedValue + ")");

                condIndex ++;

            //a button to add new condition
            if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight + heightStep * conditions.Count, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                    + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[0].ID + ", 0, 1)");
Beispiel #10
    private void RefreshCharactersTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT characters.* FROM characters");

        Dictionary<int, CharacterData> characters = new Dictionary<int, CharacterData>();
        int i = 1;
            int c_id = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_title = reader.GetString(1);
            string c_first = reader.GetString(2);
            string c_last = reader.GetString(3);

            CharacterData data = new CharacterData();
            data.ID = c_id;
            data.Title = c_title;
            data.FirstName = c_first;
            data.LastName = c_last;

            characters.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[characters.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "None";

        if(characters.Count > 0)

            for(int index=1; index <= characters.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = characters[index].Title + ", " + characters[index].FirstName + " " + characters[index].LastName;


        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Characters:");
        _tab3Char = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 250, 20), _tab3Char, dropDownOptions);

        if(_tab3Char > 0)

            //now we have the character ID, we make a list of character goals
            IDataReader goalReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT goap_goals.*, character_goals.priority " +
                "FROM goap_goals INNER JOIN character_goals " +
                "ON = character_goals.goal_id AND character_goals.character_id = '" + characters[_tab3Char].ID + "'");

            List<GoapGoal> goals = new List<GoapGoal>();
                int goalID = goalReader.GetInt32(0);
                string goalName = goalReader.GetString(1);
                int priority = goalReader.GetInt32(2);
                GoapGoal goal = new GoapGoal();
                goal.Name = goalName;
                goal.Priority = priority;

            IDataReader allGoalsReader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_goals.* FROM goap_goals");

            Dictionary<int, GoalData> allGoals = new Dictionary<int, GoalData>();
            int goalIndex = 0;
                int c_id = allGoalsReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = allGoalsReader.GetString(1);

                GoalData data = new GoalData();
                data.ID = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;

                allGoals.Add(goalIndex, data);

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 150, 20), "Goals:");
            int rectHeight = 110;
            int heightStep = 20;
            int gIndex = 0;

            foreach(GoapGoal goal in goals)
                int selectedName = 0;
                int selectedPriority = 0;

                string [] options = new string[allGoals.Count];

                for(int index=0; index < allGoals.Count; index++)
                    options[index] = allGoals[index].Description;
                    if(goal.Name == allGoals[index].Description)
                        selectedName = index;
                        selectedPriority = goal.Priority;
                int height = rectHeight + gIndex * heightStep;
                int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, options);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Priority");

                int newSelectedPriority = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), selectedPriority, new string[]{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"});

                bool toBeUpdated = false;
                if(newSelectedName != selectedName || newSelectedPriority != selectedPriority)
                    toBeUpdated = true;

                bool toBeDeleted = false;
                if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                    toBeDeleted = true;

                    RunQuery("UPDATE character_goals SET goal_id = " + allGoals[newSelectedName].ID + ", priority = " + newSelectedPriority
                        + " WHERE character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID + " AND goal_id = " + allGoals[selectedName].ID);
                    RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_goals WHERE goal_id = " + allGoals[newSelectedName].ID + " AND character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID);

                gIndex ++;

            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * goals.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO character_goals (character_id, goal_id, priority) VALUES ("
                    + characters[_tab3Char].ID + ", " + allGoals[0].ID + ", 0)");

            //now we have the character ID, we make a list of character actions

            IDataReader actionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT goap_actions.* " +
                "FROM goap_actions INNER JOIN character_actions " +
                "ON = character_actions.action_id AND character_actions.character_id = '" + characters[_tab3Char].ID + "'");

            List<ActionData> actions = new List<ActionData>();
                int id = actionReader.GetInt32(0);
                string className = actionReader.GetString(1);
                string description = actionReader.GetString(2);
                float cost = actionReader.GetFloat(3);

                ActionData action = new ActionData();
                action.ID = id;
                action.ClassName = className;
                action.Description = description;
                action.DefaultCost = cost;


            IDataReader allActionsReader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_actions.* FROM goap_actions");

            Dictionary<int, ActionData> allActions = new Dictionary<int, ActionData>();
            int actionIndex = 0;
                int c_id = allActionsReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = allActionsReader.GetString(2);

                ActionData data = new ActionData();
                data.ID = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;

                allActions.Add(actionIndex, data);

            rectHeight = rectHeight + 30;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, rectHeight, 150, 20), "Actions:");
            rectHeight += 20;
            int aIndex = 0;

            foreach(ActionData action in actions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                string [] options = new string[allActions.Count];

                for(int index=0; index < allActions.Count; index++)
                    options[index] = allActions[index].Description;
                    if(action.Description == allActions[index].Description)
                        selectedName = index;
                int height = rectHeight + aIndex * heightStep;
                int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, options);

                bool toBeUpdated = false;
                if(newSelectedName != selectedName)
                    toBeUpdated = true;

                bool toBeDeleted = false;
                if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                    toBeDeleted = true;

                    RunQuery("UPDATE character_actions SET action_id = " + allActions[newSelectedName].ID
                        + " WHERE character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID + " AND action_id = " + allActions[selectedName].ID);
                    RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_actions WHERE action_id = " + allActions[newSelectedName].ID + " AND character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID);

                aIndex ++;

            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * actions.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if(GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO character_actions (character_id, action_id) VALUES ("
                    + characters[_tab3Char].ID + ", " + allActions[0].ID + ")");

    //  公開関数
    public void Initialize(PlayerCharStateData aData)

        m_AncData        = m_CouresAncs.GetAnc(0);
        m_AncDataGround  = m_CouresAncs.GetAnc(0);

        m_wait  = aData.wait;
        m_Gravity    = new GravityStatus();
        m_Speed      = new SpeedStatus(aData.accel, aData.turn, aData.maxSpeed);
        m_Jump       = new JumpStatus();
        m_Glider     = new GliderStatus();
        m_Heat       = new HeatStatus();
        m_Rack       = RackState.READY;
        m_GoalData   = new GoalData();

        m_TrgState = new BoolArray32(false);
        m_NowState    = new BoolArray32(false);

        InputStart();   //入力
        CameraStart(); //カメラ

        SpeedStart();   //速度・方向
        StartPhysics(); //重力やレイキャスト
        SpwanStart();   //復帰する処理用
        TurnnStart();   //ターン

    /// <summary>
    /// Listens for new goal.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='goalData'>
    /// Goal data.
    /// </param>
    void listenForNewGoal(GoalData goalData)
        if (!mCameraMoving) {

            // Switch state from new goal
            changeState (goalData.mVisitStateLevel);

            // Push new goal wanted to stack
            mGoalsStack.Push (goalData);

            // Move that f**king cam to the given goal
            mCameraManager.moveToGoal (goalData);

            // Desactivate Goal Collider we have touched/clicked
            // This to avoid to reclick again on
            // And ensure that stack is not increased with same goal
            if (goalData.mIniator != null) {
                goalData.mIniator.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;

Beispiel #13
    private void RefreshCharactersTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT characters.* FROM characters");

        Dictionary <int, CharacterData> characters = new Dictionary <int, CharacterData>();
        int i = 1;

        while (reader.Read())
            int    c_id    = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_title = reader.GetString(1);
            string c_first = reader.GetString(2);
            string c_last  = reader.GetString(3);

            CharacterData data = new CharacterData();
            data.ID        = c_id;
            data.Title     = c_title;
            data.FirstName = c_first;
            data.LastName  = c_last;

            characters.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[characters.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "None";

        if (characters.Count > 0)
            for (int index = 1; index <= characters.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = characters[index].Title + ", " + characters[index].FirstName + " " + characters[index].LastName;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Characters:");
        _tab3Char = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 250, 20), _tab3Char, dropDownOptions);

        if (_tab3Char > 0)
            //now we have the character ID, we make a list of character goals
            IDataReader goalReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT goap_goals.*, character_goals.priority " +
                "FROM goap_goals INNER JOIN character_goals " +
                "ON = character_goals.goal_id AND character_goals.character_id = '" + characters[_tab3Char].ID + "'");

            List <GoapGoal> goals = new List <GoapGoal>();
            while (goalReader.Read())
                int      goalID   = goalReader.GetInt32(0);
                string   goalName = goalReader.GetString(1);
                int      priority = goalReader.GetInt32(2);
                GoapGoal goal     = new GoapGoal();
                goal.Name     = goalName;
                goal.Priority = priority;

            IDataReader allGoalsReader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_goals.* FROM goap_goals");

            Dictionary <int, GoalData> allGoals = new Dictionary <int, GoalData>();
            int goalIndex = 0;
            while (allGoalsReader.Read())
                int    c_id   = allGoalsReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = allGoalsReader.GetString(1);

                GoalData data = new GoalData();
                data.ID          = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;

                allGoals.Add(goalIndex, data);

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 150, 20), "Goals:");
            int rectHeight = 110;
            int heightStep = 20;
            int gIndex     = 0;

            foreach (GoapGoal goal in goals)
                int selectedName     = 0;
                int selectedPriority = 0;

                string [] options = new string[allGoals.Count];

                for (int index = 0; index < allGoals.Count; index++)
                    options[index] = allGoals[index].Description;
                    if (goal.Name == allGoals[index].Description)
                        selectedName     = index;
                        selectedPriority = goal.Priority;
                int height          = rectHeight + gIndex * heightStep;
                int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, options);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Priority");

                int newSelectedPriority = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), selectedPriority, new string[] { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" });

                bool toBeUpdated = false;
                if (newSelectedName != selectedName || newSelectedPriority != selectedPriority)
                    toBeUpdated = true;

                bool toBeDeleted = false;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                    toBeDeleted = true;

                if (toBeUpdated)
                    RunQuery("UPDATE character_goals SET goal_id = " + allGoals[newSelectedName].ID + ", priority = " + newSelectedPriority
                             + " WHERE character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID + " AND goal_id = " + allGoals[selectedName].ID);
                if (toBeDeleted)
                    RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_goals WHERE goal_id = " + allGoals[newSelectedName].ID + " AND character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID);


            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * goals.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO character_goals (character_id, goal_id, priority) VALUES ("
                         + characters[_tab3Char].ID + ", " + allGoals[0].ID + ", 0)");

            //now we have the character ID, we make a list of character actions

            IDataReader actionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT goap_actions.* " +
                "FROM goap_actions INNER JOIN character_actions " +
                "ON = character_actions.action_id AND character_actions.character_id = '" + characters[_tab3Char].ID + "'");

            List <ActionData> actions = new List <ActionData>();
            while (actionReader.Read())
                int    id          = actionReader.GetInt32(0);
                string className   = actionReader.GetString(1);
                string description = actionReader.GetString(2);
                float  cost        = actionReader.GetFloat(3);

                ActionData action = new ActionData();
                action.ID          = id;
                action.ClassName   = className;
                action.Description = description;
                action.DefaultCost = cost;


            IDataReader allActionsReader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_actions.* FROM goap_actions");

            Dictionary <int, ActionData> allActions = new Dictionary <int, ActionData>();
            int actionIndex = 0;
            while (allActionsReader.Read())
                int    c_id   = allActionsReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = allActionsReader.GetString(2);

                ActionData data = new ActionData();
                data.ID          = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;

                allActions.Add(actionIndex, data);

            rectHeight = rectHeight + 30;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, rectHeight, 150, 20), "Actions:");
            rectHeight += 20;
            int aIndex = 0;

            foreach (ActionData action in actions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                string [] options = new string[allActions.Count];

                for (int index = 0; index < allActions.Count; index++)
                    options[index] = allActions[index].Description;
                    if (action.Description == allActions[index].Description)
                        selectedName = index;
                int height          = rectHeight + aIndex * heightStep;
                int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, options);

                bool toBeUpdated = false;
                if (newSelectedName != selectedName)
                    toBeUpdated = true;

                bool toBeDeleted = false;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                    toBeDeleted = true;

                if (toBeUpdated)
                    RunQuery("UPDATE character_actions SET action_id = " + allActions[newSelectedName].ID
                             + " WHERE character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID + " AND action_id = " + allActions[selectedName].ID);
                if (toBeDeleted)
                    RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_actions WHERE action_id = " + allActions[newSelectedName].ID + " AND character_id = " + characters[_tab3Char].ID);


            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * actions.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO character_actions (character_id, action_id) VALUES ("
                         + characters[_tab3Char].ID + ", " + allActions[0].ID + ")");
Beispiel #14
    private void RefreshGoalsTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_goals.* FROM goap_goals");

        Dictionary <int, GoalData> goals = new Dictionary <int, GoalData>();
        int i = 1;

        while (reader.Read())
            int    c_id   = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_desc = reader.GetString(1);

            GoalData data = new GoalData();
            data.ID          = c_id;
            data.Description = c_desc;

            goals.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[goals.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "Add New..";

        if (goals.Count > 0)
            for (int index = 1; index <= goals.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = goals[index].Description;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Available Goals:");
        _tab1Goal = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 150, 20), _tab1Goal, dropDownOptions);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 250, 20), "Description: " + dropDownOptions[_tab1Goal]);
        _tab1Description = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 15), _tab1Description, 100);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(170, 110, 60, 20), "Save"))
            if (_tab1Goal > 0)
                RunQuery("UPDATE goap_goals SET description = '" + _tab1Description + "' WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            else if (_tab1Goal == 0)
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goap_goals (id, description) VALUES (null, '" + _tab1Description + "')");

        if (_tab1Goal > 0 && GUI.Button(new Rect(240, 110, 60, 20), "Delete"))
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goap_goals WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_goals WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            _tab1Goal = 0;

        if (_tab1Goal > 0)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 140, 200, 20), "Conditions:");
            IDataReader conditionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, goal_conditions.* " +
                "FROM goal_conditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON goal_conditions.world_state_id = AND goal_conditions.goal_id = '" + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> conditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (conditionReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldStateJoint(conditionReader);

            //get all the world states in order to form a drop down list
            IDataReader worldStatesReader = RunQuery("SELECT world_states.* FROM world_states");

            _worldStates = new Dictionary <int, WorldStatesData>();
            int stateIndex = 0;
            while (worldStatesReader.Read())
                int    c_id   = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = worldStatesReader.GetString(1);
                int    isBool = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(2);

                WorldStatesData data = new WorldStatesData();
                data.ID          = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;
                data.IsBool      = isBool;

                _worldStates.Add(stateIndex, data);

            string [] conditionOptions = new string[_worldStates.Count];

            int rectHeight = 160;
            int heightStep = 30;
            int condIndex  = 0;

            //remove existing goal conditions in db
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);

            foreach (GoapWorldState state in conditions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                if (_worldStates.Count > 0)
                    for (int index = 0; index < _worldStates.Count; index++)
                        conditionOptions[index] = _worldStates[index].Description;
                        if (state.Name == _worldStates[index].Description)
                            selectedName = index;

                    int height = rectHeight + heightStep * condIndex;
                    selectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, conditionOptions);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Equals");

                    int selectedValue = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), ((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0, new string[] { "False", "True" });

                    bool toBeDeleted = false;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                        toBeDeleted = true;
                    //add new entries to db
                    if (!toBeDeleted)
                        RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                                 + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[selectedName].ID + ", 0, " + selectedValue + ")");


            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight + heightStep * conditions.Count, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                         + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[0].ID + ", 0, 1)");
 public void moveToGoal(GoalData goalData)
     tweenTransformFromTo(transform, goalData.mTransform, goalData.mMoveTime);