Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Support allowing the user to move the angle control handles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="origRect"></param>
        /// <param name="newPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="whichHandle"></param>
        /// <param name="evttype"></param>
        /// <param name="min"></param>
        /// <param name="max"></param>
        public override void DoResize(GoView view, RectangleF origRect, PointF newPoint, int whichHandle, GoInputState evttype, SizeF min, SizeF max)
            if ((whichHandle == 1039 || whichHandle == 1040) && (ResizesRealtime || evttype == GoInputState.Finish || evttype == GoInputState.Cancel))
                switch (whichHandle)
                case 1039:
                    RectangleF bounds2 = Bounds;
                    float      num6    = bounds2.Width / 2f;
                    float      num7    = bounds2.Height / 2f;
                    float      num8    = bounds2.X + num6;
                    float      num9    = bounds2.Y + num7;
                    float      angle   = GoStroke.GetAngle(newPoint.X - num8, newPoint.Y - num9);
                    float      num10   = SweepAngle - (angle - StartAngle);
                    if (SweepAngle >= 0f)
                        if (num10 < 0f)
                            num10 += 360f;
                    else if (num10 >= 0f)
                        num10 -= 360f;
                    SweepAngle = num10;
                    StartAngle = angle;

                case 1040:
                    RectangleF bounds = Bounds;
                    float      num    = bounds.Width / 2f;
                    float      num2   = bounds.Height / 2f;
                    float      num3   = bounds.X + num;
                    float      num4   = bounds.Y + num2;
                    float      num5   = GoStroke.GetAngle(newPoint.X - num3, newPoint.Y - num4) - StartAngle;
                    if (SweepAngle >= 0f)
                        if (num5 < 0f)
                            num5 += 360f;
                    else if (num5 >= 0f)
                        num5 -= 360f;
                    SweepAngle = num5;
                base.DoResize(view, origRect, newPoint, whichHandle, evttype, min, max);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A point is in this object only if it really is inside the section of the ellipse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool ContainsPoint(PointF p)
            if (!base.ContainsPoint(p))
            RectangleF bounds = Bounds;
            float      num    = PenWidth / 2f;
            float      num2   = bounds.Width / 2f;
            float      num3   = bounds.Height / 2f;
            float      num4   = bounds.X + num2;
            float      num5   = bounds.Y + num3;

            num2 += num;
            num3 += num;
            if (num2 == 0f || num3 == 0f)
            float num6 = p.X - num4;
            float num7 = p.Y - num5;

            if (num6 * num6 / (num2 * num2) + num7 * num7 / (num3 * num3) > 1f)
            float angle = GoStroke.GetAngle(p.X - num4, p.Y - num5);
            float num8;
            float num9;

            if (SweepAngle < 0f)
                num8 = StartAngle + SweepAngle;
                num9 = 0f - SweepAngle;
                num8 = StartAngle;
                num9 = SweepAngle;
            if (num9 > 360f)
            if (num8 + num9 > 360f)
                if (!(angle >= num8))
                    return(angle <= num8 + num9 - 360f);
            if (angle >= num8)
                return(angle <= num8 + num9);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the angle the port at the other end makes with this port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link"></param>
        /// <returns>the angle in degrees</returns>
        public virtual float GetAngle(IGoLink link)
            if (link == null)
            IGoPort goPort = link.GetOtherPort(this);

            if (goPort == null)
                if (link.FromPort != null && link.FromPort.GoObject != null && link.FromPort.GoObject.Bounds == Bounds)
                    goPort = link.ToPort;
                else if (link.ToPort != null && link.ToPort.GoObject != null && link.ToPort.GoObject.Bounds == Bounds)
                    goPort = link.FromPort;
            if (goPort == null)
            GoObject goObject = goPort.GoObject;

            if (goObject == null)
            PointF pointF = goObject.Center;
            PointF center = base.Center;
            GoLink goLink = link as GoLink;

            if (goLink == null)
                GoLabeledLink goLabeledLink = link as GoLabeledLink;
                if (goLabeledLink != null)
                    goLink = goLabeledLink.RealLink;
            if (goLink != null && goLink.PointsCount > 0)
                pointF = ((goLink.FromPort != goPort) ? goLink.GetPoint(checked (goLink.PointsCount - 1)) : goLink.GetPoint(0));
            return(GoStroke.GetAngle(pointF.X - center.X, pointF.Y - center.Y));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the intersection point of the elliptical path defined by rectangle rect and an infinite
        /// line p1-p2 that is closest to point p1 within the area from startAngle through the sweepAngle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="p1"></param>
        /// <param name="p2"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="startAngle"></param>
        /// <param name="sweepAngle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool NearestIntersectionOnArc(RectangleF rect, PointF p1, PointF p2, out PointF result, float startAngle, float sweepAngle)
            float num  = rect.Width / 2f;
            float num2 = rect.Height / 2f;
            float num3 = rect.X + num;
            float num4 = rect.Y + num2;
            float num5;
            float num6;

            if (sweepAngle < 0f)
                num5 = startAngle + sweepAngle;
                num6 = 0f - sweepAngle;
                num5 = startAngle;
                num6 = sweepAngle;
            if (p1.X != p2.X)
                float num7  = (!(p1.X > p2.X)) ? ((p2.Y - p1.Y) / (p2.X - p1.X)) : ((p1.Y - p2.Y) / (p1.X - p2.X));
                float num8  = p1.Y - num4 - num7 * (p1.X - num3);
                float num9  = (float)Math.Sqrt(num * num * (num7 * num7) + num2 * num2 - num8 * num8);
                float num10 = (0f - num * num * num7 * num8 + num * num2 * num9) / (num2 * num2 + num * num * (num7 * num7)) + num3;
                float num11 = (0f - num * num * num7 * num8 - num * num2 * num9) / (num2 * num2 + num * num * (num7 * num7)) + num3;
                float num12 = num7 * (num10 - num3) + num8 + num4;
                float num13 = num7 * (num11 - num3) + num8 + num4;
                float num14 = GoStroke.GetAngle(num10 - num3, num12 - num4);
                float num15 = GoStroke.GetAngle(num11 - num3, num13 - num4);
                if (num14 < num5)
                    num14 += 360f;
                if (num15 < num5)
                    num15 += 360f;
                if (num14 > num5 + num6)
                    num14 -= 360f;
                if (num15 > num5 + num6)
                    num15 -= 360f;
                bool flag  = num14 >= num5 && num14 <= num5 + num6;
                bool flag2 = num15 >= num5 && num15 <= num5 + num6;
                if (flag && flag2)
                    float num16 = Math.Abs((p1.X - num10) * (p1.X - num10)) + Math.Abs((p1.Y - num12) * (p1.Y - num12));
                    float num17 = Math.Abs((p1.X - num11) * (p1.X - num11)) + Math.Abs((p1.Y - num13) * (p1.Y - num13));
                    if (num16 < num17)
                        result = new PointF(num10, num12);
                        result = new PointF(num11, num13);
                if (flag && !flag2)
                    result = new PointF(num10, num12);
                if (!flag && flag2)
                    result = new PointF(num11, num13);
                result = default(PointF);
            float num18 = (float)Math.Sqrt(num2 * num2 - num2 * num2 / (num * num) * ((p1.X - num3) * (p1.X - num3)));
            float num19 = num4 + num18;
            float num20 = num4 - num18;
            float num21 = GoStroke.GetAngle(p1.X - num3, num19 - num4);
            float num22 = GoStroke.GetAngle(p1.X - num3, num20 - num4);

            if (num21 < num5)
                num21 += 360f;
            if (num22 < num5)
                num22 += 360f;
            if (num21 > num5 + num6)
                num21 -= 360f;
            if (num22 > num5 + num6)
                num22 -= 360f;
            bool flag3 = num21 >= num5 && num21 <= num5 + num6;
            bool flag4 = num22 >= num5 && num22 <= num5 + num6;

            if (flag3 && flag4)
                float num23 = Math.Abs(num19 - p1.Y);
                float num24 = Math.Abs(num20 - p1.Y);
                if (num23 < num24)
                    result = new PointF(p1.X, num19);
                    result = new PointF(p1.X, num20);
            if (flag3 && !flag4)
                result = new PointF(p1.X, num19);
            if (!flag3 && flag4)
                result = new PointF(p1.X, num20);
            result = default(PointF);