Beispiel #1
        public void SetupData()
            _testMatchingStringsList    = new List <string>(NumberOfMatches);
            _testNonMatchingStringsList = new List <string>(NumberOfMatches);
            _glob = Globbing.Glob.Parse(GlobPattern);
            var generator = new GlobMatchStringGenerator(_glob.Tokens);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
        public void Can_Format_Glob_Pattern()
            // we could use the tokeniser here, but deciding to directly
            // build the following glob pattern using tokens:
            //       /foo?\\*[abc][!1-3].txt

            var glob = new Globbing.Glob(new PathSeperatorToken('/'),
                                         new LiteralToken("foo"),
                                         new AnyCharacterToken(),
                                         new PathSeperatorToken('\\'),
                                         new WildcardToken(),
                                         new CharacterListToken(new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' }, false),
                                         new WildcardDirectoryToken(new PathSeperatorToken('/'), new PathSeperatorToken('/')),
                                         new NumberRangeToken('1', '3', true),
                                         new LiteralToken(".txt"));

            // now format the glob.
            var sut        = new GlobTokenFormatter();
            var globString = sut.Format(glob.Tokens);

            Assert.Equal("/foo?\\*[abc]/**/[!1-3].txt", globString);