}     // do_errortest

    static int Main(string[] args)

    }     // mkwhite

    public static gdImageStruct mkcross()
        gdImageStruct im;
        int           fg;
        int           n;

        im = GlobalMembersGdnametest.mkwhite(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        fg = gd.gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 0);

        for (n = -HT; n < HT; n++)
            gd.gdImageLine(im, WIDTH / 2 - n, 0, WIDTH / 2 - n, HEIGHT - 1, fg);
            gd.gdImageLine(im, 0, HEIGHT / 2 - n, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT / 2 - n, fg);
        }         // for

    }     // mkcross
    }     // do_test

    public static void do_errortest()
        gdImageStruct im;

        im = GlobalMembersGdnametest.mkcross();

        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
        GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!gd.gdImageFile(im, "img.xpng")));
        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
        GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!gd.gdImageFile(im, "bobo")));
        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
        GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!gd.gdImageFile(im, "png")));
        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
        GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!gd.gdImageFile(im, "")));

    }     // do_errortest
    public static void do_test()
        int n;

//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: C# does not allow declaring types within methods:
        //	struct
        //	{
        //		string nm; // Filename
        //		uint maxdiff; // Maximum total pixel diff
        //		int required; // 1 -> image type always supported, -1 -> skip it
        //		int @readonly; // 1 -> gd can only read this type
        //	}
        Name[] names =
            new Name("img.png",      0,  0, 0),
            new Name("img.gif",      5,  1, 0),       // This seems to come from tc<->palette
            new Name("img.GIF",      5,  1, 0),       // Test for case insensitivity
            new Name("img.gd",       0,  1, 0),
            new Name("img.gd2",      0,  0, 0),
            new Name("img.jpg",     25,  0, 0),
            new Name("img.jpeg",    25,  0, 0),
            new Name("img.wbmp",     0,  1, 0),
            new Name("img.bmp",      0,  1, 0),
            new Name("img-ref.xpm",  0,  0, 1),

            // These break the test so I'm skipping them since the point
            // of this test is not those loaders.
            new Name("img-ref.xbm",  0, -1, 1),
            new Name("img-ref.tga",  0, -1, 1),
            new Name("img.webp",     0, -1, 0),
            new Name("img.tiff",     0, -1, 0),

            new Name(null,           0,  0, 0)

        for (n = 0; names[n].nm; n++)
            gdImageStruct orig;
            gdImageStruct copy;
            int           status;
            string        full_filename = new string(new char[255]);

            /* Some image readers are buggy and crash the program so we
             * skip them.  Bug fixers should remove these from the list of
             * skipped items as bugs are fixed. */
            if (names[n].required < 0)
                Console.Write("Skipping test for '{0}'.  FIX THIS!\n", names[n].nm);
            }             // if

            /* Skip this file if the current library build doesn't support
             * it.  (If it's one of the built-in types, *that* a different
             * problem; we assert that here.) */
            if (!gd.gdSupportsFileType(names[n].nm, 0))
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
                GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!names[n].required));
            }             // if

            orig = GlobalMembersGdnametest.mkcross();

            /* Prepend the test directory; this is expected to be run in
             * the parent dir. */
            snprintf(full_filename, sizeof(sbyte), "gdimagefile/%s", names[n].nm);

            /* Write the image unless writing is not supported. */
            if (!names[n].@readonly)
                gd.gdImageFile(orig, full_filename);
            }             // if

            copy = gd.gdImageCreateFromFile(full_filename);
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
            GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (!copy == null));
            if (copy == null)

            /* Debug printf. */
            //printf("%s -> %d\n", full_filename, gd.gdMaxPixelDiff(orig, copy));

            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
            GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (GlobalMembersGdtest.gd.gdMaxPixelDiff(orig, copy) <= names[n].maxdiff));

            if (!names[n].@readonly)
                status = remove(full_filename);
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no direct equivalent in C# to the following C++ macro:
                GlobalMembersGdtest._gd.gdTestAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "assert failed in <%s:%i>\n", (status == 0));
            }             // if

        } // for
    }     // do_test