Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// User selects Quit from the static gui
        /// </summary>
        public void QuitApplication()
            // Turn off the button
            GlobalDefinitions.quitButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;

            // Turn off any guis that are on
            if (GUIRoutines.guiList.Count > 0)
                foreach (GameObject gui in GUIRoutines.guiList)

            GlobalDefinitions.AskUserYesNoQuestion("Are you sure you want to quit?", ref yesButton, ref noButton, YesQuit, NoQuit);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// User selects Main Menu from the static gui
        /// </summary>
        public void GoToMainMenu()
            // If this is a network game and the player isn't in control do not allow to reset.  Player has to quit to exit in this case.
            if (!GlobalDefinitions.localControl && (GlobalDefinitions.gameMode == GlobalDefinitions.GameModeValues.Peer2PeerNetwork))
                GlobalDefinitions.GuiUpdateStatusMessage("Cannot reset game when not in control");

            // Turn off the button so that the same gui can't be pulled up
            GlobalDefinitions.mainMenuButton.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;

            // Turn off any guis that are on
            if (GUIRoutines.guiList.Count > 0)
                foreach (GameObject gui in GUIRoutines.guiList)

            GlobalDefinitions.AskUserYesNoQuestion("Are you sure you want to quit?", ref yesButton, ref noButton, YesMain, NoMain);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This executes when the OK button on the combat assignment gui is pressed
        /// </summary>
        public void OkCombatGUISelection()
            Button            yesButton  = null;
            Button            noButton   = null;
            List <GameObject> removeUnit = new List <GameObject>();

            GlobalDefinitions.WriteToCommandFile(GlobalDefinitions.COMBATGUIOKKEYWORD + " " + name);


            // Get a list of the defending units that were not added to the combat
            foreach (GameObject unit in singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().defendingUnits)
                if (!unit.GetComponent <UnitDatabaseFields>().isCommittedToAnAttack)

            // Now go through the defenders and remove non-committed units from the combat
            foreach (GameObject unit in removeUnit)
                singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().defendingUnits.Remove(unit);


            // Get a list of the attacking units that were not added to the combat
            foreach (GameObject unit in singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackingUnits)
                if (!unit.GetComponent <UnitDatabaseFields>().isCommittedToAnAttack)

            // Now go through the attackers and remove non-committed units from the combat
            foreach (GameObject unit in removeUnit)
                singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackingUnits.Remove(unit);

            // Need to check if the user has selected both attackers and defenders.  If not then nothing should be changed
            if ((singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackingUnits.Count == 0) || (singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().defendingUnits.Count == 0))

            // Check for if a combat is being selected that is less than 1:6 odds - this is useless but need to check just in case
            else if (GlobalDefinitions.ConvertOddsToString(CalculateBattleOddsRoutines.ReturnCombatGUICombatOdds(
                                                               singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().defendingUnits, singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackingUnits)) == "1:7")
                // If the odds or worse than 1:6 then the attackers are eliminated and no battle takes place.  It does not
                // count as an attack on the defending units

                // Turn off the combat assignment gui before brining up the yes/no question so the user doesn't select any of the buttons on the gui before answering the
                // question which creates all kinds of problems

                GlobalDefinitions.AskUserYesNoQuestion("Attacking at odds less than 1:6 is useless: do you want to continue?  Note that if Yes is selected the attackers will be eliminated and this will not count as a combat if you are trying to use this as a soak-off attack", ref yesButton, ref noButton, YesContinue, NoAbort, 4f, 5f);

                foreach (Transform childTransform in transform.parent.transform)
                    if ((childTransform.GetComponent <CombatToggleRoutines>() != null) &&
                        (childTransform.GetComponent <CombatToggleRoutines>().unit != null))
                        //if (childTransform.GetComponent<Toggle>().isOn && GlobalDefinitions.localControl)  I removed the local control check here because units on the remote computer and not being reset.  The local control check was added for a reason, though, and I don't know why which is why I'm leaving this here as a comment
                        if (childTransform.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn)
                            GlobalDefinitions.UnhighlightUnit(childTransform.GetComponent <CombatToggleRoutines>().unit);
                            childTransform.GetComponent <CombatToggleRoutines>().unit.GetComponent <UnitDatabaseFields>().isCommittedToAnAttack = true;

                // Check whether air support is to be used in this attack
                if (GlobalDefinitions.combatAirSupportToggle != null)
                    if (GlobalDefinitions.combatAirSupportToggle.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn)
                        singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackAirSupport = true;
                        singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().attackAirSupport = false;

                // Check if carpet bombing is to be used in this attack
                if (GlobalDefinitions.combatCarpetBombingToggle != null)
                    if (GlobalDefinitions.combatCarpetBombingToggle.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn)
                        GlobalDefinitions.carpetBombingUsedThisTurn = true;
                        singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().carpetBombing = true;
                        singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().defendingUnits[0].GetComponent <UnitDatabaseFields>().occupiedHex.GetComponent <HexDatabaseFields>().carpetBombingActive = true;
                        singleCombat.GetComponent <Combat>().carpetBombing = false;


                // Check if the Must Attack toggle is on and if it is highlight uncommitted units that must participate in an attack
                if ((GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "alliedCombatStateInstance") ||
                    (GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "germanCombatStateInstance") ||
                    GlobalDefinitions.MustAttackToggle.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn)
                    CombatRoutines.CheckIfRequiredUnitsAreUncommitted(GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.currentNationality, true);

                // Determine what state we are in and set the next executeMethod
                if ((GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "alliedMovementStateInstance") ||
                    (GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "germanMovementStateInstance"))
                    GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.executeMethod =
                        GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.GetComponent <MovementState>().ExecuteSelectUnit;
                if ((GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "alliedCombatStateInstance") ||
                    (GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "germanCombatStateInstance"))
                    GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.executeMethod =
                        GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.GetComponent <CombatState>().ExecuteSelectUnit;
                if (GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "alliedInvasionStateInstance")
                    GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.executeMethod =
                        GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.GetComponent <AlliedInvasionState>().ExecuteSelectUnit;
                if (GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>() == "alliedAirborneStateInstance")
                    GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.executeMethod =
                        GameControl.gameStateControlInstance.GetComponent <GameStateControl>().currentState.GetComponent <AlliedAirborneState>().ExecuteSelectUnit;