Beispiel #1
    private void Authorize(ref CreditCard card1)
            // create request object
            RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
            BillTo         billTo  = new BillTo();
            // add general fields
            if (!(null == Session["OrderNumber"]))
                request.merchantReferenceCode = (string)Session["OrderNumber"];

            request.ccAuthService     = new CCAuthService();
   = "true";

            // add purchasing info
            PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals();
            purchaseTotals.currency = "USD";
            request.purchaseTotals  = purchaseTotals;

            // add shopper info
            Shopper shopper = (Shopper)Session["Shopper"];
            Global1.AddShopperFields(ref billTo, shopper);
            request.billTo = billTo;

            //add item info
            Items items = (Items)Session["ShoppingCart"];
            Global1.AddItemFields(ref request, items);

            // add card info
            Card card = new Card();
            card.accountNumber   = card1.accountNumber;
            card.expirationMonth = card1.expirationMonth;
            card.expirationYear  = card1.expirationYear;
            card.cvNumber        = card1.cvNumber;
            request.card         = card;

            // send request now
            reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(config, request);
            // process the transaction as per response.
        catch (BugException e)
            Session["Exception"] = e;
        catch (NonCriticalTransactionException e)
            Session["Exception"] = e;
        catch (CriticalTransactionException e)
            // The transaction may have been successfully processed by
            // CyberSource.  Aside from redirecting to an error page, you should
            // make sure that someone gets notified of the occurrence of this
            // exception so that they could check the outcome of the transaction
            // on the CyberSource Support Screens.  For example, you could
            // post an event log or send an email to a monitored address.
            Session["Exception"] = e;
Beispiel #2
    protected void btnSubmitInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string email   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromEmail"].ToString();
        string ToEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ToEmail"].ToString();

        RevenueCost      = txtRevenueCost.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtRevenueCost.Text) : 0;
        PriorRevenueCost = txtPriorRevenueCost.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtPriorRevenueCost.Text) : 0;
        TipCost          = txtTipCost.Text != "" ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtTipCost.Text) : 0;
        totalAmount      = Convert.ToDecimal(RevenueCost) + Convert.ToDecimal(TipCost) + Convert.ToDecimal(PriorRevenueCost);
        if (totalAmount <= (-1))
            lblerrormsg.Visible = true;
            if (Page.IsValid.Equals(true))
                //check to avoid duplicate transactions.
                if (!(null == Session["IsExecuted"]))
                    if (Session["IsExecuted"].Equals("0"))
                        if (!(null == Session["GId"]))
                            btnSubmitInfo.Enabled = false;
                            // set up Order number uniquely.
                            string OrderRefNo = GetOrderRefNumber();
                            Session["OrderNumber"] = OrderRefNo;

                            //update new tip and revenue for appointment log page
                            DataTable dtdetails = (DataTable)Session["AppointmentDetails"];

                            #region Forloop
                            foreach (DataRow dr in dtdetails.Rows)
                                #region Start
                                #region Rowstart
                                dr["AppStartTime"]        = dr["AppStartTime"];
                                dr["AppEndTime"]          = dr["AppEndTime"];
                                dr["AppDateTime"]         = dr["AppDateTime"];
                                dr["Description"]         = dr["Description"];
                                dr["CustumerName"]        = dr["CustumerName"];
                                dr["Date"]                = dr["Date"];
                                dr["LastName"]            = dr["LastName"];
                                dr["JobMileage"]          = dr["JobMileage"];
                                dr["ZipCode"]             = dr["ZipCode"];
                                dr["Pets"]                = dr["Pets"];
                                dr["NextAppointmentTime"] = dr["NextAppointmentTime"];
                                dr["ExpStartTime"]        = dr["ExpStartTime"];
                                dr["ExpEndTime"]          = dr["ExpEndTime"];
                                dr["Rebook"]              = dr["Rebook"];
                                dr["FromRebook"]          = dr["FromRebook"];
                                dr["NextStartTime"]       = dr["NextStartTime"];
                                dr["NextEndTime"]         = dr["NextEndTime"];
                                #endregion Rowstart
                                #region hidden services
                                dr["ServicesforPet1"] = dr["ServicesforPet1"];
                                dr["ServicesforPet2"] = dr["ServicesforPet2"];
                                dr["ServicesforPet3"] = dr["ServicesforPet3"];
                                dr["ServicesforPet4"] = dr["ServicesforPet4"];
                                dr["ServicesforPet5"] = dr["ServicesforPet5"];
                                dr["ServicesforPet6"] = dr["ServicesforPet6"];
                                dr["NewRadio"]        = dr["NewRadio"];
                                #endregion hidden services
                                #region supplies
                                dr["FleaandTick22"]  = dr["FleaandTick22"];
                                dr["FleaandTick44"]  = dr["FleaandTick44"];
                                dr["FleaandTick88"]  = dr["FleaandTick88"];
                                dr["FleaandTick132"] = dr["FleaandTick132"];
                                dr["FleaandTickCat"] = dr["FleaandTickCat"];
                                dr["TB"]             = dr["TB"];
                                dr["Wham"]           = dr["Wham"];
                                #endregion supplies
                                #region Revenue
                                dr["RevenueType"]     = dr["RevenueType"];
                                dr["RevenueAmount"]   = RevenueCost.ToString();
                                dr["ApptChanges"]     = dr["ApptChanges"];
                                dr["CommentDiv"]      = dr["CommentDiv"];
                                dr["PetTimeGoodBad1"] = dr["PetTimeGoodBad1"];
                                dr["PetTimeGoodBad2"] = dr["PetTimeGoodBad2"];
                                #endregion Revenue
                                #region Product
                                dr["ProductPrice"]    = dr["ProductPrice"];
                                dr["ProductSalesTax"] = dr["ProductSalesTax"];
                                #endregion Product
                                #region Tip
                                dr["Tiptype"]   = dr["Tiptype"];
                                dr["TipAmount"] = TipCost.ToString();
                                #endregion Tip
                                #region Prior Revenue
                                dr["PriorType"]   = dr["PriorType"];
                                dr["PriorAmount"] = PriorRevenueCost.ToString();
                                #endregion Prior Revenue
                                #region CheckDetail
                                dr["NameOnCheck"]    = dr["NameOnCheck"];
                                dr["AddressOnCheck"] = dr["AddressOnCheck"];
                                #endregion CheckDetail
                                #endregion Start
                            #endregion Forloop

                            Session["AppointmentDetails"] = dtdetails;
                            objGroomer.GetShopperInfo(GId, txtFirstName.Text.Trim(), txtLastName.Text.Trim(), txtAddress1.Text.Trim(), txtCity.Text.Trim(),
                                                      txtState.Text.Trim(), txtZip.Text.Trim(), txtCountry.Text.Trim(), txtPhone.Text.Trim(), email, drpCardType.SelectedItem.Text, txtCardNumber.Text.Trim(),
                                                      txtExpYear.Text.Trim(), drpMonth.SelectedValue, "", Convert.ToDecimal(lblTotalCost.Text),
                                                      decimal.Parse("0"), decimal.Parse("0"), OrderRefNo, Convert.ToInt32(Session["GroomerAppointmentId"].ToString()), txtVerificationNo.Text.Trim());

                            Session["emailid"]    = email;
                            Session["totalprice"] = lblTotalCost.Text.Trim().ToString();
                            Session["CC_Name"]    = txtFirstName.Text.Trim().ToString();
                            Session["CC_Name1"]   = txtLastName.Text.Trim().ToString();

                            string errorMessage = (string)Session["ErrorMessage"];

                            // set up Items info
                            Items shoppingCart = new Items();
                            shoppingCart.productName = "Pets Treatment";
                            shoppingCart.unitPrice   = totalAmount;
                            shoppingCart.quantity    = 1;
                            Session["ShoppingCart"]  = shoppingCart;

                            // set up customer info.
                            Shopper shopper;
                            shopper.firstName  = txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
                            shopper.lastName   = txtLastName.Text.Trim();
                        = ToEmail;
                            shopper.street1    = txtAddress1.Text.Trim();
                         = txtCity.Text.Trim();
                            shopper.state      = txtState.Text.Trim();
                            shopper.postalCode = txtZip.Text.Trim();
                      = txtCountry.Text.Trim();
                            Session["Shopper"] = shopper;

                            // set up credit card info.
                            CreditCard card;
                            card.accountNumber   = txtCardNumber.Text.Trim();
                            card.expirationMonth = drpMonth.SelectedValue.ToString();
                            card.expirationYear  = txtExpYear.Text.Trim();
                            card.cvNumber        = txtVerificationNo.Text.Trim();

                            Global1 global = ((Global1)this.Context.ApplicationInstance);
                            // CalculateTax(global.icsClient);
                            Authorize(ref card);
                            Session["IsExecuted"] = "1";