Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Decide if
        /// Is the time to get file informations (the current page represent a file content)
        /// Or need to continue the process (the current page represent a folder list)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parser">Contain full DOM Elements (IDocument) and helpers to use it</param>
        /// <param name="root">Indicate if the URL is the main/master/first/root</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual async Task DeterminePageContentAsync(GitHubParser parser, bool root)
            if (root)
                // Here, i use the cache! The key is Last commit hash.
                // Uses the URL like Key is fastest then last commit hash, because to get last commit, i need to load the first page
                // But if new commit was push, the URL key returns outdated result
                this.lastCommitHash = parser.GetLastCommitHash();
                var cachedFileInformation = this.cache.Get <ConcurrentBag <ItemFileInformationResponse> >(lastCommitHash);
                if (cachedFileInformation != default)
                    this.temporaryFiles = cachedFileInformation;
                    this.usedCache      = true;

            var pageType = parser.DiscoverPageType();

            switch (pageType)
            case GitHubParser.GitHubPageType.FileContent:

            case GitHubParser.GitHubPageType.FolderList:
                await this.IterateFolderListAsync(parser);

        public async Task ShouldDiscoverPageType()
            // Given
            var source = @"
            <div itemprop=""text"" class=""Box-body p-0 blob-wrapper data type-c  gist-border-0"">
            <table class=""highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"" data-tab-size=""8"" data-paste-markdown-skip=""""></table>
            <details class=""details-reset details-overlay BlobToolbar position-absolute js-file-line-actions dropdown d-none"" aria-hidden=""true"">

            var document = await context.OpenAsync(req => req.Content(source));

            var parser = new GitHubParser(document, "");

            // When
            var pageType = parser.DiscoverPageType();

            // Then