public static GhprTestCase GetTestRun(XmlNode testNode, ILogger logger)
                var now         = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var testType    = testNode.SelectSingleNode("properties/property[@name='TestType']")?.Val();
                var priority    = testNode.SelectSingleNode("properties/property[@name='Priority']")?.Val();
                var description = testNode.SelectSingleNode("properties/property[@name='Description']")?.Val();
                var categories  = testNode.SelectNodes("properties/property[@name='Category']")?.Cast <XmlNode>()
                                  .Select(n => n.Val()).ToArray();

                var testDataDateTimes = testNode.SelectNodes(
                                        .Cast <XmlNode>()
                                        .Select(n => n.Val()).ToList();
                var testDataActuals = testNode.SelectNodes(
                                      .Cast <XmlNode>()
                                      .Select(n => n.Val()).ToArray();
                var testDataExpecteds = testNode.SelectNodes(
                                        .Cast <XmlNode>()
                                        .Select(n => n.Val()).ToArray();
                var testDataComments = testNode.SelectNodes(
                                       .Cast <XmlNode>()
                                       .Select(n => n.Val()).ToArray();
                var testData = new List <TestDataDto>();
                for (var i = 0; i < testDataDateTimes?.Count; i++)
                    testData.Add(new TestDataDto
                        TestDataInfo = new SimpleItemInfoDto
                            Date     = DateTime.ParseExact(testDataDateTimes?[i], "yyyyMMdd_HHmmssfff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                            ItemName = "Test Data"
                        Actual   = testDataActuals?[i],
                        Expected = testDataExpecteds?[i],
                        Comment  = testDataComments?[i]
                var r        = testNode.GetAttribute("result");
                var l        = testNode.GetAttribute("label");
                var fullName = testNode.GetAttribute("fullname");
                var testGuid = GetTestGuid(testNode);
                var name     = testNode.GetAttribute("name");
                var duration = double.Parse(testNode.GetAttribute("duration") ?? "0.0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var id       = testNode.GetAttribute("id") ?? "";
                var parentId = testNode.GetAttribute("parentId") ?? "";
                if (fullName.Contains(name))
                    var ns = fullName.Substring(0, fullName.LastIndexOf(name, StringComparison.Ordinal) - 1);
                    if (ns.Contains("(") && ns.Contains(")"))
                        var i1 = ns.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        var i2 = ns.IndexOf(")", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        ns       = ns.Substring(0, i1) + ns.Substring(i2 + 1);
                        fullName = ns + "." + name;
                var ti = new ItemInfoDto
                    Guid   = testGuid,
                    Start  = testNode.GetAttribute("start-time", now),
                    Finish = testNode.GetAttribute("end-time", now)
                var test = new TestRunDto
                    Name        = name,
                    FullName    = fullName,
                    Description = description == "null" ? "" : description,
                    Duration    = duration,
                    TestInfo    = ti,
                    TestType    = testType,
                    Priority    = priority,
                    Categories  = categories,
                    Result      = r != null ? (l != null ? $"{r}: {l}" : r) : "Unknown",
                    Output      = new SimpleItemInfoDto
                        Date     = ti.Finish,
                        ItemName = "Test Output"
                    TestMessage    = testNode.SelectSingleNode("./failure/message")?.InnerText ?? "",
                    TestStackTrace = testNode.SelectSingleNode("./failure/stack-trace")?.InnerText ?? "",
                    Screenshots    = new List <SimpleItemInfoDto>(),
                    TestData       = testData ?? new List <TestDataDto>()

                var imageAttachments = testNode.SelectNodes(".//attachments/attachment/filePath")?
                                       .Cast <XmlNode>().Select(n => n.InnerText).Where(t => t.EndsWithImgExtension()).ToList();

                var testScreenshots = new List <TestScreenshotDto>();
                foreach (var imageAttachment in imageAttachments.Where(File.Exists))
                    var ext        = Path.GetExtension(imageAttachment);
                    var fileInfo   = new FileInfo(imageAttachment);
                    var bytes      = File.ReadAllBytes(imageAttachment);
                    var base64     = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                    var screenInfo = new SimpleItemInfoDto
                        Date     = fileInfo.CreationTimeUtc,
                        ItemName = ""
                    var testScreenshotDto = new TestScreenshotDto
                        Format             = ext.Replace(".", ""),
                        TestGuid           = testGuid,
                        TestScreenshotInfo = screenInfo,
                        Base64Data         = base64

                var ghprTestCase = new GhprTestCase
                    Id                  = id,
                    ParentId            = parentId,
                    GhprTestRun         = test,
                    GhprTestOutput      = GetTestOutput(testNode, test.TestInfo.Finish, logger),
                    GhprTestScreenshots = testScreenshots

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Exception($"Exception in GetTestRun: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.StackTrace}", ex);
                return(new GhprTestCase());
Beispiel #2
        public List <GhprTestCase> GetTestRuns()
            var testRuns         = new List <GhprTestCase>();
            var deploymentFolder = _xml.GetNode("TestSettings")?.GetNode("Deployment")?.GetAttrVal("runDeploymentRoot");
            var utrs             = _xml.GetNodesList("UnitTestResult");
            var uts = _xml.GetNode("TestDefinitions")?.GetNodesList("UnitTest");

            if (utrs == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No tests found!");

            foreach (var utr in utrs)
                    var executionId      = utr.GetAttrVal("executionId");
                    var start            = utr.GetDateTimeVal("startTime");
                    var finish           = utr.GetDateTimeVal("endTime");
                    var duration         = utr.GetAttrVal("duration");
                    var durationTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
                    TimeSpan.TryParse(duration, out durationTimeSpan);
                    var internalTestGuid = utr.GetAttrVal("testId") ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    var testName = utr.GetAttrVal("testName");
                    var ut       = uts?.FirstOrDefault(node => (node.GetAttrVal("id") ?? "").Equals(internalTestGuid));

                    if (utr.FirstChild != null && utr.FirstChild.Name.Equals("InnerResults"))

                    var tm           = ut?.GetNode("TestMethod");
                    var testDesc     = ut?.GetNode("Description")?.InnerText;
                    var testFullName = (tm?.GetAttrVal("className") ?? "").Split(',')[0] + "." + testName;
                    var testGuid     = testFullName.ToMd5HashGuid();
                    var testInfo     = new ItemInfoDto
                        Start  = start,
                        Finish = finish,
                        Guid   = testGuid
                    var result     = utr.GetAttrVal("outcome");
                    var outputNode = utr.GetNode("Output");
                    var output     = outputNode?.GetNode("StdOut")?.InnerText ?? "";
                    var msg        = outputNode?.GetNode("ErrorInfo")?.GetNode("Message")?.InnerText ?? "";
                    var sTrace     = outputNode?.GetNode("ErrorInfo")?.GetNode("StackTrace")?.InnerText ?? "";

                    var testOutputInfo = new SimpleItemInfoDto
                        Date     = finish,
                        ItemName = "Test output"

                    var testRun = new TestRunDto
                        TestInfo       = testInfo,
                        Name           = testName,
                        Description    = testDesc,
                        Duration       = durationTimeSpan == new TimeSpan(0) ? .0 : durationTimeSpan.TotalSeconds,
                        FullName       = testFullName,
                        Result         = result,
                        Output         = testOutputInfo,
                        TestMessage    = msg,
                        TestStackTrace = sTrace

                    var testOutput = new TestOutputDto
                        TestOutputInfo = testOutputInfo,
                        Output         = output,
                        SuiteOutput    = ""

                    var testScreenshots = new List <TestScreenshotDto>();
                    var resFiles        = utr.GetNode("ResultFiles")?.GetNodesList("ResultFile") ?? new List <XmlNode>();
                    foreach (var resFile in resFiles)
                        var relativePath    = resFile.GetAttrVal("path");
                        var fullResFilePath = Path.Combine(
                            Path.GetDirectoryName(_trxFullPath), deploymentFolder, "In", executionId, relativePath);
                        if (File.Exists(fullResFilePath))
                                var ext = Path.GetExtension(fullResFilePath);
                                if (new[] { "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp" }.Contains(ext.Replace(".", "").ToLower()))
                                    var fileInfo   = new FileInfo(fullResFilePath);
                                    var bytes      = File.ReadAllBytes(fullResFilePath);
                                    var base64     = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                                    var screenInfo = new SimpleItemInfoDto
                                        Date     = fileInfo.CreationTimeUtc,
                                        ItemName = ""
                                    var testScreenshotDto = new TestScreenshotDto
                                        Format             = ext.Replace(".", ""),
                                        TestGuid           = testGuid,
                                        TestScreenshotInfo = screenInfo,
                                        Base64Data         = base64
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Error when trying to add test attachment: {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                                  $"{e.StackTrace}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                                  $"The test XML node is:{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                                  $"{utr.OuterXml}" +
                                                  $"The file path is:{Environment.NewLine}" +

                    var ghprTestCase = new GhprTestCase
                        Id                  = testGuid.ToString(),
                        ParentId            = "",
                        GhprTestRun         = testRun,
                        GhprTestOutput      = testOutput,
                        GhprTestScreenshots = testScreenshots

                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error when trying to parse the test: {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                      $"{e.StackTrace}{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                      $"The test XML node is:{Environment.NewLine}" +
