public override void Up(ICmsConfiguration configuration)
            using (var pagesApi = CmsContext.CreateApiContextOf<PagesApiContext>())
                const string WidgetPath = "~/Areas/bcms-newsletter/Views/Widgets/SubscribeToNewsletter.cshtml";
                var request = new GetServerControlWidgetsRequest(e => e.Url == WidgetPath);
                var widgets = pagesApi.GetServerControlWidgets(request);
                if (widgets.Items.Count > 0)

                using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
                    new CreateServerControlWidgetRequest()
                        Name = "Newsletter Widget",
                        WidgetPath = WidgetPath,
                        Options =
                            new List<ContentOptionDto>()
                                        new ContentOptionDto() { Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Email placeholder", DefaultValue = "email..." },
                                        new ContentOptionDto() { Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Label title", DefaultValue = "Subscribe to newsletter" },
                                        new ContentOptionDto() { Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Submit title", DefaultValue = "Submit" },
                                        new ContentOptionDto() { Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Submit is disabled", DefaultValue = "false" }
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the server control widgets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Server control widget list.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="CmsApiException">Failed to get widgets.</exception>
 public DataListResponse <ServerControlWidget> GetServerControlWidgets(GetServerControlWidgetsRequest request)
     catch (Exception inner)
         var message = string.Format("Failed to get server control widgets.");
         Logger.Error(message, inner);
         throw new CmsApiException(message, inner);
        public override void Up(ICmsConfiguration configuration)
            using (var pagesApi = CmsContext.CreateApiContextOf <PagesApiContext>())
                const string WidgetPath = "~/Areas/bcms-newsletter/Views/Widgets/SubscribeToNewsletter.cshtml";
                var          request    = new GetServerControlWidgetsRequest(e => e.Url == WidgetPath);
                var          widgets    = pagesApi.GetServerControlWidgets(request);
                if (widgets.Items.Count > 0)

                using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
                        new CreateServerControlWidgetRequest()
                        Name       = "Newsletter Widget",
                        WidgetPath = WidgetPath,
                        Options    =
                            new List <ContentOptionDto>()
                            new ContentOptionDto()
                                Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Email placeholder", DefaultValue = "email..."
                            new ContentOptionDto()
                                Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Label title", DefaultValue = "Subscribe to newsletter"
                            new ContentOptionDto()
                                Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Submit title", DefaultValue = "Submit"
                            new ContentOptionDto()
                                Type = OptionType.Text, Key = "Submit is disabled", DefaultValue = "false"
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the server control widgets.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Server control widget list.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="CmsApiException">Failed to get widgets.</exception>
 public DataListResponse<ServerControlWidget> GetServerControlWidgets(GetServerControlWidgetsRequest request)
         return Repository.ToDataListResponse(request);
     catch (Exception inner)
         var message = string.Format("Failed to get server control widgets.");
         Logger.Error(message, inner);
         throw new CmsApiException(message, inner);