Beispiel #1
        public async Task TRexExecutor_Manual_Sad_ProjectNotFound()
            var projectUid        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var projectAccountUid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var projectOfInterest = new ProjectData
                ProjectUID  = projectUid,
                ProjectType = CwsProjectType.AcceptsTagFiles,
                CustomerUID = projectAccountUid

            var getProjectUidsRequest = new GetProjectUidsRequest(projectUid, "ec520Serial", 91, 181);
            var projectForProjectUid  = (ProjectData)null;

            var platformSerialDeviceUid  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var platformSerialAccountUid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var platformSerialDevice     = new DeviceData {
                CustomerUID = platformSerialAccountUid, DeviceUID = platformSerialDeviceUid
            var projectListForPlatformSerial = new ProjectDataResult()
                ProjectDescriptors = new List <ProjectData>()

            var expectedResult = new GetProjectUidsResult(string.Empty, platformSerialDeviceUid, platformSerialAccountUid);

            await ExecuteManual
                (getProjectUidsRequest, projectForProjectUid,
                platformSerialDevice, projectListForPlatformSerial,
                expectedResult, expectedCode : 3038, expectedMessage : ContractExecutionStatesEnum.FirstNameWithOffset(38)
Beispiel #2
        public async Task Test_ValidateFailed_InvalidManualProjectType()
            var projectUid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var moqRequest = new GetProjectUidsRequest(projectUid.ToString(), string.Empty, 0, 0);
            var moqResult  = new GetProjectUidsResult(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 3044, "Manual Import: cannot import to a Civil type project");

            SetupDITfa(true, moqRequest, moqResult);

            byte[] tagContent;
            using (var tagFileStream =
                       new FileStream(Path.Combine("TestData", "TAGFiles", "TestTAGFile.tag"),
                                      FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                tagContent = new byte[tagFileStream.Length];
                tagFileStream.Read(tagContent, 0, (int)tagFileStream.Length);

            var td = new TagFileDetail()
                assetId        = null,
                projectId      = projectUid,
                tagFileName    = "Test.tag",
                tagFileContent = tagContent,
                tccOrgId       = "",
                IsJohnDoe      = false

            var tagFilePreScan = new TAGFilePreScan();

            await using (var stream = new MemoryStream(td.tagFileContent))
            var result = await TagfileValidator.ValidSubmission(td, tagFilePreScan).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.True(result.Code == 3044, "Failed to return correct error code");
            Assert.Equal("Manual Import: cannot import to a Civil type project", result.Message);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task Test_UsingNEE_ValidateOk()
            var projectUid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var moqRequest = new GetProjectUidsRequest(projectUid.ToString(), "1639J101YU", 0, 0, 5876814.5384829007, 7562822.7801738745);
            var moqResult  = new GetProjectUidsResult(projectUid.ToString(), string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, "success");

            SetupDITfa(true, moqRequest, moqResult);

            byte[] tagContent;
            using (var tagFileStream =
                       new FileStream(Path.Combine("TestData", "TAGFiles", "SeedPosition-usingNEE.tag"),
                                      FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                tagContent = new byte[tagFileStream.Length];
                tagFileStream.Read(tagContent, 0, (int)tagFileStream.Length);

            var td = new TagFileDetail()
                assetId        = null,
                projectId      = projectUid,
                tagFileName    = "Bug ccssscon-401 NEE SeedPosition.tag",
                tagFileContent = tagContent,
                tccOrgId       = "",
                IsJohnDoe      = false

            var tagFilePreScan = new TAGFilePreScan();

            await using (var stream = new MemoryStream(td.tagFileContent))
            var result = await TagfileValidator.ValidSubmission(td, tagFilePreScan).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.True(result.Code == (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid, "Failed to return a Valid request");
            Assert.Equal("success", result.Message);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// this needs to be public, only for unit tests
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <GetProjectUidsResult> CheckFileIsProcessable(TagFileDetail tagDetail, TAGFilePreScan preScanState)
             * Three different types of tagfile submission
             * Type A: Automatic submission.
             * This is where a tagfile comes in from a known org and the system works out what Asset and Project it belongs to. Licensing is checked
             * Type B:  Manual submission.
             * This is where the project is known and supplied as an override projectid value. The Asset is worked out via TFA service or assigned a JohnDoe id if not known.
             * Licensing is checked for manual subscription
             * Type C: Override submission.
             * This is where the ProjectId and AssetId is both supplied. It bypasses TFA service and providing the tagfile is valid, is processed straight into the project.
             * This is not a typical submission but is handy for testing and in a situation where a known third party source other than NG could determine the AssetId and Project. Typical NG users could not submit via this method thus avoiding our license check.

            var platformSerialNumber = string.Empty;

            if (preScanState.PlatformType >= CWSDeviceTypeEnum.EC520 && preScanState.PlatformType <= CWSDeviceTypeEnum.TMC)
                platformSerialNumber = preScanState.HardwareID;

            // Type C. Do we have what we need already (Most likely test tool submission)
            if (tagDetail.assetId != null && tagDetail.projectId != null)
                if (tagDetail.assetId != Guid.Empty && tagDetail.projectId != Guid.Empty)
                    return(new GetProjectUidsResult(tagDetail.projectId.ToString(), tagDetail.assetId.ToString(), string.Empty, 0, "success"));

            if ((tagDetail.projectId == null || tagDetail.projectId == Guid.Empty) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformSerialNumber))
                // this is a TFA code. This check is also done as a pre-check as the scenario is very frequent, to avoid the API call overhead.
                var message = "#Progress# CheckFileIsProcessable. Must have either a valid platformSerialNumber or ProjectUID";
                return(new GetProjectUidsResult(tagDetail.projectId.ToString(), tagDetail.assetId.ToString(), string.Empty, (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.TRexMissingProjectUidAndPlatformSerial, message));

            var seedLatitude  = MathUtilities.RadiansToDegrees(preScanState.SeedLatitude ?? 0.0);
            var seedLongitude = MathUtilities.RadiansToDegrees(preScanState.SeedLongitude ?? 0.0);
            var seedNorthing  = preScanState.SeedNorthing;
            var seedEasting   = preScanState.SeedEasting;

            if (Math.Abs(seedLatitude) < Consts.TOLERANCE_DECIMAL_DEGREE && Math.Abs(seedLongitude) < Consts.TOLERANCE_DECIMAL_DEGREE && (seedNorthing == null || seedEasting == null))
                // This check is also done as a pre-check as the scenario is very frequent, to avoid the TFA API call overhead.
                var message = $"#Progress# CheckFileIsProcessable. Unable to determine a tag file seed position. projectID {tagDetail.projectId} serialNumber {platformSerialNumber} filename {tagDetail.tagFileName} Lat {preScanState.SeedLatitude} Long {preScanState.SeedLongitude} northing {preScanState.SeedNorthing} easting {preScanState.SeedNorthing}";
                return(new GetProjectUidsResult(tagDetail.projectId.ToString(), tagDetail.assetId.ToString(), string.Empty, (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.TRexInvalidLatLong, message));

            var tfaRequest = new GetProjectUidsRequest(
                tagDetail.projectId == null ? string.Empty : tagDetail.projectId.ToString(),
                seedLatitude, seedLongitude,
                preScanState.SeedNorthing, preScanState.SeedEasting);

            Log.LogInformation($"#Progress# CheckFileIsProcessable. tfaRequest {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tfaRequest)}");

            var tfaResult = await ValidateWithTfa(tfaRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.LogInformation($"#Progress# CheckFileIsProcessable. TFA validate returned for {tagDetail.tagFileName} tfaResult: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tfaResult)}");
            if (tfaResult?.Code == (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid)
                // if not overriding take TFA projectid
                if ((tagDetail.projectId == null || tagDetail.projectId == Guid.Empty) && (Guid.Parse(tfaResult.ProjectUid) != Guid.Empty))
                    tagDetail.projectId = Guid.Parse(tfaResult.ProjectUid);

                // take what TFA gives us including an empty guid which is a JohnDoe
                tagDetail.assetId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tfaResult.DeviceUid) ? Guid.Empty : (Guid.Parse(tfaResult.DeviceUid));

                // Check For JohnDoe machines. if you get a valid pass and no assetid it means it had a manual3dlicense
                if (tagDetail.assetId == Guid.Empty)
                    tagDetail.IsJohnDoe = true; // JohnDoe Machine and OK to process

Beispiel #5
        private void SetupDITfa(bool enableTfaService = true, GetProjectUidsRequest getProjectUidsRequest = null, GetProjectUidsResult getProjectUidsResult = null)
            // this setup includes the DITagFileFixture. Done here to try to avoid random test failures.

            var moqStorageProxy = new Mock <IStorageProxy>();

            var moqStorageProxyFactory = new Mock <IStorageProxyFactory>();

            moqStorageProxyFactory.Setup(mk => mk.Storage(StorageMutability.Immutable)).Returns(moqStorageProxy.Object);
            moqStorageProxyFactory.Setup(mk => mk.Storage(StorageMutability.Mutable)).Returns(moqStorageProxy.Object);
            moqStorageProxyFactory.Setup(mk => mk.MutableGridStorage()).Returns(moqStorageProxy.Object);
            moqStorageProxyFactory.Setup(mk => mk.ImmutableGridStorage()).Returns(moqStorageProxy.Object);

            var moqSurveyedSurfaces = new Mock <ISurveyedSurfaces>();

            var moqSiteModels = new Mock <ISiteModels>();

            moqSiteModels.Setup(mk => mk.PrimaryMutableStorageProxy).Returns(moqStorageProxy.Object);

            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton <IStorageProxyFactory>(moqStorageProxyFactory.Object))
            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton <ISiteModels>(moqSiteModels.Object))

            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton <ISurveyedSurfaces>(moqSurveyedSurfaces.Object))
            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton <IProductionEventsFactory>(new ProductionEventsFactory()))

            var newSiteModelGuidTfa = Guid.NewGuid();

            ISiteModel mockedSiteModel = new SiteModel(newSiteModelGuidTfa, StorageMutability.Immutable);


            var moqSiteModelFactory = new Mock <ISiteModelFactory>();

            moqSiteModelFactory.Setup(mk => mk.NewSiteModel(StorageMutability.Mutable)).Returns(mockedSiteModel);

            moqSiteModels.Setup(mk => mk.GetSiteModel(newSiteModelGuidTfa)).Returns(mockedSiteModel);

            // Mock the new site model creation API to return just a new site model
            moqSiteModels.Setup(mk => mk.GetSiteModel(newSiteModelGuidTfa, true)).Returns(mockedSiteModel);

            //Moq doesn't support extension methods in IConfiguration/Root.
            var moqConfiguration    = DIContext.Obtain <Mock <IConfigurationStore> >();
            var moqMinTagFileLength = 100;

            moqConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetValueBool("ENABLE_TFA_SERVICE", It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(enableTfaService);
            moqConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetValueBool("ENABLE_TFA_SERVICE")).Returns(enableTfaService);
            moqConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetValueInt("MIN_TAGFILE_LENGTH", It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(moqMinTagFileLength);
            moqConfiguration.Setup(x => x.GetValueInt("MIN_TAGFILE_LENGTH")).Returns(moqMinTagFileLength);

            var moqTfaProxy = new Mock <ITagFileAuthProjectV5Proxy>();

            if (enableTfaService && getProjectUidsRequest != null)
                moqTfaProxy.Setup(x => x.GetProjectUids(It.IsAny <GetProjectUidsRequest>(), It.IsAny <IHeaderDictionary>())).ReturnsAsync(getProjectUidsResult);

            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton(moqConfiguration.Object))
            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton <ISiteModelFactory>(new SiteModelFactory()))
            .Add(x => x.AddSingleton(moqTfaProxy.Object))
Beispiel #6
        public void Should_indicate_whether_request_is_manual_import(string projectUid, bool expectedResult)
            var request = new GetProjectUidsRequest(projectUid, null, 0.0, 0.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, request.IsManualImport);