Beispiel #1
        private void LoadNodeList(XmlNodeList nodeList, int version, XmlNode root)
            foreach(XmlNode node in nodeList)
                // Load only nodes that either have matching version number or none.
                // JohnT says that all user files will have a version number, and have had one from the beginning.
                // None of our installer provided files have a version number.
                // That is why we check for an optional version attribute.

                int fileVersion = Int32.Parse(XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "version", version.ToString()));
                if (fileVersion != version && Merger != null && XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "base") == null)
                    string[] keyAttrs;
                    GetElementKey key = GetKeyMain(node, out keyAttrs);
                    XmlNode current;
                    if (m_getElementTable.TryGetValue(key, out current))
                        XmlNode merged = Merger.Merge(current, node, m_mainDoc);
                        InsertNodeInDoc(merged, current, m_mainDoc, key);
                        // May be part of a named view or a duplicated node. Look for the unmodified one to merge with.
                        if (keyAttrs.Length > 2 && keyAttrs[2] == "name" && key.KeyVals.Length > 2)
                            var copyName = key.KeyVals[2];
                            int index = copyName.IndexOfAny(new [] {kcMarkLayoutCopy, kcMarkNodeCopy});
                            if (index > 0)
                                var originalName = copyName.Substring(0, index);
                                var originalKeyVals = (string[])key.KeyVals.Clone();
                                originalKeyVals[2] = originalName;
                                var originalKey = new GetElementKey(key.ElementName, originalKeyVals, m_mainDoc);
                                if (m_getElementTable.TryGetValue(originalKey, out current))
                                    XmlNode merged = Merger.Merge(current, node, m_mainDoc);
                                    XmlUtils.SetAttribute(merged, "name", copyName); // give it the name fro
                                    // We do NOT want this one to replace 'current', since it has a different name.
                                    // We already know there is no matching node to replace.
                                    InsertNodeInDoc(merged, null, m_mainDoc, key);
                else if (fileVersion == version)
                    AddNode(node, root);
                // Otherwise it's an old-version node and we can't merge it, so ignore it.
Beispiel #2
 private void InsertNodeInDoc(XmlNode newNode, XmlNode extantNode, XmlDocument doc, GetElementKey key)
     XmlNode root = doc["Main"];
     if (extantNode == null)
         root.ReplaceChild(newNode, extantNode);
     if (newNode.Name != "layoutType")
         m_getElementTable[key] = newNode;
Beispiel #3
 private void CopyNodeToDoc(XmlNode node, XmlNode extantNode, XmlDocument doc, GetElementKey key)
     XmlNode newNode = doc.ImportNode(node, true);
     InsertNodeInDoc(newNode, extantNode, doc, key);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute and save in m_mainDoc a node which represents the actual meaning of the given
        /// alteration node, which has the specified element name and keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alteration"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private XmlNode ApplyAlteration(string elementName, string[] attrvals, XmlNode alteration)
            string baseName = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(alteration, "base");
            string[] baseKey = (string[])attrvals.Clone();
            int cKeys = baseKey.Length;
            baseKey[cKeys - 1] = baseName;
            XmlNode baseNode = GetEltFromDoc(elementName, baseKey, m_mainDoc);
            XmlNode result = Unify(alteration, baseNode);
            // we may already have a 'miss' for this element cached, so update the table
            // 'result' may be null;
            GetElementKey key = new GetElementKey(elementName, attrvals, m_mainDoc);
            m_getElementTable[key] = result;

            return result;
Beispiel #5
        private void AddNode(XmlNode node, XmlNode root)
            string[] keyAttrs;
            GetElementKey keyMain = GetKeyMain(node, out keyAttrs);
            string[] keyVals = keyMain.KeyVals;
            string elementName = keyMain.ElementName;

            XmlNode extantNode = null;
            // Value may be null in the Dictionary, even if key is present.
            m_getElementTable.TryGetValue(keyMain, out extantNode);

            // Is the current node a derived node?
            string baseName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "base");
            if (baseName != null)
                string id = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, keyAttrs[keyAttrs.Length - 1]);
                if (id == baseName)
                    // it is an override.
                    if (extantNode == null)
                        // Possibly trying to override a derived element?
                        extantNode = GetElement(elementName, keyVals);
                        if (extantNode == null)
                            throw new Exception("no base found to override " + baseName);
                    GetElementKey keyBase = new GetElementKey(elementName, keyVals, m_baseDoc);
                    if (m_getElementTable.ContainsKey(keyBase))
                        throw new Exception("only one level of override is allowed " + baseName);
                    // Save the base node for future use.
                    m_baseDoc["Main"].AppendChild(m_baseDoc.ImportNode(extantNode, true));
                    m_getElementTable[keyBase] = extantNode;
                    // Immediately compute the effect of the override and save it, replacing the base.
                    XmlNode unified = Unify(node, extantNode);
                    root.ReplaceChild(unified, extantNode);
                    // and update the cache, which is loaded with the old element
                    m_getElementTable[keyMain] = unified;
                    // it is a normal alteration node
                    if (extantNode != null)
                        // derived node displaces non-derived one.
                // alteration node goes into alterations doc (displacing any previous alteration
                // with the same key).
                GetElementKey keyAlterations = new GetElementKey(elementName, keyVals, m_alterationsDoc);
                extantNode = null;
                if (m_getElementTable.ContainsKey(keyAlterations))
                    extantNode = m_getElementTable[keyAlterations]; // May still be null.
                CopyNodeToDoc(node, extantNode, m_alterationsDoc, keyAlterations);
            else // not an override, just save it, replacing existing node if needed
                CopyNodeToDoc(node, extantNode, m_mainDoc, keyMain);
Beispiel #6
 protected XmlNode GetEltFromDoc(string elementName, string[] attrvals, XmlDocument doc)
     GetElementKey key = new GetElementKey(elementName, attrvals, doc);
     XmlNode result = null;
     bool hasKey = m_getElementTable.ContainsKey(key);
     if (hasKey)
         result = m_getElementTable[key]; // May be null, even with the key.
     if (result == null && !hasKey)
         result = GetEltFromDoc1(elementName, attrvals, doc);
         m_getElementTable[key] = result; // May still be null.
     return result;