public async Task Init()
            // Step1: Define the Rock-Paper-Scissors gestures
            // Create a pose for 'Rock'...
            var rockPose = new HandPose("RockPose", new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Folded));

            rockPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Rock);

            // ...another for 'Paper'...
            var paperPose = new HandPose("PaperPose", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Right, PoseDirection.Forward),
                                         new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Open));

            paperPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Paper);

            // ...and last one for 'Scissors'...
            var scissorsPose = new HandPose("ScissorsPose", new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                                            new FingertipDistanceRelation(Finger.Index, RelativeDistance.NotTouching, Finger.Middle),
                                            new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            scissorsPose.Triggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.Scissors);

            // ...a PassThroughtGestureSegment is a structural gesture segment that provides a way to simplify a gesture state machine construction by 'short-circuiting'
            // between gesture segments connectd to it and gesture segements it connects to. It helps reduce the number of SubPaths that needs to be defined.
            // Very handy when you need to define a Clique (see
            // as in this case where Rock, Paper and Scissors are all connected to each other...
            var epsilonState = new PassThroughGestureSegment("Epsilon");

            // ...this pose is an artificial stop pose. Namely, we want to keep the gesture detector in one of the pose states without ending the gesture so we add this
            // pose as a pose that completes the gesture assuming the user will not perform it frequently.
            // As long as the user continues to perform the 'Rock', 'Paper' or 'Scissors' poses we will remain within the gesture's state machine.
            var giveUpPose = new HandPose("GiveUpPose", new PalmPose(new AnyHandContext(), PoseDirection.Forward, PoseDirection.Up),
                                          new FingerPose(new AllFingersContext(), FingerFlexion.Open));

            _gameGesture = new Gesture("RockPaperScissorGesture", epsilonState, giveUpPose);
            // ...add a sub path back and forth from the PassthroughGestureSegment to the various poses
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, rockPose, epsilonState);
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, paperPose, epsilonState);
            _gameGesture.AddSubPath(epsilonState, scissorsPose, epsilonState);

            // In case the user performs a pose that is not one of the game poses the gesture resets and this event will trigger
            _gameGesture.IdleTriggered += (s, arg) => UserStrategyChanged?.Invoke(GameStrategy.None);

            // Step2: Connect to Gesture Detection Service, route StatusChanged event to the UI and register the gesture
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create();
            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += (oldStatus, newStatus) => GesturesDetectionStatusChanged?.Invoke(oldStatus, newStatus);
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_gameGesture);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task Init()
            // Set the gesture service
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create("localhost");
            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += (oldVal, newVal) => GesturesDetectionStatusChanged?.Invoke(oldVal, newVal);
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            var hurufI = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Up | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Pinky }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Ring, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            hurufI.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var piece = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Up | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.Open),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Pinky, Finger.Ring, }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            piece.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var baik = new HandPose(
                new PalmPose(Hand.RightHand, PoseDirection.Left | PoseDirection.Forward),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Ring, Finger.Pinky, Finger.Middle }, FingerFlexion.OpenStretched),
                new FingerPose(new[] { Finger.Index, Finger.Thumb, }, FingerFlexion.Folded));

            baik.Triggered += (s, arg) => GestureChanged?.Invoke(arg.GestureSegment.Name);

            var alphabetGesture = new PassThroughGestureSegment("performing_state");

            _detectedGesture = new Gesture("Sample_Gesture", alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, hurufI, alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, piece, alphabetGesture);
            _detectedGesture.AddSubPath(alphabetGesture, baik, alphabetGesture);

            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_detectedGesture, isGlobal : true);

            await RegisterLikeGesture();
            await RegisterThankYouGesture();
        private async void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Step 1: Connect to Microsoft Gestures service
            _gesturesService = GesturesServiceEndpointFactory.Create();
            _gesturesService.StatusChanged += (s, args) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => GeturesServiceStatus.Text = $"[{args.Status}]");
            Closed += (s, args) => _gesturesService?.Dispose();
            await _gesturesService.ConnectAsync();

            // Step 2: Define the RewindGesture gesture as follows:
            //  ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐    ┌──────────┐
            //  │          │    │          │    │          │    │          │    │          │    │          │    │          │
            //  │   Idle   │ -> │  Spread  │ -> │  Pause   │ -> │  Rewind  │ -> │KeepRewind│ -> │ Release  │ -> │   Idle   │
            //  │          │    │(unpinch) │    │ (pinch)  │    │  (left)  │    │ (pinch)  │    │(unpinch) │    │          │
            //  └──────────┘    └──────────┘    └────┬─────┘    └──────────┘    └──────────┘    └──────────┘    └──────────┘
            //                                       │                                               ^
            //                                       └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
            // Whenever the gesture returns to the Idle state, playback will resume
            var spreadPose = GeneratePinchPose("Spread", true);
            var pausePose  = GeneratePinchPose("Pause");

            pausePose.Triggered += (s, args) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => VideoStatus.Text = "⏸");

            var rewindMotion = new HandMotion("Rewind", new PalmMotion(VerticalMotionSegment.Left));

            rewindMotion.Triggered += (s, args) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => VideoStatus.Text = "⏪");

            var keepRewindingPose = GeneratePinchPose("KeepRewind");
            var releasePose       = GeneratePinchPose("Release", true);

            // Then define the gesture by concatenating the previous objects to form a simple state machine
            _rewindGesture = new Gesture("RewindGesture", spreadPose, pausePose, rewindMotion, keepRewindingPose, releasePose);
            // Detect if the user releases the pinch-grab hold in order to resume the playback
            _rewindGesture.AddSubPath(pausePose, releasePose);

            // Continue playing the video when the gesture resets (either successful or aborted)
            _rewindGesture.Triggered     += (s, args) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => VideoStatus.Text = "▶");
            _rewindGesture.IdleTriggered += (s, args) => Dispatcher.Invoke(() => VideoStatus.Text = "▶");

            // Step 3: Register the gesture (When window focus is lost (gained) the service will automatically unregister (register) the gesture)
            //         To manually control the gesture registration, pass 'isGlobal: true' parameter in the function call below
            await _gesturesService.RegisterGesture(_rewindGesture);