private void SetPINValue()
      //The Theory.
      //Select polygons that intersect the sketch.
      //Construct one polyline from the boundaries and intersect with sketch.
      //Sort resulting intersection locations (multipoint) by distance of the intersect
      // from the start of the sketch and create new ordered multipoint.
      //Loop through new ordered multipoint, select underlying parcel and calc pin.

      IFeatureLayer featLayer = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer;
      m_curve = m_edSketch.Geometry as IPolyline;

      //Search parcel polys by graphic to get feature cursor
      ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();
      spatialFilter.Geometry = m_curve;
      spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
      spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelCrosses;

      IFeatureCursor featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter,true);
      IFeature feature = featCursor.NextFeature();

      //If we have no intersects then exit
      if (feature == null)
      //Make a GeomBag of the polygons boundaries (polylines)
      IGeometryCollection geomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
      object missing = Type.Missing;
      while (feature != null)
        ITopologicalOperator poly = feature.Shape as ITopologicalOperator;
        geomBag.AddGeometry(poly.Boundary,ref missing,ref missing);
        feature = featCursor.NextFeature();

      //Make one polyline from the boundaries
      IPolyline polyLineU = new PolylineClass();
      ITopologicalOperator topoOp = polyLineU as ITopologicalOperator;
      topoOp.ConstructUnion(geomBag as IEnumGeometry);

      //Get the intersections of the boundaries and the curve
      IPointCollection pointCol = topoOp.Intersect(m_curve, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IPointCollection;

      //The point collection is not ordered by distance along the curve so
      //need to create a new collection with this info

      int[] pointOrder = new int[pointCol.PointCount];
      double dac = 0, dfc = 0;
      bool bRS = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < pointCol.PointCount; i++)
        IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
        pointCol.QueryPoint(i, queryPoint);
        m_curve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, queryPoint, false, null,ref dac,ref dfc,ref bRS);
        pointOrder[i] = (int)dac;

      //use built in bubble sort

      //Loop through the sorted array and calc midpoint between parcel boundaries
      IPointCollection midPoints = new MultipointClass();

      for (int i = 0; i < pointOrder.Length -1; i++)
        //Get the midpoint distance
        double midPointDist = (pointOrder[i] + pointOrder[i + 1]) / 2;
        //create a point at the distance and store in point collection
        IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
        m_curve.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, midPointDist, false, queryPoint);
        midPoints.AddPoint(queryPoint,ref missing,ref missing);

      //If ends of sketch are included then add them as points
      if (chkEnds.Checked)
        object before = 0 as object;
        midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.FromPoint, ref before, ref missing);
        midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.ToPoint, ref missing, ref missing);


      //Loop through calculated midpoints, select polygon and calc pin
      for (int i = 0; i < midPoints.PointCount; i++)
        IPoint midPoint = midPoints.get_Point(i);
        spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();
        spatialFilter.Geometry = midPoint;
        spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
        spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelWithin;

        featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter, false);
        while ((feature = featCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
          feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(cmbPINField.Text), m_lotNum);
          m_lotNum += int.Parse(txtlotinc.Text);
      txtlot.Text = m_lotNum.ToString();
        //Function: Judging whether regional breaks have occurred
        public bool isRegionalBreak(IFeatureClass featureClass, int elementId)
            IGeometry    geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            queryFilter.WhereClause = "id = " + elementId;
            IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false);

            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection;
            IFeature            currentFeature     = featureCursor.NextFeature();

            while (currentFeature != null)
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(currentFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                currentFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature();

            ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new PolygonClass();

            unionedPolygon.ConstructUnion(geometryBag as IEnumGeometry);

            IGeometryCollection geoCol = unionedPolygon as IGeometryCollection;

            if (geoCol.GeometryCount > 1)
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructMultiPatchOutline(IGeometry multiPatchGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            IGeometryCollection multiPatchGeometryCollection = multiPatchGeometry as IGeometryCollection; 

            for (int i = 0; i < multiPatchGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                IGeometry geometry = multiPatchGeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);

                    case (esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangleStrip):

                    case (esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangleFan):

                    case (esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangles):

                    case (esriGeometryType.esriGeometryRing):
                        outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(ConstructRingOutline(geometry), ref _missing, ref _missing);

                        throw new Exception("Unhandled Geometry Type. " + geometry.GeometryType);

            return outlineGeometryCollection;
Beispiel #4
        public static IGeometry GetSelectGeometry(IMap pMap)
            if (pMap == null)
            if (pMap.SelectionCount == 0)

            IGeometryBag        pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection pGeomtryCol  = (IGeometryCollection)pGeometryBag;
            IEnumFeature        pEnumFeature = (IEnumFeature)pMap.FeatureSelection;
            IFeature            pFeature     = pEnumFeature.Next();

            object obj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            while (pFeature != null)
                pGeomtryCol.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);
                pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct triangles outline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trianglesGeometry">triangles geometry</param>
        /// <returns>object implements IGeometryCollection</returns>
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructTrianglesOutline(IGeometry trianglesGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            IPointCollection trianglesPointCollection = trianglesGeometry as IPointCollection;

            // Triangles: an unlinked set of triangles, where every three vertices completes a new triangle.
            if ((trianglesPointCollection.PointCount % 3) != 0)
                throw new Exception("Triangles Geometry Point Count Must Be Divisible By 3. " + trianglesPointCollection.PointCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < trianglesPointCollection.PointCount; i += 3)
                    IPointCollection outlinePointCollection = new PolylineClass();

                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref missing, ref missing);
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i + 1), ref missing, ref missing);
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i + 2), ref missing, ref missing);

                    // Simulate: Polygon.Close
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref missing, ref missing);

                    IGeometry outlineGeometry = outlinePointCollection as IGeometry;


                    outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(outlineGeometry, ref missing, ref missing);

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得指定图层的合并范围 为本次加的一个函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strLyrName"></param>
        /// <param name="strWhere"></param>
        /// <param name="eFeatureType"></param>
        /// <param name="eGeometryType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGeometry GetLyrUnionPlygon(IList <IFeature> vFeaList)
            if (vFeaList.Count < 1)
            IGeometryBag        pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryCol = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            object obj = System.Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < vFeaList.Count; i++)
                if (vFeaList[i].Shape != null && !vFeaList[i].Shape.IsEmpty)
                    pGeometryCol.AddGeometry(vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);

            ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass();

            pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCol as IEnumGeometry);

            IGeometry pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry;

Beispiel #7
        private IGeometryCollection GenerateYardSticks(IGeometryCollection verticesColl)
            IPoint startPT = new PointClass();
            IPoint endPT   = new PointClass();
            IGeometryCollection yardstickColl = new GeometryBagClass();
            ISegmentCollection  yardsegColl   = new PolylineClass();
            object obj = Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < verticesColl.GeometryCount; i++)
                if (i < verticesColl.GeometryCount - 1)
                    ILine pLine = new LineClass();

                    startPT = verticesColl.get_Geometry(i) as IPoint;
                    endPT   = verticesColl.get_Geometry(i + 1) as IPoint;
                    pLine.PutCoords(startPT, endPT);
                    yardsegColl.AddSegment(pLine as ISegment, ref obj, ref obj);
                    MessageBox.Show(i + " yardsticks generated");
            IPolyline pPolyline = (IPolyline)yardsegColl;

            yardstickColl.AddGeometry(pPolyline, ref obj, ref obj);
        public void MeasureBufferConstructionConstructBuffersPerformance()
            const int iterations            = 100;
            IEnumerable <IGeometry> sources = GetBufferInput(iterations);

            IBufferConstruction bufferConstruction = GetBufferConstruction();

            IGeometryBag outputBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


                new GeometryEnumerator <IGeometry>(sources),
                10, (IGeometryCollection)outputBag);


            Assert.AreEqual(iterations, ((IGeometryCollection)outputBag).GeometryCount);

                "IBufferConstruction.ConstructBuffers: {0:N2} ms per geometry",
                (double)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / iterations);
        public static IGeometry GetSearchGeometryFromGraphics(IGraphicsContainer graphics)
            IGeometryCollection geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IElement            element;
            IGeometry           geometry;

            element = graphics.Next();

            object before = Type.Missing;
            object after  = Type.Missing;

            while (element != null)
                geometry = element.Geometry;
                if (geometry is IPolygon)
                    geometryBag.AddGeometry(geometry, ref before, ref after);

                element = graphics.Next();

            IGeometry searchGeometry = geometryBag as IGeometry;

Beispiel #10
        public static void FlashLine(IEnumerable <IPoint> points)
            var activeView           = (ArcMap.Application.Document as IMxDocument)?.FocusMap as IActiveView;
            IGeometryBridge2 pGeoBrg = new GeometryEnvironment() as IGeometryBridge2;

            IPointCollection4 pPointColl = new PolylineClass();
            var aWKSPointBuffer          = new IPoint[points.Count()];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var point in points)
                aWKSPointBuffer[i] = point;
            pGeoBrg.SetPoints(pPointColl, ref aWKSPointBuffer);

            var polyline = pPointColl as IPolyline;

            IGeometryCollection theGeomColl = new GeometryBagClass();


            ITopologicalOperator theTopoOp = new PolylineClass();


            IGeometry flashGeometry = theTopoOp as IGeometry;

            if (flashGeometry != null)
                EsriTools.ZoomToGeometry(activeView, polyline);
                EsriTools.FlashGeometry(activeView.ScreenDisplay, new IGeometry[] { polyline });
Beispiel #11
        private IPolygon DissolvePolygon(ISpatialReference spatialRef,
                                         Dictionary <string, IPolygon> originPolygonDict,
                                         string[] originStrArr)
            IGeometry geometryBag   = new GeometryBagClass();
            var       geoCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;

            ((IGeometry)geoCollection).SpatialReference = spatialRef;

            for (int i = 0; i < originStrArr.Length; i++)
                var    originStr = originStrArr[i];
                object missing   = Type.Missing;
                //var polygon = (IPolygon)((IClone)originPolygonDict[originStr]).Clone();

                geoCollection.AddGeometry(originPolygonDict[originStr], ref missing, ref missing);

            // 找到的要素合并为一个要素
            IPolygon             outPolygon          = new PolygonClass();
            ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)outPolygon;


Beispiel #12
        public void FlashLineOnWorkingGraphics(int profileId, int lineId)
            var       curList       = allGraphics[MilSpaceGraphicsTypeEnum.Session];
            IGeometry flashGeometry = null;

            if (lineId > 0)
                int elementId = lineId;

                var graphic = curList.FirstOrDefault(g => g.ProfileId == profileId && g.ElementId == elementId);
                if (graphic != null)
                    flashGeometry = graphic.Source;
                var graphics = curList.Where(g => g.ProfileId == profileId).Select(g => g.Source).ToList();
                IGeometryCollection theGeomColl = new GeometryBagClass();
                graphics.ForEach(pl => theGeomColl.AddGeometry(pl));

                ITopologicalOperator theTopoOp = new PolylineClass();

                flashGeometry = theTopoOp as IGeometry;

            if (flashGeometry != null)
                EsriTools.FlashGeometry(activeView.ScreenDisplay, flashGeometry);
Beispiel #13
 public static IGeometry GetSelectFeatureGeom(IMap pMap)
         object              obj          = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
         IGeometryBag        pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
         IGeometryCollection pGeomtryCol  = (IGeometryCollection)pGeometryBag;
         ISelection          pSelection   = pMap.FeatureSelection;
         IEnumFeature        pEnumFea     = pSelection as IEnumFeature;
         IFeature            pFea         = pEnumFea.Next();
         while (pFea != null)
             if (pFea.Shape != null && pFea.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                 pGeomtryCol.AddGeometry(pFea.Shape, ref obj, ref obj);
             pFea = pEnumFea.Next();
         ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass();
         pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeomtryCol as IEnumGeometry);
         IGeometry pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry;
     catch { return(null); }
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct multi patch outline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="multiPatchGeometry">multi patch geometry</param>
        /// <returns>object implements IGeometryCollection</returns>
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructMultiPatchOutline(IGeometry multiPatchGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            IGeometryCollection multiPatchGeometryCollection = multiPatchGeometry as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < multiPatchGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                IGeometry geometry = multiPatchGeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);

                switch (geometry.GeometryType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangleStrip:

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangleFan:

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryTriangles:

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryRing:
                    outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(ConstructRingOutline(geometry), ref missing, ref missing);

                    throw new Exception("Unhandled Geometry Type. " + geometry.GeometryType);

Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct triangle fan outline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="triangleFanGeometry">triangle fan geometry</param>
        /// <returns>object implements IGeometryCollection</returns>
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructTriangleFanOutline(IGeometry triangleFanGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            IPointCollection triangleFanPointCollection = triangleFanGeometry as IPointCollection;

            // TriangleFan: a linked fan of triangles, where every vertex (after the first two) completes a new triangle.
            //              A new triangle is always formed by connecting the new vertex with its immediate predecessor
            //              and the first vertex of the part.
            for (int i = 2; i < triangleFanPointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IPointCollection outlinePointCollection = new PolylineClass();

                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref missing, ref missing);
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(i - 1), ref missing, ref missing);
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref missing, ref missing);

                // Simulate: Polygon.Close
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref missing, ref missing);

                IGeometry outlineGeometry = outlinePointCollection as IGeometry;


                outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(outlineGeometry, ref missing, ref missing);

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 把geometry合并起来,组成一个新的geometry,在缓冲buffer个单位
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstGeo">Geo列表</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">缓冲单位</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGeometry GetUnionGeometry(IList <IGeometry> lstGeo, double buffer)
            if (lstGeo.Count == 0)
            IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            pGeometryBag.SpatialReference = lstGeo[0].SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;
            object obj = Type.Missing;

            foreach (IGeometry geo in lstGeo)
                pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(geo, ref obj, ref obj);

            ITopologicalOperator UnionPolygon = new PolygonClass();

            UnionPolygon.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnumGeometry);
            IGeometry            geoResult    = UnionPolygon as IGeometry;
            ITopologicalOperator operatorTopo = geoResult as ITopologicalOperator;

        private IGeometryCollection GetIntersectSameTypeFeatures(IFeatureClass pFc, IFeature pFeature, ISpatialFilter spatialFilter, IQueryFilter filter, string unionType, string unionValue, ref ArrayList fIDs)
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            //object fID = pFeature.get_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("FID"));
            spatialFilter.GeometryField = "Shape";
            spatialFilter.Geometry      = pFeature.Shape;
            spatialFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
            if (currentFieldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                spatialFilter.WhereClause = unionType + " = " + "'" + unionValue + "'";
            else if (currentFieldType == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate)
                //filter.WhereClause = unionType + " = " + "'" + unionValue + "'";
                spatialFilter.WhereClause = unionType + " = " + unionValue;
            filter = spatialFilter;
            IGeometryCollection pGeoCollection = new GeometryBagClass() as IGeometryCollection;
            IFeatureCursor      pFeatureCursor = pFc.Search(filter, true);
            IFeature            pF             = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

            while (pF != null)
                pGeoCollection.AddGeometry(pF.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing);
                pF = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得当前视图上的选择要素
        /// ZQ 2011 1203 将点要素自动去除 只合并线和面要素
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pMap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IGeometry ConstructUnion(IMap pMap)
            IGeometry pGeometry = null;

                IGeometryBag        pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryCol = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;
                object       obj          = System.Type.Missing;
                ISelection   pSelection   = pMap.FeatureSelection;
                IEnumFeature pEnumFeature = pSelection as IEnumFeature;
                IFeature     pFeature     = pEnumFeature.Next();
                while (pFeature != null)
                    if (pFeature.ShapeCopy.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint && pFeature.ShapeCopy.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint)
                        if (!pFeature.ShapeCopy.IsEmpty)
                            pGeometryCol.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);
                    pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();
                ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass();
                pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCol as IEnumGeometry);
                pGeometry = pTopo as IGeometry;
            { return(pGeometry = null); }
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// union几个面要素
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lstGeometry">需要操作的面要素集合</param>
        /// <returns>返回union后的图形</returns>
        public static IGeometry GetUnion(List <IGeometry> lstGeometry)
            IGeometryBag        pGeoBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection pGeoCol = pGeoBag as IGeometryCollection;

            if (lstGeometry.Count < 1)
            if (lstGeometry[0].SpatialReference != null)
                pGeoBag.SpatialReference = lstGeometry[0].SpatialReference;

            object obj = System.Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < lstGeometry.Count; i++)
                IGeometry pTempGeo = lstGeometry[i];
                pGeoCol.AddGeometry(pTempGeo, ref obj, ref obj);
            ISpatialIndex pSI = pGeoBag as ISpatialIndex;

            pSI.AllowIndexing = true;

            ITopologicalOperator pTopo = new PolygonClass();

            pTopo.ConstructUnion(pGeoBag as IEnumGeometry);
            IGeometry pGeo = pTopo as IGeometry;

Beispiel #20
        public override bool Check(ref List<Error> checkResult)
            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
            pQueryFilter.WhereClause = m_structPara.strWhereClause;
            IFeatureCursor ipFeatCursor = pSrcFeatClass.Search(pQueryFilter, true);
            IFeature ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();
            while (ipFeature != null)
                IGeometry ipGeometry = ipFeature.Shape;
                if (ipGeometry == null)
                    ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                object Missing = Type.Missing;
                pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(ipGeometry, ref Missing, ref Missing);

                ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();

            ISpatialIndex pSpatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)pGeometryCollection;
            pSpatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true;

            ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
            pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelOverlaps;
            pSpatialFilter.Geometry = (IGeometry)pGeometryCollection;
            string Fields = "OBJECTID,Shape";
            pSpatialFilter.SubFields = Fields;

            IFeatureCursor ipResultFtCur = pRelFeatClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, true);

            List<Error> pRuleResult = new List<Error>();
            AddResult(ref pRuleResult, ipResultFtCur);

            checkResult = pRuleResult;

            if (ipResultFtCur != null)
                ipResultFtCur = null;
            } if (pSrcFeatClass != null)
                pSrcFeatClass = null;
            if (pRelFeatClass != null)
                pRelFeatClass = null;
            return true;
Beispiel #21
        private void iSpatialFilterGeometryBagToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            IFeatureLayer     pointFeatureLayer     = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureSelection pointFeatureSelection = pointFeatureLayer as IFeatureSelection;
            IFeatureLayer polygonFeatureLayer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(1) as IFeatureLayer;

            IGeometryBag        geometryBag        = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;
            IGeoDataset         geoDataset         = (IGeoDataset)polygonFeatureLayer;
            ISpatialReference   spatialReference   = geoDataset.SpatialReference;

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

            IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            queryFilter.SubFields = "Shape";

            IFeatureCursor cursor = polygonFeatureLayer.Search(queryFilter, true);

            IFeature polygonFeature = null;

            while ((polygonFeature = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
            ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)geometryBag;

            spatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true;
            ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();

            spatialFilter.Geometry      = geometryBag;
            spatialFilter.GeometryField = pointFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
            spatialFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;
            pointFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(spatialFilter as IQueryFilter, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultAdd, false);

            int count = pointFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count;


            string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString();

            MessageBox.Show("The selected point count is " + count.ToString() + "! and " + time + " Seconds");
Beispiel #22
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lstQueryedLayer = new List <ILayer>();
            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lstLayer.Items)
                if (lvi.Checked == true)
                    lstQueryedLayer.Add(lvi.Tag as ILayer);
            IFeatureLayer pFL = null;

            foreach (ILayer pLayer in lstSelectLayer)
                if (pLayer.Name == cboxSearchLayer.Text)
                    pFL = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IGeometryBag gmBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            gmBag.SpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference;//定义空间参考,否则加入的图形将失去参考
            IGeometryCollection gmCollection = gmBag as IGeometryCollection;

            if (rdSelect.Checked)//如果单选框 选择的要素是选中状态
                ISelectionSet pSelSet = (pFL as IFeatureSelection).SelectionSet;
                ICursor       pCursor;
                pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);
                IFeature pFeature = (pCursor as IFeatureCursor).NextFeature();
                object   obj      = Type.Missing;
                while (pFeature != null)
                    gmCollection.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);
                    pFeature = (pCursor as IFeatureCursor).NextFeature();
            else//如果单选框 全部要素是选择状态
                IFeatureCursor pFeaCursor = pFL.FeatureClass.Search(null, false);
                IFeature       pFea       = pFeaCursor.NextFeature();
                object         obj        = Type.Missing;
                while (pFea != null)
                    gmCollection.AddGeometry(pFea.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj);
                    pFea = pFeaCursor.NextFeature();
            ISpatialIndex pSI = gmBag as ISpatialIndex;//重建索引

            pSI.AllowIndexing = true;
            GeometryBag = gmBag;
        public void LearningTestBufferConstructionHandlingEmptyInput()
            var inputBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            IBufferConstruction bufferConstruction = GetBufferConstruction();

            IGeometryBag outputBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            bufferConstruction.ConstructBuffers(inputBag, 10,

            Assert.AreEqual(0, ((IGeometryCollection)outputBag).GeometryCount);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// 将多个图形合并(Union)成一个图形(使用GeometryBag提高合并效率)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometries">需要合并的几何图形(注意这些图形必须是相同的几何类型)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGeometry UnionGeometryEx(this IEnumerable <IGeometry> geometries)
            IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = geometries.First().SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            foreach (var geometry in geometries)
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometry, ref missing, ref missing);
            return(UnionGeometryEx(geometryBag, geometries.First().GeometryType));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得指定图层的合并范围 为本次加的一个函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strLyrName"></param>
        /// <param name="strWhere"></param>
        /// <param name="eFeatureType"></param>
        /// <param name="eGeometryType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnvelope  GetLyrUnionEnvelope(IList <IFeature> vFeaList)
            if (vFeaList.Count < 1)
            IEnvelope           pEnv         = null;
            IGeometryBag        pGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryCol = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            object obj = System.Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < vFeaList.Count; i++)
                if (vFeaList[i].Shape != null && !vFeaList[i].Shape.IsEmpty)
                    if (pEnv == null)
                        pEnv      = new EnvelopeClass();
                        pEnv.XMin = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMin;
                        pEnv.XMax = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMax;
                        pEnv.YMin = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMin;
                        pEnv.YMax = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMax;
                        if (pEnv.XMin > vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMin)
                            pEnv.XMin = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMin;
                        if (pEnv.XMax < vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMax)
                            pEnv.XMax = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.XMax;
                        if (pEnv.YMin > vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMin)
                            pEnv.YMin = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMin;
                        if (pEnv.YMax < vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMax)
                            pEnv.YMax = vFeaList[i].ShapeCopy.Envelope.YMax;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// 将多个图形合并(Union)成一个图形(使用GeometryBag提高合并效率)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureClass">从中查询图形的要素类</param>
        /// <param name="whereCluase">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGeometry UnionGeometryEx(this IFeatureClass featureClass, string whereCluase = null)
            IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            featureClass.QueryFeatures(whereCluase, f =>
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(f.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing);
            return(UnionGeometryEx(geometryBag, featureClass.ShapeType));
        private void createGrapicAndZoomTo(string capakeyResponse, datacontract.geojson Geom)
            IRgbColor inClr = new RgbColorClass()
                Red = 0, Blue = 100, Green = 0
            IRgbColor outLine = new RgbColorClass()
                Red = 0, Blue = 200, Green = 0, Transparency = 240

            if (Geom.type == "MultiPolygon")
                datacontract.geojsonMultiPolygon muniPolygons =
                    JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <datacontract.geojsonMultiPolygon>(capakeyResponse);

                IGeometryCollection multiPoly = new GeometryBagClass();

                foreach (datacontract.geojsonPolygon poly in muniPolygons.toPolygonList())
                    IPolygon lbPoly = geopuntHelper.geojson2esriPolygon(poly, (int)dataHandler.CRS.Lambert72);
                    IGeometry prjGeom = geopuntHelper.Transform((IGeometry)lbPoly, map.SpatialReference);

                    IElement muniGrapic = geopuntHelper.AddGraphicToMap(map, prjGeom, inClr, outLine, 2, true);

                view.Extent = ((IGeometryBag)multiPoly).Envelope;
            else if (Geom.type == "Polygon")
                datacontract.geojsonPolygon municipalityPolygon =
                    JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <datacontract.geojsonPolygon>(capakeyResponse);
                IPolygon lbPoly = geopuntHelper.geojson2esriPolygon(municipalityPolygon, (int)dataHandler.CRS.Lambert72);
                IPolygon prjPoly = (IPolygon)geopuntHelper.Transform((IGeometry)lbPoly, map.SpatialReference);
                view.Extent = prjPoly.Envelope;

                IElement muniGrapic = geopuntHelper.AddGraphicToMap(map, (IGeometry)prjPoly, inClr, outLine, 3, true);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 筛选要素类中,与指定图形满足一定空间关系的要素(空间筛选时添加空间索引)
        /// (参考:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureClass">从中筛选要素的要素类(A)</param>
        /// <param name="geometry">过滤条件图形(B)</param>
        /// <param name="spatialRefEnum">空间关系类型(举例:esriSpatialRelContains表示A包含B)</param>
        /// <param name="whereClause">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <IFeature> FilterFeaturesEx(this IFeatureClass featureClass, IGeometry geometry, esriSpatialRelEnum spatialRefEnum, string whereClause = "")
            IGeometryBag        geometryBag        = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference; //一定要给GeometryBag赋空间参考

            ISpatialIndex spatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)geometryBag;

            spatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true;

            return(FilterFeatures(featureClass, geometry, spatialRefEnum, whereClause));
Beispiel #29
        private List <IElement> CreateElementAois(List <IPolygon> polygons, out IEnvelope encompassingEnvelope)
            var rgbColor = new RgbColorClass {
                Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 255, Transparency = 200

            var geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag;
            var elements = new List <IElement>();

            foreach (var polygon in polygons)
                IElement element = null;

                // Polygon elements
                ILineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                lineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                lineSymbol.Width = 2.0;

                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Color   = rgbColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Style   = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull;
                simpleFillSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol;

                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
                element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast

                element.Geometry = polygon;

            // Create the polygon that will be the union of the features returned from the search cursor.
            // The spatial reference of this feature does not need to be set ahead of time. The
            // ConstructUnion method defines the constructed polygon's spatial reference to be the same as
            // the input geometry bag.
            ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new PolygonClass();

            var masterPoly = (IPolygon)unionedPolygon;

            encompassingEnvelope = masterPoly.Envelope;
Beispiel #30
        private IGeometry BufferExtAndIntBoundary(IPolygon4 polygon, double bufferDistance, bool draw)
            IGeometry           bndBuffer;
            object              obj = Type.Missing;
            IGeometryCollection bufferGeometries = new GeometryBagClass() as IGeometryCollection;

            IGeometryBag  exteriorRings     = polygon.ExteriorRingBag;
            IEnumGeometry exteriorRingsEnum = exteriorRings as IEnumGeometry;

            IRing currentExteriorRing = exteriorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing;

            while (currentExteriorRing != null)
                bndBuffer = BufferBoundary(currentExteriorRing, bufferDistance, false);
                bufferGeometries.AddGeometry(bndBuffer, ref obj, ref obj);

                //IPolygon4.get_InteriorRingBag should be used instead of IPolygon.QueryInteriorRings,
                //which does not work in .NET because of C-Style Arrays
                IGeometryBag  interiorRings     = polygon.get_InteriorRingBag(currentExteriorRing);
                IEnumGeometry interiorRingsEnum = interiorRings as IEnumGeometry;
                IRing currentInteriorRing = interiorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing;
                while (currentInteriorRing != null)
                    bndBuffer = BufferBoundary(currentInteriorRing, bufferDistance, false);
                    bufferGeometries.AddGeometry(bndBuffer, ref obj, ref obj);
                    currentInteriorRing = interiorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing;
                currentExteriorRing = exteriorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing;

            ITopologicalOperator topoBufferGeometries = bufferGeometries as ITopologicalOperator;

            IPolygon             buffPolygon  = new PolygonClass();
            ITopologicalOperator topoPolygon  = buffPolygon as ITopologicalOperator;
            IEnumGeometry        enumGeometry = bufferGeometries as IEnumGeometry;

            if (draw)
                DrawGraphics(buffPolygon as IGeometry);
            return(buffPolygon as IGeometry);
Beispiel #31
        public void FlashLineOnWorkingGraphics(IEnumerable <IGeometry> flashingGeometry)
            var       curList       = allGraphics[MilSpaceGraphicsTypeEnum.Session];
            IGeometry flashGeometry = null;

            IGeometryCollection theGeomColl = new GeometryBagClass();

            flashingGeometry.ToList().ForEach(pl => theGeomColl.AddGeometry(pl));

            ITopologicalOperator theTopoOp = new PolylineClass();


            flashGeometry = theTopoOp as IGeometry;

            if (flashGeometry != null)
                EsriTools.FlashGeometry(activeView.ScreenDisplay, flashingGeometry);
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Unions all extents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <returns>envelope</returns>
        internal IEnvelope UnionAllLayerExtents(IMap map)
            var layers = map.get_Layers();
            var layer  = layers.Next();

            var geomBag = new GeometryBagClass();

            geomBag.SpatialReference = map.SpatialReference;

            var    geomColl    = (IGeometryCollection)geomBag;
            object MissingType = Type.Missing;

            while (layer != null)
                if (layer.AreaOfInterest != null)
                    geomColl.AddGeometry(layer.AreaOfInterest, ref MissingType, ref MissingType);
                layer = layers.Next();

 public void buildModel()
     IGeometryBag geoBag = new GeometryBagClass();
     IGeometryCollection geoColl = (IGeometryCollection)geoBag;
     IFeatureCursor ftCur = projectArea.Search(null, false);
     IFeature ftr = ftCur.NextFeature();
     while (ftr != null)
         ftr = ftCur.NextFeature();
     dgc = new dataGeneralConfusionMatirx();
     olabels = dgc.Labels.ToList();
     xTable = dgc.XTable;
     oClmProp = dgc.GeneralConfusionMatrix.ColumnProportions;
     nCnts = new double[oClmProp.Length];
     gc = new GeneralConfusionMatrix(xTable);
     kappa = gc.Kappa;
     ste = gc.StandardError;
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// 将要素类中的图形存放到GeometryBag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureClass"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGeometryBag AddToGeometryBag(this IFeatureClass featureClass)
            IGeometryBag        geometryBag        = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;

            ISpatialReference spatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)featureClass).SpatialReference;

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

            IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            queryFilter.SubFields = "Shape";//Search如果返回属性值的话设置SubFields会提高效率
            IFeatureCursor cursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, true);
            IFeature       feature;

            while ((feature = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
        public static void UpStreamFindParcels(AxMapControl ppAxMapControl, IEnumNetEID pEnumResultEdges, IGeometricNetwork pGeoNetwork)

                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerSewerLines = FindFeatLayer("Sewer Lines", ppAxMapControl);
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerParcels = FindFeatLayer("Parcels", ppAxMapControl);

                IGeometryCollection pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                int lEID;
                int iUserClassID;
                int iUserID;
                int iUserSubID;
                INetElements pNetElements = pGeoNetwork.Network as INetElements;
                IFeature pFeature;

                for (int j = 0; j <= pEnumResultEdges.Count - 1; j++)
                    lEID = pEnumResultEdges.Next();
                    pNetElements.QueryIDs(lEID, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out iUserClassID, out iUserID, out iUserSubID);
                    pFeature = pFeatLayerSewerLines.FeatureClass.GetFeature(iUserID);
                    pGeomBag.AddGeometry(pFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                    // MessageBox.Show(iUserClassID.ToString()+","+iUserID.ToString()+","+iUserSubID.ToString());
                ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pGeomBag as IGeometry;
                pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = "Shape";
                pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = pFeatLayerParcels.FeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);
                ICompositeGraphicsLayer pComGraphicLayer = new CompositeGraphicsLayerClass();
                ILayer pLayer = pComGraphicLayer as ILayer;
                pLayer.Name = "��Ӱ��ĵؿ�";
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pComGraphicLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                ISimpleFillSymbol pSymFill = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                IFillSymbol pFillSymbol = pSymFill as IFillSymbol;
                IRgbColor pRgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
                pRgbColor.Red = 0;
                pRgbColor.Green = 200;
                pRgbColor.Blue = 100;
                pFillSymbol.Color = pRgbColor as IColor;
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLine = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pRgbColor2 = new RgbColorClass();
                pRgbColor2.Red = 100;
                pRgbColor2.Green = 200;
                pRgbColor2.Blue = 100;
                pCartoLine.Width = 2;
                pCartoLine.Color = pRgbColor2 as IColor;
                pFillSymbol.Outline = pCartoLine;
                IArray pFeatArray = new ArrayClass();
                pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                while (pFeature != null)
                    IElement pPolyElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                    IFillShapeElement pFillShapeElement = pPolyElement as IFillShapeElement;
                    pPolyElement.Geometry = pFeature.Shape;
                    pFillShapeElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;
                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pPolyElement, 0);
                    pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                ppAxMapControl.AddLayer(pGraphicContainer as ILayer);
                ppAxMapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
                //frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList1 = new frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList(ppAxMapControl,pFeatLayerParcels, pFeatArray);
            catch (Exception eX)

Beispiel #36
        public override bool Check(ref List<Hy.Check.Define.Error> checkResult)
            IFeatureClass pSrcFeatClass = null;
            IFeatureClass pRelFeatClass = null;
            IFeatureCursor ipFeatCursor = null;
            checkResult = new List<Error>();

                string shapeFieldName;
                IFeature ipFeature;
                ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); //(CLSID_SpatialFilter);

                IFeatureWorkspace ipFtWS = null;

                ipFtWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)this.m_BaseWorkspace;

                pSrcFeatClass = ipFtWS.OpenFeatureClass(strSrcLayer);
                pRelFeatClass = ipFtWS.OpenFeatureClass(strRelLayer);

                // 1. ���ÿռ��ϵ
                if (!m_pPara.bCustomRel) // ʹ��engineԤ����Ŀռ��ϵ
                    pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = m_pPara.eSpatialRel;
                else //�Զ���ռ��ϵ
                    pSpatialFilter.SpatialRelDescription = m_pPara.strSpatialRel;

                // 2.���ù��˼���
                shapeFieldName = pSrcFeatClass.ShapeFieldName;
                pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = shapeFieldName;

                // 3.����ѡ���Ⱥ��ϵ����Ȼ��PGDB�����ã�������Ҳ�����������
                // Sets the order in which spatial searches are applied by the RDBMS (ArcSDE).

                // 4.����where���
                if (m_pPara.strWhereClause.Length > 0)
                //hehyע�ͣ�2008��2��1�գ������ж�������ΪpSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = m_pPara.eSpatialRel;
                    pSpatialFilter.WhereClause = m_pPara.strWhereClause;

                //pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = m_pPara.eSpatialRel;
                // 5.Ŀ�������һ�����GeometryCollection
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass(); //(CLSID_GeometryBag);
                IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); //(CLSID_QueryFilter);
                string SubFields = "Shape";
                pQueryFilter.SubFields = SubFields;
                ipFeatCursor = pRelFeatClass.Search(pQueryFilter, true);

                ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                while (ipFeature != null)
                    IGeometry ipGeometry = ipFeature.Shape;
                    if (ipGeometry == null)
                        ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                    object Missing = Type.Missing;

                    if (!(m_pPara.bBuffer)) //���û�����
                        pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(ipGeometry, ref Missing, ref Missing);
                    else //ʹ�û���
                        ITopologicalOperator ipTopo = (ITopologicalOperator)ipGeometry;
                        IGeometry ipGeobuffer = ipTopo.Buffer(m_pPara.dBuffer);
                        pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(ipGeobuffer, ref Missing, ref Missing);

                    ipFeature = ipFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                ISpatialIndex pSpatialIndex = (ISpatialIndex)pGeometryCollection;
                pSpatialIndex.AllowIndexing = true;

                // 6.�����GeometryCollection����spatialfilter
                pSpatialFilter.Geometry = (IGeometry)pGeometryCollection;

                // 7.Ŀ��ͼ���в������ɵ�spatialfilter���в�ѯ
                IFeatureCursor ipResultFtCur;
                string Fields = "OBJECTID,Shape";
                pSpatialFilter.SubFields = Fields;

                //IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
                //queryFilter = (IQueryFilter) pSpatialFilter;

                ipResultFtCur = pSrcFeatClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, true);

                // 8.��������
                AddResult(ref checkResult, ipResultFtCur);

            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
                if (ipFeatCursor != null)
                    ipFeatCursor = null;
                if (pSrcFeatClass != null)
                    pSrcFeatClass = null;
                if (pRelFeatClass != null)
                    pRelFeatClass = null;
            return true;
        public bool HasParallelCurveMatchFeatures(IFeatureClass FeatureClass, IPolycurve inPolycurve, string WhereClause,
      double AngleToleranceTangentCompareInDegrees, double OrthogonalSearchDistance,
       out int outFoundLinesCount, out int outFoundParallelCurvesCount, ref List<string> CurveInfoFromNeighbours)
            outFoundLinesCount = 0;
              outFoundParallelCurvesCount = 0;

              ILine pOriginalChord = new Line();
              pOriginalChord.PutCoords(inPolycurve.FromPoint, inPolycurve.ToPoint);
              IVector3D vecOriginalSelected = new Vector3DClass();
              vecOriginalSelected.PolarSet(pOriginalChord.Angle, 0, 1);

              int idxRadius = FeatureClass.FindField("RADIUS");
              if (idxRadius == -1)
            return false;

              int idxCenterPointID = FeatureClass.FindField("CENTERPOINTID");
              if (idxCenterPointID == -1)
            return false;

              object val = null;

              IGeometryBag pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
              IGeometryCollection pGeomColl = (IGeometryCollection)pGeomBag;

              IGeometry MultiPartPolyLine = new PolylineClass(); //qi
              IGeoDataset pGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)FeatureClass;
              ISpatialReference spatialRef = pGeoDS.SpatialReference;
              MultiPartPolyLine.SpatialReference = spatialRef;

              IGeometryCollection geometryCollection2 = MultiPartPolyLine as IGeometryCollection;

              ILine pNormalLine = new Line(); //new
              for (int i = -1; i < 2; i = i + 2)
            double dOffset = OrthogonalSearchDistance * i;

            inPolycurve.QueryNormal(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, dOffset, pNormalLine);
            ILine pThisLine = new Line();

            pThisLine.PutCoords(pNormalLine.FromPoint, pNormalLine.ToPoint);

            //Although each line is connected to the other, create a new path for each line
            //this allows for future changes in case the input needs to be altered to separate paths.

            ISegmentCollection newPath = new PathClass();
            object obj = Type.Missing;
            newPath.AddSegment((ISegment)pThisLine, ref obj, ref obj);
            //The spatial reference associated with geometryCollection will be assigned to all incoming paths and segments.
            geometryCollection2.AddGeometry(newPath as IGeometry, ref obj, ref obj);

              ISpatialFilter pSpatFilt = new SpatialFilter();
              pSpatFilt.WhereClause = WhereClause;
              pSpatFilt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
              pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

              pSpatFilt.Geometry = pGeomBag;

              IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines = null;
            pFeatCursLines = FeatureClass.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
              catch (Exception ex)
            return false;

              IFeature pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();
              while (pFeat != null)
            IGeometry pFoundLineGeom = pFeat.ShapeCopy;

            //if the feature has no radius attribute, skip.
            double dRadius = 0;
            int iCtrPoint = -1;
            val = pFeat.get_Value(idxRadius);
            if (val == DBNull.Value)
              dRadius = 0;
              dRadius = (double)val;

            if (dRadius == 0)
            {//null or zero radius so skip.
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            val = pFeat.get_Value(idxCenterPointID);
            if (val == DBNull.Value)
            {//null centrpointID so skip.
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            iCtrPoint = (int)val;

            ITopologicalOperator6 pTopoOp6 = (ITopologicalOperator6)MultiPartPolyLine;
            IGeometry pResultGeom = pTopoOp6.IntersectEx(pFoundLineGeom, false, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension);
            if (pResultGeom == null)
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();
            if (pResultGeom.IsEmpty)
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            ISegmentCollection pFoundLineGeomSegs = pFoundLineGeom as ISegmentCollection;
            bool bHasCurves = false;
            pFoundLineGeomSegs.HasNonLinearSegments(ref bHasCurves);
            if (!bHasCurves)
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            IPointCollection5 PtColl = (IPointCollection5)pResultGeom;

            if (PtColl.PointCount > 1)
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();
            IPolycurve pPolyCurve4Tangent = pFoundLineGeom as IPolycurve;

            for (int j = 0; j < PtColl.PointCount; j++)
              IPoint p = PtColl.get_Point(j);
              IPoint outPoint = new Point();
              double dDistanceAlong = 0;
              double dDistanceFromCurve = 0;
              bool bOffsetRight = true;

              //work out if the point is to the left or right of the original
              inPolycurve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, p, false, outPoint,
            ref dDistanceAlong, ref dDistanceFromCurve, ref bOffsetRight);

              ILine pTangent = new Line();
              dDistanceAlong = 0;
              dDistanceFromCurve = 0;
              bool bOnRight = true;

              pPolyCurve4Tangent.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, p, false, outPoint,
            ref dDistanceAlong, ref dDistanceFromCurve, ref bOnRight);
              pPolyCurve4Tangent.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, dDistanceAlong, false, 100, pTangent);

              //compare the tangent bearing with the normal to check for orthogonality
              IVector3D vecTangent = new Vector3DClass();
              vecTangent.PolarSet(pTangent.Angle, 0, 1);

              IVector3D vecNormal = new Vector3DClass();
              vecNormal.PolarSet(pNormalLine.Angle, 0, 1);

              ILine pHitDistanceForRadiusDifference = new Line();
              pHitDistanceForRadiusDifference.PutCoords(pNormalLine.FromPoint, outPoint);
              double dRadiusDiff = pHitDistanceForRadiusDifference.Length;

              double dDotProd = vecTangent.DotProduct(vecNormal);
              double dAngleCheck = Math.Acos(dDotProd) * 180 / Math.PI; //in degrees
              dAngleCheck = Math.Abs(dAngleCheck - 90);

              if (dAngleCheck < AngleToleranceTangentCompareInDegrees)
            //work out concavity orientation with respect to the original line using the radius sign and dot product
            dDotProd = vecOriginalSelected.DotProduct(vecTangent);
            double dTangentCheck = Math.Acos(dDotProd) * 180 / Math.PI; // in degrees
            //dTangentCheck at this point should be close to 0 or 180 degrees.

            bool bIsConvex = ((dTangentCheck < 90 && dRadius < 0 && !bOffsetRight) ||
                              (dTangentCheck > 90 && dRadius > 0 && !bOffsetRight) ||
                              (dTangentCheck < 90 && dRadius > 0 && bOffsetRight) ||
                              (dTangentCheck > 90 && dRadius < 0 && bOffsetRight));

            double dUnitSignChange = 1;

            if (!bIsConvex)
              dUnitSignChange = -1;

            double dDerivedRadius = (Math.Abs(dRadius)) + dRadiusDiff * dUnitSignChange;

            dUnitSignChange = 1;
            //now compute inferred left/right for candidate
            if (bIsConvex && !bOffsetRight)
              dUnitSignChange = -1;

            if (!bIsConvex && bOffsetRight)
              dUnitSignChange = -1;

            dDerivedRadius = dDerivedRadius * dUnitSignChange;

            string sHarvestedCurveInfo = pFeat.OID.ToString() + "," + dDerivedRadius.ToString("#.000") + "," +
              iCtrPoint.ToString() + "," + dRadiusDiff.ToString("#.000");

            pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

              bool bHasParallelCurveFeaturesNearby = (outFoundLinesCount > 0);

              return bHasParallelCurveFeaturesNearby;
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructTriangleFanOutline(IGeometry triangleFanGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();
            IPointCollection triangleFanPointCollection = triangleFanGeometry as IPointCollection;

            // TriangleFan: a linked fan of triangles, where every vertex (after the first two) completes a new triangle. 
            //              A new triangle is always formed by connecting the new vertex with its immediate predecessor 
            //              and the first vertex of the part.

            for (int i = 2; i < triangleFanPointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IPointCollection outlinePointCollection = new PolylineClass();

                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(i - 1), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(triangleFanPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref _missing, ref _missing); //Simulate: Polygon.Close

                IGeometry outlineGeometry = outlinePointCollection as IGeometry;


                outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(outlineGeometry, ref _missing, ref _missing);

            return outlineGeometryCollection;
Beispiel #39
        private IGeometry IntersectRestraintFilter(IFeatureClass targetFeatureClass, IGeometry baseGeometry = null)
            if (baseGeometry == null)
                baseGeometry = rootGeometry;
            IGeometry filteredGeometry = null;
            ISpatialFilter filter = new SpatialFilterClass();
            filter.Geometry = baseGeometry;
            filter.GeometryField = "SHAPE";
            filter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
            IFeatureCursor cursor = targetFeatureClass.Search(filter, false);
            IFeature feature = cursor.NextFeature();
            if (feature == null)
                return null;
            filteredGeometry = feature.Shape;
            ITopologicalOperator tpop = filteredGeometry as ITopologicalOperator;
            IGeometryCollection geomCol = new GeometryBagClass();

            while((feature = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)

            tpop.ConstructUnion(geomCol as IEnumGeometry);

            return filteredGeometry;
        protected void MakeTxtFileOfJSONElevationResponses()
            string trailName= "'GDT'";
            string sectionName = "'G'";
            string startWaypointOID = "1418";
            int distanceBetweenPoints = 10;
            IGeometryCollection geomCol = new GeometryBagClass();
            WebClient client = new WebClient();
            string path = "";
            string samples = "";
            IFeatureClass trailFC = null;
            IFeatureClass elevationFC = null;
            IFeatureClass waypointFC = null;
            GetFeatureClasses(ref trailFC, ref elevationFC, ref waypointFC);
            IQueryFilter qf = new QueryFilterClass();
            qf.WhereClause = "OBJECTID =  " + startWaypointOID;
            //qf.WhereClause = "NAME = " + trailName + " and SECTIONNAME = " + sectionName;
            IFeatureCursor feCur = waypointFC.Search(qf, false);
            IFeature startWaypoint = feCur.NextFeature();
            Queue<IFeature> waypointsToProcess = new Queue<IFeature>();
            HashSet<int> waypointsWeHaveSeen = new HashSet<int>();
            while(waypointsToProcess.Count > 0)
                IFeature waypointFe = waypointsToProcess.Dequeue();
                ISpatialFilter sf = new SpatialFilterClass();
                sf.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                sf.GeometryField = "SHAPE";
                sf.Geometry = waypointFe.Shape;
                feCur = trailFC.Search(sf, false);
                IFeature connectedTrail = feCur.NextFeature();
                while (connectedTrail != null)

                    if (("'" + connectedTrail.get_Value(connectedTrail.Fields.FindField("NAME")) + "'" == trailName) && ("'" + connectedTrail.get_Value(connectedTrail.Fields.FindField("SECTIONNAME")) +"'" == sectionName))
                        File.AppendAllText(@"c:\temp\connectedSegs.txt", Environment.NewLine + connectedTrail.OID.ToString());
                        int fromID = Convert.ToInt16(connectedTrail.get_Value(connectedTrail.Fields.FindField("FROMWAYPOINT")));
                        int toID = Convert.ToInt16(connectedTrail.get_Value(connectedTrail.Fields.FindField("TOWAYPOINT")));
                        if (waypointsWeHaveSeen.Contains(fromID) == false)
                        if (waypointsWeHaveSeen.Contains(toID) == false)

                    connectedTrail = feCur.NextFeature();



            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
            System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
            ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialReferenceFactory = obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory;
            ISpatialReference spatRef = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(4326);
            //ISpatialReference existingSpatRef = geomCol.get_Geometry(0).SpatialReference;
            ISpatialReference existingSpatRef = startWaypoint.ShapeCopy.SpatialReference;
            /*IFeature trailFe = feCur.NextFeature();
            ISpatialReference existingSpatRef = null;
            while (trailFe != null)
                if(existingSpatRef == null)
                    existingSpatRef = trailFe.ShapeCopy.SpatialReference;
                trailFe = feCur.NextFeature();
            IPointCollection newPolyline = new PolylineClass();
            ((IGeometry)newPolyline).SpatialReference = startWaypoint.ShapeCopy.SpatialReference;
            HashSet<string> points = new HashSet<string>();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < geomCol.GeometryCount; i++)
                IPointCollection geomPntCol = geomCol.get_Geometry(i) as IPointCollection;
                for (int j = 0; j < geomPntCol.PointCount; j++ )
                    IPoint pnt = geomPntCol.get_Point(j);
                    string pntString = pnt.X + "," + pnt.Y;
                    if(points.Contains(pntString) == false)
                        pnt.SpatialReference = startWaypoint.ShapeCopy.SpatialReference;

            IPolyline fullTrail = newPolyline as IPolyline;
            fullTrail.SpatialReference = startWaypoint.ShapeCopy.SpatialReference;
            //ITopologicalOperator unionedPolyline = new PolylineClass();
            //unionedPolyline.ConstructUnion(geomCol as IEnumGeometry);
            //IPolyline fullTrail = unionedPolyline as IPolyline;
            IFeature fromPoint = waypointFC.GetFeature(Convert.ToInt16( startWaypointOID));
            IProximityOperator proxOp = fromPoint.ShapeCopy as IProximityOperator;
            double fromPointDist = proxOp.ReturnDistance(fullTrail.FromPoint);
            if (proxOp.ReturnDistance(fullTrail.ToPoint) == 0)
            int dividePointIndex = 1;
            List<IPoint> pointsOnTrail = new List<IPoint>();
            double totalDistance = 0;
            while(dividePointIndex * distanceBetweenPoints < fullTrail.Length)
                IPoint outPoint = new PointClass();
                fullTrail.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, dividePointIndex * distanceBetweenPoints, false, outPoint);
                outPoint.SpatialReference = existingSpatRef;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            List<string> locationStrings = new List<string>();
            int locationPointsInStringBuilder = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsOnTrail.Count; i++)
                if(sb.Length > 0)
                if (locationPointsInStringBuilder > 33)
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    locationPointsInStringBuilder = 0;
            //FileStream fsw = File.OpenWrite(@"c:\temp\SectionAElevations.txt");
            int counter = 0;
            foreach(string locString in locationStrings)
                //FileStream fsw = File.OpenWrite(@"c:\temp\SectionAElevations.txt");
                string address = "" + locString + "&key=AIzaSyBJlaYSBeJkYl_G2tInjNJBYmjJhaSulLA";
                string reply = client.DownloadString(address);
                File.AppendAllText(@"c:\temp\Section" + sectionName + "Elevations.txt", reply + Environment.NewLine);

            //string address = @"" + path +  "&samples=" + samples + "&key=AIzaSyC2WxuR5N1TKk5rfFrFQSd_IwMlg3TvVnM";
Beispiel #41
        public static IGeometry unionAllFeature(List<IGeometry> geometryList)
            if (geometryList.Count == 0)
                return new PolygonClass();
            else if (geometryList.Count == 1)
                return geometryList[0] as IGeometry;
                IGeometry geom = geometryList[0] as IGeometry;

                ITopologicalOperator topoOp = geom as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometryCollection pGeoCol = new GeometryBagClass();//定义Geometry类集合
                for (int i = 1; i < geometryList.Count; i++)
                    IGeometry tempGeom = geometryList[i] as IGeometry;
                IEnumGeometry enumGeom = pGeoCol as IEnumGeometry;

                return geom;
        private IGeoDataset ConvertAndUnionWatershed(IGeoDataset tWatershedGDS)
            //Convert the raster IGeodataset into a Polygon IFeatureClass, in a memory-workspace
            IWorkspace inMemFeatWksp = CreateInMemoryWorkspace();
            //IWorkspaceFactory pWSF = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactory();
            //IWorkspace pWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(out_folder,0);
            string current = GetTimeStamp(DateTime.Now);
            string outname = "resultWatershed" + current;
            IFeatureClass tWaterShedPolyFC;
            IGeoDataset tInitialPolygons;
                IConversionOp pConversionOp = new ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoAnalyst.RasterConversionOp() as IConversionOp;
                tInitialPolygons = pConversionOp.RasterDataToPolygonFeatureData(tWatershedGDS, inMemFeatWksp, outname, false);
                tWaterShedPolyFC = tInitialPolygons as IFeatureClass;
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.debug, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                        "Error in converting watershed to in-memory FC");
                tWaterShedPolyFC = null;
                tInitialPolygons = null;

            // attempt to add a CATCH_AREA field to the feature class
            bool setAreaOk = false;
                //setAreaOk = AddAreaField(tWaterShedPolyFC);
                setAreaOk = AddAField(tWaterShedPolyFC, "Total_Area", esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble);
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.debug, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                        "Error adding area field to output");

            IFeature tWaterShedFeature;
            // if there is more than one feature in the FC then union them using geometrybag
            if (tWaterShedPolyFC.FeatureCount(null) > 1)
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                        "Attempting to union multiple polygons...");

                // there is more than one polygon i.e. diagonally connected. merge them into a single feature
                // with multiple rings using a geometrybag
                IGeometryBag tGeometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                tGeometryBag.SpatialReference = tInitialPolygons.SpatialReference;
                IFeatureCursor tFCursor = tWaterShedPolyFC.Search(null, false);
                IGeometryCollection tGeomColl = tGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;
                IFeature tCurrentFeature = tFCursor.NextFeature();
                ITable tTable = tCurrentFeature.Table;
                while (tCurrentFeature != null)
                    object missing = Type.Missing;
                    tGeomColl.AddGeometry(tCurrentFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                    tCurrentFeature = tFCursor.NextFeature();
                ITopologicalOperator tUnioned = new PolygonClass();
                tUnioned.ConstructUnion(tGeometryBag as IEnumGeometry);
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                    "Done with ConstructUnion, doing area");
                    IArea tmpArea = tUnioned as IArea;
                    double tArea = tmpArea.Area;
                    // delete the previously existing rows from the table
                    // replace them with a new row representing the unioned feature
                    IRow tRow = tTable.CreateRow();
                    tRow.set_Value(tTable.FindField("SHAPE"), tUnioned);
                    tRow.set_Value(tTable.FindField("ID"), -1);
                    tRow.set_Value(tTable.FindField("GRIDCODE"), -1);
                    if (setAreaOk)
                        tRow.set_Value(tTable.FindField("Total_Area"), tArea);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.error, "store unioned polygon", 8000,
                       "Error setting fields of unioned polygon!" + ex.StackTrace + ex.Message);
                // There is only one polygon - i.e. there were not diagonally-disconnected bits
                // NB features are indexed starting at 1. Just for a laff.
                tWaterShedFeature = tWaterShedPolyFC.GetFeature(1);
                if (setAreaOk)
                        int tAreaFieldIdx = tWaterShedFeature.Fields.FindField("Total_Area");
                        IArea tArea = tWaterShedFeature.Shape as IArea;
                        double tmpArea = tArea.Area;
                        tWaterShedFeature.set_Value(tAreaFieldIdx, tmpArea);
                        logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.debug, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                      "Done adding area to one polygon");
                        logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.debug, "convert and union wshed", 8000,
                        "Error adding area field to single polygon output");
            return (IGeoDataset)tWaterShedPolyFC;
Beispiel #43
        public static IEnvelope GetGridBagEnvelope(List<GisDataAdapter> lstRows)
            IEnvelope envelopeTotal = new EnvelopeClass();
            IGeometryCollection geomCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            object before = Type.Missing;
            object after = Type.Missing;
            for (int i = 0; i < lstRows.Count; i++)
                IGeometry geometry = lstRows[i].GetFieldValue((lstRows[i].DataObjectClass as IFeatureClass).ShapeFieldName) as IGeometry;
                geomCollection.AddGeometry(geometry, ref before, ref after);
            envelopeTotal = (geomCollection as GeometryBag).Envelope;
            return envelopeTotal;
Beispiel #44
        private static IGeometry get_GraphicShape(IEnumElement theElements, int a_Dimensionality, bool multipart, ref IElementCollection elemCollection)
            IGeometry theReturn = null;
            IGeometryCollection theGeomColl = null;
            object missing = Type.Missing;


                if (theElements != null)
                    IElement theElement = theElements.Next();
                    while (theElement != null)
                        if (theGeomColl == null)
                            theGeomColl = new GeometryBagClass();

                        IGeometry theShape = null;
                        if (theElement is IGroupElement)
                            theShape = get_GraphicShape(((IGroupElement)theElement).Elements, a_Dimensionality, multipart,ref elemCollection);
                        else if (theElement is ICircleElement
                            || theElement is IPolygonElement
                            || theElement is IRectangleElement
                            || theElement is IEllipseElement
                            || theElement is ILineElement
                            || theElement is IMarkerElement)
                            theShape = theElement.Geometry;

                        if (theShape != null)
                            theGeomColl.AddGeometry(theShape, ref missing, ref missing);


                        theElement = theElements.Next();

                if (theGeomColl != null && theGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0)
                    ITopologicalOperator theTopoOp = null;

                    switch (a_Dimensionality)
                        case 0:
                            if (multipart)
                                theTopoOp = new MultipointClass();
                                theTopoOp = theGeomColl.get_Geometry(0) as ITopologicalOperator;
                        case 1:
                            theTopoOp = new PolylineClass();
                        case 2:
                            theTopoOp = new PolygonClass();

                    theReturn = theTopoOp as IGeometry;
            catch(Exception ex)
                util.Logger.Write(" Descrip  : Finding elements with a specific dimensionality. " +
                    "\n Message  : " + ex.Message +
                    "\n StackTrc : " + ex.StackTrace,util.Logger.LogLevel.Debug);

            return theReturn;
Beispiel #45
        private void Btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_mapControl.Map.SelectionCount == 0)
            IEnumFeature pEnumfeature;
            IFeature pFeature;
            IFeature newFeat;
            //ITopologicalOperator pToplogicalOper;
            //IPolygon pPolygon;
            double bufferDistence;

            if (m_mapControl.Map.SelectionCount == 0)
            bufferDistence = Convert.ToDouble(BufferText.Text);
            pEnumfeature = m_mapControl.Map.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;
            pFeature = pEnumfeature.Next();
            IFeatureClass pFeatureclass;
            FileInfo n = new FileInfo(textBox1.Text);
            string openpath = n.Directory.ToString();//ȡ·���ĸ�Ŀ¼���ڴ��µ�layer
            pFeatureclass = CreatNewShapefile(openpath, n.Name, m_mapControl.SpatialReference);

            //IFeatureBuffer pFeatureBuffer = pFeatureclass.CreateFeatureBuffer();
            //IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureclass.Insert(true);
            int iFieldAttribute = pFeatureclass.FindField("Text");
            //while (pFeature != null)
            //    pToplogicalOper = pFeature.Shape as ITopologicalOperator;
            //    pPolygon = new PolygonClass();
            //    pPolygon = pToplogicalOper.Buffer(bufferDistence) as IPolygon;
            //    pFeatureBuffer.Shape = pPolygon;
            //    //pFeatureBuffer.set_Value(iFieldAttribute, pFeature.OID);
            //    pFeatureCursor.InsertFeature(pFeatureBuffer);
            //    pFeature = pEnumfeature.Next();

            IGeometryCollection inputGeom = new GeometryBagClass();
            IGeometryBag geomBag = inputGeom as IGeometryBag;
            object missing = Type.Missing;
            while (pFeature != null)
                inputGeom.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing);
                pFeature = pEnumfeature.Next();

            IBufferConstruction bfCon = new BufferConstructionClass();
            IBufferConstructionProperties bfConProp = bfCon as IBufferConstructionProperties;
            ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialRefFac = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();
            bfConProp.EndOption = esriBufferConstructionEndEnum.esriBufferRound;
            bfConProp.SideOption = esriBufferConstructionSideEnum.esriBufferFull;
            bfConProp.ExplodeBuffers = false;
            bfConProp.OutsideOnly = false;
            bfConProp.GenerateCurves = true;
            bfConProp.UnionOverlappingBuffers = true;
            bfConProp.DensifyDeviation = -1;
            IGeometryCollection outGeom = new GeometryBagClass();
            bfCon.ConstructBuffers(inputGeom as IEnumGeometry, bufferDistence, outGeom);
            for (int i = 0; i < outGeom.GeometryCount; i++)
                newFeat = pFeatureclass.CreateFeature();
                newFeat.Shape = outGeom.get_Geometry(i);
            newFeat = null;
            IFeatureLayer pOutputFeatureLayer;
            pOutputFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
            pOutputFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pFeatureclass;
            pOutputFeatureLayer.Name = pFeatureclass.AliasName;

Beispiel #46
        // Execute: Execute the function given the array of the parameters
        public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages message)
            IFeatureClass outputFeatureClass = null;
                // get the input feature class
                IGPMultiValue inputFeatureClasses_Parameter = (IGPMultiValue)m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(0));
                layer[] input_featureClasses = new layer[inputFeatureClasses_Parameter.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < inputFeatureClasses_Parameter.Count; i++)
                    IGPValue inputFeatureClass_Parameter = inputFeatureClasses_Parameter.get_Value(i);

                    IFeatureClass inputFeatureClass;
                    IQueryFilter inputQF;

                    m_GPUtilities.DecodeFeatureLayer(inputFeatureClass_Parameter, out inputFeatureClass, out inputQF);

                    input_featureClasses[i] = new layer() { featureclass = inputFeatureClass, qFilter = inputQF};

                if (input_featureClasses.Length == 0 || input_featureClasses.Any(w=> w.featureclass == null))
                    message.AddError(2, "Could not open one or more input dataset.");

                //IFields additionalFields = new FieldsClass();
                //additionalFields.AddField(FEATURE_SOURCE_FIELD_NAME, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString);
                //additionalFields.AddField(FEATURE_ID_FIELD_NAME, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger);
                //    input_featureClasses[0].featureclass.Fields.get_Field(
                //    input_featureClasses[0].featureclass.Fields.FindField(
                //    input_featureClasses[0].featureclass.ShapeFieldName)));

                // create the output feature class
                IGPValue outputFeatureClass_Parameter = m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(1));
                outputFeatureClass = GPHelperFunctions.CreateFeatureClass(outputFeatureClass_Parameter, envMgr);

                if (outputFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(2, "Could not create output dataset.");

                IGPString curveTypeParameter = (IGPString)m_GPUtilities.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(2));
                ArcConstructionMethods method;
                if (!Enum.TryParse<ArcConstructionMethods>(curveTypeParameter.Value, true, out method))
                    message.AddError(2, string.Format("The value {0} is not expected.  Expected values are: {1}.",
                        string.Join(",", Enum.GetNames(typeof(ArcConstructionMethods)))));

                IStepProgressor stepPro = (IStepProgressor)trackcancel;

                BoostVoronoi bv = new BoostVoronoi(100);

                double minX = int.MaxValue, minY = int.MaxValue, maxX = int.MinValue, maxY = int.MinValue;
                List<site_key> point_sites = new List<site_key>();
                List<site_key> segment_sites = new List<site_key>();

                for (short i = 0; i < input_featureClasses.Length; i++)
                    layer l = input_featureClasses[i];
                    int featcount = l.featureclass.FeatureCount(l.qFilter);

                    stepPro.MinRange = 0;
                    stepPro.MaxRange = featcount;
                    stepPro.StepValue = (1);
                    stepPro.Message = "Reading features";
                    stepPro.Position = 0;

                    IFeatureCursor cursor = null;
                    IFeature row = null;

                        cursor = l.featureclass.Search(l.qFilter, false);
                        while ((row = cursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                            IPoint point = row.Shape as IPoint;
                            if (point != null)
                                double X = point.X;
                                double Y = point.Y;

                                minX = Math.Min(minX, X);
                                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, X);

                                minY = Math.Min(minY, Y);
                                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, Y);

                                bv.AddPoint(point.X, point.Y);
                                point_sites.Add(new site_key(i, row.OID));

                            IMultipoint multipoint = row.Shape as IMultipoint;
                            if (multipoint != null)
                                IPointCollection pointCollection = (IPointCollection)multipoint;
                                IEnumVertex vertices = pointCollection.EnumVertices;

                                IPoint vertex = null; int part, index;
                                vertices.Next(out vertex, out part, out index);

                                minX = Math.Min(minX, multipoint.Envelope.XMin);
                                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, multipoint.Envelope.XMax);

                                minY = Math.Min(minY, multipoint.Envelope.YMin);
                                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, multipoint.Envelope.YMax);

                                while (vertex != null)
                                    bv.AddPoint(vertex.X, vertex.Y);
                                    point_sites.Add(new site_key(i, row.OID));

                                    vertices.Next(out vertex, out part, out index);

                            IPolyline polyline = row.Shape as IPolyline;
                            if (polyline != null)
                                double fromX = polyline.FromPoint.X;
                                double fromY = polyline.FromPoint.Y;
                                double toX = polyline.ToPoint.X;
                                double toY = polyline.ToPoint.Y;

                                if (toX < fromX)
                                    minX = Math.Min(minX, toX);
                                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, fromX);
                                    minX = Math.Min(minX, fromX);
                                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, toX);

                                if (toY < fromY)
                                    minY = Math.Min(minY, toY);
                                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, fromY);
                                    minY = Math.Min(minY, fromY);
                                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, toY);

                                    polyline.FromPoint.X, polyline.FromPoint.Y,
                                    polyline.ToPoint.X, polyline.ToPoint.Y

                                segment_sites.Add(new site_key(i, row.OID));

                        if (row != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row);
                        if (cursor != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor);


                message.AddMessage(String.Format("{0}, {1} -> {2}, {3}", minX, minY, maxX, maxY));

                int width = Math.Max((int)((maxX - minX) * 0.1), 1);
                int height = Math.Max((int)((maxY - minY) * 0.1), 1);

                maxX = maxX + width;
                minX = minX - width;
                maxY = maxY + height;
                minY = minY - height;

                message.AddMessage(String.Format("{0}, {1} -> {2}, {3}", minX, minY, maxX, maxY));
                bv.AddSegment(minX, minY, maxX, minY);
                segment_sites.Add(new site_key(-1, -1));
                bv.AddSegment(maxX, minY, maxX, maxY);
                segment_sites.Add(new site_key(-1, -1));
                bv.AddSegment(maxX, maxY, minX, maxY);
                segment_sites.Add(new site_key(-1, -1));
                bv.AddSegment(minX, maxY, minX, minY);
                segment_sites.Add(new site_key(-1, -1));

                stepPro.Message = "Solve Voronoi";
                stepPro.MaxRange = 0;
                stepPro.MaxRange = 0;



                int featureSourceIndx = outputFeatureClass.Fields.FindField(FEATURE_SOURCE_FIELD_NAME);
                int featureIDIndx = outputFeatureClass.Fields.FindField(FEATURE_ID_FIELD_NAME);

                IFeatureCursor inserts = null;
                IFeatureBuffer buffer = null;
                    object missing = Type.Missing;
                    ISpatialReference spatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)outputFeatureClass).SpatialReference;
                    inserts = outputFeatureClass.Insert(false);
                    buffer = outputFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();

                    List<Cell> cells = bv.Cells;
                    message.AddMessage(string.Format("{0} cells calculated", cells.Count));
                    List<Edge> edges = bv.Edges;
                    message.AddMessage(string.Format("{0} edges calculated", edges.Count));
                    List<Vertex> vertices = bv.Vertices;
                    message.AddMessage(string.Format("{0} vertexes calculated", vertices.Count));

                    stepPro.Message = "Write cells";
                    stepPro.MaxRange = 0;
                    stepPro.MaxRange = cells.Count;

                    for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cells.Count; cellIndex++)
                            if(cellIndex % 5000 == 0) message.AddMessage(String.Format("{0}. {1} cells processed.", DateTime.Now, cellIndex));

                            Cell cell = cells[cellIndex];
                            int currentSite = cell.Site;
                            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };

                            //ignores any sliver cells
                            if (cell.IsOpen || cell.EdgesIndex.Count < 3)

                            ISegmentCollection segmentCollection = createSegments(cell, bv, method, spatialReference);

                            if (((IArea)segmentCollection).Area <= 0)

                                message.AddMessage("A invalid geometry has been detected, try reversing the orientation.");
                                ISegmentCollection reversed_segmentCollection = new PolygonClass() { SpatialReference = spatialReference };
                                for (int i = segmentCollection.SegmentCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    ISegment segment = (ISegment)segmentCollection.get_Segment(i);
                                segmentCollection = reversed_segmentCollection;

                            ((IPolygon)segmentCollection).SpatialReference = spatialReference;
                            if (((IArea)segmentCollection).Area <= 0)
                                message.AddWarning("An empty shell has been created");

                                for (int i = 0; i < segmentCollection.SegmentCount; i++)
                                    ISegment segment = (ISegment)segmentCollection.get_Segment(i);
                                    message.AddMessage(String.Format("From {0}, {1} To {2},{3}",
                                    segment.FromPoint.X, segment.FromPoint.Y,
                                    segment.ToPoint.X, segment.ToPoint.Y));


                            //set attributes
                            site_key sk = (currentSite >= point_sites.Count) ? segment_sites[currentSite - point_sites.Count] : point_sites[currentSite];
                            if (!sk.isEmpty)
                                buffer.set_Value(featureSourceIndx, input_featureClasses[sk.featureClassIndex].featureclass.AliasName);
                                buffer.set_Value(featureIDIndx, sk.objectID);
                                buffer.set_Value(featureSourceIndx, DBNull.Value);
                                buffer.set_Value(featureIDIndx, DBNull.Value);

                            IPolygon voronoiPolygon = (IPolygon)segmentCollection;
                            buffer.Shape = (IPolygon)voronoiPolygon;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            message.AddWarning("Failed to create a cell");
                    if (buffer != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(buffer);
                    if (inserts != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(inserts);


            catch (Exception exx)
                message.AddError(2, exx.Message);
                if (outputFeatureClass != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outputFeatureClass);

        public bool HasTangentCurveMatchFeatures(IFeatureClass FeatureClass, IPolycurve inPolycurve, string WhereClause,
  double AngleToleranceTangentCompareInDegrees, double StraightLinesBreakLessThanInDegrees, double MaximumDeltaInDegrees, double ExcludeTangentsShorterThan, 
      out int outFoundTangentCurvesCount, ref List<string> CurveInfoFromNeighbours)
            outFoundTangentCurvesCount = 0;

              ILine pOriginalChord = new Line();
              pOriginalChord.PutCoords(inPolycurve.FromPoint, inPolycurve.ToPoint);
              IVector3D vecOriginalSelected = new Vector3DClass();
              vecOriginalSelected.PolarSet(pOriginalChord.Angle, 0, 1);

              int idxRadius = FeatureClass.FindField("RADIUS");
              if (idxRadius == -1)
            return false;

              int idxCenterPointID = FeatureClass.FindField("CENTERPOINTID");
              if (idxCenterPointID == -1)
            return false;

              object val = null;

              IGeometryBag pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
              IGeometryCollection pGeomColl = (IGeometryCollection)pGeomBag;

              IGeometry MultiPartPolyLine = new PolylineClass(); //qi
              IGeoDataset pGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)FeatureClass;
              ISpatialReference spatialRef = pGeoDS.SpatialReference;
              MultiPartPolyLine.SpatialReference = spatialRef;

              IGeometryCollection geometryCollection2 = MultiPartPolyLine as IGeometryCollection;

              ILine pTangentLineAtEnd = new Line(); //new
              ILine pTangentLineAtStart = new Line(); //new
              object objMissing = Type.Missing;

              for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            ILine pThisLine = null;
            if (i == 0)
              inPolycurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtTo, 1.0, true, 0.2, pTangentLineAtEnd);
              pThisLine = new Line();
              pThisLine.PutCoords(pTangentLineAtEnd.FromPoint, pTangentLineAtEnd.ToPoint);
              inPolycurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtFrom, 0.0, true, 0.2, pTangentLineAtStart);
              pThisLine = new Line();
              pThisLine.PutCoords(pTangentLineAtStart.FromPoint, pTangentLineAtStart.ToPoint);
            //Create a new path for each line.

            ISegmentCollection newPath = new PathClass();
            newPath.AddSegment((ISegment)pThisLine, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);
            //The spatial reference associated with geometryCollection will be assigned to all incoming paths and segments.
            geometryCollection2.AddGeometry(newPath as IGeometry, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);

              //now buffer the lines
              IGeometryCollection outBufferedGeometryCol = new GeometryBagClass();
              for (int jj = 0; jj < geometryCollection2.GeometryCount; jj++)
            IPath pPath = geometryCollection2.get_Geometry(jj) as IPath;
            IGeometryCollection pPolyL = new PolylineClass();

            ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)pPolyL;
            IPolygon pBuffer = topologicalOperator.Buffer(0.1) as IPolygon;
            outBufferedGeometryCol.AddGeometry(pBuffer, ref objMissing, ref objMissing);
              ITopologicalOperator pUnionedBuffers = null;
              pUnionedBuffers = new PolygonClass() as ITopologicalOperator;

              ISpatialFilter pSpatFilt = new SpatialFilter();
              pSpatFilt.WhereClause = WhereClause;
              pSpatFilt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
              pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

              pSpatFilt.Geometry = (IGeometry)pUnionedBuffers;

              IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines = null;
            pFeatCursLines = FeatureClass.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
              catch (Exception ex)
            return false;
              IVector3D vecFoundGeom = new Vector3DClass();
              IFeature pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();
              bool bHasTangentStraightLineAtJunction = false;
              List<int> lstLargeBreak = new List<int>();

              while (pFeat != null)
            IGeometry pFoundLineGeom = pFeat.ShapeCopy;
            IPolycurve pFoundLineAsPolyCurve = pFoundLineGeom as IPolycurve;
            int iRelativeOrientation = GetRelativeOrientation(pFoundLineAsPolyCurve, inPolycurve);
            //iRelativeOrientation == 1 --> closest points are original TO and found TO
            //iRelativeOrientation == 2 --> closest points are original TO and found FROM
            //iRelativeOrientation == 3 --> closest points are original FROM and found TO
            //iRelativeOrientation == 4 --> closest points are original FROM and found FROM

            //if the feature has no radius attribute, skip.
            double dRadius = 0;
            int iCtrPoint = -1;
            val = pFeat.get_Value(idxRadius);
            if (val == DBNull.Value)
              dRadius = 0;
              dRadius = (double)val;

            val = pFeat.get_Value(idxCenterPointID);

            IPolycurve pPolyCurve = pFoundLineGeom as IPolycurve;

            ILine pFoundChordCandidate = new LineClass();
            pFoundChordCandidate.PutCoords(pPolyCurve.FromPoint, pPolyCurve.ToPoint);
            //first check for liklihood that subject line is supposed to stay straight, by
            //geometry chord bearing angle break test
            vecFoundGeom.PolarSet(pFoundChordCandidate.Angle, 0, 1);
            double dDotProd = vecFoundGeom.DotProduct(vecOriginalSelected);
            double dAngleCheck = Math.Acos(dDotProd) * 180 / Math.PI; //in degrees
            dAngleCheck = Math.Abs(dAngleCheck);
            double dLargeAngleBreakInDegrees = 3;
            if (dAngleCheck > dLargeAngleBreakInDegrees && dAngleCheck < (180 - dLargeAngleBreakInDegrees)) //large angle break non-tangent, greater than 3 degrees
              if (!lstLargeBreak.Contains(iRelativeOrientation))

            if ((dAngleCheck <= StraightLinesBreakLessThanInDegrees || (180 - dAngleCheck) < StraightLinesBreakLessThanInDegrees)
            && val == DBNull.Value && dRadius == 0 && !(pPolyCurve.Length< ExcludeTangentsShorterThan))
              if (lstLargeBreak.Contains(iRelativeOrientation))
            bHasTangentStraightLineAtJunction = true;

            if (val == DBNull.Value || dRadius == 0 || pPolyCurve.Length< ExcludeTangentsShorterThan)
            {//if the feature has a null centrpointID then skip.
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            if (Math.Abs(inPolycurve.Length / dRadius * 180 / Math.PI) > MaximumDeltaInDegrees)
              //if the resulting curve would have a central angle more than MaximumDeltaInDegrees degrees then skip
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            iCtrPoint = (int)val;

            //if geometry of curve neighbour curves have been cracked then there can be more than one segment
            //however since all segments would be circular arcs, just need to test the first segment
            ISegmentCollection pFoundLineGeomSegs = pFoundLineGeom as ISegmentCollection;
            ISegment pSeg = pFoundLineGeomSegs.get_Segment(0);
            if (!(pSeg is ICircularArc))
              pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

            dRadius = (double)pFeat.get_Value(idxRadius);

            IVector3D vect1 = new Vector3DClass();
            IVector3D vect2 = new Vector3DClass();
            ILine tang = new Line();
            double dUnitSignChange = 1;
            if (iRelativeOrientation == 1) //closest points are original TO and found TO
              dUnitSignChange = -1;
              vect1.PolarSet(pTangentLineAtEnd.Angle, 0, 1);
              pFoundLineAsPolyCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtTo, 1.0, true, 1, tang);
              vect2.PolarSet(tang.Angle, 0, 1);
            else if (iRelativeOrientation == 2)//closest points are original TO and found FROM
              vect1.PolarSet(pTangentLineAtEnd.Angle, 0, 1);
              pFoundLineAsPolyCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtFrom, 0.0, true, 1, tang);
              vect2.PolarSet(tang.Angle, 0, 1);
            else if (iRelativeOrientation == 3)//closest points are original FROM and found TO
              vect1.PolarSet(pTangentLineAtStart.Angle, 0, 1);
              pFoundLineAsPolyCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtTo, 1.0, true, 1, tang);
              vect2.PolarSet(tang.Angle, 0, 1);
            else if (iRelativeOrientation == 4)//closest points are original FROM and found FROM
              dUnitSignChange = -1;
              vect1.PolarSet(pTangentLineAtStart.Angle, 0, 1);
              pFoundLineAsPolyCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtFrom, 0.0, true, 1, tang);
              vect2.PolarSet(tang.Angle, 0, 1);

            dDotProd = vect1.DotProduct(vect2);
            dAngleCheck = Math.Acos(dDotProd) * 180 / Math.PI; //in degrees
            dAngleCheck = Math.Abs(dAngleCheck);
            if (dAngleCheck < AngleToleranceTangentCompareInDegrees || (180 - dAngleCheck) < AngleToleranceTangentCompareInDegrees)

              double dDerivedRadius = dRadius * dUnitSignChange;

              string sHarvestedCurveInfo = pFeat.OID.ToString() + "," + dDerivedRadius.ToString("#.000") + "," +
            iCtrPoint.ToString() + "," + "t";


            pFeat = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();

              if (bHasTangentStraightLineAtJunction)
            return false; //open to logic change to be less conservative

              bool bHasParallelCurveFeaturesNearby = (outFoundTangentCurvesCount > 0);

              return bHasParallelCurveFeaturesNearby;
Beispiel #48
        public static IGeometry get_GraphicShape(IEnumElement theElements, int a_Dimensionality, bool multipart)
            IGeometry theReturn = null;
            IGeometryCollection theGeomColl = null;
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            if (theElements != null)
                IElement theElement = theElements.Next();
                while (theElement != null)
                    if (theGeomColl == null)
                        theGeomColl = new GeometryBagClass();

                    IGeometry theShape = null;
                    if (theElement is IGroupElement)
                        theShape = get_GraphicShape(((IGroupElement)theElement).Elements, a_Dimensionality, multipart);
                    else if (theElement is ICircleElement
                        || theElement is IPolygonElement
                        || theElement is IRectangleElement
                        || theElement is IEllipseElement
                        || theElement is ILineElement
                        || theElement is IMarkerElement)
                        theShape = theElement.Geometry;

                    if (theShape != null)
                        theGeomColl.AddGeometry(theShape, ref missing, ref missing);

                    theElement = theElements.Next();

            if (theGeomColl != null && theGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0)
                ITopologicalOperator theTopoOp = null;

                switch (a_Dimensionality)
                    case 0:
                        if (multipart)
                            theTopoOp = new MultipointClass();
                            theTopoOp = theGeomColl.get_Geometry(0) as ITopologicalOperator;
                    case 1:
                        theTopoOp = new PolylineClass();
                    case 2:
                        theTopoOp = new PolygonClass();

                theReturn = theTopoOp as IGeometry;
            return theReturn;
Beispiel #49
        private void createGrapicAndZoomTo(string capakeyResponse, datacontract.geojson Geom)
            IRgbColor inClr = new RgbColorClass() { Red = 0, Blue = 100, Green = 0 }; ;
            IRgbColor outLine = new RgbColorClass() { Red = 0, Blue = 200, Green = 0, Transparency = 240 };

            if (Geom.type == "MultiPolygon")
                datacontract.geojsonMultiPolygon muniPolygons =

                IGeometryCollection multiPoly = new GeometryBagClass();

                foreach (datacontract.geojsonPolygon poly in muniPolygons.toPolygonList())
                    IPolygon lbPoly = geopuntHelper.geojson2esriPolygon(poly, (int)dataHandler.CRS.Lambert72);
                    IGeometry prjGeom = geopuntHelper.Transform((IGeometry)lbPoly, map.SpatialReference);

                    IElement muniGrapic = geopuntHelper.AddGraphicToMap(map, prjGeom, inClr, outLine, 2, true);

                view.Extent = ((IGeometryBag)multiPoly).Envelope;
            else if (Geom.type == "Polygon")
                datacontract.geojsonPolygon municipalityPolygon =
                IPolygon lbPoly = geopuntHelper.geojson2esriPolygon(municipalityPolygon, (int)dataHandler.CRS.Lambert72);
                IPolygon prjPoly = (IPolygon)geopuntHelper.Transform((IGeometry)lbPoly, map.SpatialReference);
                view.Extent = prjPoly.Envelope;

                IElement muniGrapic = geopuntHelper.AddGraphicToMap(map, (IGeometry)prjPoly, inClr, outLine, 3, true);
		public static IGeometry GetSearchGeometryFromGraphics(IGraphicsContainer graphics)
			IGeometryCollection geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
			IElement element;
			IGeometry geometry;

			element = graphics.Next();

			object before = Type.Missing;
			object after = Type.Missing;

			while (element != null)
				geometry = element.Geometry;
				if (geometry is IPolygon)
					geometryBag.AddGeometry(geometry, ref before, ref after);

				element = graphics.Next();

			IGeometry searchGeometry = geometryBag as IGeometry;

			return searchGeometry;
Beispiel #51
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并元素
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pMap">当前操作地图</param>
        /// <param name="layer">当前操作图层</param>
        private void union(IMap pMap,ILayer layer)
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = layer as IFeatureLayer;
            IDataset pDataset = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset;
            IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = pDataset.Workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;

            IEnumFeature pEnumFeature = pMap.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;
            IFeature allFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();

            IFeatureCursor pEF = pFeatureLayer.Search(null, false);
            IFeature pFeature = pEF.NextFeature();
            IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;

            IGeometryCollection pGeometrybag=new GeometryBagClass();
            object oMissing = Type.Missing;
            while (allFeature != null)
                IGeometry mGeometry = allFeature.Shape as IGeometry;
                pGeometrybag.AddGeometry(mGeometry, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);
                allFeature = pEnumFeature.Next();
            ITopologicalOperator2 pTopOperator = (ITopologicalOperator2)pGeometry;
            IEnumGeometry pEnumGeometry = pGeometrybag as IEnumGeometry;

            pFeature.Shape = pGeometry;

 public IGeometry createGeometry(IFeatureClass ftrCls)
     IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
     geometryBag.SpatialReference = ((IGeoDataset)ftrCls).SpatialReference;
     IGeometryCollection geoCol = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;
     IFeatureCursor fCur = ftrCls.Search(null, false);
     IFeature ftr = fCur.NextFeature();
     object objB = Type.Missing;
     object objA = Type.Missing;
     while (ftr != null)
         IGeometry geo = ftr.Shape;
         geoCol.AddGeometry(geo, ref objB, ref objA);
         ftr = fCur.NextFeature();
     return (IGeometry)geoCol;
        private List<IElement> CreateElementAois(List<IPolygon> polygons, out IEnvelope encompassingEnvelope)
            var rgbColor = new RgbColorClass { Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 255, Transparency = 200 };

            var geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            geometryBag.SpatialReference = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap.SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag;
            var elements = new List<IElement>();
            foreach (var polygon in polygons)
                IElement element = null;

                // Polygon elements
                ILineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                lineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                lineSymbol.Width = 2.0;

                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSNull;
                simpleFillSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol;

                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
                element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast

                element.Geometry = polygon;

            // Create the polygon that will be the union of the features returned from the search cursor.
            // The spatial reference of this feature does not need to be set ahead of time. The
            // ConstructUnion method defines the constructed polygon's spatial reference to be the same as
            // the input geometry bag.
            ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new PolygonClass();
            var masterPoly = (IPolygon)unionedPolygon;

            encompassingEnvelope = masterPoly.Envelope;
            return elements;
 private byte[] GetSpeciesExtentHandler(NameValueCollection boundVariables,
                                           JsonObject operationInput,
                                               string outputFormat,
                                               string requestProperties,
                                           out string responseProperties)
     responseProperties = "{\"Content-Type\" : \"text/javascript\"}";
     long? idnoValue; //out parameter for the ID_NO as a long
     operationInput.TryGetAsLong("ID_NO", out idnoValue); //get the ID_NO parameter
     IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); //instantiate a filter for the passed species
     queryFilter.WhereClause = "ID_NO='" + idnoValue + "' AND Legend<>''"; //set the where clause
     IFeatureCursor featureCursor = speciesFeatureClass.Search(queryFilter, false); //get the feature cursor to the matching features
     IFeature feature = null; //for iterating through the features
     IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass() as IGeometryCollection; //instantiate a geometry bag to get the extent
     object obj = Type.Missing; //needed to add geometries to the geometry bag
     while ((feature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null) //iterate through the matching features and add the geometries to the geometry bag
         pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(feature.ShapeCopy, ref obj, ref obj); //add the geometry
     JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); //create the return json object
     IEnvelope extent = (pGeometryCollection as IGeometry).Envelope; //get the extent of the geometry bag
     JsonObject jsonExtent = Conversion.ToJsonObject(extent); //convert the extent to json
     //TODO: Set the spatial reference for the extent in the SOE - at the moment it is set in the client code
     result.AddObject("extent", jsonExtent); //write the extent to the result object
     result.AddString("featureCount", pGeometryCollection.GeometryCount.ToString()); //get the number of features
     return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result.ToJson()); //return the json
        public static IGeometryCollection ConstructTrianglesOutline(IGeometry trianglesGeometry)
            IGeometryCollection outlineGeometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();

            IPointCollection trianglesPointCollection = trianglesGeometry as IPointCollection;

            // Triangles: an unlinked set of triangles, where every three vertices completes a new triangle.

            if ((trianglesPointCollection.PointCount % 3) != 0)
                throw new Exception("Triangles Geometry Point Count Must Be Divisible By 3. " + trianglesPointCollection.PointCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < trianglesPointCollection.PointCount; i+=3)
                    IPointCollection outlinePointCollection = new PolylineClass();

                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i + 1), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i + 2), ref _missing, ref _missing);
                    outlinePointCollection.AddPoint(trianglesPointCollection.get_Point(i), ref _missing, ref _missing); //Simulate: Polygon.Close

                    IGeometry outlineGeometry = outlinePointCollection as IGeometry;


                    outlineGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(outlineGeometry, ref _missing, ref _missing);

            return outlineGeometryCollection;
Beispiel #56
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int startWaypoint = Convert.ToInt16(this.txtStartOID.Text);//OID of the waypoint from where waypoint renaming will begin
            int startKmPost = Convert.ToInt16(this.txtStartKMPost.Text); //The first km post will be one greater than this number.
            int startKmOID = Convert.ToInt16(this.txtStartKMOID.Text); //The objectID of the km post we are starting from. 0 if it doesn't exist. Note that the DistanceAlongTrail here should probably match startKmPost variable above.
            //Example: "887:1866,888"... A comma delimited list of OIDS of trails that from previous section to include in this section when building km points.
            //The first OID (887) is followed by a colon and the OID of the connected waypoint in the direction we are going.  This then gets the needed partial geometry.
            string extraSegmentsOIDSFromLastSectionToUseAsGeometryForKMPosts = Convert.ToString(this.txtExtra.Text);// "407:1170"; // "887:1866,888";
            //string endWaypoint = "'139'";
            string section = "'" + Convert.ToString(this.txtSection.Text) + "'";
            string trailName = "'" + Convert.ToString(this.txtTrailName.Text) + "'";

            string kmPostPrefix = "K" + trailName.Replace("'", "") + ":";
            if (trailName == "'GDT'")
                kmPostPrefix = "K";
            IGeometryCollection geomCol = new GeometryBagClass();
            IFeatureClass trailFC = null;
            IFeatureClass waypointFC = null;
            GetFeatureClasses(ref trailFC, ref waypointFC);
            IWorkspaceEdit wse = (IWorkspaceEdit)(waypointFC as IDataset).Workspace;

                IQueryFilter qf = new QueryFilterClass();
                IFeatureCursor feCur = null;
                qf.WhereClause = "NAME = " + trailName + " and SECTIONNAME = " + section;
                feCur = trailFC.Search(qf, false);
                IFeature trailFe = feCur.NextFeature();
                Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
                System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
                ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialReferenceFactory = obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory;
                ISpatialReference sf = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem(4326);
                double totalDistance = 0;
                List<IFeature> segmentsMatchingNameAndSection = new List<IFeature>();
                double totalSegments = 0;
                double totalCosValues = 0; //used so that we can get the average cosine value needed to split the unioned polyline later in the code.
                while (trailFe != null)
                    IPoint startPoint = (trailFe.ShapeCopy as IPointCollection).get_Point(0);
                    double cos = Math.Cos(startPoint.Y / 57.2958);
                    totalCosValues += cos;
                    double segLen = (((IPolyline)trailFe.ShapeCopy).Length * cos) / 1000.0;
                    totalDistance += segLen;
                    //segLen =Math.Round( segLen,2) ;

                    trailFe.set_Value(trailFe.Fields.FindField("SEGMENTLENGTH"), segLen);
                    trailFe = feCur.NextFeature();
                //Next waypoint contains a key as a waypoint, then the next downstream trail and waypoint.
                Dictionary<IFeature, List<IFeature>> nextWaypoint = new Dictionary<IFeature, List<IFeature>>();
                IFeature startWaypointFe = null;
                foreach (IFeature trailFe2 in segmentsMatchingNameAndSection)
                    trailFe2.set_Value(trailFe2.Fields.FindField("TRAILLENGTH"), Math.Round(totalDistance, 2));
                    IPoint fromPoint = ((IPolyline)trailFe2.ShapeCopy).FromPoint;
                    IPoint toPoint = ((IPolyline)trailFe2.ShapeCopy).ToPoint;
                    List<IPoint> fromToPoint = new List<IPoint> { fromPoint, toPoint };
                    string prefix = "From";
                    IFeatureCursor connectedWPCursor = null;
                    IFeature fromWaypointFeature = null;
                    foreach (IPoint pnt in fromToPoint)
                        ISpatialFilter spatfilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                        spatfilter.Geometry = pnt;
                        spatfilter.GeometryField = "SHAPE";
                        spatfilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects;
                        connectedWPCursor = waypointFC.Search(spatfilter, false);
                        IFeature waypointFeature = connectedWPCursor.NextFeature();
                        trailFe2.set_Value(trailFe2.Fields.FindField(prefix + "Waypoint"), waypointFeature.OID);
                        if (prefix == "From")
                            fromWaypointFeature = waypointFeature;
                            string wpName = "'" + fromWaypointFeature.get_Value(fromWaypointFeature.Fields.FindField("NAME")).ToString() + "'";
                            int wpOID = fromWaypointFeature.OID;
                            if (wpOID == startWaypoint)
                                startWaypointFe = fromWaypointFeature;
                            nextWaypoint.Add(fromWaypointFeature, new List<IFeature> { trailFe2, waypointFeature });
                        prefix = "To";

                int totalDecimetersForTrail = Convert.ToInt16(totalDistance * 10);

                IFeature wayPointOnTrail = startWaypointFe;
                double runningLength = 0;
                HashSet<string> usedDisplayNames = new HashSet<string>();
                while (wayPointOnTrail != null)
                    wayPointOnTrail.set_Value(wayPointOnTrail.Fields.FindField("decimetersAlongTrail"), runningLength);
                    int decimetersRemainingOnTrail = totalDecimetersForTrail - Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(runningLength, 0));
                    wayPointOnTrail.set_Value(wayPointOnTrail.Fields.FindField("decimetersToEnd"), decimetersRemainingOnTrail);
                    string displayName = section.Replace("'", "") + decimetersRemainingOnTrail.ToString();
                    if (trailName != "'GDT'")
                        displayName = trailName.Replace("'", "") + ":" + decimetersRemainingOnTrail.ToString();
                    while (usedDisplayNames.Contains(displayName))
                        displayName += ".";
                    wayPointOnTrail.set_Value(wayPointOnTrail.Fields.FindField("DisplayName"), displayName);
                    if (nextWaypoint.ContainsKey(wayPointOnTrail))
                        IFeature connectedTrailFeature = nextWaypoint[wayPointOnTrail][0];
                        double segmentLength = Convert.ToDouble(connectedTrailFeature.get_Value(connectedTrailFeature.Fields.FindField("SEGMENTLENGTH")));//In km
                        segmentLength = segmentLength * 10;
                        runningLength += segmentLength;// Convert.ToInt16(segmentLength);
                        wayPointOnTrail = nextWaypoint[wayPointOnTrail][1];


                //Make the kilometer posts.
                //The geometries in geomCol won't include the last segment(s) from the previous section (if applicable).  Here we need to add them in.
                //In the comma delimited list extraSegmentsOIDSFromLastSectionToUseAsGeometryForKMPosts (example: "887:1866,888"), the first segment is a partial geometry
                //that connects to another waypoint which is specified after the colon.  All subsequent OIDS (e.g. 888) use the full geometry.
                string[] extraOIDS = extraSegmentsOIDSFromLastSectionToUseAsGeometryForKMPosts.Split(',');
                if (extraOIDS[0] != "")
                    foreach (string oidWaypointPair in extraOIDS)
                        string[] geomString = oidWaypointPair.Split(':');
                        string oid = geomString[0];
                        string waypointOID = "";
                        if (geomString.Length > 1)
                            waypointOID = geomString[1];
                        IFeature trailFromPrevSection = trailFC.GetFeature(Convert.ToInt32(oid));
                        if (waypointOID == "")
                            IFeature startKMPost = waypointFC.GetFeature(startKmOID);
                            IPoint startKMPoint = startKMPost.ShapeCopy as IPoint;
                            IPoint endPointOnFirstLine = waypointFC.GetFeature(Convert.ToInt32(waypointOID)).ShapeCopy as IPoint;
                            ICurve curve = trailFromPrevSection.ShapeCopy as ICurve;
                            bool brs = true; double dfc = 0; double dacToKMPoint = -1; double dacToWayPointOnPath = -1;
                            IPoint outStartPoint = new PointClass();
                            curve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, startKMPoint, false, outStartPoint, ref dacToKMPoint, ref dfc, ref brs);
                            curve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, endPointOnFirstLine, false, outStartPoint, ref dacToWayPointOnPath, ref dfc, ref brs);
                            ICurve outCurve = new PolylineClass();
                            double fromDistance = dacToKMPoint;
                            double toDistance = dacToWayPointOnPath;
                            if (dacToWayPointOnPath < dacToKMPoint)
                                fromDistance = dacToWayPointOnPath;
                                toDistance = dacToKMPoint;
                            curve.GetSubcurve(fromDistance, toDistance, false, out outCurve);


                //Total segments is the number of segments in the section, but does NOT include all the segments that might be used to build the km post.
                double averageCosineValue = 1.0 / (totalCosValues / totalSegments);
                ITopologicalOperator unionedPolyline = new PolylineClass();
                unionedPolyline.ConstructUnion(geomCol as IEnumGeometry);
                IPolyline fullTrail = unionedPolyline as IPolyline;
                IPoint fromPoint2 = fullTrail.FromPoint;
                IPoint toPoint2 = fullTrail.ToPoint;
                List<IPoint> endPoints = new List<IPoint>() { fromPoint2, toPoint2 };
                foreach (IPoint pnt in endPoints)
                    ISpatialFilter spatFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                    spatFilter.Geometry = pnt;
                    spatFilter.GeometryField = "SHAPE";
                    spatFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID = " + startKmOID;
                    spatFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                    feCur = waypointFC.Search(spatFilter, false);
                    IFeature wayPointFe = feCur.NextFeature();

                    if (wayPointFe != null)
                        if (wayPointFe.OID != startKmOID)
                            //The from point of the unioned polyline doesn't match, so we have to reverse direction.
                        int splitIndex = 1;
                        int kmAlongTrail = startKmPost;
                        while (true)
                            double splitDistance = splitIndex * 1000 * averageCosineValue;
                            if (splitDistance > fullTrail.Length)
                            IPoint outPoint = new PointClass();
                            fullTrail.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, splitDistance, false, outPoint);
                            IFeature newWaypointFe = null;
                            bool kmPostExistsAlready = false;
                            IQueryFilter existsQF = new QueryFilterClass();
                            kmAlongTrail += 1;
                            existsQF.WhereClause = "NAME = '" + kmPostPrefix + kmAlongTrail.ToString() + "'";
                            IFeatureCursor kmExistsCursor = waypointFC.Search(existsQF, false);
                                IFeature kmExistsFe = kmExistsCursor.NextFeature();
                                if(kmExistsFe != null)
                                    kmPostExistsAlready = true;
                                    newWaypointFe = kmExistsFe;

                                if (kmPostExistsAlready == false)
                                    newWaypointFe= waypointFC.CreateFeature();
                                newWaypointFe.Shape = outPoint;
                                newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("SUBTYPE"), 1);

                                newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("kmAlongTrail"), kmAlongTrail);
                                string desc = trailName.Replace("'", "") + ":" + section.Replace("'", "");
                                newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("Description"), desc);
                                if (kmAlongTrail % 5 == 0)
                                    newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("display"), 1);
                                    newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("display"), 0);
                                newWaypointFe.set_Value(newWaypointFe.Fields.FindField("NAME"), kmPostPrefix + kmAlongTrail.ToString());
                        break; //we created km post, so there is not a need to inspect the other end of the polyline
                        //could happen if the end point of the polyline isn't the point we are looking for
            catch (Exception ex)

Beispiel #57
        public static void UpStreamFindParcels(MainFrm pMainFrm, IEnumNetEID pEnumResultEdges, IGeometricNetwork pGeoNetwork)
                AxMapControl axMap = pMainFrm.getMapControl();
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerSewerLines = FindFeatLayer("Sewer Lines", pMainFrm);
                IFeatureLayer pFeatLayerParcels = FindFeatLayer("Parcels", pMainFrm);
                IGeometryCollection pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                object missing = Type.Missing;
                int lEID;
                int iUserClassID;
                int iUserID;
                int iUserSubID;
                INetElements pNetElements = pGeoNetwork.Network as INetElements;
                IFeature pFeature;

                for (int j = 0; j <= pEnumResultEdges.Count - 1; j++)
                    lEID = pEnumResultEdges.Next();
                    pNetElements.QueryIDs(lEID, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out iUserClassID, out iUserID, out iUserSubID);
                    pFeature = pFeatLayerSewerLines.FeatureClass.GetFeature(iUserID);
                    pGeomBag.AddGeometry(pFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);
                    // MessageBox.Show(iUserClassID.ToString()+","+iUserID.ToString()+","+iUserSubID.ToString());
                ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pGeomBag as IGeometry ;
                pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = "Shape";
                pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatialFilter.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;
                 IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor=pFeatLayerParcels.FeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);
                ICompositeGraphicsLayer pComGraphicLayer = new CompositeGraphicsLayerClass();
                ILayer pLayer = pComGraphicLayer as ILayer ;
                pLayer.Name = "受影响的地块";
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pComGraphicLayer as IGraphicsContainer;
                ISimpleFillSymbol pSymFill=new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                IFillSymbol pFillSymbol=pSymFill as IFillSymbol;
                IRgbColor pRgbColor=new RgbColorClass();
                pFillSymbol.Color=pRgbColor as IColor;
                ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLine=new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                IRgbColor pRgbColor2=new RgbColorClass();
                pCartoLine.Color =pRgbColor2 as IColor;
                IArray pFeatArray = new ArrayClass();
                while (pFeature != null)
                    IElement pPolyElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                    IFillShapeElement pFillShapeElement = pPolyElement as IFillShapeElement;
                    pPolyElement.Geometry = pFeature.Shape;
                    pFillShapeElement.Symbol = pFillSymbol;
                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pPolyElement, 0);
                    pFeature = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                axMap.AddLayer(pGraphicContainer as ILayer);
                frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList1 = new frmUpstreamCreateOwnerList(pMainFrm,pFeatLayerParcels, pFeatArray);
            catch (Exception eX)


Beispiel #58
 public static IGeometry WMerge(this IGeometry Sgeometry,IGeometry geometry)
     IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBagClass();
     ITopologicalOperator unionedpolygon = new PolygonClass();
     unionedpolygon.ConstructUnion(geometryCollection as IEnumGeometry);
     return unionedpolygon as IGeometry;