private int CalculateIndex(Geom geom1, Geom geom2)
            int x;
            int y;
            if (geom1.CollisionId < geom2.CollisionId)
                x = geom1.CollisionId;
                y = geom2.CollisionId;
                x = geom2.CollisionId;
                y = geom1.CollisionId;

            int result = x * _geomCount;
            if (x % 2 == 0)
                result -= ((x + 1) * (x / 2));
                result -= (x + 1) * (x / 2) + (x + 1) / 2;

            result += y - x - 1;

            return result;
Beispiel #2
        public override void LoadContent()

            _rectangleTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, 32, 32, 2, 0, 0,
                                                                     Color.White, Color.Black);

            _rectangleBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(32, 32, 1f); //template              
            _rectangleGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_rectangleBody, 32, 32); //template
            _rectangleGeom.FrictionCoefficient = .4f;
            _rectangleGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = 0f;

            //create the _pyramid near the bottom of the screen.
            _pyramid = new Pyramid(_rectangleBody, _rectangleGeom, 32f / 3f, 32f / 3f, 32, 32, _pyramidBaseBodyCount,
                                   new Vector2(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter.X - _pyramidBaseBodyCount * .5f * (32 + 32 / 3),
                                               ScreenManager.ScreenHeight - 125));


            _floor = new Floor(ScreenManager.ScreenWidth, 100,
                               new Vector2(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter.X, ScreenManager.ScreenHeight - 50));
            _floor.Load(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator);

            _agent = new Agent(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter - new Vector2(320, 300));
            _agent.Load(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator);

Beispiel #3
        //use this constructor when you want to add a sprite from the content pipeline
        //sprites should have a pure magenta background for
        public sprite(theGame reference, String contentAssetName,  float width, float height, float X, float Y)
            asset = reference.Content.Load<Texture2D>(contentAssetName);
            spriteOrigin = new Vector2(asset.Width / 2f, asset.Height / 2f);

            this.X = X;
            this.Y = Y;
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;

            rectangle = new Rectangle((int)this.X, (int)this.Y, (int)width, (int)height);
            this.identity = identity;
            this.reference = reference;

            rectBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(, width, height, 1);//PHYSICS
            rectBody.Position = new FarseerGames.FarseerPhysics.Mathematics.Vector2(this.X, this.Y);//PHYSICS
            rectGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(,rectBody, this.width, this.height);//PHYSICS
            rectGeom.CollisionEnabled = true;
            this.rectGeom.CollisionResponseEnabled = true;
            this.rectGeom.CollisionCategories = CollisionCategory.All;
            this.rectGeom.CollidesWith = CollisionCategory.All;

            rectBody.Enabled = true;//PHYSICS
            rectGeom.OnSeparation += OnSeperation;
            rectGeom.OnCollision += OnCollision;

   += OnBroadPhaseCollision;
Beispiel #4
        public override void Initialize()
            physicsSimulator = new PhysicsSimulator(new Vector2(0, 100));
            physicsSimulator.BiasFactor = .4f;
            int borderWidth = (int) (ScreenManager.ScreenHeight*.05f);
            _border = new Border(ScreenManager.ScreenWidth + borderWidth*2, ScreenManager.ScreenHeight + borderWidth*2,
                                 borderWidth, ScreenManager.ScreenCenter);
            _border.Load(this, physicsSimulator);
            _rectangleBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, 32, 32, 1f);
            _rectangleGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _rectangleBody, 32, 32);
            _rectangleGeom.FrictionCoefficient = .4f;
            _rectangleGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = 0f;

            //create the pyramid near the bottom of the screen.
            _pyramid = new Pyramid(_rectangleBody, _rectangleGeom, 32f/3f, 32f/3f, 32, 32, _pyramidBaseBodyCount,
                                   new Vector2(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter.X - _pyramidBaseBodyCount*.5f*(32 + 32/3),
                                               ScreenManager.ScreenHeight - 125));
            _pyramid.Load(this, physicsSimulator);

            _floor = new Floor(ScreenManager.ScreenWidth, 100,
                               new Vector2(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter.X, ScreenManager.ScreenHeight - 50));
            _floor.Load(this, physicsSimulator);

            _agent = new Agent(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter - new Vector2(320, 300));
            _agent.Load(this, physicsSimulator);
            controlledBody = _agent.Body;
Beispiel #5
        public Table(Vector2 position, float width, float height)
            Random rand = new Random();

            _topBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(width, 10, 6);
            _rightLegBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(10, height, 3);
            _leftLegBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(10, height, 3);

            _topGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_topBody, width, 10);
            _rightLegGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_rightLegBody, 10, height);
            _leftLegGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_leftLegBody, 10, height);

            _topBody.Position = position;
            _leftLegBody.Position = new Vector2(position.X - (width / 2) + 10, position.Y + (height / 2) + 5);
            _rightLegBody.Position = new Vector2(position.X + (width / 2) - 10, position.Y + (height / 2) + 5);

            int group = rand.Next(1, 100);

            _rightLegGeom.CollisionGroup = group;
            _leftLegGeom.CollisionGroup = group;
            _topGeom.CollisionGroup = group;

            _rightLegGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = 0;
            _leftLegGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = 0;
            _topGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = 0;

            _height = height;
        public bool TestAndSet(Geom geom1, Geom geom2)
            int index = CalculateIndex(geom1, geom2);

            bool result = _bitmap[index];
            _bitmap[index] = true;
            return result;
Beispiel #7
 void ItemBase.InitSelf()
     X = 200;
     Y = 100;
     body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator,100.0f, 100.0f,100.0f);
     body.Position = new Vector2(X, Y);
     geom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator, body, 100, 100);
Beispiel #8
 public void load(ContentManager Content)
     Vector2 origin;
     texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(textureName);
     body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateBody(1f, 1f);
     geom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(body, texture.Width, texture.Height);           
     geom.Tag = _id;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the contactpoints between the two geometries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geomA">The first geom.</param>
        /// <param name="geomB">The second geom.</param>
        /// <param name="contactList">The contact list.</param>
        public void Collide(Geom geomA, Geom geomB, ContactList contactList)
            int vertexIndex = -1;

            //Lookup distancegrid A data from list
            DistanceGridData geomAGridData = _distanceGrids[];

            //Iterate the second geometry vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < geomB.worldVertices.Count; i++)
                if (contactList.Count == PhysicsSimulator.MaxContactsToDetect)

                vertexIndex += 1;
                _vertRef = geomB.WorldVertices[i];
                geomA.TransformToLocalCoordinates(ref _vertRef, out _localVertex);

                //The geometry intersects when distance <= 0
                //Continue in the list if the current vector does not intersect
                if (!geomAGridData.Intersect(ref _localVertex, out _feature))

                //If the geometries collide, create a new contact and add it to the contact list.
                if (_feature.Distance < 0f)
                    geomA.TransformNormalToWorld(ref _feature.Normal, out _feature.Normal);
                    Contact contact = new Contact(geomB.WorldVertices[i], _feature.Normal, _feature.Distance,
                                                  new ContactId(1, vertexIndex, 2));

            //Lookup distancegrid B data from list
            DistanceGridData geomBGridData = _distanceGrids[];

            //Iterate the first geometry vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < geomA.WorldVertices.Count; i++)
                if (contactList.Count == PhysicsSimulator.MaxContactsToDetect)

                vertexIndex += 1;
                _vertRef = geomA.WorldVertices[i];
                geomB.TransformToLocalCoordinates(ref _vertRef, out _localVertex);

                if (!geomBGridData.Intersect(ref _localVertex, out _feature))

                if (_feature.Distance < 0f)
                    geomB.TransformNormalToWorld(ref _feature.Normal, out _feature.Normal);
                    _feature.Normal = -_feature.Normal;
                    Contact contact = new Contact(geomA.WorldVertices[i], _feature.Normal, _feature.Distance,
                                                  new ContactId(2, vertexIndex, 1));
Beispiel #10
 public void EntryEventHandler(Geom geom, Vertices verts)
     for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
         Vector2 vel, point = verts[i];
         geom.Body.GetVelocityAtWorldPoint(ref point, out vel);
         WaveController.Disturb(verts[i].X, (vel.Y * geom.Body.Mass) / (100.0f * geom.Body.Mass));
Beispiel #11
 public Sprite()
     position = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
     rotation = 0.0f;
     origin = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
     currentTexture = null;
     body = null;
     geom = null;
Beispiel #12
 public Planet(PhysicsSimulator sim, Texture2D tex, Vector2 pos, float size, float mass)
     body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateCircleBody(sim, size, mass);
     geometry = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateCircleGeom(body, size, 64);
     body.Position = pos;
     geometry.RestitutionCoefficient = 0.2f;
     geometry.FrictionCoefficient = 0.9f;
     texture = tex;
        /// <summary>
        /// 重载AnimItem的SetSize方法
        /// 1. 调用基类方法修改scale
        /// 2. 创建或重建物理体 构造尺寸
        /// 注意: 物理体Mass需要通过PhysicsItem.Mass单独设置
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetSize(Vector2 size)
            // 设置图形尺寸

            // 创建或重建物理体 
            // 默认取质量10
            body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator,Size.X, Size.Y,10);
            geom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator, body, Size.X, Size.Y);
Beispiel #14
 protected bool oncollision(Geom geom1, Geom geom2, ContactList contact)
     Iid id1 = (Iid)geom1.Tag;
     Iid id2 = (Iid)geom2.Tag;
     if (id1.UnitID == UnitID.obstacle && id2.UnitID == UnitID.player)
         master.players[id2.NodeID].body.ApplyForce(this.rotationV2 * 4333333);
     return false;
Beispiel #15
        public Box(PhysicsSimulator pS, Texture2D tex, float x, float y, float width, float heigth, float mass)
            boxTex = tex;
            wdth = width;
            hgth = heigth;
            boxBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(pS, width, heigth, mass);
            boxBody.Position = new Vector2(x, y);
            boxGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(pS, boxBody, 0.9f*width, 0.9f*heigth);
            boxGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 0.8f;

            boxOrigin = new Vector2(boxTex.Width / 2, boxTex.Height / 2);
Beispiel #16
 public Pyramid(Body referenceBody, Geom referenceGeom, float horizontalSpacing, float verticleSpacing,
     float blockWidth, float blockHeight, int bottomRowBlockCount, Vector2 bottomRightBlockPosition)
     _referenceBody = referenceBody;
     _referenceGeom = referenceGeom;
     _horizontalSpacing = horizontalSpacing;
     _verticleSpacing = verticleSpacing;
     _blockWidth = blockWidth;
     _blockHeight = blockHeight;
     _bottomRowBlockCount = bottomRowBlockCount;
     _bottomRightBlockPosition = bottomRightBlockPosition;
Beispiel #17
        public void InitSelf()
            X = 200;
            Y = 500;
            body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator,100.0f, 100.0f,100.0f);
            body.Position = new Vector2(X, Y);
            body.Rotation = 0.1f;
            body.IsStatic = true;//静态

            geom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(PhysicsSys.Instance.PhysicsSimulator, body, 100, 100);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the contact list from two possibly intersecting Geom's. 
        /// This is the stationary version of this function. It doesn't 
        /// account for linear or angular motion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geomA">The first Geom.</param>
        /// <param name="geomB">The second Geom.</param>
        /// <param name="contactList">Set of Contacts between the two Geoms.
        /// NOTE- this will be empty if no contacts are present.</param>
        public void Collide(Geom geomA, Geom geomB, ContactList contactList)
            PolygonCollisionResult result = PolygonCollision(geomA.WorldVertices, geomB.WorldVertices, geomB.body.LinearVelocity - geomA.body.LinearVelocity);
            float distance = result.MinimumTranslationVector.Length();
            int contactsDetected = 0;
            Vector2 normal = Vector2.Normalize(-result.MinimumTranslationVector);

            if (result.Intersect)
                for (int i = 0; i < geomA.WorldVertices.Count; i++)
                    if (contactsDetected <= PhysicsSimulator.MaxContactsToDetect)
                        if (InsidePolygon(geomB.WorldVertices, geomA.WorldVertices[i]))
                            if (!geomA.Body.IsStatic)
                                if (distance > 0.001f)
                                    Contact c = new Contact(geomA.WorldVertices[i], normal, -distance, new ContactId(, i,;
                    else break;

                contactsDetected = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < geomB.WorldVertices.Count; i++)
                    if (contactsDetected <= PhysicsSimulator.MaxContactsToDetect)
                        if (InsidePolygon(geomA.WorldVertices, geomB.WorldVertices[i]))
                            if (!geomB.Body.IsStatic)
                                if (distance > 0.001f)
                                    Contact c = new Contact(geomB.WorldVertices[i], normal, -distance, new ContactId(, i,;
                    else break;
Beispiel #19
 public Rectangle(PhysicsSimulator pS, Vector2 pos)
     physicsS = pS;
     xSize = 50;
     ySize = 50;
     xSizePrev = xSize;
     ySizePrev = ySize;
     placing = true;
     rBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(pS, 50, 50, 1);
     rBody.IgnoreGravity = true;
     rBody.Position = pos;
     rGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(pS, rBody, 50, 50);
        public void Load(SimulatorView view, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _platformBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            view.AddRectangleToCanvas(_platformBody, Colors.White, new Vector2(_width, _height));
            _platformBody.IsStatic = true;
            _platformBody.Position = _position;

            _platformGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _platformBody, _width, _height);
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = 100;
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = _collisionGroup;
            _platformGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1;
Beispiel #21
        public int Compare(Node x, Node y)
            if (Math.Abs(x.Distance - y.Distance) < Geom.GetPrecision() && x == y)
            int res = x.Distance.CompareTo(y.Distance);

            if (res == 0)
Beispiel #22
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _floorTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(graphicsDevice, _width, _height, 0, 1, 1, Color.White,
            _floorOrigin = new Vector2(_floorTexture.Width / 2f, _floorTexture.Height / 2f);

            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _floorBody          = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _floorBody.IsStatic = true;
            _floorGeom          = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _floorBody, _width, _height);
            _floorGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = .4f;
            _floorGeom.FrictionCoefficient    = .4f;
            _floorBody.Position = _position;
Beispiel #23
 public static void clonegeom(ref Geom newgeom, ref Geom oldgeom)
     newgeom.Id = Geom.GetNextId();
     newgeom.RestitutionCoefficient = oldgeom.RestitutionCoefficient;
     newgeom.FrictionCoefficient = oldgeom.FrictionCoefficient;
     newgeom.GridCellSize = oldgeom.GridCellSize;
     newgeom.CollisionGroup = oldgeom.CollisionGroup;
     newgeom.CollisionEnabled = oldgeom.CollisionEnabled;
     newgeom.CollisionResponseEnabled = oldgeom.CollisionResponseEnabled;
     newgeom.CollisionCategories = oldgeom.CollisionCategories;
     newgeom.CollidesWith = oldgeom.CollidesWith;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a simple representation of the element while it is selected in edit mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics context to render to.</param>
        public override void RenderSelected(Graphics g)
            g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Constants.SelectedColor, 2), Geom.CircleToRectangle(this.Location, this.Radius));
                new SolidBrush(Constants.SelectedColor),
                Geom.CircleToRectangle(this.Location, this.Radius / 5));

            if (this.RelevantManipulation?.Type == ElementManipulationType.Scale)
                    new Pen(Constants.SelectedColorSpecial, 3),
                    Geom.CircleToRectangle(this.Location, this.Radius));
Beispiel #25
 private void MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     if (_mousePickSpring != null) return;
     Vector2 point = new Vector2((float) (e.GetPosition(_canvas).X), (float) (e.GetPosition(_canvas).Y));
     point = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(point);
     _pickedGeom = _physicsSimulator.Collide(point);
     if (_pickedGeom != null)
         _mousePickSpring = SpringFactory.Instance.CreateFixedLinearSpring(_physicsSimulator, _pickedGeom.Body,
                                                                               point), point, 20, 10);
         _mousePickLine.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Beispiel #26
 public Hero(PhysicsSimulator pS)
     hBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateEllipseBody(pS, 32, 32, 2);
     //hBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(pS, 64, 64, 1);
     hBody.Position = new Vector2(512, 381);
     //hBody.IsStatic = true;
     //hBody.IgnoreGravity = true;
     hGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateEllipseGeom(pS, hBody, 32, 32, 12);
     hGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1f;
     hGeom.CollisionGroup = 3;
     hGeom.OnSeparation += onSeperation;
     hGeom.OnCollision += onCollision;
     //hGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(pS, hBody, 64, 64);
Beispiel #27
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _texture = DrawingSystem.DrawingHelper.CreateCircleTexture(graphicsDevice, _radius, Color.Yellow, Color.Black);
            _origin = new Vector2(_texture.Width / 2f, _texture.Height / 2f);

            _body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateCircleBody(physicsSimulator, _radius, 1);

            //NOTICE how the grid cell size is 0.5f, this causes the physics engine to take a long time
            //to calculate the collision grid. This is only a demonstration!
            _geom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateCircleGeom(physicsSimulator, _body, _radius, 10, 0.5f);
            _geom.CollisionGroup = 1;
            _geom.CollidesWith = _collidesWith;
            _geom.CollisionCategories = _collisionCategory;
Beispiel #28
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _floorTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(graphicsDevice, _width, _height, 0, 1, 1, Color.White,
            _floorOrigin = new Vector2(_floorTexture.Width/2f, _floorTexture.Height/2f);

            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _floorBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _floorBody.IsStatic = true;
            _floorGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _floorBody, _width, _height);
            _floorGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = .4f;
            _floorGeom.FrictionCoefficient = .4f;
            _floorBody.Position = _position;
Beispiel #29
        protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

            Vector2 point = new Vector2((float)(e.GetPosition(this).X), (float)(e.GetPosition(this).Y));

            pickedGeom = physicsSimulator.Collide(point);
            if (pickedGeom != null)
                mousePickSpring = SpringFactory.Instance.CreateFixedLinearSpring(physicsSimulator, pickedGeom.Body,
                                                                                     point), point, 20, 10);
                mouseSpringVisual = AddFixedLinearSpringVisualToCanvas(mousePickSpring);
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _platformTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(graphicsDevice, _width, _height, 2, 0, 0, _color,
            _platformOrigin = new Vector2(_platformTexture.Width/2f, _platformTexture.Height/2f);
            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _platformBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _platformBody.IsStatic = true;
            _platformBody.Position = _position;

            _platformGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _platformBody, _width, _height);
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = 100;
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = _collisionGroup;
            _platformGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1;
Beispiel #31
        public void TestPointOnLine()
            Vector point1 = new Vector(2, 1);
            Vector point2 = new Vector(-2, 0);
            Vector point3 = new Vector(5, 0);
            Vector point4 = new Vector(3, 0);
            Vector point5 = new Vector(4, 0);
            Line   line   = new Line(Vector.Zero, new Vector(4, 0));

            Assert.False(Geom.PointOnLine(point1, line));
            Assert.False(Geom.PointOnLine(point2, line));
            Assert.False(Geom.PointOnLine(point3, line));
            Assert.True(Geom.PointOnLine(point4, line));
            Assert.True(Geom.PointOnLine(point5, line));
Beispiel #32
        void Initialize()
            this.Body = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(this.simulator, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y, 1);
            this.Body.IsStatic = true;

            geometry = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(this.simulator, this.Body, this.Size.X, this.Size.Y);
            geometry.RestitutionCoefficient = .1f;
            geometry.FrictionCoefficient = 1f;
            geometry.CollisionGridCellSize = .05f;
            this.brush = new RectangleBrush();
            this.brush.Extender.Body = this.Body;
            this.brush.Size = this.Size;
            this.brush.rectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
            this.brush.rectangle.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _platformTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(graphicsDevice, _width, _height, 2, 0, 0, _color,
            _platformOrigin = new Vector2(_platformTexture.Width / 2f, _platformTexture.Height / 2f);
            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _platformBody          = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _platformBody.IsStatic = true;
            _platformBody.Position = _position;

            _platformGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _platformBody, _width, _height);
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup      = 100;
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup      = _collisionGroup;
            _platformGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1;
Beispiel #34
 private void SetGeom(Geom geom, Vertices vertices)
     if (_leftGeom == null)
         _leftGeom      = geom;
         _leftPolyBrush = new PolygonBrush(vertices, Color.White, Color.Black, 1.5f, 1);
     else if (_rightGeom == null)
         _rightGeom      = geom;
         _rightPolyBrush = new PolygonBrush(vertices, Color.White, Color.Black, 1.5f, 1);
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _platformBrush = new RectangleBrush(_width, _height, _color, _borderColor);

            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _platformBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _platformBody.IsStatic = true;
            _platformBody.Position = _position;

            _platformGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _platformBody, _width, _height);
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = 100;
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup = _collisionGroup;
            _platformGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1;
Beispiel #36
 public void Update(Vector2 pos)
     if (xSizePrev != xSize | ySizePrev != ySize)
         rBody = null;
         rBody = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsS, xSize, ySize, 1);
         rBody.IgnoreGravity = true;
         rGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsS, rBody, xSize, ySize);
     if (placing)
         rBody.Position = pos;
     xSizePrev = xSize;
     ySizePrev = ySize;
Beispiel #37
        public void Load(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            _platformBrush = new RectangleBrush(_width, _height, _color, _borderColor);

            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _platformBody          = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(physicsSimulator, _width, _height, 1);
            _platformBody.IsStatic = true;
            _platformBody.Position = _position;

            _platformGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(physicsSimulator, _platformBody, _width, _height);
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup      = 100;
            _platformGeom.CollisionGroup      = _collisionGroup;
            _platformGeom.FrictionCoefficient = 1;
Beispiel #38
        private Vector2 CalcOrigin(out int[] _firstTriIdxs)
            var cent     =;
            var pIdxArr  = new int[D.Points.Length];
            var pDistArr = new float[D.Points.Length];

            for (var idx = 0; idx < pIdxArr.Length; ++idx)
                var dx = Math.Abs(cent.x - D.Points[idx].x);
                var dy = Math.Abs(cent.y - D.Points[idx].y);
                pIdxArr[idx]  = idx;
                pDistArr[idx] = dx + dy;

            Array.Sort(pIdxArr, (_a, _b) => pDistArr[_a].CompareTo(pDistArr[_b]));

            _firstTriIdxs = new[] { pIdxArr[0], pIdxArr[1], pIdxArr[2] };
            //Find 1st non-linear set of points (valid triangle)
            var findNonLineIdx = 3;

            while (Geom.AreColinear(D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]],
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = pIdxArr[findNonLineIdx++];

            //Force Clockwise
            var v0   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]];
            var v1   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]];
            var v2   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]];
            var vecL = v1 - v0;
            var vecR = v2 - v0;

            //Positive Cross Product greater than 180
            var crossZ = vecL.x * vecR.y - vecL.y * vecR.x;

            if (crossZ > 0)
                var tempIdx = _firstTriIdxs[1];
                _firstTriIdxs[1] = _firstTriIdxs[2];
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = tempIdx;

            var triPts = new[] { D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]] };
            var cc     = Geom.CentroidOfPoly(triPts);

Beispiel #39
        public static float CheckIntersections(Creature creature, short heading, Point3D moveVector, float distance)
            if (distance <= 0f)

            WorldPosition targetPosition = moveVector.Clone().Add(creature.Position).ToWorldPosition();

            double minDistance = distance;

            List <Creature> around = Global.VisibleService.FindTargets(creature, creature.Position, distance + 40, TargetingAreaType.All);

            for (int x = 0; x < around.Count; x++)
                if (around[x] == creature)

                short diff = Geom.GetAngleDiff(heading, Geom.GetHeading(creature.Position, around[x].Position));
                if (diff > 90)

                double d = Geom.DistanceToLine(around[x].Position, creature.Position, targetPosition);

                if (d > 40)

                d = creature.Position.DistanceTo(around[x].Position) - 40;

                if (d <= 0)

                if (d < minDistance)
                    minDistance = d;

            return((float)(minDistance / distance));
Beispiel #40
    /// <summary>
    /// Is the edge legal, or does it need to be flipped?
    /// </summary>
    bool LegalEdge(int k, int l, int i, int j)
        Debug.Assert(k != highest && k >= 0);

        var lMagic = l < 0;
        var iMagic = i < 0;
        var jMagic = j < 0;

        Debug.Assert(!(iMagic && jMagic));

        if (lMagic)
        else if (iMagic)

            var p  = verts[l];
            var l0 = verts[k];
            var l1 = verts[j];

            return(Geom.ToTheLeft(p, l0, l1));
        else if (jMagic)

            var p  = verts[l];
            var l0 = verts[k];
            var l1 = verts[i];

            return(!Geom.ToTheLeft(p, l0, l1));
         else {
            Debug.Assert(k >= 0 && l >= 0 && i >= 0 && j >= 0);

            var p  = verts[l];
            var c0 = verts[k];
            var c1 = verts[i];
            var c2 = verts[j];

            Debug.Assert(Geom.ToTheLeft(c2, c0, c1));
            Debug.Assert(Geom.ToTheLeft(c2, c1, p));

            return(!Geom.InsideCircumcircle(p, c0, c1, c2));
        /// <summary>
        /// TessellateMonoRegion( face ) tessellates a monotone region
        /// (what else would it do??)  The region must consist of a single
        /// loop of half-edges (see mesh.h) oriented CCW.  "Monotone" in this
        /// case means that any vertical line intersects the interior of the
        /// region in a single interval.  
        /// Tessellation consists of adding interior edges (actually pairs of
        /// half-edges), to split the region into non-overlapping triangles.
        /// The basic idea is explained in Preparata and Shamos (which I don't
        /// have handy right now), although their implementation is more
        /// complicated than this one.  The are two edge chains, an upper chain
        /// and a lower chain.  We process all vertices from both chains in order,
        /// from right to left.
        /// The algorithm ensures that the following invariant holds after each
        /// vertex is processed: the untessellated region consists of two
        /// chains, where one chain (say the upper) is a single edge, and
        /// the other chain is concave.  The left vertex of the single edge
        /// is always to the left of all vertices in the concave chain.
        /// Each step consists of adding the rightmost unprocessed vertex to one
        /// of the two chains, and forming a fan of triangles from the rightmost
        /// of two chain endpoints.  Determining whether we can add each triangle
        /// to the fan is a simple orientation test.  By making the fan as large
        /// as possible, we restore the invariant (check it yourself).
        /// </summary>
        private void TessellateMonoRegion(MeshUtils.Face face)
            // All edges are oriented CCW around the boundary of the region.
            // First, find the half-edge whose origin vertex is rightmost.
            // Since the sweep goes from left to right, face->anEdge should
            // be close to the edge we want.
            var up = face._anEdge;
            Debug.Assert(up._Lnext != up && up._Lnext._Lnext != up);

            while (Geom.VertLeq(up._Dst, up._Org)) up = up._Lprev;
            while (Geom.VertLeq(up._Org, up._Dst)) up = up._Lnext;

            var lo = up._Lprev;

            while (up._Lnext != lo)
                if (Geom.VertLeq(up._Dst, lo._Org))
                    // up.Dst is on the left. It is safe to form triangles from lo.Org.
                    // The EdgeGoesLeft test guarantees progress even when some triangles
                    // are CW, given that the upper and lower chains are truly monotone.
                    while (lo._Lnext != up && (Geom.EdgeGoesLeft(lo._Lnext)
                        || Geom.EdgeSign(lo._Org, lo._Dst, lo._Lnext._Dst) <= 0.0f))
                        lo = _mesh.Connect(lo._Lnext, lo)._Sym;
                    lo = lo._Lprev;
                    // lo.Org is on the left.  We can make CCW triangles from up.Dst.
                    while (lo._Lnext != up && (Geom.EdgeGoesRight(up._Lprev)
                        || Geom.EdgeSign(up._Dst, up._Org, up._Lprev._Org) >= 0.0f))
                        up = _mesh.Connect(up, up._Lprev)._Sym;
                    up = up._Lnext;

            // Now lo.Org == up.Dst == the leftmost vertex.  The remaining region
            // can be tessellated in a fan from this leftmost vertex.
            Debug.Assert(lo._Lnext != up);
            while (lo._Lnext._Lnext != up)
                lo = _mesh.Connect(lo._Lnext, lo)._Sym;
        public FarseerPhysicsComponent(Body body, Geom geom)
            _body = body;
            _geom = geom;
            _geom.Tag = this;

            _geom.FrictionCoefficient = 0.7f;

            _body.IgnoreGravity = true;

            _geom.OnCollision += new CollisionEventHandler((geom1, geom2, contactList) =>
                    return true;
 protected override void Update(int t)
     P = _p + V * t;
     if (t % 3 == 0)
         _.World.Spawn(new Blast
                           P + P.Rotated90CW().Normalized *_.Random.Float(-6, 6),
                           _.Random.Float(2, 9),
     if (t > 30 && !Geom.CircleOverBox(new Circle(P, 2), World.Box))
Beispiel #44
 public void jump()
     if (Environment.TickCount - timeOfLastJump > 750 && !isDead)
         timeOfLastJump = Environment.TickCount;
         Geom touching = isTouchingGeom(true);
         if (touching != null)
             float jumpForce = Weight * (450 + 6 * getStat(StatType.Agility));
             //Vector2 pos = body.Position;
             //Feature nearest = touching.GetNearestFeature(ref pos, 1);
             Vector2 featureNormal = new Vector2(0, 1);//nearest.Normal;
             body.ApplyForce(jumpForce * featureNormal);
Beispiel #45
        protected override void Update(int t)
            if (t <= _t)
                P = _p0 + Mathf.Sqrt(t) * _v1 * V;
                P = _p0 + Mathf.Sqrt(_t) * _v1 * V + (t - _t) * _v2 * V;

            if (t > 30 && !Geom.CircleOverBox(new Circle(P, R + 2), World.Box))
Beispiel #46
        public Geom CreatePolygonGeom(Body body, Vertices vertices, Vector2 offset, float rotationOffset,
                                      float collisionGridCellSize)
            //adjust the verts to be relative to 0,0
            Vector2 centroid = vertices.GetCentroid();


            if (collisionGridCellSize <= 0)
                collisionGridCellSize = CalculateGridCellSizeFromAABB(vertices);
            Geom geometry = new Geom(body, vertices, offset, rotationOffset, collisionGridCellSize);

        public override bool Over(CircleHitbox other)
            bool result = Geom.Overlap(
                new Circle(Center1, Radius),
                new Circle(Center2, Radius),

            /*           if (result) {
             *             Console.WriteLine (new Circle (Center1, Radius));
             *             Console.WriteLine (new Circle (Center2, Radius));
             *             Console.WriteLine (other.Circle);
             *             Console.WriteLine ();
             *         }*/
Beispiel #48
        public Robot(RobotPHX robotPHX, string name)
            this.robotPHX = robotPHX;
            servoMotors[(int)ServoType.FINGER]   = robotPHX.QueryDeviceServoMotor(name + "_doigt/a1/servo");
            servoMotors[(int)ServoType.ARM]      = robotPHX.QueryDeviceServoMotor(name + "_bras/a1/servo");
            servoMotors[(int)ServoType.SHOULDER] = robotPHX.QueryDeviceServoMotor(name + "_epaule/a1/servo");
            Debug.Assert(servoMotors[0] != null &&
                         servoMotors[1] != null &&
                         servoMotors[2] != null);

            core = robotPHX.QueryGeom("basPlatine");
            Debug.Assert(core != null);

            gyro = robotPHX.QueryDeviceAccelGyro("basPlatine/gyro");
            Debug.Assert(gyro != null);
Beispiel #49
        public bool isInRange(Being target)
            Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2((currAnimation.aoe ? 2 : 1) * getRange(),
                                             controller.getFrameDimensions(getCurrentFrame()).Y + getStat(StatType.Range));
            Vector2 positionOffset = currAnimation.aoe ? Vector2.Zero :
                                     new Vector2(getFacingMultiplier() * controller.getFrameDimensions(getCurrentFrame()).X / 2, 0);
            Geom collisionGeom = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(Game.instance.physicsSimulator,
                                                                          body, dimensions.X, dimensions.Y, positionOffset, 0);

            collisionGeom.CollisionCategories = geom.CollisionCategories;
            collisionGeom.CollidesWith        = geom.CollidesWith;
            bool inRange = target.geom.Collide(collisionGeom);

Beispiel #50
        public void UseSkill(Npc npc, Skill skill)
            if (npc.Target == null)

            npc.Position.Heading = Geom.GetHeading(npc.Position, npc.Target.Position);

            ProcessSkill(npc, new UseSkillArgs
                IsTargetAttack = false,
                SkillId        = skill.Id + 0x40000000 + (npc.NpcTemplate.HuntingZoneId << 16),
                StartPosition  = npc.Position.Clone(),
            }, skill);
Beispiel #51
        public void MergeConvexFaces(IPool pool, int maxVertsPerFace)
            for (var f = _fHead._next; f != _fHead; f = f._next)
                // Skip faces which are outside the result
                if (!f._inside)

                var eCur   = f._anEdge;
                var vStart = eCur._Org;

                while (true)
                    var eNext = eCur._Lnext;
                    var eSym  = eCur._Sym;

                    if (eSym != null && eSym._Lface != null && eSym._Lface._inside)
                        // Try to merge the neighbour faces if the resulting polygons
                        // does not exceed maximum number of vertices.
                        int curNv = f.VertsCount;
                        int symNv = eSym._Lface.VertsCount;
                        if ((curNv + symNv - 2) <= maxVertsPerFace)
                            // Merge if the resulting poly is convex.
                            if (Geom.VertCCW(eCur._Lprev._Org, eCur._Org, eSym._Lnext._Lnext._Org) &&
                                Geom.VertCCW(eSym._Lprev._Org, eSym._Org, eCur._Lnext._Lnext._Org))
                                eNext = eSym._Lnext;
                                Delete(pool, eSym);
                                eCur = null;

                    if (eCur != null && eCur._Lnext._Org == vStart)

                    // Continue to next edge.
                    eCur = eNext;
Beispiel #52
        public void TestMethod1()
            var pos    = new Vector3(-1.07934f, 12.44121f, -0.9962342f);
            var normal = new Vector3(-0.4765971f, 0.3736753f, -0.7957524f);
            var to     = new Vector3(-1.138259f, 12.0929f, -1.073817f);

            var y = pos - to;


            Console.WriteLine("y=" + y.ToString());

            var z = -normal;

            Console.WriteLine("z=" + z.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("y*z=" + Vector3.Dot(y, z).ToString());

            var x = Vector3.Cross(z, y);

            Console.WriteLine("x=" + x.ToString());

            y = Vector3.Cross(x, z);
            Console.WriteLine("y=" + y.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("y*z=" + Vector3.Dot(y, z).ToString());

            Vector3 r;

            r  = Geom.ToEuler_ZYX(x, y, z);
            r *= 180f / (float)Math.PI;

            Console.WriteLine("r=" + r.ToString());

            r  = Geom.ToEuler_YXZ(x, y, z);
            r *= 180f / (float)Math.PI;

            Console.WriteLine("r=" + r.ToString());

            r  = Geom.ToEuler_XYZ(x, y, z);
            r *= 180f / (float)Math.PI;

            Console.WriteLine("r=" + r.ToString());
Beispiel #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates positions that are parallel to a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The reference line.</param>
        /// <param name="offpoint">The point the parallel must pass through.</param>
        /// <param name="sres">The position of the start of the parallel.</param>
        /// <param name="eres">The position of the end of the parallel.</param>
        /// <returns>True if positions calculated ok</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(LineFeature refline, PointFeature offpoint, out IPosition sres, out IPosition eres)
            // No result positions so far.
            sres = eres = null;

            // Get the ends of the reference line.
            IPosition spos = refline.StartPoint;
            IPosition epos = refline.EndPoint;

            // If the reference line is a circular arc
            ArcFeature arc = refline.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                // Get the curve info
                Circle    circle = arc.Circle;
                double    radius = circle.Radius;
                IPosition centre = circle.Center;
                bool      iscw   = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Get the (planar) distance from the centre of the
                // circle to the offset point.
                double offdist = Geom.Distance(offpoint, centre);

                // Project the BC/EC radially.
                double sbear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, spos);
                sres = Geom.Polar(centre, sbear, offdist);

                double ebear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, epos);
                eres = Geom.Polar(centre, ebear, offdist);
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(spos, epos);

                // Get the perpendicular distance (signed) from the offset point
                // to the reference line.
                double offdist = Geom.SignedDistance(spos.X, spos.Y, bearing, offpoint.X, offpoint.Y);

                // Calculate the parallel points.
                bearing += Constants.PIDIV2;
                sres     = Geom.Polar(spos, bearing, offdist);
                eres     = Geom.Polar(epos, bearing, offdist);

Beispiel #54
        internal void Draw() // was Paint
            // Nothing to do if parallel points undefined.
            if (m_South == null || m_North == null)

            Debug.Assert(m_Line != null);
            ISpatialDisplay draw        = m_Cmd.ActiveDisplay;
            IDrawStyle      solidStyle  = EditingController.Current.Style(Color.Magenta);
            IDrawStyle      dottedStyle = new DottedStyle();

            ArcFeature arc = m_Line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                // The parallel portion is solid, while the remaining portion of the circle is dotted.
                CircularArcGeometry cg = new CircularArcGeometry(arc.Circle.Center, m_South, m_North, arc.IsClockwise);
                solidStyle.Render(draw, cg);
                cg.IsClockwise = !cg.IsClockwise;
                dottedStyle.Render(draw, cg);
                // What's the bearing from the start to the end of the parallel?
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(m_South, m_North);

                // What's the max length of a diagonal crossing the entire screen?
                double maxdiag = m_Cmd.MaxDiagonal;

                // Project to a point below the southern end of the parallel, as
                // well as a point above the northern end.
                IPosition below = Geom.Polar(m_South, bearing + Constants.PI, maxdiag);
                IPosition above = Geom.Polar(m_North, bearing, maxdiag);

                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(below, m_South, draw, dottedStyle);
                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(m_South, m_North, draw, solidStyle);
                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(m_North, above, draw, dottedStyle);

                // If we have an offset point, draw it in green.
                if (m_Point != null)
                    m_Point.Draw(draw, Color.Green);
Beispiel #55
        public void LoadFloor()
            //load texture that will visually represent the physics body
            _floorTexture = DrawingHelper.CreateRectangleTexture(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, ScreenManager.ScreenWidth,
                                                                 100, Color.White, Color.Black);
            _floorOrigin = new Vector2(_floorTexture.Width / 2f, _floorTexture.Height / 2f);

            //use the body factory to create the physics body
            _floorBody          = BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(PhysicsSimulator, ScreenManager.ScreenWidth, 100, 1);
            _floorBody.IsStatic = true;
            _floorGeom          = GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(PhysicsSimulator, _floorBody,
            _floorGeom.RestitutionCoefficient = .2f;
            _floorGeom.FrictionCoefficient    = .2f;
            _floorBody.Position = new Vector2(ScreenManager.ScreenCenter.X, ScreenManager.ScreenHeight - 50);
Beispiel #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the equivalent distance on the mapping plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The position the distance is measured from.</param>
        /// <param name="bearing">The bearing for the distance, in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="sys">The mapping system</param>
        /// <returns>The distance on the mapping plane.</returns>
        internal double GetPlanarMetric(IPosition from, double bearing, ISpatialSystem sys)
            // Return zero if this distance is undefined.
            if (!this.IsDefined)

            // Calculate approximation for the terminal position (treating
            // this distance as a planar distance).
            IPosition to = Geom.Polar(from, bearing, m_ObservedMetric);

            // Use the approximate location to determine line scale factor
            double sfac = sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from, to);

            return(m_ObservedMetric * sfac);
Beispiel #57
        public bool OnCollisionFunction(Geom geom1, Geom geom2, ContactList contactList)
            GeomDC g1 = geom1 as GeomDC;
            GeomDC g2 = geom2 as GeomDC;

            if (g1 == null || g2 == null)
            ICollides col1 = g1.thisObject as ICollides;

            if (col1 == null)
Beispiel #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the currently displayed information to try to construct a
        /// circle representing the distance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The constructed circle (null if a circle cannot be created
        /// based on the information that's currently displayed)</returns>
        Circle GetCurrentCircle()
            Circle result = null;

            // Undefine the address of the relevant distance observation.
            m_ObservedDistance = null;

            if (m_From == null)

            if (m_DistancePoint != null || (m_Distance != null && m_Distance.Meters > Constants.TINY))
                double radius;

                // If we have an offset point, get the radius.
                if (m_DistancePoint != null)
                    radius = Geom.Distance(m_From, m_DistancePoint);
                    radius = m_Distance.Meters;

                // Construct the circle
                result = new Circle(m_From, radius);

                // Create the appropriate distance observation (this is what
                // gets picked up when we actually go to work out the
                // intersection on the last page of the intersect dialog.

                if (m_DistancePoint != null)
                    m_OffsetPoint      = new OffsetPoint(m_DistancePoint);
                    m_ObservedDistance = m_OffsetPoint;
                    m_ObservedDistance = m_Distance;

Beispiel #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the rectangle geom.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">The body.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height.</param>
        /// <param name="positionOffset">The offset.</param>
        /// <param name="rotationOffset">The rotation offset.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionGridSize">Size of the collision grid. - not used with SAT</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Geom CreateRectangleGeom(Body body, float width, float height, Vector2 positionOffset, float rotationOffset, float collisionGridSize)
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", "Width must be more than 0");

            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", "Height must be more than 0");

            Vertices vertices = Vertices.CreateRectangle(width, height);

            Geom geometry = new Geom(body, vertices, positionOffset, rotationOffset, collisionGridSize);

Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the ellipse geom.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">The body.</param>
        /// <param name="xRadius">The x radius.</param>
        /// <param name="yRadius">The y radius.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfEdges">The number of edges.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
        /// <param name="rotationOffset">The rotation offset.</param>
        /// <param name="collisionGridSize">Size of the collision grid. - not used with SAT</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Geom CreateEllipseGeom(Body body, float xRadius, float yRadius, int numberOfEdges, Vector2 offset, float rotationOffset, float collisionGridSize)
            if (xRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("xRadius", "xRadius must be more than 0");

            if (yRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("yRadius", "yRadius must be more than 0");

            Vertices vertices = Vertices.CreateEllipse(xRadius, yRadius, numberOfEdges);

            Geom geometry = new Geom(body, vertices, offset, rotationOffset, collisionGridSize);
