Beispiel #1
        void Update()
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            timeSinceLastPositionUpdate += Time.deltaTime;

            if (time > blinkingTime)
                time = time - Mathf.Floor(time / blinkingTime) * blinkingTime;

            if (timeSinceLastPositionUpdate > timeToFlush)
                if (!geochar)
                    geochar = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

                if (IsStarted() || geochar)
                    var latlon = IsStarted() ? Input.location.lastData.LatLon() : geochar.LatLon.ToVector2();

                    TrackerExtension.Movement.Geoposition("player", latlon);
                    timeSinceLastPositionUpdate = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the closest step based on the element position. Only returns not completed steps.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="steps">All the steps</param>
        /// <returns>Closest not completed step</returns>
        private NavigationStep FindClosestStep(List <NavigationStep> steps)
            if (!character)
                character = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            var latLon = new Vector2d(double.NegativeInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity); // Minus infinite, as the elements will be positioned at inifine

            if (character)                                                               // If there is a character
                latLon = character.LatLon;                                               // use the position of the character to calculate distance
            else if (GeoExtension.Instance.IsLocationValid())                            // If We have a location source we use it
                latLon = Input.location.lastData.LatLonD();

            var notCompleted = steps
                               .FindAll(e => !stepCompleted[e] && !double.IsNaN(GetElementPosition(e.Reference).x)); // Filter the completed

            if (notCompleted.Count > 0)
                return(notCompleted.FindMin(s => GM.SeparationInMeters(GetElementPosition(s.Reference), latLon)));                        // Order the rest to distance
        private bool IsReached(NavigationStep currentStep)
            if (!character)
                character = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            var mb = GetReference(currentStep.Reference);

            if (mb == null)
                return(false); // If the element is not there, just try to skip it
        private bool IsReached(NavigationStep currentStep)
            if (!character)
                character = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            var mb = GetReference(currentStep.Reference);

            if (mb == null)
                return(false); // If the element is not there, just try to skip it
            else if (mb is GeoWrapper)
                var wrap             = mb as GeoWrapper;
                var position         = (Vector2d)wrap.Reference.TransformManagerParameters["Position"];
                var interactionRange = (float)wrap.Reference.TransformManagerParameters["InteractionRange"];

                var distance     = GM.SeparationInMeters(position, character.LatLon);
                var realDistance = GM.SeparationInMeters(position, Input.location.lastData.LatLonD());

                // Is inside if the character is in range but also the real coords are saying so
                // Otherwise, if there is no character or gps, only one of the checks is valid

                return((!character || distance < interactionRange) &&
                       (!GPSController.Instance.IsStarted() || realDistance < interactionRange) &&
                       (GPSController.Instance.IsStarted() || character));
            else if (mb is GeoElementMB)
                var geomb = mb as GeoElementMB;

                // Is inside if the character is inside the influence but also the real coords are saying so
                // Otherwise, if there is no character or gps, only one of the checks is valid

                // TODO check if the line element is reached
                return((!character || geomb.Element.Geometry.InsideInfluence(character.LatLon)) &&
                       (!GPSController.Instance.IsStarted() || geomb.Element.Geometry.InsideInfluence(Input.location.lastData.LatLonD())) &&
                       (GPSController.Instance.IsStarted() || character));
Beispiel #5
        void Update()
            if (!gameIsReady)

            if (!Application.isEditor && !IsStarted())

            time += Time.deltaTime;
            timeSinceLastPositionUpdate += Time.deltaTime;

            if (time > blinkingTime)
                time -= Mathf.Floor(time / blinkingTime) * blinkingTime;

            if (Game.Instance.CurrentTargetRunner.Data is MapScene && !geochar)
                geochar = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            if (timeSinceLastPositionUpdate > timeToFlush)
                timeSinceLastPositionUpdate = 0;

                if (IsStarted() || UsingDebugLocation || geochar)
                    var mapScene = Game.Instance.CurrentTargetRunner.Data as MapScene;
                    if (mapScene != null)
                        TrackerExtension.Movement.Moved(mapScene.Id, Location);
                        TrackerExtension.Movement.Moved("World", Location);

Beispiel #6
        void Update()
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            timeSinceLastPositionUpdate += Time.deltaTime;

            if (time > blinkingTime)
                time = time - Mathf.Floor(time / blinkingTime) * blinkingTime;

            if (Game.Instance.CurrentTargetRunner.Data is MapScene && !geochar)
                geochar = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            if (timeSinceLastPositionUpdate > timeToFlush)
                timeSinceLastPositionUpdate = 0;

                if (IsStarted() || UsingDebugLocation || geochar)
                    var mapScene = Game.Instance.CurrentTargetRunner.Data as MapScene;
                    if (mapScene != null)
                        TrackerExtension.Movement.Moved(mapScene.Id, Location);
                        TrackerExtension.Movement.Moved("World", Location);

Beispiel #7
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()

            player = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            geoActionManagers = new List <IGeoActionManager>();
            foreach (var action in Element.Actions)
                var newManager = GeoActionManagerFactory.Instance.CreateFor(action);
                newManager.Element = Element;
                newManager.Holder  = this;

            var mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

            var selectedGeometry = Geometry;

            if (selectedGeometry != null && selectedGeometry.Points != null && selectedGeometry.Points.Length > 0)
                switch (selectedGeometry.Type)
                case GMLGeometry.GeometryType.Point:
                    var poi = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh       = poi.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;
                    GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = poiMat;

                    var dotMerc      = GM.LatLonToMeters(selectedGeometry.Points[0].x, selectedGeometry.Points[0].y);
                    var localMercPos = dotMerc - Tile.Rect.Center;

                    transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)localMercPos.x, 1f, (float)localMercPos.y);
                    transform.localScale    = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);

                case GMLGeometry.GeometryType.LineString:
                    // First we extend the line for it to have some width using clipper
                    Path polygon = selectedGeometry.Points.ToList()
                                   .ConvertAll(p => GM.LatLonToMeters(p.x, p.y)) // To meters
                                   .ConvertAll(p => new IntPoint(p.x, p.y));     // To IntPoint type usable by clipper

                    Paths solution = new Paths();

                    ClipperOffset c = new ClipperOffset();

                    c.AddPath(polygon, JoinType.jtSquare, EndType.etOpenSquare);
                    c.Execute(ref solution, 5);                                            // 5 meters

                    var r = solution[0].ConvertAll(p => new Vector2d(p.X, p.Y)).ToArray(); // ConvertBack to Vector2d all the points (meters)

                    // Then create the polygon that represents the path
                    CreatePolygonMesh(r, ref mesh);
                    GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = pathMat;

                case GMLGeometry.GeometryType.Polygon:
                    CreatePolygonMesh(selectedGeometry.Points.ToList().ConvertAll(p => GM.LatLonToMeters(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), ref mesh);
                    GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = polyMat;


                inside = selectedGeometry.InsideInfluence(player.LatLon);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Element.getName()))
                var tooltip = GameObject.Instantiate(Tooltip);
                tooltip.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);
                tooltip.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(1 / transform.localScale.x, 1 / transform.localScale.y, 1 / transform.localScale.z);
                tooltip.transform.localPosition = Tooltip.transform.localPosition * (tooltip.transform.localScale.x / Tooltip.transform.localScale.x);

                tooltip.GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = Element.getName();
        private bool IsReached(NavigationStep currentStep)
            if (!character)
                character = FindObjectOfType <GeoPositionedCharacter>();

            var mb = GetReference(currentStep.Reference);

            if (mb == null)
                return(false); // If the element is not there, just try to skip it
            else if (mb is GeoPositioner)
                var wrap             = mb as GeoPositioner;
                var position         = (Vector2d)wrap.Context.TransformManagerParameters["Position"];
                var interactionRange = (float)wrap.Context.TransformManagerParameters["InteractionRange"];

                var distance     = GM.SeparationInMeters(position, character.LatLon);
                var realDistance = GM.SeparationInMeters(position, GeoExtension.Instance.Location);

                // Is inside if the character is in range but also the real coords are saying so
                // Otherwise, if there is no character or gps, only one of the checks is valid

                return((!character || distance < interactionRange) &&
                       (!GeoExtension.Instance.IsStarted() || realDistance < interactionRange) &&
                       (GeoExtension.Instance.IsStarted() || character));
            else if (mb is GeoElementMB)
                var geomb = mb as GeoElementMB;

                // Is inside if the character is inside the influence but also the real coords are saying so
                // Otherwise, if there is no character or gps, only one of the checks is valid

                var location = character ? character.LatLon : GeoExtension.Instance.Location;
                if (geomb.Geometry.InsideInfluence(location))
                    if (geomb.Geometry.Type == GMLGeometry.GeometryType.LineString)
                        var step = 0;
                        completedElementsForStep.TryGetValue(currentStep, out step);
                        var position = geomb.Geometry.Points[step];
                        var distance = GM.SeparationInMeters(position, location);
                        return(distance < geomb.Geometry.Influence);