Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Is loop clockwise oriented?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loop"></param>
        /// <param name="isTransmeridian"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool IsClockwiseNormalized(this GeoFence loop, bool isTransmeridian)
            decimal  sum = 0m;
            GeoCoord a;
            GeoCoord b;

            //  INIT_ITERATION;
            int loopIndex = -1;

            while (true)
                if (++loopIndex >= loop.NumVerts)

                a = loop.Verts[loopIndex];
                b = loop.Verts[(loopIndex + 1) % loop.NumVerts];

                // If we identify a transmeridian arc (> 180 degrees longitude),
                // start over with the transmeridian flag set
                if (!isTransmeridian && Math.Abs(a.Longitude - b.Longitude) > Constants.H3.M_PI)
                sum += (b.Longitude.NormalizeLongitude(isTransmeridian) -
                        a.Longitude.NormalizeLongitude(isTransmeridian)) *
                       (b.Latitude + a.Latitude);

            return(sum > 0);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get hexagons along edge of lines of a polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geofence"></param>
        /// <param name="res"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static HashSet <H3Index> GetEdgeHexagons(this GeoFence geofence, int res)
            var found = new List <H3Index>();

            for (var i = 0; i < geofence.NumVerts; i++)
                var origin      = geofence.Verts[i];
                var destination = i == geofence.NumVerts - 1
                                      ? geofence.Verts[0]
                                      : geofence.Verts[i + 1];
                int numHexesEstimate = origin.LineHexEstimate(destination, res);

                for (var j = 0; j < numHexesEstimate; j++)
                    var interpolate =
                        new GeoCoord
                            origin.Latitude * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate +
                            destination.Latitude * j / numHexesEstimate,
                            origin.Longitude * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate +
                            destination.Longitude * j / numHexesEstimate
                    var pointHex = interpolate.ToH3Index(res);

            return(new HashSet <H3Index>(found));
Beispiel #3
        public void PointInsideGeofenceTransmeridian()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.01m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.01m),
                new GeoCoord(0.01m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.01m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.01m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.01m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.01m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.01m)

            var transMeridianGeofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts

            var eastPoint        = new GeoCoord(0.001m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.001m);
            var eastPointOutside = new GeoCoord(0.001m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.1m);
            var westPoint        = new GeoCoord(0.001m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.001m);
            var westPointOutside = new GeoCoord(0.001m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.1m);

            var bbox = transMeridianGeofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.IsTrue(transMeridianGeofence.PointInside(bbox, westPoint));
            Assert.IsTrue(transMeridianGeofence.PointInside(bbox, eastPoint));
            Assert.IsFalse(transMeridianGeofence.PointInside(bbox, westPointOutside));
            Assert.IsFalse(transMeridianGeofence.PointInside(bbox, eastPointOutside));
Beispiel #4
        public void PolyfillTransmeridianComplex()
            // This polygon is "complex" in that it has > 4 vertices - this
            // tests for a bug that was taking the max and min longitude as
            // the bounds for transmeridian polygons
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.1m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.00001m),
                new GeoCoord(0.1m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.00001m),
                new GeoCoord(0.05m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.2m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.1m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.00001m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.1m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.00001m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.05m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.2m),

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 6, Verts = verts
            var polygon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = geofence, NumHoles = 0

            var hexagons          = polygon.Polyfill(4);
            int actualNumHexagons = Utility.CountActualHexagons(hexagons);

            Assert.AreEqual(1204, actualNumHexagons);
Beispiel #5
        public void h3js_67()
            decimal east  = (-56.25m).DegreesToRadians();
            decimal north = (-33.13755119234615m).DegreesToRadians();
            decimal south = (-34.30714385628804m).DegreesToRadians();
            decimal west  = (-57.65625m).DegreesToRadians();

            var testVerts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(north, east),
                new GeoCoord(south, east),
                new GeoCoord(south, west),
                new GeoCoord(north, west),

            var testGeoFence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = testVerts
            var testPolygon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = testGeoFence, NumHoles = 0

            const int res               = 7;
            var       hexagons          = testPolygon.Polyfill(res);
            int       actualNumHexagons = Utility.CountActualHexagons(hexagons);

            Assert.AreEqual(4499, actualNumHexagons);
Beispiel #6
        public void PolyfillExact()
            var somewhere = new GeoCoord(1, 2);
            var origin    = somewhere.ToH3Index(9);
            var boundary  = origin.ToGeoBoundary();

            var verts = new List <GeoCoord>();


            var someGeofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = boundary.NumVerts + 1, Verts = verts.ToArray()

            var someHexagon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = someGeofence, NumHoles = 0

            var hexagons = someHexagon.Polyfill(9);

            var actualNumHexagons = Utility.CountActualHexagons(hexagons);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, actualNumHexagons);
Beispiel #7
        public void entireWorld()
            // TODO: Fails for a single worldwide polygon
            var worldVerts = new List <GeoCoord>
                new GeoCoord(-Constants.H3.M_PI_2, -Constants.H3.M_PI),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, -Constants.H3.M_PI),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0),
                new GeoCoord(-Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0),

            var worldGeofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = worldVerts.ToArray()
            var worldGeoPolygon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = worldGeofence, NumHoles = 0

            var worldVerts2 = new List <GeoCoord>
                new GeoCoord(-Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, -Constants.H3.M_PI),
                new GeoCoord(-Constants.H3.M_PI_2, -Constants.H3.M_PI),

            var worldGeofence2 = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = worldVerts2.ToArray()
            var worldGeoPolygon2 = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = worldGeofence2, NumHoles = 0

            for (int res = 0; res < 3; res++)
                var polyfillOut       = worldGeoPolygon.Polyfill(res);
                var actualNumHexagons = Utility.CountActualHexagons(polyfillOut);

                var polyfillOut2       = worldGeoPolygon2.Polyfill(res);
                var actualNumHexagons2 = Utility.CountActualHexagons(polyfillOut2);

                Assert.AreEqual(res.NumHexagons(), actualNumHexagons + actualNumHexagons2);

                // Sets should be disjoint
                foreach (var fill1 in polyfillOut)
                    if (fill1 == 0)
                    bool found = polyfillOut2.Any(fill2 => fill1 == fill2);

Beispiel #8
        private static void RepeatBoxTest(GeoFence geofence, BBox expected, GeoCoord inside, GeoCoord outside)
            var result = geofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
Beispiel #9
        public bool IsPointInFence(ILocation point, IGeoFence fence)
            var points = (from p in fence.Fence select new GeoFence.Point(p.Lat.Point, p.Lon.Point)).ToList();
            var f      = new GeoFence(points);
            var coord  = new Coordinate(point.Lat.Point, point.Lon.Point);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// _getEdgeHexagons takes a given geofence ring (either the main geofence or
        /// one of the holes) and traces it with hexagons and updates the search and
        /// found memory blocks. This is used for determining the initial hexagon set
        /// for the polyfill algorithm to execute on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geofence">The geofence (or hole) to be traced</param>
        /// <param name="numHexagons">
        /// The maximum number of hexagons possible for the geofence
        /// (also the bounds of the search and found arrays)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="res">The hexagon resolution (0-15)</param>
        /// <param name="numSearchHexagons">The number of hexagons found so far to be searched</param>
        /// <param name="search">The block of memory containing the hexagons to search from</param>
        /// <param name="found">The block of memory containing the hexagons found from the search</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///An error code if the hash function cannot insert a found hexagon into the found array.
        /// </returns>
        /// <!--
        /// algos.c
        /// int _getEdgeHexagons
        /// -->
        public static int GetEdgeHexagons2(this GeoFence geofence, int numHexagons, int res,
                                           ref int numSearchHexagons, ref List <H3Index> search,
                                           ref List <H3Index> found)
            for (int i = 0; i < geofence.NumVerts; i++)
                var origin      = geofence.Verts[i];
                var destination = i == geofence.NumVerts - 1
                                      ? geofence.Verts[0]
                                      : geofence.Verts[i + 1];
                int numHexesEstimate = origin.LineHexEstimate(destination, res);

                for (var j = 0; j < numHexesEstimate; j++)
                    var interpolate =
                        new GeoCoord(
                            origin.Latitude * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate +
                            destination.Latitude * j / numHexesEstimate,
                            origin.Longitude * (numHexesEstimate - j) / numHexesEstimate +
                            destination.Longitude * j / numHexesEstimate

                    var pointHex = interpolate.ToH3Index(res);

                    // A simple hash to store the hexagon, or move to another place if
                    // needed
                    var loc       = (int)(pointHex % (ulong)numHexagons);
                    var loopCount = 0;
                    while (found[loc] != 0)
                        // If this conditional is reached, the `found` memory block is
                        // too small for the given polygon. This should not happen.
                        if (loopCount > numHexagons)
                            return(Constants.Algos.HexHashOverflow); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
                        if (found[loc] == pointHex)
                            break;  // At least two points of the geofence index to the same cell
                        loc = (loc + 1) % numHexagons;
                    if (found[loc] == pointHex)
                        continue;  // Skip this hex, already exists in the found hash
                    // Otherwise, set it in the found hash for now
                    found[loc] = pointHex;

                    search[numSearchHexagons] = pointHex;

Beispiel #11
 public void AddLocationMessage(GTSLocationMessage msg, GeoFence geoFence)
     Time             = msg.ClientRecordedDateTime;
     _entryTime       = msg.ClientRecordedDateTime;
     _locationMessage = msg;
     _locMsgID        = _locationMessage.Id;
     _geoFence        = geoFence;
     _geoFenceId      = geoFence.Id;
Beispiel #12
        public void BboxFromGeofenceNoVertices()
            var geofence = new GeoFence();

            var expected = new BBox(0.0m, 0.0m, 0.0m, 0.0m);

            var result = geofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
Beispiel #13
        public static void Save(GeoFence geoFence)
            if (geoFence.FencesId == 0)
                geoFence.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

            geoFence.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
Beispiel #14
        public void IsClockwiseGeofence()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0m, 0m), new GeoCoord(0.1m, 0.1m),
                new GeoCoord(0m, 0.1m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 3, Verts = verts

Beispiel #15
        public void PointInsideGeofence()
            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 6, Verts = SfVerts

            var inside    = new GeoCoord(0.659m, -2.136m);
            var somewhere = new GeoCoord(1, 2);

            BBox bbox = geofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.IsFalse(geofence.PointInside(bbox, SfVerts[0]));
            Assert.IsTrue(geofence.PointInside(bbox, SfVerts[4]));
            Assert.IsTrue(geofence.PointInside(bbox, inside));
            Assert.IsFalse(geofence.PointInside(bbox, somewhere));
Beispiel #16
        public void IsClockwiseGeofenceTransmeridian()
            decimal[,] raw =
                {  0.4m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.1m  },
                {  0.4m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.1m },
                { -0.4m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.1m },
                { -0.4m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.1m  }
            var verts    = MakeGeoCoordArray(raw);
            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts

Beispiel #17
        private static void Main()
            var sfVerts = Enumerable.Range(0, SfVerts.GetLength(0))
                          .Select(s => new GeoCoord(SfVerts[s, 0], SfVerts[s, 1]))

            var sfGeoFence = new GeoFence()
                NumVerts = sfVerts.Length, Verts = sfVerts
            var sfGeoPolygon = new GeoPolygon()
                GeoFence = sfGeoFence

            var alamedaVerts = Enumerable.Range(0, AlamedaVerts.GetLength(0))
                               .Select(s => new GeoCoord(AlamedaVerts[s, 0], AlamedaVerts[s, 1]))

            var alamedaGeoFence = new GeoFence()
                NumVerts = alamedaVerts.Length, Verts = alamedaVerts
            var alamedaGeoPolygon = new GeoPolygon()
                GeoFence = alamedaGeoFence

            var southernVerts = Enumerable.Range(0, SouthernVerts.GetLength(0))
                                .Select(s => new GeoCoord(SouthernVerts[s, 0], SouthernVerts[s, 1]))

            var southernGeoFence = new GeoFence()
                NumVerts = southernVerts.Length, Verts = southernVerts
            var southernGeoPolygon = new GeoPolygon()
                GeoFence = southernGeoFence

            Benchmark("polyfill SF", 500, sfGeoPolygon, 9, DoPolyFill);
            Benchmark("polyfill Alameda", 500, alamedaGeoPolygon, 9, DoPolyFill);
            Benchmark("polyfill Southern", 10, southernGeoPolygon, 9, DoPolyFill);
Beispiel #18
        public void AroundZeroZero()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.4m, -0.4m), new GeoCoord(0.4m, 0.4m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.4m, 0.4m), new GeoCoord(-0.4m, -0.4m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts
            var expected = new BBox(0.4m, -0.4m, 0.4m, -0.4m);
            var inside   = new GeoCoord(-0.1m, -0.1m);
            var outside  = new GeoCoord(1.0m, -1.0m);

            RepeatBoxTest(geofence, expected, inside, outside);
Beispiel #19
        public void PosLatNegLan()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.7m, -1.4m), new GeoCoord(0.8m, -0.9m),
                new GeoCoord(1.0m, -0.8m), new GeoCoord(1.1m, -1.3m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts
            var expected = new BBox(1.1m, 0.7m, -0.8m, -1.4m);
            var inside   = new GeoCoord(0.9m, -1.0m);
            var outside  = new GeoCoord(0.0m, 0.0m);

            RepeatBoxTest(geofence, expected, inside, outside);
Beispiel #20
        public void PosLatPosLon()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.8m, 0.3m), new GeoCoord(0.7m, 0.6m),
                new GeoCoord(1.1m, 0.7m), new GeoCoord(1.0m, 0.2m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                Verts = verts, NumVerts = 4
            var expected = new BBox(1.1m, 0.7m, 0.7m, 0.2m);
            var inside   = new GeoCoord(0.9m, 0.4m);
            var outside  = new GeoCoord(0.0m, 0.0m);

            RepeatBoxTest(geofence, expected, inside, outside);
Beispiel #21
        public void NegLatNegLon()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(-0.4m, -1.4m), new GeoCoord(-0.3m, -1.1m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.1m, -1.2m), new GeoCoord(-0.2m, -1.4m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts
            var expected = new BBox(-0.1m, -0.4m, -1.1m, -1.4m);
            var inside   = new GeoCoord(-0.3m, -1.2m);
            var outside  = new GeoCoord(0.0m, 0.0m);

            RepeatBoxTest(geofence, expected, inside, outside);
Beispiel #22
        public void BboxFromGeofence()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.8m, 0.3m), new GeoCoord(0.7m, 0.6m),
                new GeoCoord(1.1m, 0.7m), new GeoCoord(1.0m, 0.2m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts

            var expected = new BBox(1.1m, 0.7m, 0.7m, 0.2m);

            BBox result = geofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
Beispiel #23
        public void Polyline_Out_Range()
            Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(31.67, -106.51, new EagerLoad(false));

            List <GeoFence.Point> points = new List <GeoFence.Point>();

            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -106.52));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -84.02));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(42.03, -84.02));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(42.03, -106.52));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -106.52));

            GeoFence gf = new GeoFence(points);
            Distance d  = new Distance(900, DistanceType.Meters);

            Assert.IsFalse(gf.IsPointInRangeOfLine(c1, 900));
            Assert.IsFalse(gf.IsPointInRangeOfLine(c1, d));
Beispiel #24
        public void EdgeOnNorthPole()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2 - 0.1m, 0.1m),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2 - 0.1m, 0.8m),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0.8m),
                new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0.1m)
            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts
            var expected = new BBox(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, Constants.H3.M_PI_2 - 0.1m, 0.8m, 0.1m);
            var inside   = new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2 - 0.01m, 0.4m);
            var outside  = new GeoCoord(Constants.H3.M_PI_2, 0.9m);

            RepeatBoxTest(geofence, expected, inside, outside);
Beispiel #25
        public void PolyfillPentagon()
            H3Index pentagon = new H3Index(9, 24, 0);
            var     coord    = pentagon.ToGeoCoord();

            // Length of half an edge of the polygon, in radians
            decimal edgeLength2 = (0.001m).DegreesToRadians();

            var boundingTopRight = coord
                                   .SetLatitude(coord.Latitude + edgeLength2)
                                   .SetLongitude(coord.Longitude + edgeLength2);

            var boundingTopLeft = coord
                                  .SetLatitude(coord.Latitude + edgeLength2)
                                  .SetLongitude(coord.Longitude - edgeLength2);

            var boundingBottomRight = coord
                                      .SetLatitude(coord.Latitude - edgeLength2)
                                      .SetLongitude(coord.Longitude + edgeLength2);

            var boundingBottomLeft = coord
                                     .SetLatitude(coord.Latitude - edgeLength2)
                                     .SetLongitude(coord.Longitude - edgeLength2);

            var verts = new[]
                boundingBottomLeft, boundingTopLeft,
                boundingTopRight, boundingBottomRight

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                Verts = verts, NumVerts = 4
            var polygon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = geofence, NumHoles = 0

            var hexagons = polygon.Polyfill(9);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, hexagons.Count);
Beispiel #26
        public void BboxFromGeofenceTransmeridian()
            var verts =
                new GeoCoord(0.1m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.1m), new GeoCoord(0.1m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.1m),
                new GeoCoord(0.05m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.2m), new GeoCoord(-0.1m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.1m),
                new GeoCoord(-0.1m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.1m), new GeoCoord(-0.05m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.2m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 6, Verts = verts

            var expected = new BBox(0.1m, -0.1m, -Constants.H3.M_PI + 0.2m, Constants.H3.M_PI - 0.2m);

            var result = geofence.ToBBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
Beispiel #27
        public void BboxesFromGeoPolygonHole()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.8m, 0.3m), new GeoCoord(0.7m, 0.6m),
                new GeoCoord(1.1m, 0.7m), new GeoCoord(1.0m, 0.2m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts

            // not a real hole, but doesn't matter for the test
            var holeVerts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.9m, 0.3m), new GeoCoord(0.9m, 0.5m),
                new GeoCoord(1.0m, 0.7m), new GeoCoord(0.9m, 0.3m)

            var holeGeofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = holeVerts

            var polygon =
                new GeoPolygon
                GeoFence = geofence,
                NumHoles = 1,
                Holes    = new List <GeoFence> {

            var expected     = new BBox(1.1m, 0.7m, 0.7m, 0.2m);
            var expectedHole = new BBox(1.0m, 0.9m, 0.7m, 0.3m);

            var result = polygon.ToBBoxes();

            Assert.AreEqual(result[0], expected);
            Assert.AreEqual(result[1], expectedHole);
        public int AddFence(GeoFence fence)
            var f = FencesManager.GetById(fence.FencesId);

            f.FencesName       = fence.FencesName;
            f.FencesCoordinate = fence.FencesCoordinate;

            //f.GeoFenceTypes = FencesManager.GetFencesTypeById(Convert.ToInt32(fence.TempTypeId)) ;
            f.Details  = fence.Details;
            f.IsPublic = fence.IsPublic;
            f.Zoom     = fence.Zoom;
            if (f.FencesId == 0)
                f.CreatedBy = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();
                f.Status    = true;

            f.UpdatedBy = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();
            return(f.FencesId); //????
Beispiel #29
        public void BboxesFromGeoPolygon()
            var verts = new[]
                new GeoCoord(0.8m, 0.3m), new GeoCoord(0.7m, 0.6m),
                new GeoCoord(1.1m, 0.7m), new GeoCoord(1.0m, 0.2m)

            var geofence = new GeoFence {
                NumVerts = 4, Verts = verts
            var polygon = new GeoPolygon {
                GeoFence = geofence, NumHoles = 0

            var expected = new BBox(1.1m, 0.7m, 0.7m, 0.2m);

            var result = polygon.ToBBoxes();

            Assert.AreEqual(result[0], expected);
Beispiel #30
        public void Inside_Polygon()
            Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(31.67, -106.51, new EagerLoad(false));
            Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate(31.67, -84.03, new EagerLoad(false));
            Coordinate c3 = new Coordinate(42.01, -106.51, new EagerLoad(false));
            Coordinate c4 = new Coordinate(42.01, -84.03, new EagerLoad(false));

            List <GeoFence.Point> points = new List <GeoFence.Point>();

            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -106.52));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -84.02));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(42.03, -84.02));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(42.03, -106.52));
            points.Add(new GeoFence.Point(31.65, -106.52));

            GeoFence gf = new GeoFence(points);
