Beispiel #1
	/// <summary>
	/// The method for creating a trigger
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="_trigger">The xml element containing the trigger description (Root node = Trigger)</param>
	/// <returns>The newly created trigger.</returns>
	public override Trigger CreateTrigger(XElement _trigger)
		FindKeyTrigger t = null;

		String id = _trigger.Attribute("id").Value;

		string hint = _trigger.Elements().First().Element("Hint") != null ? _trigger.Elements().First().Element("Hint").Value : "";
		string keyObject = _trigger.Elements().First().Element("KeyObject") != null ? _trigger.Elements().First().Element("KeyObject").Value : "";
		float radius = float.Parse(_trigger.Elements().First().Element("Radius").Value);
		GeoCoordinate keyPosition = new GeoCoordinate(float.Parse(_trigger.Elements().First().Element("Latitude").Value), float.Parse(_trigger.Elements().First().Element("Longitude").Value), 0);

		t = new FindKeyTrigger(id, radius, keyPosition, hint, keyObject);

		t.preTriggerObjectIds = new List<string>();
		t.postTriggerObjectIds = new List<string>();

		if (_trigger.Element("PreTriggerObject") != null)
			foreach (XElement objectIdElement in _trigger.Element("PreTriggerObject").Elements())

		if (_trigger.Element("PostTriggerObject") != null)
			foreach (XElement objectIdElement in _trigger.Element("PostTriggerObject").Elements())

		return t;
Beispiel #2
        protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs Args)
            _initialized = false;
            var location = await GetLastLocation();

            if (location != null)
                var geocoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
                Map.SetView(geocoordinate, 18, MapAnimationKind.Linear);

            _trackingTask = ScheduledActionService.Find(_TRACKING_TASK_NAME) as PeriodicTask;

            if (_trackingTask != null)
                TrackingButton.DataContext = _trackingTask;
                TrackingEnabled = _trackingTask.IsEnabled;
                TrackingEnabled = false;

            _initialized = true;
        // from
        public static double CalculateDistanceInMeters(double sourceLat, double sourceLng, double destLat, double destLng)
            var sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(sourceLat, sourceLng);
            var targetLocation = new GeoCoordinate(destLat, destLng);

            return sourceLocation.GetDistanceTo(targetLocation);
        // Constructor
        public MainPage()

            bikePaths = new BikePaths();
            trees = Tree.ParseCsv();

            map = new Map();
            map.CredentialsProvider = new ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider("Atvj6eBBbDS6-dL7shp9KmzY-0v0NL2ETYCFoHIDzQwK8_9bJ2ZdRgeMAj0sDs_F");

            // Set the center coordinate and zoom level
            GeoCoordinate mapCenter = new GeoCoordinate(45.504693, -73.576494);
            int zoom = 14;

            // Create a pushpin to put at the center of the view
            Pushpin pin1 = new Pushpin();
            pin1.Location = mapCenter;
            pin1.Content = "McGill University";


            // Set the map style to Aerial
            map.Mode = new Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.AerialMode();

            // Set the view and put the map on the page
            map.SetView(mapCenter, zoom);
        public static GeoCoordinate CreateWaypoint(GeoCoordinate sourceLocation, double distanceInMeters, double bearingDegrees, double altitude)
            var distanceKm = distanceInMeters / 1000.0;
            var distanceRadians = distanceKm / 6371; //6371 = Earth's radius in km

            var bearingRadians = ToRad(bearingDegrees);
            var sourceLatitudeRadians = ToRad(sourceLocation.Latitude);
            var sourceLongitudeRadians = ToRad(sourceLocation.Longitude);

            var targetLatitudeRadians = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(sourceLatitudeRadians) * Math.Cos(distanceRadians)
                                                  Math.Cos(sourceLatitudeRadians) * Math.Sin(distanceRadians) *

            var targetLongitudeRadians = sourceLongitudeRadians + Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(bearingRadians)
                                                                             * Math.Sin(distanceRadians) *
                - Math.Sin(sourceLatitudeRadians) * Math.Sin(targetLatitudeRadians));

            // adjust toLonRadians to be in the range -180 to +180...
            targetLongitudeRadians = (targetLongitudeRadians + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI;

            return new GeoCoordinate(ToDegrees(targetLatitudeRadians), ToDegrees(targetLongitudeRadians), altitude);
        private async void GetMyMapLocationAsync() {
            Geolocator geolocator = new Geolocator();
            geolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 50;

            try {
                Geoposition geoposition = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(
                    maximumAge: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
                    timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)

                Map.Center = new GeoCoordinate(geoposition.Coordinate.Latitude, geoposition.Coordinate.Longitude);
                Map.ZoomLevel = ZoomLevel;

                myGeoCoordinate = geoposition.Coordinate.ToGeoCoordinate();
                myMapOverlay.GeoCoordinate = myGeoCoordinate;
                myMapOverlay.Content = new Pushpin() {Content = "You"};

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if ((uint)ex.HResult == 0x80004004) {
                    // the application does not have the right capability or the location master switch is off
                    Debug.WriteLine("Geoposition not allowed or hadrware disabled");
                    // something else happened acquring the location
                    Debug.WriteLine("Geoposition is not available. Failure.");

        public VehicleTracker(GeoCoordinate[] waypoints, double minSpeed, double maxSpeed,
            int lowSpeedDelayInSecs,
            int midSpeedDelayInSecs,
            int highSpeedDelayInSecs,
            double speedBetweenPosTolerance
            if (waypoints.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Waypoints must be a GeoCoordinate array of at least 2");
            else if (minSpeed < 0 || minSpeed >= maxSpeed)
                throw new ArgumentException("minSpeed must be positive and less than maxSpeed");
            else if (speedBetweenPosTolerance <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Speed tolerance must be greater than zero");
            else if (lowSpeedDelayInSecs <= 0 || midSpeedDelayInSecs <= 0 || highSpeedDelayInSecs <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Time delays must be positive");

            _waypoints = waypoints;
            _minSpeed = minSpeed;
            _maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
            _lowSpeedDelayInSeconds = lowSpeedDelayInSecs;
            _midSpeedDelayInSeconds = midSpeedDelayInSecs;
            _highSpeedDelayInSeconds = highSpeedDelayInSecs;
            _speedBetweenPosTolerance = speedBetweenPosTolerance;
            _random = new Random();
            _speedInMph = _random.NextDouble(_minSpeed, _maxSpeed);
        public SelectDestination()
            street.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            (ApplicationBar.Buttons[1] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = true;
            GeoCoordinate geo = new GeoCoordinate();
            geo = MainPage.bookingData.current_location;
            googlemap.Center = geo;
            googlemap.ZoomLevel = 16;

            zzoom.IsEnabled = true;
            positionLoaded = true;

            Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.Pushpin new_pushpin = new Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.Pushpin();
            new_pushpin.Location = geo;

            pushPinCurrentLocation = new MapLayer();

            new_pushpin.Content = "Current Location:\n ";
            new_pushpin.Content += MainPage.bookingData.current_location_address;
            new_pushpin.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            pushPinCurrentLocation.AddChild(new_pushpin, geo, PositionOrigin.BottomLeft);

                if (MainPage.bookingData.isDesSet == true)

Beispiel #9
        private void AddPoint(Map controlMap, GeoCoordinate geo)
            // With the new Map control:
            //  Map -> MapLayer -> MapOverlay -> UIElements
            //  - Add a MapLayer to the Map
            //  - Add an MapOverlay to that layer
            //  - We can add a single UIElement to that MapOverlay.Content
            MapLayer ml = new MapLayer();
            MapOverlay mo = new MapOverlay();

            // Add an Ellipse UI
            Ellipse r = new Ellipse();
            r.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 240, 5, 5));
            // the item is placed on the map at the top left corner so
            // in order to center it, we change the margin to a negative
            // margin equal to half the width and height
            r.Width = r.Height = 12;
            r.Margin = new Thickness(-6, -6, 0, 0);

            // Add the Ellipse to the Content 
            mo.Content = r;
            // Set the GeoCoordinate of that content
            mo.GeoCoordinate = geo;
            // Add the MapOverlay to the MapLayer
            // Add the MapLayer to the Map
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the distance between 2 geo coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="homeLat">Home latitude</param>
        /// <param name="homeLong">Home longitude</param>
        /// <param name="destLat">Destination latitude</param>
        /// <param name="destLong">Destination longitude</param>
        /// <returns>The distance in meters between</returns>
        public static double DistanceBetween(double homeLat, double homeLong, double destLat, double destLong)
            var home = new GeoCoordinate(homeLat, homeLong);
            var dest = new GeoCoordinate(destLat, destLong);

            return DistanceBetween(home, dest);
 public ARunData ToARunData()
     ARunData data = new ARunData();
     for (int i = 0; i < longitude.Count(); i++)
         GeoCoordinate geoCord = new GeoCoordinate();
         geoCord.Longitude = longitude[i];
         geoCord.Latitude = latitude[i];
     //data.datetime = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DateTime>(datetime, new JavaScriptDateTimeConverter());
         data.datetime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(datetime, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "The time will be set to default");
         data.datetime = DateTime.MinValue;
     int dem = (int)IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["RunCount"];
     data.BurnedCalories = BurnedCalories;
     data.Duration = Duration;
     data.AvgSpeed = AvgSpeed;
     data.AvgPace = AvgPace;
     data.Distance = Distance;
     data.No = dem;
     data.IsSynced = true;
     return data;
Beispiel #12
        public ShotResult TakeShot(Player playerTakingShot, GeoCoordinate shotLocation)
            if (playerTakingShot != NextPlayerToTakeShot)
                return ShotResult.IllegalPlayer;

            if (LastShotWasHit())
                return ShotResult.GameAlreadyOver;

            var targetPlayer = NextPlayerToTakeShot == Player1 ? Player2 : Player1;
            if (targetPlayer.Location == null)
                return ShotResult.TargetHasNoLocation;

            if (ShotOutsideTargetZone(targetPlayer, shotLocation))
                return ShotResult.OutsideTargetZone;

            //Take shot
            var shot = ShotOnTarget(targetPlayer, shotLocation) ? new Shot(playerTakingShot, shotLocation, ShotResult.Hit) : new Shot(playerTakingShot, shotLocation, ShotResult.Miss);

            //Push to stack

            NextPlayerToTakeShot = targetPlayer;

            return shot.ShotResult;
Beispiel #13
        public JsonResult GetEnterprisesCloseToMyLocation(string latitude, string longitude)
            var enterprises = Db.Enterprises.GetNearbyEnterprises(latitude, longitude);

            var searchViewModel = new MainSearchViewModel
                Enterprises = new List<LightEnterprise>()

            foreach (var enterpriseViewModel in enterprises.Select(enterprise => new LightEnterprise
                Key = EnterpriseHelper.GetKey(enterprise.Id),
                Name = enterprise.Name,
                LocationInfo = EnterpriseHelper.FormatDisplayStreet(enterprise),
                DistanceFromMyLocation = string.Empty,
                Categories = EnterpriseHelper.GetDisplayLabelsCategories(enterprise.Categories),
                Coordinates = enterprise.Coordinates,


            var myCoord = new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse(latitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(longitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            foreach (var enterprise in searchViewModel.Enterprises)
                var enterpriseCoord = new GeoCoordinate(enterprise.Coordinates.Lat, enterprise.Coordinates.Lng);

                var distance = myCoord.GetDistanceTo(enterpriseCoord);

                enterprise.DistanceFromMyLocation = string.Format("{0}km", Math.Round((distance / 1000), 1));
            return Json(searchViewModel);
        public void Guard(Route patrolRoute)
            if (!flightTimer.Enabled)
                // drone is not flying
            while (BatteryRemaining > Drone.BatteryLowLimit)
                GeoCoordinate position = new GeoCoordinate(this.Position.Latitude, this.Position.Longitude);
                double distanceToPatrolEnd = position.GetDistanceTo(patrolRoute.RouteEnd);
                double distanceToPatrolStart = position.GetDistanceTo(patrolRoute.RouteStart);

                if (distanceToPatrolEnd < 20)
                    this.Destination = new WayPoint() {Latitude= patrolRoute.RouteStart.Latitude, Longitude = patrolRoute.RouteStart.Longitude, Altitude=0} ;
                else if (distanceToPatrolStart < 20)
                    this.Destination = new WayPoint() { Latitude = patrolRoute.RouteEnd.Latitude, Longitude = patrolRoute.RouteEnd.Longitude, Altitude = 0 };
            // Battery limit is low, go back to base
            this.Destination = new WayPoint() { Latitude = patrolRoute.RouteStart.Latitude, Longitude = patrolRoute.RouteStart.Longitude, Altitude = 0 };
        private async void GetCurrentLocation()
                geolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 50;
                // If the cached location is over 30 minutes old, get a new one
                TimeSpan maximumAge = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);
                // If we're trying for more than 5 seconds, abandon the operation
                TimeSpan timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);
                Geoposition myLocation = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(maximumAge, timeout);

                GeoCoordinate geoCord = new GeoCoordinate(myLocation.Coordinate.Latitude, myLocation.Coordinate.Longitude);
                waypoints = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
                MyMapControl.Center = geoCord;
                MyMapControl.ZoomLevel = 12;
                AddPoint(MyMapControl, geoCord);

                geolocator.PositionChanged += newPosition;
            catch (Exception exception)
                //if this is an UnauthorizedAccessException:
                //      1) you haven’t included ID_CAP_LOCATION in your app manifest
                //      or
                //      2) user has disabled location in the phone Settings

                // if this is a TimeoutExceeded exception:
                //      the device couldn't get a location in the allotted time

        private async void GetCoordinates()
            Geolocator MyGeolocator = new Geolocator();
            MyGeolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 5;
            Geoposition MyGeoPosition = null;
                MyGeoPosition = await MyGeolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                currentGeoCoordinate = ConvertGeocoordinate(MyGeoPosition.Coordinate);

                myMap.Center = currentGeoCoordinate;
                myMap.ZoomLevel = 15;

                if (!comeinGeoCoordinate.IsUnknown)
                    List<GeoCoordinate> geoCoordinates = new List<GeoCoordinate>();

                    RouteQuery routeQuery = new RouteQuery();
                    routeQuery.Waypoints = geoCoordinates;
                    routeQuery.QueryCompleted += routeQuery_QueryCompleted;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                MessageBox.Show("Location is disabled in phone settings");
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new dot element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 public ElementText(int color, Font font, GeoCoordinate center, string text)
     _color = color;
     _font = font;
     _center = center;
     _text = text;
Beispiel #18
        public static async void CheckForTargetLocation(int HitchBotID, int LocationID)
            using (var db = new Models.Database())
                var location = db.Locations.First(l => l.ID == LocationID);
                var hitchbot = db.hitchBOTs.First(h => h.ID == HitchBotID);
                var TargetLocations = db.TwitterLocations.Where(l => l.HitchBot.ID == HitchBotID && l.Status == null).Include(l => l.TargetLocation);

                foreach (hitchbotAPI.Models.TwitterLocationTarget thisTargetLocation in TargetLocations)
                    var currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
                    var targetLocation = new GeoCoordinate(thisTargetLocation.TargetLocation.Latitude, thisTargetLocation.TargetLocation.Longitude);
                    if (currentLocation.GetDistanceTo(targetLocation) <= thisTargetLocation.RadiusKM * 1000)
                        int TweetID = await Helpers.TwitterHelper.PostTweetWithLocation(HitchBotID, LocationID, thisTargetLocation.TweetText);
                        Task<int> WeatherTweet = TwitterHelper.PostTweetWithLocationAndWeather(HitchBotID, LocationID);
                        LinkTargetLocationToTweet(TweetID, thisTargetLocation.ID);
                        await WeatherTweet;


 public StopsForLocationEventArgs(List<Stop> stops, GeoCoordinate searchLocation, bool limitExceeded, Exception error)
     : base(error)
     this.stops = stops;
     this.location = searchLocation;
     this.limitExceeded = limitExceeded;
    private void Watcher_PositionChanged(object sender, GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> e)
      var coord = new GeoCoordinate(e.Position.Location.Latitude, e.Position.Location.Longitude);

      if (_line.Path.Count > 0)
        var previousPoint = _line.Path.Last();
        var distance = coord.GetDistanceTo(previousPoint);
        var millisPerKilometer = (1000.0 / distance) * (System.Environment.TickCount - _previousPositionChangeTick);
        _kilometres += distance / 1000.0;

        paceLabel.Text = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(millisPerKilometer).ToString(@"mm\:ss");
        distanceLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:f2} km", _kilometres);
        caloriesLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:f0}", _kilometres * 65); // an average of 65 calories burned per kilometer

                PositionHandler handler = new PositionHandler();
        var heading = handler.CalculateBearing(new Position(previousPoint), new Position(coord));
        Map.SetView(coord, Map.ZoomLevel, heading, MapAnimationKind.Parabolic);

        ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First().Update(new IconicTileData()
          Title = "WP8Runner",
          WideContent1 = string.Format("{0:f2} km", _kilometres),
          WideContent2 = string.Format("{0:f0} calories", _kilometres * 65), // an average of 65 calories burned per kilometer
        Map.Center = coord;

      _previousPositionChangeTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
 private void Button_gridbut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (sender == getGeoButton1)
         (Application.Current as App).RouteOriginLocation = null;
             GeoCoordinate toGeo = new GeoCoordinate();
             toGeo.Latitude = Double.Parse(LatitudeBox1.Text);
             toGeo.Longitude = Double.Parse(LongittudeBox1.Text);
             (Application.Current as App).RouteOriginLocation = toGeo;
         catch { }
         NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/LocationSelectorPage.xaml?target=Origin", UriKind.Relative));
     else if (sender == getGeoButton2)
         (Application.Current as App).SelectedLocation = null;
             GeoCoordinate toGeo = new GeoCoordinate();
             toGeo.Latitude = Double.Parse(LatitudeBox2.Text);
             toGeo.Longitude = Double.Parse(LongittudeBox2.Text);
             (Application.Current as App).SelectedLocation = toGeo;
         catch { }
         NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/LocationSelectorPage.xaml?target=Destination", UriKind.Relative));
        public void LocationForAddress(string addressString, GeoCoordinate searchNearLocation, object callerState)
            GeocodeRequest request = new GeocodeRequest();
            request.Credentials = new
                ApplicationId = bingMapsApiKey
            request.Query = addressString;
            request.UserProfile = new UserProfile()
                CurrentLocation = new UserLocation()
                    Latitude = searchNearLocation.Latitude,
                    Longitude = searchNearLocation.Longitude
                DistanceUnit = DistanceUnit.Mile,
                DeviceType = DeviceType.Mobile,
                ScreenSize = new SizeOfint()
                    Width = 480,
                    Height = 700

            GeocodeState state = new GeocodeState()
                Query = addressString,
                SearchNearLocation = searchNearLocation,
                CallerState = callerState

            geocodeService.GeocodeAsync(request, state);
 private void AddPinOnMap()
     geo1 = new GeoCoordinate(Convert.ToDouble([0].latitude), Convert.ToDouble([0].longitude));
     geo2 = new GeoCoordinate(Convert.ToDouble([ - 1].latitude), Convert.ToDouble([ - 1].longitude));
     Image pinIMG = new Image();
     pinIMG.Source = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri("/Images/map/pin_green.png", UriKind.Relative));
     pinIMG.Width = 50;
     pinIMG.Height = 50;
     MapOverlay myLocationOverlay = new MapOverlay();
     myLocationOverlay.Content = pinIMG;
     myLocationOverlay.PositionOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
     myLocationOverlay.GeoCoordinate = geo1;
     MapLayer myLocationLayer = new MapLayer();
     myLocationLayer = null;
     myLocationOverlay = null;
     pinIMG = null;
     pinIMG = new Image();
     pinIMG.Source = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri("/Images/map/pin_red.png", UriKind.Relative));
     pinIMG.Width = 50;
     pinIMG.Height = 50;
     myLocationOverlay = new MapOverlay();
     myLocationOverlay.Content = pinIMG;
     myLocationOverlay.PositionOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
     myLocationOverlay.GeoCoordinate = geo2;
     myLocationLayer = new MapLayer();
     myLocationLayer = null;
     myLocationOverlay = null;
     pinIMG = null;
     mapJourney.ZoomLevel = ZoomLevel;
     mapJourney.Center = geo2;
Beispiel #24
 public void Init()
     current = new GeoCoordinate(30.623665, -96.334171);
     destination = new GeoCoordinate(30.62505, -96.335362);
     navApp = new DroneControllerApp.AutoNavPage();
Beispiel #25
        void Seanslar_getCompleted(seanslar sender)
            loader.IsIndeterminate = false;

            PanoramaRoot.Title =;
            pItem1.DataContext = sender.SalonBilgisi;
            listFilmler.ItemsSource = sender.SalonBilgisi.movies;

            if (sender.SalonBilgisi.latitude.ToString() != "false")
                SalonCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse(sender.SalonBilgisi.latitude), double.Parse(sender.SalonBilgisi.longitude));
                myMap.SetView(SalonCoordinate, 17);

                pinpoint_salon newPin = new pinpoint_salon();
                MapOverlay newOverlay = new MapOverlay();
                newOverlay.Content = newPin;
                newOverlay.GeoCoordinate = SalonCoordinate;
                newOverlay.PositionOrigin = new Point(0, 0);
                MapLayer MyLayer = new MapLayer();
                myMap.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                recMap.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

Beispiel #26
 public void CalculateDistances(GeoCoordinate clientCoordinate)
     foreach (var server in Servers)
         server.Distance = clientCoordinate.GetDistanceTo(server.GeoCoordinate);
 public LocationForAddressEventArgs(List<LocationForQuery> locations, string query, GeoCoordinate searchNearLocation, Exception error, object state)
     : base(error, state)
     this.query = query;
     this.locations = locations;
     this.searchNearLocation = searchNearLocation;
Beispiel #28
    public string GetInfo(string search, string latitud, string longitude, string distance)
        var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse("30"),double.Parse("30"));
            var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse("30")+10, double.Parse("30")+10);

            return "[{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":" + sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord) + ", \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             ",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":" + sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord) + ", \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.4466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +

             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.5466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.6466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.7466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.8466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-103.9466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.2466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.4466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.5466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.2466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}" +
             //",{\"idItem\": 1, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto1\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\": 1,\"cost\":16.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.3466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}"+
             //",{\"idItem\": 2, \"idCategory\" : 1, \"name\":\"producto2\", \"category\":\"categoria 1\",\"description\":\"la description es indescriptible porque tenemos razones para inventar lo inventaro jaj que mamadas\", \"hasCost\":1,\"cost\":20.5,\"active\":1, \"image\":\"\"" + ",\"finditoutName\":\"dominio6\",\"distance\":300.3, \"latitude\":\"20.6827248\", \"longitude\":\"-104.6466798\", \"logo\":\"logo1\", \"allImages\":\"\"}"+

 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the Bing Maps application centered on the specified location.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="center">The location that will be used as the center point for the map.</param>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Center and SearchTerm cannot both be empty.</exception>
 public void Show(GeoCoordinate center)
     new BingMapsTask()
         Center = center,
Beispiel #30
        private const double WGS84_b = 6356752.3; // Minor semiaxis [m]

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static QuadKey CreateQuadKey(GeoCoordinate coordinate, int levelOfDetail)
            return new QuadKey(
                LonToTileX(Clip(coordinate.Longitude, -179.9999999, 179.9999999), levelOfDetail),
                LatToTileY(Clip(coordinate.Latitude, -85.05112877, 85.05112877), levelOfDetail),
Beispiel #31
 public Airport(string name, double x, double y)
     this.Name       = name;
     this.Coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(x, y);
Beispiel #32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            logger.LogInfo("Log initialized");

            // use File.ReadAllLines(path) to grab all the lines from your csv file
            // Log and error if you get 0 lines and a warning if you get 1 line
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(csvPath);

            // Create a new instance of your TacoParser class
            var parser = new TacoParser();

            // Grab an IEnumerable of locations using the Select command: var locations = lines.Select(parser.Parse);
            var locations = lines.Select(parser.Parse).ToArray();


            // Now, here's the new code

            // Create two `ITrackable` variables with initial values of `null`. These will be used to store your two taco bells that are the furthest from each other.
            // Create a `double` variable to store the distance
            TacoBell tacoOne  = null;
            TacoBell tacoTwo  = null;
            double   distance = 0;

            // Include the Geolocation toolbox, so you can compare locations: `using GeoCoordinatePortable;`
            // Do a loop for your locations to grab each location as the origin (perhaps: `locA`)
            // Create a new corA Coordinate with your locA's lat and long
            for (int i = 0; i < locations.Length; i++)
                TacoBell      locA = (TacoBell)locations[i];
                GeoCoordinate corA = new GeoCoordinate(locA.latitude, locA.longitude);
                for (int j = i + 1; j < locations.Length; j++)
                    TacoBell      locB = (TacoBell)locations[j];
                    GeoCoordinate corB = new GeoCoordinate(locB.latitude, locB.longitude);
                    double        temp = corA.GetDistanceTo(corB);
                    if (temp > distance)
                        tacoOne  = locA;
                        tacoTwo  = locB;
                        distance = temp;
            Console.WriteLine($"The furthest Taco Bells are {distance} away from each other");
            Console.WriteLine($"Location A: {}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Location B: {}");
            // Now, do another loop on the locations with the scope of your first loop, so you can grab the "destination" location (perhaps: `locB`)
            // Create a new Coordinate with your locB's lat and long
            // Now, compare the two using `.GetDistanceTo()`, which returns a double
            // If the distance is greater than the currently saved distance, update the distance and the two `ITrackable` variables you set above

            // Once you've looped through everything, you've found the two Taco Bells furthest away from each other.

            // TODO:  Find the two Taco Bells in Alabama that are the furthest from one another.
            // HINT:  You'll need two nested forloops
            TacoBell ala1        = null;
            TacoBell ala2        = null;
            double   alaDistance = 0;
            double   top         = 34.991;
            double   bottom      = 31.018;
            double   right       = -84.977;
            double   left        = -88.477;

            for (int i = 0; i < locations.Length; i++)
                TacoBell      locA = (TacoBell)locations[i];
                GeoCoordinate corA = new GeoCoordinate(locA.latitude, locA.longitude);
                if ((corA.Latitude < top && corA.Latitude > bottom) && (corA.Longitude < right && corA.Longitude > left))
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < locations.Length; j++)
                        TacoBell      locB = (TacoBell)locations[j];
                        GeoCoordinate corB = new GeoCoordinate(locB.latitude, locB.longitude);
                        if ((corB.Latitude < top && corB.Latitude > bottom) && (corB.Longitude < right && corB.Longitude > left))
                            double temp = corA.GetDistanceTo(corB);
                            if (temp > alaDistance)
                                ala1        = locA;
                                ala2        = locB;
                                alaDistance = temp;
            Console.WriteLine($"The furthest TacoBells in Alabama are {alaDistance} apart");
            Console.WriteLine($"Ala Location A: {}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Ala Location B: {}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates edge data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagsIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="tags"></param>
        /// <param name="tagsForward"></param>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="edgeInterpreter"></param>
        /// <param name="intermediates"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Edge CalculateEdgeData(IEdgeInterpreter edgeInterpreter, ITagsIndex tagsIndex,
                                                  TagsCollectionBase tags, bool tagsForward, GeoCoordinate from, GeoCoordinate to, List <GeoCoordinateSimple> intermediates)
            if (edgeInterpreter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("edgeInterpreter");
            if (tagsIndex == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tagsIndex");
            if (tags == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tags");
            if (from == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("from");
            if (to == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("to");

            uint tagsId = tagsIndex.Add(tags);

            var shapeInBox = true;

            if (intermediates != null)
            { // verify shape-in-box.
                var box = new GeoCoordinateBox(from, to);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < intermediates.Count; idx++)
                    if (!box.Contains(intermediates[idx].Longitude, intermediates[idx].Latitude))
                    { // shape not in box.
                        shapeInBox = false;

            return(new Edge()
                Forward = tagsForward,
                Tags = tagsId,
                Distance = (float)from.DistanceEstimate(to).Value,
                ShapeInBox = shapeInBox
Beispiel #34
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public double GetElevation(ElevationDataType elevationDataType, QuadKey quadKey, GeoCoordinate coordinate)
     return(getElevation(quadKey.TileX, quadKey.TileY, quadKey.LevelOfDetail,
                         (int)elevationDataType, coordinate.Latitude, coordinate.Longitude));
Beispiel #35
        public ActionResult CheckDirctFlightPost(string FlightNumber, string Date)
            // testing
            Claim c = null;
            Guid  g = new Guid("ecbc3e69-71c0-4fab-971d-3acc3bd98480");

            using (AirHelpDBContext dc = new AirHelpDBContext())
                c = dc.Claims.Where(cl => cl.ClaimId == g).SingleOrDefault();

                ViewBag.IsEu         = c.AirPorts.Any(a => CommonHeppler.IsEuCountry(a.countryCode));
                ViewBag.delayMessage = (c.issueDistance < 1500000 ? "Полета ви закъсня ли с повече от 2 часа?" :
                                        (c.issueDistance < 3500000 || ViewBag.IsEu ? "Полета ви закъсня ли с повече от 3 часа?" : "Полета ви закъсня ли с повече от 3 часа ?"));
            return(View("ColectData", c));

            var model = new VMDirectFlight()
                date        = Date,
                number      = FlightNumber,
                numberError = ""
            var arr  = Date.Split('.');
            var day  = int.Parse(arr[0]);
            var mont = int.Parse(arr[1]);
            var year = int.Parse(arr[2]);

            FlightStatus fligth = CommonHeppler.GetFlight(FlightNumber, Date);

            if (fligth.flightStatuses.Length == 0)
                model.commonError = "Невалидна комбинция от номер и дата на полета";
                return(View("DirectFlight", model));

            var AirLine = fligth.appendix.airlines.ToList().Find(a => a.iata == fligth.flightStatuses[0].primaryCarrierFsCode);

            Claim claim = new Claim
                ClaimId           = Guid.NewGuid(),
                FlightDate        = Date,
                State             = ClaimStatus.Accepted,
                UserId            = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? User.Identity.Name : null,
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                Type              = ProblemType.Pending,
                FlightNumber      = FlightNumber,
                AirCompany        =,
                AirCompanyCountry = ""

            int number = 0;

            fligth.appendix.airports.ToList().ForEach(a =>
                double distance = 0;
                if (number > 0)
                    var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(fligth.appendix.airports[number - 1].longitude, fligth.appendix.airports[number - 1].latitude);
                    var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(fligth.appendix.airports[number].longitude, fligth.appendix.airports[number].latitude);

                    distance = sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord);
                AirPort airport = new AirPort
                    Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ap_name        =,
                    city           =,
                    cityCode       = a.cityCode,
                    country        = a.countryName,
                    countryCode    = a.countryCode,
                    elevation      = a.elevationFeet,
                    iata           = a.iata,
                    number         = number,
                    name           =,
                    timezone       = 0,
                    icao           = a.icao,
                    type           = "",
                    x              = a.latitude,
                    y              = a.longitude,
                    distanceToNext = distance

            claim.allDistance = claim.AirPorts.Sum(a => a.distanceToNext);

            using (AirHelpDBContext dc = new AirHelpDBContext())

            return(View("ColectData", claim));
Beispiel #36
        public ActionResult ColectFlightDataFlightPost()
            Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

            var jsonString         = Request.Form["jsonAirport"];
            var jsonAirCompany     = Request.Form["jsonAirComapany"];
            var issueDepartureCode = Request.Form["Flight"];
            var nubmer             = Request.Form["FlightNumber"];
            var nubmers            = Request.Form["FlightNumbers"];
            var date  = Request.Form["Date"];
            var dates = Request.Form["Dates"];

            string[] flightNumbers = nubmers != null?nubmers.Split(',') : new string[]
                nubmer, ""
            string[] flightDates = dates != null?dates.Split(',') : new string[]
                date, ""

            var json = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            Airport[] airports   = json.Deserialize <Airport[]>(jsonString);
            Airline   airCompany = json.Deserialize <Airline>(jsonAirCompany);

            Claim claim = new Claim
                ClaimId           = Guid.NewGuid(),
                State             = ClaimStatus.Pending,
                UserId            = null,
                DateCreated       = DateTime.Now,
                Type              = ProblemType.Pending,
                AirCompany        =,
                AirCompanyCountry =,
                AirCompanyCode    = airCompany.iata

            if (issueDepartureCode == null)
                issueDepartureCode = airports[0].iata;

            int number = 1;

            airports.ToList().ForEach(a =>
                AirPort airport = new AirPort
                    Id           = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ap_name      = a.ap_name,
                    city         =,
                    country      =,
                    elevation    = int.Parse(a.elevation),
                    iata         = a.iata,
                    number       = number,
                    name         =,
                    timezone     = 0,
                    icao         = "",
                    type         = "",
                    x            = double.Parse(a.x),
                    y            = double.Parse(a.y),
                    FlightNumber = airports.Length == number ? (nubmer != null ? nubmer : "") : flightNumbers[number - 1],
                    FlightDate   = airports.Length == number ? (date != null ? date : "") : flightDates[number - 1],
                    startIssue   = (number == 1 && airports.Length == 2) || (a.iata == issueDepartureCode)

            double allDistance   = 0;
            double issuDistance  = 0;
            bool   flag          = false;
            var    claimAirPorts = claim.AirPorts.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < claimAirPorts.Length - 1; i++)
                var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(claimAirPorts[i].y, claimAirPorts[i].x);
                var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(claimAirPorts[i + 1].y, claimAirPorts[i + 1].x);

                var d = sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord);
                claimAirPorts[i].distanceToNext = d;
                allDistance += d;
                flag         = flag || (claimAirPorts[i].iata == issueDepartureCode);
                if (flag)
                    issuDistance += d;

            claim.issueDistance = issuDistance;
            claim.allDistance   = allDistance;

            // Check EU flagth
            IsEUFlight isEUFlight = IsEUFlight.NonEU;

            if (claim.AirPorts.All(a => CommonHeppler.IsEuCountryByName(
                isEUFlight = IsEUFlight.EU;
            else if (claim.AirPorts.Any(a => CommonHeppler.IsEuCountryByName(
                isEUFlight = IsEUFlight.EUMixed;

            double distance = (claim.Type == ProblemType.Delay) ? claim.allDistance : claim.issueDistance;

            FlightType flightType = FlightType.NotSupported;

            if (isEUFlight == IsEUFlight.NonEU)
                flightType = FlightType.NotSupported;
            else if (distance <= 1500000)
                flightType = FlightType.F1500;
            else if (distance <= 3500000 || isEUFlight == IsEUFlight.EU)
                flightType = FlightType.FTo3500;
                flightType = FlightType.FmoreThen3500;

            claim.IsEUFlight = isEUFlight;
            claim.FlightType = flightType;

            using (AirHelpDBContext dc = new AirHelpDBContext())

            return(View("ColectData", claim));
Beispiel #37
        public async Task <PlayerUpdateResponse> HumanLikeWalking(GeoCoordinate targetLocation,
                                                                  double walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour, Func <Task> functionExecutedWhileWalking, bool fromgoogle = false)
            var randomFactor    = 0.5f;
            var randomMin       = (int)(walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour * (1 - randomFactor));
            var randomMax       = (int)(walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour * (1 + randomFactor));
            var RandomWalkSpeed = RandomDevice.Next(randomMin, randomMax);

            walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour = RandomWalkSpeed;

            var speedInMetersPerSecond = walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour / 3.6;

            var sourceLocation   = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
            var distanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);

            Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, $"Distance to target location: {distanceToTarget:0.##} meters. Will take {distanceToTarget / speedInMetersPerSecond:0.##} seconds!");

            var nextWaypointBearing  = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
            var nextWaypointDistance = speedInMetersPerSecond;
            var waypoint             = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing);

            //Initial walking
            var requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            var result =
                _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude, waypoint.Altitude);

            if (functionExecutedWhileWalking != null)
                await functionExecutedWhileWalking();

            var locatePokemonWhileWalkingDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                var millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse =
                    (DateTime.Now - requestSendDateTime).TotalMilliseconds;

                sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                var currentDistanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);

                if (currentDistanceToTarget < 40)
                    if (speedInMetersPerSecond > SpeedDownTo)
                        Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, $"We are within 40 meters of the target. Slowing down to ~10 km/h to not pass the target.");
                        speedInMetersPerSecond = SpeedDownTo;

                nextWaypointDistance = Math.Min(currentDistanceToTarget, millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse / 1000 * speedInMetersPerSecond);
                nextWaypointBearing  = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
                waypoint             = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing);

                requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                result =
                    _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude,

                if (functionExecutedWhileWalking != null)
                    await functionExecutedWhileWalking();// look for pokemon
                await RandomHelper.RandomDelay(500, 600);
            }while ((LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation) >= 30 && !fromgoogle) || LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation) >= 2);
        private void Listening(IGbfsApi client)
            Receive <RefreshManifest>(refresh =>

            Receive <Manifest>(manifest =>
                var delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(manifest.TimeToLive);
                Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellOnce(delay, Self, new RefreshManifest(), Self);

                var language = manifest.Data.ContainsKey("en") ? "en" : manifest.Data.Keys.First();

                Self.Tell(new RefreshStationInformation
                    Manifest = manifest,
                    Language = language,

                Self.Tell(new RefreshStationStatus
                    Manifest = manifest,
                    Language = language,

            Receive <RefreshStationInformation>(refresh =>
                refresh.Manifest.GetStationInformation(client, refresh.Language)
                .ContinueWith(informationTask =>
                    return(Refresh: refresh, StationInformation: informationTask.Result);

            Receive <RefreshStationStatus>(refresh =>
                refresh.Manifest.GetStationStatus(client, refresh.Language)
                .ContinueWith(statusTask =>
                    return(Refresh: refresh, StationStatus: statusTask.Result);

            Receive <(RefreshStationInformation Refresh, StationInformation StationInformation)>(tuple =>
                var delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(tuple.StationInformation.TimeToLive);
                _stationInformationRefresh = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellOnceCancelable(delay, Self, tuple.Refresh, Self);

                _stationInformation = tuple.StationInformation.Data;

            Receive <(RefreshStationStatus Refresh, StationStatus StationStatus)>(tuple =>
                var delay             = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(tuple.StationStatus.TimeToLive);
                _stationStatusRefresh = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellOnceCancelable(delay, Self, tuple.Refresh, Self);

                _stationStatus = tuple.StationStatus.Data;

            Receive <RequestChallenge>(request =>
                var stationStatuses = _stationStatus.Stations
                                      .Where(x => x.IsRenting && x.IsReturning && x.IsInstalled);

                var areaOfInterest = new GeoCoordinate(request.AreaOfInterest.Center.Latitude, request.AreaOfInterest.Center.Longitude);
                var all            = _stationInformation.Stations
                                     .Select(si => new
                    Coordinate  = new GeoCoordinate(si.Lat, si.Lon),
                    Information = si,
                                     .Where(x => x.Coordinate.GetDistanceTo(areaOfInterest) <= request.AreaOfInterest.Radius * 1000)
                                     .Join(stationStatuses, x => x.Information.StationId, ss => ss.StationId, (x, status) => (
                                               Coordinate: x.Coordinate,
                                               Information: x.Information,
                                               Status: status

                var fromStation = GetCoordinate(all, request.From, x => x.NumBikesAvailable);
                var toStation   = GetCoordinate(all, request.To, x => x.NumDocksAvailable, fromStation.Information);

                Sender.Tell(new Challenge
                    FromShortName = ShortenStationName(fromStation.Information.Name),
                    From          = fromStation.Information,
                    ToShortName   = ShortenStationName(toStation.Information.Name),
                    To            = toStation.Information,

            Receive <RequestStatus>(request =>
                var stationStatuses = _stationStatus.Stations
                                      .Where(x => x.IsRenting && x.IsReturning && x.IsInstalled);

                var areaOfInterest = new GeoCoordinate(request.AreaOfInterest.Center.Latitude, request.AreaOfInterest.Center.Longitude);
                var all            = _stationInformation.Stations
                                     .Select(si => new
                    Coordinate  = new GeoCoordinate(si.Lat, si.Lon),
                    Information = si,
                                     .Where(x => x.Coordinate.GetDistanceTo(areaOfInterest) <= request.AreaOfInterest.Radius * 1000)
                                     .Join(stationStatuses, x => x.Information.StationId, ss => ss.StationId, (x, status) => new
                    Status = status,

                Sender.Tell(new Status
                    Bikes    = all.Sum(x => x.Status.NumBikesAvailable),
                    Docks    = all.Sum(x => x.Status.NumDocksAvailable),
                    Stations = all.Count,

            Self.Tell(new RefreshManifest());
Beispiel #39
        public IEnumerable <Orcamento> RetornarOrcamentosComDistanciaCalculada(string prestadorLatitude,
                                                                               string prestadorLongitude, string raio, string usuarioId)
            var orcamentos      = _orcamentoService.RetornaOrcamentosAbertos().ToList();
            var orcamentosPagos = GetOrcamentoPagosPeloPrestador(usuarioId).ToList();

            var orcamentosView = new List <Orcamento>();

            foreach (var orcamento in orcamentos)
                var expirou = _orcamentoService.PegarQuantidadeOrcamentosPorPrestador(orcamento.orc_Id);
                if (!expirou)

                if (orcamentosPagos.All(s => s.orc_Id != orcamento.orc_Id))
                    var coord_orcamento = new GeoCoordinate();
                    coord_orcamento.Latitude = double.Parse(orcamento.orc_latitude.Replace(",", "."),
                    coord_orcamento.Longitude = double.Parse(orcamento.orc_longitude.Replace(",", "."),

                    var coordenada_prestador = new GeoCoordinate();
                    coordenada_prestador.Latitude = double.Parse(prestadorLatitude.Replace(",", "."),
                    coordenada_prestador.Longitude = double.Parse(prestadorLongitude.Replace(",", "."),

                    var distancia = (coordenada_prestador.GetDistanceTo(coord_orcamento) / 1000);

                    var endereco = orcamento.orc_endereco;
                    var cidade   = "";
                    var estado   = new EnumAppEstados();
                    var partes   = endereco.Split(',');
                    foreach (var parte in partes.Where(s => s.Contains("-")))
                        var separar = parte.Split('-');
                        var ufs     = " AC, AL, AP, AM, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MT, MS, MG, PA,PB, PR, PE, PI, RJ, RN, RS, RO, RR, SC, SP, SE, TO";
                        if (ufs.Contains(separar[1]))
                            estado = (EnumAppEstados)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumAppEstados), separar[1]);
                            cidade = separar[0];

                    orcamento.Distancia = Math.Round(distancia, 2).ToString() + " Km do seu negócio em " +
                                          cidade.ToString().Trim() +
                                          " - " + estado.ToString().Trim() + " ";

                    if (distancia <= double.Parse(raio))
Beispiel #40
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GetAreas(IGeoTiff, ITile)"/>
        /// <param name="imageMinCoordinate">Minimal <see cref="GeoCoordinate"/>
        /// of <see cref="IGeoTiff"/></param>
        /// <param name="imageMaxCoordinate">Maximal <see cref="GeoCoordinate"/>
        /// of <see cref="IGeoTiff"/></param>
        /// <param name="imageSize"><see cref="Images.Size"/> of <see cref="IGeoTiff"/></param>
        /// <param name="tileMinCoordinate">Minimal <see cref="GeoCoordinate"/>
        /// of <see cref="ITile"/></param>
        /// <param name="tileMaxCoordinate">Maximal <see cref="GeoCoordinate"/>
        /// of <see cref="ITile"/></param>
        /// <param name="tileSize"><see cref="Images.Size"/> of <see cref="ITile"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"/>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"/>
        public static (Area readArea, Area writeArea) GetAreas(GeoCoordinate imageMinCoordinate,
                                                               GeoCoordinate imageMaxCoordinate, Size imageSize,
                                                               GeoCoordinate tileMinCoordinate,
                                                               GeoCoordinate tileMaxCoordinate, Size tileSize)
            #region Preconditions checks

            if (imageMinCoordinate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(imageMinCoordinate));
            if (imageMaxCoordinate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(imageMaxCoordinate));

            string err = string.Format(Strings.Culture, Strings.Equal, nameof(imageMinCoordinate), nameof(imageMaxCoordinate));

            // This is to prevent unclear DivideByZeroException exception
            if (imageMinCoordinate == imageMaxCoordinate)
                throw new ArgumentException(err);

            if (imageSize == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(imageSize));
            if (tileMinCoordinate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileMinCoordinate));
            if (tileMaxCoordinate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileMaxCoordinate));

            err = string.Format(Strings.Culture, Strings.Equal, nameof(tileMinCoordinate), nameof(tileMaxCoordinate));

            // This is to prevent unclear DivideByZeroException exception
            if (tileMinCoordinate == tileMaxCoordinate)
                throw new ArgumentException(err);

            if (tileSize == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileSize));


            // Read from input geotiff in pixels
            double readPosMinX = imageSize.Width * (tileMinCoordinate.X - imageMinCoordinate.X) / (imageMaxCoordinate.X - imageMinCoordinate.X);
            double readPosMaxX = imageSize.Width * (tileMaxCoordinate.X - imageMinCoordinate.X) / (imageMaxCoordinate.X - imageMinCoordinate.X);
            double readPosMinY = imageSize.Height - imageSize.Height * (tileMaxCoordinate.Y - imageMinCoordinate.Y) / (imageMaxCoordinate.Y - imageMinCoordinate.Y);
            double readPosMaxY = imageSize.Height - imageSize.Height * (tileMinCoordinate.Y - imageMinCoordinate.Y) / (imageMaxCoordinate.Y - imageMinCoordinate.Y);

            // If outside of tiff -- set to 0.0/Max
            readPosMinX = readPosMinX <0.0 ? 0.0 : readPosMinX> imageSize.Width ? imageSize.Width : readPosMinX;
            readPosMaxX = readPosMaxX <0.0 ? 0.0 : readPosMaxX> imageSize.Width ? imageSize.Width : readPosMaxX;
            readPosMinY = readPosMinY <0.0 ? 0.0 : readPosMinY> imageSize.Height ? imageSize.Height : readPosMinY;
            readPosMaxY = readPosMaxY <0.0 ? 0.0 : readPosMaxY> imageSize.Height ? imageSize.Height : readPosMaxY;

            // Output tile's borders in pixels
            double tilePixMinX = readPosMinX.Equals(0.0) ? imageMinCoordinate.X :
                                 readPosMinX.Equals(imageSize.Width) ? imageMaxCoordinate.X : tileMinCoordinate.X;
            double tilePixMaxX = readPosMaxX.Equals(0.0) ? imageMinCoordinate.X :
                                 readPosMaxX.Equals(imageSize.Width) ? imageMaxCoordinate.X : tileMaxCoordinate.X;
            double tilePixMinY = readPosMaxY.Equals(0.0) ? imageMaxCoordinate.Y :
                                 readPosMaxY.Equals(imageSize.Height) ? imageMinCoordinate.Y : tileMinCoordinate.Y;
            double tilePixMaxY = readPosMinY.Equals(0.0) ? imageMaxCoordinate.Y :
                                 readPosMinY.Equals(imageSize.Height) ? imageMinCoordinate.Y : tileMaxCoordinate.Y;

            // Positions of dataset to write in tile
            double writePosMinX = tileSize.Width - tileSize.Width * (tileMaxCoordinate.X - tilePixMinX) / (tileMaxCoordinate.X - tileMinCoordinate.X);
            double writePosMaxX = tileSize.Width - tileSize.Width * (tileMaxCoordinate.X - tilePixMaxX) / (tileMaxCoordinate.X - tileMinCoordinate.X);
            double writePosMinY = tileSize.Height * (tileMaxCoordinate.Y - tilePixMaxY) / (tileMaxCoordinate.Y - tileMinCoordinate.Y);
            double writePosMaxY = tileSize.Height * (tileMaxCoordinate.Y - tilePixMinY) / (tileMaxCoordinate.Y - tileMinCoordinate.Y);

            // Sizes to read and write
            double readXSize  = readPosMaxX - readPosMinX;
            double writeXSize = writePosMaxX - writePosMinX;
            double readYSize  = Math.Abs(readPosMaxY - readPosMinY);
            double writeYSize = Math.Abs(writePosMaxY - writePosMinY);

            // Shifts
            double readXShift = readPosMinX - (int)readPosMinX;
            readXSize += readXShift;
            double readYShift = readPosMinY - (int)readPosMinY;
            readYSize += readYShift;
            double writeXShift = writePosMinX - (int)writePosMinX;
            writeXSize += writeXShift;
            double writeYShift = writePosMinY - (int)writePosMinY;
            writeYSize += writeYShift;

            // If output image sides are lesser then 1 - make image 1x1 pixels to prevent division by 0
            writeXSize = writeXSize > 1.0 ? writeXSize : 1.0;
            writeYSize = writeYSize > 1.0 ? writeYSize : 1.0;

            PixelCoordinate readOriginCoordinate  = new(readPosMinX, readPosMinY);
            PixelCoordinate writeOriginCoordinate = new(writePosMinX, writePosMinY);
            Size            readSize  = new((int)readXSize, (int)readYSize);
            Size            writeSize = new((int)writeXSize, (int)writeYSize);

            Area readArea  = new(readOriginCoordinate, readSize);
            Area writeArea = new(writeOriginCoordinate, writeSize);

            return(readArea, writeArea);
Beispiel #41
        public async Task <PlayerUpdateResponse> HumanPathWalking(GpxReader.Trkpt trk,
                                                                  double walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking,
                                                                  CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            //PlayerUpdateResponse result = null;

            var targetLocation = new GeoCoordinate(Convert.ToDouble(trk.Lat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                   Convert.ToDouble(trk.Lon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            var speedInMetersPerSecond = walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour / 3.6;

            var sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);

            LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
            // Logger.Write($"Distance to target location: {distanceToTarget:0.##} meters. Will take {distanceToTarget/speedInMetersPerSecond:0.##} seconds!", LogLevel.Info);

            var nextWaypointBearing  = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
            var nextWaypointDistance = speedInMetersPerSecond;
            var waypoint             = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing,
                                                                    Convert.ToDouble(trk.Ele, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            //Initial walking

            var requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            var result =
                _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude, waypoint.Altitude);

            UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude);


                var millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse =
                    (DateTime.Now - requestSendDateTime).TotalMilliseconds;

                sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                var currentDistanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);

                //if (currentDistanceToTarget < 40)
                //    if (speedInMetersPerSecond > SpeedDownTo)
                //    {
                //        //Logger.Write("We are within 40 meters of the target. Speeding down to 10 km/h to not pass the target.", LogLevel.Info);
                //        speedInMetersPerSecond = SpeedDownTo;
                //    }

                nextWaypointDistance = Math.Min(currentDistanceToTarget,
                                                millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse / 1000 * speedInMetersPerSecond);
                nextWaypointBearing = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
                waypoint            = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing);

                requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                result =
                    _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude,

                UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude);

                if (functionExecutedWhileWalking != null)
                    await functionExecutedWhileWalking(); // look for pokemon & hit stops
            } while (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation) >= 30);

Beispiel #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an arc and it's next point from the current aggregated point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previous"></param>
        /// <param name="current"></param>
        /// <param name="next"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal AggregatedArc CreateArcAndPoint(AggregatedRoutePoint previous, AggregatedRoutePoint current, AggregatedRoutePoint next)
            // create the arc.
            AggregatedArc a = new AggregatedArc();

            a.Name  = current.Entry.Name;
            a.Names = current.Entry.Names.ConvertTo();
            a.Tags  = current.Entry.Tags.ConvertToTagsCollection();
            if (previous != null)
                GeoCoordinate previous_coordinate =
                    new GeoCoordinate(previous.Entry.Latitude, previous.Entry.Longitude);
                GeoCoordinate currentCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(current.Entry.Latitude, current.Entry.Longitude);

                Meter distance = previous_coordinate.DistanceReal(currentCoordinate);
                a.Distance = distance;

            // create the point.
            AggregatedPoint p = new AggregatedPoint();

            p.Location = new GeoCoordinate(current.Entry.Latitude, current.Entry.Longitude);
            p.Points   = new List <PointPoi>();
            p.EntryIdx = current.EntryIndex;
            if (previous != null && next != null && next.Entry != null)
                GeoCoordinate previous_coordinate =
                    new GeoCoordinate(previous.Entry.Latitude, previous.Entry.Longitude);
                GeoCoordinate next_coordinate =
                    new GeoCoordinate(next.Entry.Latitude, next.Entry.Longitude);

                p.Angle = RelativeDirectionCalculator.Calculate(previous_coordinate, p.Location, next_coordinate);
            if (current.Entry.SideStreets != null && current.Entry.SideStreets.Length > 0)
                p.ArcsNotTaken = new List <KeyValuePair <RelativeDirection, AggregatedArc> >();
                foreach (RouteSegmentBranch sideStreet in current.Entry.SideStreets)
                    AggregatedArc side = new AggregatedArc();
                    side.Name  = sideStreet.Name;
                    side.Names = sideStreet.Names.ConvertTo();
                    side.Tags  = sideStreet.Tags.ConvertToTagsCollection();

                    RelativeDirection side_direction = null;
                    if (previous != null)
                        GeoCoordinate previous_coordinate =
                            new GeoCoordinate(previous.Entry.Latitude, previous.Entry.Longitude);
                        GeoCoordinate next_coordinate =
                            new GeoCoordinate(sideStreet.Latitude, sideStreet.Longitude);

                        side_direction = RelativeDirectionCalculator.Calculate(previous_coordinate, p.Location, next_coordinate);

                    p.ArcsNotTaken.Add(new KeyValuePair <RelativeDirection, AggregatedArc>(side_direction, side));
            if (current.Entry.Points != null)
                foreach (RoutePoint route_point in current.Entry.Points)
                    PointPoi poi = new PointPoi();
                    poi.Name     = route_point.Name;
                    poi.Tags     = route_point.Tags.ConvertTo();
                    poi.Location = new GeoCoordinate(route_point.Latitude, route_point.Longitude);

                    GeoCoordinate previous_coordinate =
                        new GeoCoordinate(previous.Entry.Latitude, previous.Entry.Longitude);
                    GeoCoordinate current_coordinate = new GeoCoordinate(current.Entry.Latitude, current.Entry.Longitude);
                    poi.Angle = RelativeDirectionCalculator.Calculate(previous_coordinate, current_coordinate, poi.Location);


            // link the arc to the point.
            a.Next = p;

Beispiel #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies this layer the mapview has changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="zoomFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="extraView"></param>
        protected internal override void ViewChanged(Map map, float zoomFactor, GeoCoordinate center, View2D view, View2D extraView)
            if (_suspended)
            { // do not accept trigger changes if suspended.

            if (!this.IsVisible)
            { // if the map is not visible also do not accept changes.

                // calculate the current zoom level.
                var zoomLevel = (int)System.Math.Round(map.Projection.ToZoomLevel(zoomFactor), 0);

                if (zoomLevel >= _minZoomLevel && zoomLevel <= _maxZoomLevel)
                    // build the bounding box.
                    var viewBox = view.OuterBox;
                    var box     = new GeoCoordinateBox(map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(viewBox.Min[0], viewBox.Min[1]),
                                                       map.Projection.ToGeoCoordinates(viewBox.Max[0], viewBox.Max[1]));

                    // build the tile range.
                    lock (_stack)
                    { // make sure the tile range is not in use.

                        lock (_cache)
                            var tileRange = TileRange.CreateAroundBoundingBox(box, zoomLevel);
                            _currentZoom = zoomLevel;
                            foreach (var tile in tileRange.EnumerateInCenterFirst().Reverse())
                                if (tile.IsValid)
                                { // make sure all tiles are valid.
                                    Image2D temp;
                                    if (!_cache.TryPeek(tile, out temp) &&
                                    { // not cached and not loading.

                                        OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("LayerTile", Logging.TraceEventType.Information,
                                                                        "Queued tile: " + tile.ToString());
                            _timer.Change(0, 250);

                        if (_stack.Count > 0)
                        { // reset the attempts.
                            lock (_attempts)
            catch (Exception ex)
            { // don't worry about exceptions here.
                OsmSharp.Logging.Log.TraceEvent("LayerTile", Logging.TraceEventType.Error, ex.Message);
Beispiel #44
        public async Task <PlayerUpdateResponse> Move(GeoCoordinate targetLocation,
                                                      double walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking,
                                                      CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool disableHumanLikeWalking)

            if (!disableHumanLikeWalking)
                var speedInMetersPerSecond = walkingSpeedInKilometersPerHour / 3.6;

                var sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
                // Logger.Write($"Distance to target location: {distanceToTarget:0.##} meters. Will take {distanceToTarget/speedInMetersPerSecond:0.##} seconds!", LogLevel.Info);

                var nextWaypointBearing  = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
                var nextWaypointDistance = speedInMetersPerSecond;
                var waypoint             = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing);

                //Initial walking
                var requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                var result =
                    _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude,

                UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude);


                    var millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse =
                        (DateTime.Now - requestSendDateTime).TotalMilliseconds;

                    sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                    var currentDistanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation);

                    if (currentDistanceToTarget < 40)
                        if (speedInMetersPerSecond > SpeedDownTo)
                            //Logger.Write("We are within 40 meters of the target. Speeding down to 10 km/h to not pass the target.", LogLevel.Info);
                            speedInMetersPerSecond = SpeedDownTo;

                    nextWaypointDistance = Math.Min(currentDistanceToTarget,
                                                    millisecondsUntilGetUpdatePlayerLocationResponse / 1000 * speedInMetersPerSecond);
                    nextWaypointBearing = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(sourceLocation, targetLocation);
                    waypoint            = LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(sourceLocation, nextWaypointDistance, nextWaypointBearing);

                    requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                    result =
                        _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude,

                    UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude);

                    if (functionExecutedWhileWalking != null)
                        await functionExecutedWhileWalking(); // look for pokemon
                } while (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, targetLocation) >= 30);

                var result =
                    _client.Player.UpdatePlayerLocation(targetLocation.Latitude, targetLocation.Longitude,

                UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(targetLocation.Latitude, targetLocation.Longitude);

Beispiel #45
 public static void updatePlayerLocation(Client client, GeoCoordinate loc, bool updateFile = true)
     updatePlayerLocation(client, loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude, loc.Altitude, updateFile);
Beispiel #46
 public double getDistance(GeoCoordinate sCoord, GeoCoordinate eCoord)
Beispiel #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches the data for a point on an edge closest to the given coordinate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="graph"></param>
 /// <param name="vehicle"></param>
 /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
 /// <param name="delta"></param>
 /// <param name="matcher"></param>
 /// <param name="pointTags"></param>
 /// <param name="interpreter"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 public SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData> SearchClosest(IBasicRouterDataSource <TEdgeData> graph, IRoutingInterpreter interpreter, Vehicle vehicle,
                                                      GeoCoordinate coordinate, float delta, IEdgeMatcher matcher, TagsCollectionBase pointTags, Dictionary <string, object> parameters)
     return(this.SearchClosest(graph, interpreter, vehicle, coordinate, delta, matcher, pointTags, false, null));
Beispiel #48
 public static double CalculateDistanceInMeters(GeoCoordinate sourceLocation, GeoCoordinate destinationLocation)
     return(CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation.Latitude, sourceLocation.Longitude, destinationLocation.Latitude, destinationLocation.Longitude));
Beispiel #49
        private async Task <BaseViewModel <PagingResult <StoreViewModel> > > GetAll(GetStoreWithGPSRequestViewmovel request, string defaultCondition = null)
            var pageSize  = request.PageSize;
            var pageIndex = request.PageIndex;
            var result    = new BaseViewModel <PagingResult <StoreViewModel> >();

            string filter = SearchHelper <Store> .GenerateStringExpression(request.Filter, defaultCondition);

            Expression <Func <Store, bool> > FilterExpression = await LinqHelper <Store> .StringToExpression(filter);

            var includeList = IncludeLinqHelper <Store> .StringToListInclude(request?.Include);

            QueryArgs <Store> queryArgs = new QueryArgs <Store>
                Offset  = pageSize * (pageIndex - 1),
                Limit   = pageSize,
                Filter  = FilterExpression,
                Sort    = request.SortBy,
                Include = includeList

            var data = _repository.Get(queryArgs.Filter, queryArgs.Sort, queryArgs.Offset, queryArgs.Limit, queryArgs.Include).ToList();

            //var sql = data.ToSql();

            if (data == null || data.Count == 0)
                result.Description = MessageHandler.CustomMessage(MessageConstants.NO_RECORD);
                result.Code        = MessageConstants.NO_RECORD;
                var pageSizeReturn = pageSize;
                if (data.Count < pageSize)
                    pageSizeReturn = data.Count;
                result.Data = new PagingResult <StoreViewModel>
                    Results      = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <StoreViewModel> >(data),
                    PageIndex    = pageIndex,
                    PageSize     = pageSizeReturn,
                    TotalRecords = _repository.Count(queryArgs.Filter)
                foreach (var item in result.Data.Results)
                    var listPromo = _promotionRepository.GetMany(_ => _.BrandId == item.BrandId && _.IsActive == true);
                    item.Promotions = _mapper.Map <ICollection <PromotionViewModel> >(listPromo);
            if (request.Longitude != null && request.Latitude != null)
                foreach (var item in result?.Data?.Results)
                    var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(item.Latitude, item.Longitude);
                    var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(request.Latitude.Value, request.Longitude.Value);

                    item.Distance = (sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord) / 1000.0);

Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the data for a point on an edge closest to the given coordinate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicle"></param>
        /// <param name="coordinate"></param>
        /// <param name="delta"></param>
        /// <param name="matcher"></param>
        /// <param name="pointTags"></param>
        /// <param name="interpreter"></param>
        /// <param name="verticesOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData> SearchClosest(IBasicRouterDataSource <TEdgeData> graph, IRoutingInterpreter interpreter, Vehicle vehicle,
                                                             GeoCoordinate coordinate, float delta, IEdgeMatcher matcher, TagsCollectionBase pointTags, bool verticesOnly, Dictionary <string, object> parameters)
            Meter distanceEpsilon = .1; // 10cm is the tolerance to distinguish points.

            var closestWithMatch    = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(double.MaxValue, 0);
            var closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(double.MaxValue, 0);

            double searchBoxSize = delta;
            // create the search box.
            var searchBox = new GeoCoordinateBox(new GeoCoordinate(
                                                     coordinate.Latitude - searchBoxSize, coordinate.Longitude - searchBoxSize),
                                                 new GeoCoordinate(
                                                     coordinate.Latitude + searchBoxSize, coordinate.Longitude + searchBoxSize));

            // get the arcs from the data source.
            var arcs = graph.GetEdges(searchBox);

            if (!verticesOnly)
            { // find both closest arcs and vertices.
                // loop over all.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, KeyValuePair <uint, TEdgeData> > arc in arcs)
                    if (!graph.TagsIndex.Contains(arc.Value.Value.Tags))
                    { // skip this edge, no valid tags found.
                    var  arcTags        = graph.TagsIndex.Get(arc.Value.Value.Tags);
                    bool canBeTraversed = vehicle.CanTraverse(arcTags);
                    if (canBeTraversed)
                    { // the edge can be traversed.
                        // test the two points.
                        float  fromLatitude, fromLongitude;
                        float  toLatitude, toLongitude;
                        double distance;
                        if (graph.GetVertex(arc.Key, out fromLatitude, out fromLongitude) &&
                            graph.GetVertex(arc.Value.Key, out toLatitude, out toLongitude))
                        { // return the vertex.
                            var fromCoordinates = new GeoCoordinate(fromLatitude, fromLongitude);
                            distance = coordinate.DistanceReal(fromCoordinates).Value;
                            GeoCoordinateSimple[] coordinates;
                            if (!graph.GetEdgeShape(arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, out coordinates))
                                coordinates = null;

                            if (distance < distanceEpsilon.Value)
                            { // the distance is smaller than the tolerance value.
                                closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                    distance, arc.Key);
                                if (matcher == null ||
                                    (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) ||
                                    matcher.MatchWithEdge(vehicle, pointTags, arcTags))
                                    closestWithMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                        distance, arc.Key);

                            if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                            { // the distance is smaller for the without match.
                                closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                    distance, arc.Key);
                            if (distance < closestWithMatch.Distance)
                            { // the distance is smaller for the with match.
                                if (matcher == null ||
                                    (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) ||
                                    matcher.MatchWithEdge(vehicle, pointTags, graph.TagsIndex.Get(arc.Value.Value.Tags)))
                                    closestWithMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                        distance, arc.Key);
                            var toCoordinates = new GeoCoordinate(toLatitude, toLongitude);
                            distance = coordinate.DistanceReal(toCoordinates).Value;

                            if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                            { // the distance is smaller for the without match.
                                closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                    distance, arc.Value.Key);
                            if (distance < closestWithMatch.Distance)
                            { // the distance is smaller for the with match.
                                if (matcher == null ||
                                    (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) ||
                                    matcher.MatchWithEdge(vehicle, pointTags, arcTags))
                                    closestWithMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                        distance, arc.Value.Key);

                            // search along the line.
                            double distanceTotal = 0;
                            var    previous      = fromCoordinates;
                            GeoCoordinateSimple[] arcValueValueCoordinates;
                            if (graph.GetEdgeShape(arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, out arcValueValueCoordinates) &&
                                arcValueValueCoordinates != null)
                            { // calculate distance along all coordinates.
                                for (int idx = 0; idx < arcValueValueCoordinates.Length; idx++)
                                    var current = new GeoCoordinate(arcValueValueCoordinates[idx].Latitude, arcValueValueCoordinates[idx].Longitude);
                                    distanceTotal = distanceTotal + current.DistanceReal(previous).Value;
                                    previous      = current;
                            distanceTotal = distanceTotal + toCoordinates.DistanceReal(previous).Value;
                            if (distanceTotal > 0)
                            { // the from/to are not the same location.
                                // loop over all edges that are represented by this arc (counting intermediate coordinates).
                                previous = fromCoordinates;
                                GeoCoordinateLine line;
                                double            distanceToSegment = 0;
                                if (arcValueValueCoordinates != null)
                                    for (int idx = 0; idx < arcValueValueCoordinates.Length; idx++)
                                        var current = new GeoCoordinate(
                                            arcValueValueCoordinates[idx].Latitude, arcValueValueCoordinates[idx].Longitude);
                                        line = new GeoCoordinateLine(previous, current, true, true);

                                        distance = line.DistanceReal(coordinate).Value;

                                        if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                                        { // the distance is smaller.
                                            PointF2D projectedPoint =

                                            // calculate the position.
                                            if (projectedPoint != null)
                                            { // calculate the distance
                                                double distancePoint = previous.DistanceReal(new GeoCoordinate(projectedPoint)).Value + distanceToSegment;
                                                double position      = distancePoint / distanceTotal;

                                                closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                                    distance, arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, position, arc.Value.Value, coordinates);
                                        if (distance < closestWithMatch.Distance)
                                            PointF2D projectedPoint =

                                            // calculate the position.
                                            if (projectedPoint != null)
                                            { // calculate the distance
                                                double distancePoint = previous.DistanceReal(new GeoCoordinate(projectedPoint)).Value + distanceToSegment;
                                                double position      = distancePoint / distanceTotal;

                                                if (matcher == null ||
                                                    (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) ||
                                                    matcher.MatchWithEdge(vehicle, pointTags, arcTags))
                                                    closestWithMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                                        distance, arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, position, arc.Value.Value, coordinates);

                                        // add current segment distance to distanceToSegment for the next segment.
                                        distanceToSegment = distanceToSegment + line.LengthReal.Value;

                                        // set previous.
                                        previous = current;

                                // check the last segment.
                                line = new GeoCoordinateLine(previous, toCoordinates, true, true);

                                distance = line.DistanceReal(coordinate).Value;

                                if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                                { // the distance is smaller.
                                    PointF2D projectedPoint =

                                    // calculate the position.
                                    if (projectedPoint != null)
                                    { // calculate the distance
                                        double distancePoint = previous.DistanceReal(new GeoCoordinate(projectedPoint)).Value + distanceToSegment;
                                        double position      = distancePoint / distanceTotal;

                                        closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                            distance, arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, position, arc.Value.Value, coordinates);
                                if (distance < closestWithMatch.Distance)
                                    PointF2D projectedPoint =

                                    // calculate the position.
                                    if (projectedPoint != null)
                                    { // calculate the distance
                                        double distancePoint = previous.DistanceReal(new GeoCoordinate(projectedPoint)).Value + distanceToSegment;
                                        double position      = distancePoint / distanceTotal;

                                        if (matcher == null ||
                                            (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) ||
                                            matcher.MatchWithEdge(vehicle, pointTags, arcTags))
                                            closestWithMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                                distance, arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, position, arc.Value.Value, coordinates);
            { // only find closest vertices.
                // loop over all.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, KeyValuePair <uint, TEdgeData> > arc in arcs)
                    float fromLatitude, fromLongitude;
                    float toLatitude, toLongitude;
                    if (graph.GetVertex(arc.Key, out fromLatitude, out fromLongitude) &&
                        graph.GetVertex(arc.Value.Key, out toLatitude, out toLongitude))
                        var    vertexCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(fromLatitude, fromLongitude);
                        double distance         = coordinate.DistanceReal(vertexCoordinate).Value;
                        if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                        { // the distance found is closer.
                            closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                distance, arc.Key);

                        vertexCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(toLatitude, toLongitude);
                        distance         = coordinate.DistanceReal(vertexCoordinate).Value;
                        if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                        { // the distance found is closer.
                            closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                distance, arc.Value.Key);

                        GeoCoordinateSimple[] arcValueValueCoordinates;
                        if (graph.GetEdgeShape(arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, out arcValueValueCoordinates))
                        { // search over intermediate points.
                            for (int idx = 0; idx < arcValueValueCoordinates.Length; idx++)
                                vertexCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(
                                distance = coordinate.DistanceReal(vertexCoordinate).Value;
                                if (distance < closestWithoutMatch.Distance)
                                { // the distance found is closer.
                                    closestWithoutMatch = new SearchClosestResult <TEdgeData>(
                                        distance, arc.Key, arc.Value.Key, idx, arc.Value.Value, arcValueValueCoordinates);

            // return the best result.
            if (closestWithMatch.Distance < double.MaxValue)
Beispiel #51
        private String ResolveCity(GeoCoordinate coordinate, out String state)
            state = null;

            const double SeattleSizeThreshold = 0.0500;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, SeattleLocation, SeattleSizeThreshold))
                state = "Washington";

            const double BellevueSizeThreshold = 0.0500;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, BellevueLocation, BellevueSizeThreshold))
                state = "Washington";

            const double RedmondSizeThreshold = 0.0360;  // 0.0360 should get most of the Microsoft main campus.  But it's a tricky area.

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, RedmondLocation, RedmondSizeThreshold))
                state = "Washington";

            const double SnoqualmieSizeThreshold = 0.0250;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, SnoqualmieLocation, SnoqualmieSizeThreshold))
                state = "Washington";

            const double VegasSizeThreshold = 0.0700;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, VegasLocation, VegasSizeThreshold))
                state = "Nevada";
                return("Las Vegas");

            const double VegasDowntownSizeThreshold = 0.0050;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, VegasFremontStreetLocation, VegasDowntownSizeThreshold))
                state = "Nevada";
                return("Las Vegas - Fremont Street");

            const double RockfordIllinoisSizeThreshold = 0.1030;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, RockfordIllinoisLocation, RockfordIllinoisSizeThreshold))
                state = "Illinois";

            const double RoscoeIllinoisSizeThreshold = 0.0200;

            if (IsDistanceWithin(coordinate, RoscoeIllinoisLocation, RoscoeIllinoisSizeThreshold))
                state = "Illinois";

Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the weight between two points on an edge with the given tags for the vehicle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tags"></param>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual double Weight(TagsCollection tags, GeoCoordinate from, GeoCoordinate to)
            var distance = from.DistanceEstimate(to).Value;

            return(distance / (MaxSpeed(tags).Value) * 3.6);
Beispiel #53
        public CivicAddress ResolveAddress(GeoCoordinate coordinate)
            Contract.Requires(coordinate != null);

            String addressLine1 = null, addressLine2 = null, building = null, city = null;
            String countryRegion = null;
            String state         = null;

            city = ResolveCity(coordinate, out state);
            if (city == null)
                city = "<unknown>";

            double errorThreshold = AllowWideRangeForErrors ? ErrorThresholdForSearching : VeryPreciseErrorThreshold;

            // @TODO: My data files are a little inconsistent.  For Vegas, the building is usually the second option, like loc.Name.
            // For Microsoft main campus, the building is the point of interest, while the main campus is the name.
            IList <Location> locs = FindLocations(coordinate, errorThreshold);

            if (locs.Count > 0)
                building = locs[0].Name;
                if (locs[0].PointOfInterestName != null)
                    addressLine1 = locs[0].PointOfInterestName;
                    addressLine2 = locs[0].Name;
                    building     = locs[0].Name;
                    addressLine1 = building;

                if (locs.Count > 1)
                    foreach (Location loc in locs)
                        if (loc.PointOfInterestName != null)
                            addressLine1 = loc.PointOfInterestName;
                            addressLine2 = loc.Name;
                            if (building == null)
                                building = loc.Name;
            CivicAddress address = new CivicAddress(addressLine1, addressLine2, building, city, countryRegion, null, null, state);

            EventHandler <ResolveAddressCompletedEventArgs> handler = ResolveAddressCompleted;

            if (handler != null)
                ResolveAddressCompletedEventArgs args = new ResolveAddressCompletedEventArgs(address, null, false, null);
                handler(this, args);

Beispiel #54
        public static async Task Execute(ISession session, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            var pokestopsTuple = await GetPokeStops(session);

            pokestopList = pokestopsTuple.Item2;

            while (pokestopList.Any())
                await SnipeMSniperTask.CheckMSniperLocation(session, cancellationToken);

                pokestopList =
                        i =>
                            session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude, session)).ToList();

                // randomize next pokestop between first and second by distance
                var pokestopListNum = 0;
                if (pokestopList.Count > 1)
                    pokestopListNum = rc.Next(0, 2);

                var pokeStop = pokestopList[pokestopListNum];

                // this logic should only be called when we reach a pokestop either via GPX path or normal walking
                // as when walk-sniping, we want to get to the snipe ASAP rather than stop for lured pokemon upon
                // calling FarmPokestop; in that situation we are also always within 40m of the pokestop, so no
                // need to walk to it
                var fortInfo = await session.Client.Fort.GetFort(pokeStop.Id, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                // we only move to the PokeStop, and send the associated FortTargetEvent, when not using GPX
                // also, GPX pathing uses its own EggWalker and calls the CatchPokemon tasks internally.
                if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                    // Will modify Lat,Lng and Name to fake position
                    SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckSetMoveToTargetStatus(ref fortInfo, ref pokeStop);

                    var eggWalker = new EggWalker(1000, session);

                    var distance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(session.Client.CurrentLatitude,
                                                                           session.Client.CurrentLongitude, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                    if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGoogleWalk && !session.LogicSettings.UseYoursWalk)
                        session.EventDispatcher.Send(new FortTargetEvent {
                            Name = fortInfo.Name, Distance = distance, Route = "NecroBot2"
                        BaseWalkStrategy.FortInfo = fortInfo;

                    await session.Navigation.Move(new GeoCoordinate(pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude,
                                                                    LocationUtils.getElevation(session, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude)),
                                                  async() =>
                        if (SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckStopforSetMoveToTarget())
                        // Catch normal map Pokemon
                        await CatchNearbyPokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                        //Catch Incense Pokemon
                        await CatchIncensePokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                        // Minor fix google route ignore pokestop
                        await LookPokestops(session, pokeStop, cancellationToken);

                    // we have moved this distance, so apply it immediately to the egg walker.
                    await eggWalker.ApplyDistance(distance, cancellationToken);
                if (SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckReachTarget(session))

                await FortAction(session, pokeStop, fortInfo, cancellationToken);

                if (session.LogicSettings.SnipeAtPokestops || session.LogicSettings.UseSnipeLocationServer)
                    await SnipePokemonTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);

                if (session.LogicSettings.EnableHumanWalkingSnipe)
                    //refactore to move this code inside the task later.
                    await HumanWalkSnipeTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken,
                                                     async (double lat, double lng) =>
                        //idea of this function is to spin pokestop on way. maybe risky.
                        var reachablePokestops = pokestopList.Where(i =>
                                                                                                            session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude) < 40 &&
                                                                    i.CooldownCompleteTimestampMs == 0
                        reachablePokestops = reachablePokestops.OrderBy(i =>
                                                                                                                session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude)).ToList();

                        foreach (var ps in reachablePokestops)
                            if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                            var fi = await session.Client.Fort.GetFort(ps.Id, ps.Latitude, ps.Longitude);
                            await FarmPokestop(session, ps, fi, cancellationToken, true);
                            await Task.Delay(2000);
                                                     async() =>
                        // if using GPX we have to move back to the original pokestop, to resume the path.
                        // we do not try to use pokest;ops on the way back, as we will have used them getting
                        // here.
                        if (session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                            var eggWalker = new EggWalker(1000, session);

                            var distance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(session.Client.CurrentLatitude,
                                                                                   session.Client.CurrentLongitude, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);
                            var geo = new GeoCoordinate(pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                            await session.Navigation.Move(geo,
                                                          async() =>
                                await CatchNearbyPokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                                //Catch Incense Pokemon
                                await CatchIncensePokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);

                            await eggWalker.ApplyDistance(distance, cancellationToken);

                        var nearestStop = pokestopList.OrderBy(i =>
                                                                                                       session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude)).FirstOrDefault();

                        var walkedDistance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(nearestStop.Latitude, nearestStop.Longitude, session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude);
                        if (walkedDistance > session.LogicSettings.HumanWalkingSnipeWalkbackDistanceLimit)
                            await Task.Delay(3000);
                            var nearbyPokeStops = await UpdateFortsData(session);
                            var notexists       = nearbyPokeStops.Where(p => !pokestopList.Any(x => x.Id == p.Id)).ToList();
                            session.EventDispatcher.Send(new PokeStopListEvent {
                                Forts = pokestopList
                            session.EventDispatcher.Send(new HumanWalkSnipeEvent()
                                Type            = HumanWalkSnipeEventTypes.PokestopUpdated,
                                Pokestops       = notexists,
                                NearestDistance = walkedDistance
Beispiel #55
        public async void DoStuffAsync()

                clients = await Context.FaStatusServer.GetAsync <Clients>("clients", false, "{\"clienttype\":\"ATC\"}");
            catch (Exception)
                if (clients.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in clients)
                        GeoCoordinate Location2 = new GeoCoordinate(Convert.ToDouble(item.location[1].Replace(".", ",")), Convert.ToDouble(item.location[0].Replace(".", ",")));
                        string        distance  = (Convert.ToInt32(t.Location.GetDistanceTo(Location2)) * 0.000539956803).ToString("F0");

                        string[] split = item.callsign.ToString().Split('_');

                        foreach (string word in split)
                            switch (word)
                            case "FSS":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 2000)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("FSS // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "CTR":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 500)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("CTR // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "APP":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 100)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("APP // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "DEP":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 100)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("DEP // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "TWR":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 30)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("TWR // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "GND":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 10)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("GND // Nothing on your Range");

                            case "DEL":
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(distance) < 10)
                                    lstATC.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                        distance + " NM"
                                    Console.WriteLine("DEL // Nothing on your Range");

Beispiel #56
        private static bool IsWithinBoundingBox(GeoCoordinate coordinate, GeoCoordinate corner1, GeoCoordinate corner2, double errorThreshold)
            double lat1 = corner1.Latitude, lat2 = corner2.Latitude;

            if (lat1 < lat2)
                double tmp = lat1;
                lat1 = lat2;
                lat2 = tmp;

            double long1 = corner1.Longitude, long2 = corner2.Longitude;

            if (long1 < long2)
                double tmp = long1;
                long1 = long2;
                long2 = tmp;

            Contract.Assert(lat1 >= lat2, "Latitudes don't line up");
            Contract.Assert(long1 >= long2, "Longitudes don't line up");
            return((lat1 + errorThreshold >= coordinate.Latitude && coordinate.Latitude >= lat2 - errorThreshold) &&
                   (long1 + errorThreshold >= coordinate.Longitude && coordinate.Longitude >= long2 - errorThreshold));
Beispiel #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the map was first initialized.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapView">Map view.</param>
 /// <param name="newZoom">New zoom.</param>
 /// <param name="newTilt">New tilt.</param>
 /// <param name="newCenter">New center.</param>
 private void _mapView_MapInitialized(OsmSharp.UI.IMapView mapView, float newZoom, OsmSharp.Units.Angle.Degree newTilt, GeoCoordinate newCenter)
     // make sure the center marker stays in place from now on.
     _centerMarker.MoveWithMap = false;
Beispiel #58
        public async Task DoWalk(List <GeoCoordinate> points, ISession session,
                                 Func <Task> functionExecutedWhileWalking, GeoCoordinate sourceLocation, GeoCoordinate targetLocation,
                                 CancellationToken cancellationToken, double walkSpeed = 0.0)
            var currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude,

            //filter google defined waypoints and remove those that are too near to the previous ones
            var waypointsDists       = new Dictionary <Tuple <GeoCoordinate, GeoCoordinate>, double>();
            var minWaypointsDistance = RandomizeStepLength(_minStepLengthInMeters);

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    var dist = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(points[i - 1], points[i]);
                    waypointsDists[new Tuple <GeoCoordinate, GeoCoordinate>(points[i - 1], points[i])] = dist;

            var tooNearPoints = waypointsDists.Where(kvp => kvp.Value < minWaypointsDistance)
                                .Select(kvp => kvp.Key.Item1)

            foreach (var tooNearPoint in tooNearPoints)
            if (points.Any()) //check if first waypoint is the current location (this is what google returns), in such case remove it!
                var firstStep = points.First();
                if (firstStep == currentLocation)

            Points = points;

            var walkedPointsList = new List <GeoCoordinate>();

            foreach (var nextStep in points)
                currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                if (_currentWalkingSpeed <= 0)
                    _currentWalkingSpeed = session.LogicSettings.WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour;
                if (session.LogicSettings.UseWalkingSpeedVariant && walkSpeed == 0)
                    _currentWalkingSpeed = session.Navigation.VariantRandom(session, _currentWalkingSpeed);

                var speedInMetersPerSecond = (walkSpeed > 0 ? walkSpeed : _currentWalkingSpeed) / 3.6;

                var nextStepBearing = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(currentLocation, nextStep);
                //particular steps are limited by minimal length, first step is calculated from the original speed per second (distance in 1s)
                var nextStepDistance = Math.Max(RandomizeStepLength(_minStepLengthInMeters), speedInMetersPerSecond);

                var waypoint = await LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(currentLocation, nextStepDistance, nextStepBearing).ConfigureAwait(false);


                var previousLocation =
                    currentLocation; //store the current location for comparison and correction purposes
                var requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                await LocationUtils.UpdatePlayerLocationWithAltitude(session, waypoint,

                var realDistanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, targetLocation);
                if (realDistanceToTarget < 2)

                    TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve <MultiAccountManager>().ThrowIfSwitchAccountRequested();
                    var msToPositionChange = (DateTime.Now - requestSendDateTime).TotalMilliseconds;
                    currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude);
                    var currentDistanceToWaypoint = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, nextStep);
                    realDistanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, targetLocation);

                    var realSpeedinMperS   = nextStepDistance / (msToPositionChange / 1000);
                    var realDistanceWalked = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(previousLocation, currentLocation);
                    //if the real calculated speed is lower than the one expected, we will raise the speed for the following step
                    double speedRaise = 0;
                    if (realSpeedinMperS < speedInMetersPerSecond)
                        speedRaise = speedInMetersPerSecond - realSpeedinMperS;
                    double distanceRaise = 0;
                    if (realDistanceWalked < nextStepDistance)
                        distanceRaise = nextStepDistance - realDistanceWalked;

                    var realDistanceToTargetSpeedDown =
                        LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, targetLocation);
                    if (realDistanceToTargetSpeedDown < 40)
                        if (speedInMetersPerSecond > SpeedDownTo)
                            speedInMetersPerSecond = SpeedDownTo;

                    if (session.LogicSettings.UseWalkingSpeedVariant && walkSpeed == 0)
                        _currentWalkingSpeed   = session.Navigation.VariantRandom(session, _currentWalkingSpeed);
                        speedInMetersPerSecond = _currentWalkingSpeed / 3.6;
                    speedInMetersPerSecond += speedRaise;
                    if (walkSpeed > 0)
                        speedInMetersPerSecond = walkSpeed / 3.6;
                    nextStepBearing = LocationUtils.DegreeBearing(currentLocation, nextStep);

                    //setting next step distance is limited by the target and the next waypoint distance (we don't want to miss them)
                    //also the minimal step length is used as we don't want to spend minutes jumping by cm lengths
                    nextStepDistance = Math.Min(Math.Min(realDistanceToTarget, currentDistanceToWaypoint),
                                                //also add the distance raise (bot overhead corrections) to the normal step length
                                                Math.Max(RandomizeStepLength(_minStepLengthInMeters) + distanceRaise,
                                                         (msToPositionChange / 1000) * speedInMetersPerSecond) + distanceRaise);
                    int timeToWalk = (int)((nextStepDistance * 1000) / speedInMetersPerSecond);
                    //Logger.Debug($"nextStepDistance {nextStepDistance} need {timeToWalk} ms");

                    waypoint = await LocationUtils.CreateWaypoint(currentLocation, nextStepDistance, nextStepBearing).ConfigureAwait(false);


                    //store the current location for comparison and correction purposes
                    previousLocation    = currentLocation;
                    requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                    await LocationUtils.UpdatePlayerLocationWithAltitude(session, waypoint, (float)speedInMetersPerSecond).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(session, waypoint.Latitude, waypoint.Longitude, _currentWalkingSpeed);

                    await Task.Delay(timeToWalk).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (functionExecutedWhileWalking != null)
                        await functionExecutedWhileWalking().ConfigureAwait(false); // look for pokemon
                } while (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, nextStep) >= 2);

                UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(session, nextStep.Latitude, nextStep.Longitude, _currentWalkingSpeed);
Beispiel #59
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the map view.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="center">Center.</param>
 /// <param name="mapTilt">Map tilt.</param>
 /// <param name="mapZoom">Map zoom.</param>
 void IMapView.SetMapView(GeoCoordinate center, Degree mapTilt, float mapZoom)
     _mapView.SetMapView(center, mapTilt, mapZoom);
Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the View property.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadView()

            // initialize OsmSharp native hooks.

            // enable the loggging.
            OsmSharp.Logging.Log.RegisterListener(new OsmSharp.iOS.UI.Log.ConsoleTraceListener());

            // initialize map.
            var map = new Map();

            // add a tile layer.
            map.AddLayer(new LayerTile(@"{0}/{1}/{2}.png"));
            //            map.AddLayer(new LayerMBTile(SQLiteConnection.CreateFrom(
            //                Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(@"OsmSharp.iOS.UI.Sample.kempen.mbtiles"), "map")));

            // add an online osm-data->mapCSS translation layer.
            //map.AddLayer(new OsmLayer(dataSource, mapCSSInterpreter));
            // add a pre-processed vector data file.
//			var sceneStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(
//				"");
//			map.AddLayer(new LayerScene(Scene2D.Deserialize(sceneStream, true)));

            //            var primitivesLayer = new LayerPrimitives(map.Projection);
            //            primitivesLayer.AddPoint(new GeoCoordinate(51.26371, 4.78601), 10,
            //                SimpleColor.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Blue).Value);
            //            map.AddLayer(primitivesLayer);

            //			// define dummy from and to points.
            var from = new GeoCoordinate(51.261203, 4.780760);
            var to   = new GeoCoordinate(51.267797, 4.801362);

            //			// deserialize the pre-processed graph.
            //			var routingSerializer = new CHEdgeDataDataSourceSerializer(false);
            //			TagsCollectionBase metaData = null;
            //			var graphStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(
            //				"OsmSharp.iOS.UI.Sample.kempen-big.osm.pbf.routing");
            //			var graphDeserialized = routingSerializer.Deserialize(graphStream, out metaData, true);
            //			// initialize router.
            //			_router = Router.CreateCHFrom(graphDeserialized, new CHRouter(), new OsmRoutingInterpreter());
            //			// resolve points.
            //			RouterPoint routerPoint1 = _router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, from);
            //			RouterPoint routerPoint2 = _router.Resolve(Vehicle.Car, to);
            //			// calculate route.
            //			Route route = _router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car, routerPoint1, routerPoint2);
            //			RouteTracker routeTracker = new RouteTracker(route, new OsmRoutingInterpreter());
            //			_enumerator = route.GetRouteEnumerable(10).GetEnumerator();
            //			// add a router layer.
            //			_routeLayer = new LayerRoute(map.Projection);
            //			_routeLayer.AddRoute (route, SimpleColor.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Blue, 125).Value, 12);
            //			map.AddLayer(_routeLayer);

            // define the mapview.
            _mapView = new MapView();
            //_mapView.MapTapEvent += new MapViewEvents.MapTapEventDelegate(_mapView_MapTapEvent);
            _mapView.MapAllowTilt    = false;
            _mapView.Map             = map;
            _mapView.MapMaxZoomLevel = 19;
            _mapView.MapMinZoomLevel = 0;
            _mapView.MapTilt         = 0;
            _mapView.MapCenter       = new GeoCoordinate(51.2633, 4.7853);
            _mapView.MapZoom         = 18;
            _mapView.MapInitialized += _mapView_MapInitialized;

            // add markers.
            var marker        = _mapView.AddMarker(from);
            var popupTextView = new UITextView();

            popupTextView.Text            = "Hey, this is popup text!";
            popupTextView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.5f, 0.5f);
            marker.AddPopup(popupTextView, 100, 100);
            marker                        = _mapView.AddMarker(to);
            popupTextView                 = new UITextView();
            popupTextView.Text            = "Hey, this is another popup text!";
            popupTextView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.5f, 0.5f);
            marker.AddPopup(popupTextView, 100, 100);


            // add center marker.
            _centerMarker = _mapView.AddMarker(_mapView.MapCenter);

            // create the route tracker animator.
            // _routeTrackerAnimator = new RouteTrackerAnimator(_mapView, routeTracker, 5, 17);

            //			// simulate a number of gps-location update along the calculated route.
            //			Timer timer = new Timer(250);
            //			timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimerHandler);
            //			timer.Start();

            View = _mapView;