/// <summary>Parses a component profile </summary>
        private AbstractComponent parseComponentProfile(System.Xml.XmlElement elem, bool isSubComponent)
            AbstractComponent comp = null;

            if (isSubComponent)
                comp = new SubComponent();
                comp = new Component();

                int childIndex = 1;
                System.Xml.XmlNodeList children = elem.ChildNodes;
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    System.Xml.XmlNode n = children.Item(i);
                    if (System.Convert.ToInt16(n.NodeType) == (short)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
                        System.Xml.XmlElement child = (System.Xml.XmlElement)n;
                        if (child.Name.ToUpper().Equals("SubComponent".ToUpper()))
                            SubComponent subcomp = (SubComponent)parseComponentProfile(child, true);
                            ((Component)comp).setSubComponent(childIndex++, subcomp);

            parseAbstractComponentData(comp, elem);

        /// <summary>Parses a field profile </summary>
        private Field parseFieldProfile(System.Xml.XmlElement elem)
            Field field = new Field();

            field.Usage = elem.GetAttribute("Usage");
            System.String itemNo = elem.GetAttribute("ItemNo");
            System.String min    = elem.GetAttribute("Min");
            System.String max    = elem.GetAttribute("Max");

                if (itemNo.Length > 0)
                    field.ItemNo = System.Int16.Parse(itemNo);
            catch (System.FormatException e)
                throw new NuGenProfileException("Invalid ItemNo: " + itemNo + "( for name " + elem.GetAttribute("Name") + ")", e);
            }             // try-catch

                field.Min = System.Int16.Parse(min);
                if (max.IndexOf('*') >= 0)
                    field.Max = (short)(-1);
                    field.Max = System.Int16.Parse(max);
            catch (System.FormatException e)
                throw new NuGenProfileException("Min and max must be short integers: " + min + ", " + max, e);

            parseAbstractComponentData(field, elem);

            int childIndex = 1;

            System.Xml.XmlNodeList children = elem.ChildNodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                System.Xml.XmlNode n = children.Item(i);
                if (System.Convert.ToInt16(n.NodeType) == (short)System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
                    System.Xml.XmlElement child = (System.Xml.XmlElement)n;
                    if (child.Name.ToUpper().Equals("Component".ToUpper()))
                        Component comp = (Component)parseComponentProfile(child, false);
                        field.setComponent(childIndex++, comp);

		/// <summary>Parses a component profile </summary>
		private AbstractComponent parseComponentProfile(System.Xml.XmlElement elem, bool isSubComponent)
			AbstractComponent comp = null;
			if (isSubComponent)
				comp = new SubComponent();
				comp = new Component();
				int childIndex = 1;
				System.Xml.XmlNodeList children = elem.ChildNodes;
				for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
					System.Xml.XmlNode n = children.Item(i);
					if (System.Convert.ToInt16(n.NodeType) == (short) System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
						System.Xml.XmlElement child = (System.Xml.XmlElement) n;
						if (child.Name.ToUpper().Equals("SubComponent".ToUpper()))
							SubComponent subcomp = (SubComponent) parseComponentProfile(child, true);
							((Component) comp).setSubComponent(childIndex++, subcomp);
			parseAbstractComponentData(comp, elem);
			return comp;