/// <summary>
        /// Calculates total price for the booking when the car is returned, an returns the updated
        /// booking with the updated total price as well as updated "enddate" according to which date
        /// the car was actually returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookingNumber">Booking id connected to the reservation that is now ending (car is returned).</param>
        /// <param name="returnDate">Date of the actual return of the car.</param>
        /// <param name="currentCarMilage">The current car milage when the car is returned.</param>
        /// <returns>The booking object with upddated totalprice for the rental after the car is returned.</returns>
        public Booking ReturnRentedCar(int bookingNumber, DateTime returnDate, int currentCarMilage)
            var theBooking = repos.DataSet <Booking>().Include(c => c.Car).SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == bookingNumber);

            if (theBooking == null)
                throw new DBItemNotFoundException("There is no booking with the given bookingnumber, please check entered number.");

            if (returnDate < theBooking.RentalDate)
                throw new DateOutOfRangeException("ReturnDate for the car can not be before startdate of the booking/reservation.");

            if (theBooking.TotalCostOfRent != null)
                throw new CarAlreadyReturnedException("Car has already been registered as returned in the system.");

            if (currentCarMilage < theBooking.Car.TotalCarMilage)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can not set total car milage to a lower value than it was in the start of the rental period.");

            var numberOfDrivenKilometers = currentCarMilage - theBooking.Car.TotalCarMilage;

            theBooking.DateOfRentalEnd           = returnDate;
            theBooking.KmDrivenWithinReservation = numberOfDrivenKilometers;

            var totalRentalPrice = CalculatePriceOfCarRental(theBooking);

            theBooking.TotalCostOfRent = totalRentalPrice;

