Beispiel #1
		// constructors
		public ReferenceObject ()
			//Console.WriteLine (" ");
			//Console.WriteLine ("======= CONSTRUCTOR START ===========");

			Date = DateTime.Now;
			DecimalNumber = 10.5005m;
			StringProperty = "Dubrovnik.UnitTests property";
            Name = "Dubrovnik.UnitTests ReferenceObject";
			Int32Number = 32;
			Int64Number = 64;

			IntEnumeration = IntEnum.val1;
			LongEnumeration = LongEnum.val1;

            // initialize arrays
            Int64Array = new Int64[] {0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256}; // 10 items
            Int32Array = new Int32[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 }; // 10 items
            Int16Array = new Int16[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 }; // 10 items
            BoolArray = new bool[] { true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false }; // 10 itesm
            DoubleArray = new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 }; // 10 items
            FloatArray = new float[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 }; // 10 items

            StringArray = new string[] {"Dubrovnik.UnitTests", "string", "array"};
            StringArrayList = new ArrayList { "Dubrovnik.UnitTests", "string", "array" };

            // initialize lists
			StringList = new List<string> {
				"Dubrovnik.UnitTests 1",
				"Dubrovnik.UnitTests 2",
			IntList = new List<int> {
			UIntList = new List<uint> {
			FloatList = new List<float> {
			DoubleList = new List<double> {

			// initialze dictionarys
			StringStringDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> {
				{ "keyForString1", "Dubrovnik.UnitTests 1" },
				{ "keyForString2", "Dubrovnik.UnitTests 2" },

			StringObjectDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> {
				{ "keyForString", "Dubrovnik.UnitTests" },
				{ "keyForInteger", 100 },
				{ "keyForFloat", 1001F },
				{ "keyForIntEnum", IntEnum.val1 },
				{ "keyForListA1", new List<string>{"Dubrovnik1", "Dubrovnik2"}},
				{ "keyForDictionaryA2", new Dictionary <string, object> { {"subKey1", "subValue1"}, {"subKey2", "subValue2"} }},
				{ "keyForStringArray", new string[] {"Dubrovnik SubItem1", "Dubrovnik SubItem2"}},
			IntIntDictionary = new Dictionary<int, int> {
				{ 1, 2 },
				{ 3, 6 },
			ObjectObjectDictionary = new Dictionary<object, object> {
				{ "keyForString", "Dubrovnik.UnitTests" },
				{ "keyForInteger", 100 },
				{ "keyForFloat", 1001F },
				{ 1, 8 },
				{ 1F,  "Dubrovnik.UnitTests 2" },
            IntIntStringDictionaryDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>>
                { 0, new Dictionary<int, string>{{0, "string0"}, {1, "string1"}}},
                { 1, new Dictionary<int, string>{{10, "string10"}, {11, "string11"}}},

			StringStringGenericReferenceObject = new GenericReferenceObject<string, string>();
			StringStringGenericReferenceObject.GenericPropertyWithTypeParameterT = "I am of type T == string";
			StringStringGenericReferenceObject.GenericPropertyWithTypeParameterU = "I am of type U == string";

			// initialise nullables
			IntNullable = 1;
			FloatNullable = null;

            // initialise interface test properties
		    ExIntTestProperty = true;
		    (this as IReferenceObject1).ExIntTestProperty = 10101;
            (this as IReferenceObject2).ExIntTestProperty = 20202f;
		    ImpIntTestProperty = 30303;

		    //Console.WriteLine ("======= CONSTRUCTOR END ===========");
		    //Console.WriteLine (" ");
Beispiel #2
        protected void ddlTagType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DropDownList ddlTagType = sender as DropDownList;

            List <GenericReferenceObject> lTagValueSource = new List <GenericReferenceObject>();

            switch (ddlTagType.SelectedValue)
            case _tagTypeClub:
                using (UaFootball_DBDataContext db = DBManager.GetDB())
                    if (ddlMultimediaSubType.SelectedValue == Constants.DB.MutlimediaSubTypes.PlayerLogo)
                        MultimediaTagDTO playerTag = TagsCache.SingleOrDefault(tc => tc.Type == _tagTypePlayer);
                        if (playerTag != null)
                            List <Player_GetClubsResult> clubs = db.Player_GetClubs(playerTag.Player_ID).ToList();
                            if (clubs != null)
                                foreach (Player_GetClubsResult club in clubs)
                                    lTagValueSource.Add(new GenericReferenceObject {
                                            Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", club.Club, club.City), Value = club.Club_Id,
                        lTagValueSource = db.Clubs.OrderByDescending(c => c.Club_ID).Select(c => new GenericReferenceObject {
                                Name = c.Club_Name, GenericStringValue = c.City.City_Name, Value = c.Club_ID
                        foreach (GenericReferenceObject go in lTagValueSource)
                            go.Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", go.Name, go.GenericStringValue);

            case _tagTypeNatTeam:
                using (UaFootball_DBDataContext db = DBManager.GetDB())
                    if (ddlMultimediaSubType.SelectedValue == Constants.DB.MutlimediaSubTypes.PlayerLogo)
                        lTagValueSource = new List <GenericReferenceObject>();
                        lTagValueSource = db.NationalTeams.Where(nt => nt.NationalTeamType_Cd == Constants.DB.NationalTeamTypeCd_National && nt.Country.Country_Code == Constants.CountryCodeUA).Select(c => new GenericReferenceObject {
                                Name = c.Country.Country_Name, Value = c.NationalTeam_Id
                        lTagValueSource = db.NationalTeams.Where(nt => nt.NationalTeamType_Cd == Constants.DB.NationalTeamTypeCd_National).OrderBy(c => c.Country.Country_Name).Select(c => new GenericReferenceObject {
                                Name = c.Country.Country_Name, Value = c.NationalTeam_Id

            case _tagTypePlayer:
                using (UaFootball_DBDataContext db = DBManager.GetDB())
                    List <UaFDatabase.Player> lPlayers = new List <UaFDatabase.Player>();
                    if (ddlMultimediaSubType.SelectedValue == Constants.DB.MutlimediaSubTypes.PlayerLogo)
                        lPlayers = db.Players.OrderByDescending(c => c.Player_Id).Take(50).OrderBy(p => p.Last_Name).ToList();
                        foreach (UaFDatabase.Player p in lPlayers)
                            string fName = p.First_Name ?? "";
                            string lName = p.Last_Name ?? "";
                            string dName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Display_Name) ? "" : string.Concat("(", p.Display_Name, ")");
                            string name  = Regex.Replace(string.Concat(fName, " ", lName, " ", dName), @"\s+", " ");
                            lTagValueSource.Add(new GenericReferenceObject {
                                    Name = name, Value = p.Player_Id
                        MultimediaTagDTO matchTag = TagsCache.SingleOrDefault(tc => tc.Type == _tagTypeGame);
                        if (matchTag != null)
                            vwMatch match            = db.vwMatches.Single(v => v.Match_ID == matchTag.Match_ID);
                            bool    homeTeamPriority = match.HomeTeamCountryCode == Constants.CountryCodeUA;
                            var     players          = from matchLineup in db.MatchLineups
                                                       where matchLineup.Match_Id == matchTag.Match_ID && matchLineup.Player_Id != null
                                                       select new { Player = matchLineup.Player, IsHomeTeam = matchLineup.IsHomeTeamPlayer, IsSubstitute = matchLineup.IsSubstitute, No = matchLineup.ShirtNumber };

                            if (homeTeamPriority)
                                players = players.OrderByDescending(pl => pl.IsHomeTeam).ThenBy(pl => pl.No);
                                players = players.OrderBy(pl => pl.IsHomeTeam).ThenBy(pl => pl.No);

                            foreach (var player in players)
                                GenericReferenceObject go = new GenericReferenceObject();
                                go.Name  = string.Format("{0} - {1}", player.No.ToString().PadLeft(2, ' '), FormatName(player.Player.First_Name, player.Player.Last_Name, player.Player.Display_Name, player.Player.Country_Id));
                                go.Value = player.Player.Player_Id;

            case _tagTypeGame:
                using (UaFootball_DBDataContext db = DBManager.GetDB())
                    var lst = (from match in db.vwMatches orderby match.Match_ID descending select match).Take(50);
                    lTagValueSource = lst.Select(l => new GenericReferenceObject {
                            Name = string.Format("{0} | {1} - {2}", l.Date.ToShortDateString(), l.HomeTeam, l.AwayTeam), Value = l.Match_ID

            case _tagTypeEvent:
                MultimediaTagDTO matchTag = TagsCache.SingleOrDefault(tc => tc.Type == _tagTypeGame);
                if (matchTag != null)
                    using (UaFootball_DBDataContext db = DBManager.GetDB())
                        DataLoadOptions opt = new DataLoadOptions();
                        opt.LoadWith <MatchEvent>(me => me.Player1);

                        List <UaFDatabase.MatchEvent> events = db.MatchEvents.Where(me => me.Match_Id == matchTag.Match_ID).OrderBy(me => me.Event_Cd).ThenBy(me => me.Minute).ToList();

                        foreach (UaFDatabase.MatchEvent mEvent in events)
                            GenericReferenceObject go = new GenericReferenceObject();
                            go.Name  = string.Format("{0} мин - {1} - {2}", mEvent.Minute, UIHelper.EventCodeMap[mEvent.Event_Cd], FormatName(mEvent.Player.First_Name, mEvent.Player.Last_Name, mEvent.Player.Display_Name, mEvent.Player.Country_Id));
                            go.Value = mEvent.MatchEvent_Id;
                            go.GenericStringValue = mEvent.Event_Cd;

            foreach (GenericReferenceObject o in lTagValueSource)
                ListItem li = new ListItem(o.Name, o.Value.ToString());
                li.Attributes.Add("eventType", o.GenericStringValue);