Beispiel #1
 public void SmoothTerrain(int iterations, float blend)
     generatorTypeInt = 3;
     generatorType = GeneratorType.Smooth;
     smoothIterations = iterations;
     smoothBlend = blend;
     GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
Beispiel #2
 public void NormaliseTerrain(float minHeight, float maxHeight, float blend)
     generatorTypeInt = 4;
     generatorType = GeneratorType.Normalise;
     normaliseMin = minHeight;
     normaliseMax = maxHeight;
     normaliseBlend = blend;
     GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
Beispiel #3
 public void PerlinGenerator(int frequency, float amplitude, int octaves, float blend)
     generatorTypeInt = 2;
     generatorType = GeneratorType.Perlin;
     perlinFrequency = frequency;
     perlinAmplitude = amplitude;
     perlinOctaves = octaves;
     perlinBlend = blend;
     GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
Beispiel #4
 public void FractalGenerator(float fractalDelta, float blend)
     generatorTypeInt = 1;
     generatorType = GeneratorType.DiamondSquare;
     diamondSquareDelta = fractalDelta;
     diamondSquareBlend = blend;
     GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
Beispiel #5
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATOR FILTERS
 public void generateTerrain(GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     // Check enum vars...
     // Error checking...
     Terrain ter = (Terrain) GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     if (ter == null) {
     TerrainData terData = ter.terrainData;
     int Tw = terData.heightmapWidth;
     int Th = terData.heightmapHeight;
     float[,] heightMap = terData.GetHeights(0, 0, Tw, Th);
     float[,] generatedHeightMap = (float[,]) heightMap.Clone();
     // Set the number of iterations and pass the height array to the appropriate generator script...
     switch (generatorType) {
         case GeneratorType.Voronoi:
         generatedHeightMap = generateVoronoi(generatedHeightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case GeneratorType.DiamondSquare:
         generatedHeightMap = generateDiamondSquare(generatedHeightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case GeneratorType.Perlin:
         generatedHeightMap = generatePerlin(generatedHeightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case GeneratorType.Smooth:
         generatedHeightMap = smooth(generatedHeightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), generatorProgressDelegate);
         case GeneratorType.Normalise:
         generatedHeightMap = normalise(generatedHeightMap, new Vector2(Tw, Th), generatorProgressDelegate);
     // Apply it to the terrain object...
     for (int Ty = 0; Ty < Th; Ty++) {
         for (int Tx = 0; Tx < Tw; Tx++) {
             float oldHeightAtPoint = heightMap[Tx, Ty];
             float newHeightAtPoint = generatedHeightMap[Tx, Ty];
             float blendedHeightAtPoint = 0.0f;
             switch (generatorType) {
                 case GeneratorType.Voronoi:
                 blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * voronoiBlend) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - voronoiBlend));
                 case GeneratorType.DiamondSquare:
                 blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * diamondSquareBlend) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - diamondSquareBlend));
                 case GeneratorType.Perlin:
                 blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * perlinBlend) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - perlinBlend));
                 case GeneratorType.Smooth:
                 blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * smoothBlend) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - smoothBlend));
                 case GeneratorType.Normalise:
                 blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * normaliseBlend) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - normaliseBlend));
             heightMap[Tx, Ty] = blendedHeightAtPoint;
     terData.SetHeights(0, 0, heightMap);
Beispiel #6
 private float[,] smooth(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int Tw = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Th = (int) arraySize.y;
     int xNeighbours;
     int yNeighbours;
     int xShift;
     int yShift;
     int xIndex;
     int yIndex;
     int Tx;
     int Ty;
     // Start iterations...
     for (int iter = 0; iter < smoothIterations; iter++) {
         for (Ty = 0; Ty < Th; Ty++) {
             // y...
             if (Ty == 0) {
                 yNeighbours = 2;
                 yShift = 0;
                 yIndex = 0;
             } else if (Ty == Th - 1) {
                 yNeighbours = 2;
                 yShift = -1;
                 yIndex = 1;
             } else {
                 yNeighbours = 3;
                 yShift = -1;
                 yIndex = 1;
             for (Tx = 0; Tx < Tw; Tx++) {
                 // x...
                 if (Tx == 0) {
                     xNeighbours = 2;
                     xShift = 0;
                     xIndex = 0;
                 } else if (Tx == Tw - 1) {
                     xNeighbours = 2;
                     xShift = -1;
                     xIndex = 1;
                 } else {
                     xNeighbours = 3;
                     xShift = -1;
                     xIndex = 1;
                 int Ny;
                 int Nx;
                 float hCumulative = 0.0f;
                 int nNeighbours = 0;
                 for (Ny = 0; Ny < yNeighbours; Ny++) {
                     for (Nx = 0; Nx < xNeighbours; Nx++) {
                         if (neighbourhood == Neighbourhood.Moore || (neighbourhood == Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (Nx == xIndex || Ny == yIndex))) {
                             float heightAtPoint = heightMap[Tx + Nx + xShift, Ty + Ny + yShift]; // Get height at point
                             hCumulative += heightAtPoint;
                 float hAverage = hCumulative / nNeighbours;
                 heightMap[Tx + xIndex + xShift, Ty + yIndex + yShift] = hAverage;
         // Show progress...
         float percentComplete = (iter + 1) / smoothIterations;
         generatorProgressDelegate("Smoothing Filter", "Smoothing height map. Please wait.", percentComplete);
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #7
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND EROSION
 private float[,] windErosion(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, int iterations, ErosionProgressDelegate erosionProgressDelegate)
     Terrain ter = (Terrain) GetComponent(typeof(Terrain));
     TerrainData terData = ter.terrainData;
     Quaternion windQuaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0, (windDirection + 180.0f), 0);
     Vector3 windVector = windQuaternion * Vector3.forward;
     int Tw = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Th = (int) arraySize.y;
     float[,] stressMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] flowMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] velocityMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] velocityDiffMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] suspensionMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] suspensionDiffMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     float[,] heightDiffMap = new float[Tw, Th];
     int xNeighbours;
     int yNeighbours;
     int xShift;
     int yShift;
     int xIndex;
     int yIndex;
     int Mx;
     int My;
     float materialAtIndex;
     float velocityAtCell;
     // Zero maps...
     for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
         for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
             stressMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             flowMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             velocityMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             velocityDiffMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             suspensionMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             suspensionDiffMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
             heightDiffMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
     // Start iterations...
     for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
         // Drop material...
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 velocityAtCell = velocityMap[Mx, My];
                 float heightAtCell = heightMap[Mx, My];
                 float materialAtCell = suspensionMap[Mx, My];
                 float droppedMaterial = materialAtCell * windGravity; //  * 1.0f - (velocityAtCell)
                 suspensionMap[Mx, My] = materialAtCell - droppedMaterial;
                 heightMap[Mx, My] = heightAtCell + droppedMaterial;
         // Calculate stress and flow...
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 float heightAtIndex = heightMap[Mx, My]; // ALTITUDE
                 Vector3 pNormal = terData.GetInterpolatedNormal((float) Mx / Tw, (float) My / Th); // NORMAL
                 float stress = (Vector3.Angle(pNormal, windVector) - 90) / 90;
                 if (stress < 0.0f) {
                     stress = 0.0f;
                 stressMap[Mx, My] = stress * heightAtIndex;
                 float flow = 1.0f - Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(pNormal, windVector) - 90) / 90;
                 flowMap[Mx, My] = flow * heightAtIndex; // ^2
                 float inFlow = flow * heightAtIndex * windForce; // ^2
                 float velocityAtPoint = velocityMap[Mx, My];
                 float newVelocityAtPoint = velocityAtPoint + inFlow; // * UnityEngine.Random.value;
                 velocityMap[Mx, My] = newVelocityAtPoint;
                 // Lift material...
                 materialAtIndex = suspensionMap[Mx, My];
                 float liftedMaterial = windLift * newVelocityAtPoint; // * UnityEngine.Random.value;
                 if (materialAtIndex + liftedMaterial > windCapacity) {
                     liftedMaterial = windCapacity - materialAtIndex;
                 suspensionMap[Mx, My] = materialAtIndex + liftedMaterial;
                 heightMap[Mx, My] = heightAtIndex - liftedMaterial;
         // Calculate flow propagation...
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             // y...
             if (My == 0) {
                 yNeighbours = 2;
                 yShift = 0;
                 yIndex = 0;
             } else if (My == Th - 1) {
                 yNeighbours = 2;
                 yShift = -1;
                 yIndex = 1;
             } else {
                 yNeighbours = 3;
                 yShift = -1;
                 yIndex = 1;
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 // x...
                 if (Mx == 0) {
                     xNeighbours = 2;
                     xShift = 0;
                     xIndex = 0;
                 } else if (Mx == Tw - 1) {
                     xNeighbours = 2;
                     xShift = -1;
                     xIndex = 1;
                 } else {
                     xNeighbours = 3;
                     xShift = -1;
                     xIndex = 1;
                 int Ny;
                 int Nx;
                 float flowAtIndex = flowMap[Mx, My];
                 float stressAtIndex = stressMap[Mx, My];
                 materialAtIndex = suspensionMap[Mx, My];
                 for (Ny = 0; Ny < yNeighbours; Ny++) {
                     for (Nx = 0; Nx < xNeighbours; Nx++) {
                         if (Nx != xIndex || Ny != yIndex) {
                             if (neighbourhood == Neighbourhood.Moore || (neighbourhood == Neighbourhood.VonNeumann && (Nx == xIndex || Ny == yIndex))) {
                                 Vector3 vectorToNeighbour = new Vector3(Nx + xShift, 0, -1 * (Ny + yShift));
                                 float pWeighting = (90 - Vector3.Angle(vectorToNeighbour, windVector)) / 90;
                                 if (pWeighting < 0.0f) {
                                     pWeighting = 0.0f;
                                 // Propagate velocity...
                                 float propagatedVelocitySoFar = velocityDiffMap[Mx + Nx + xShift, My + Ny + yShift];
                                 float propagatedVelocity = pWeighting * (flowAtIndex - stressAtIndex) * 0.1f;
                                 if (propagatedVelocity < 0.0f) {
                                     propagatedVelocity = 0.0f;
                                 float propagatedVelocityAfter = propagatedVelocitySoFar + propagatedVelocity;
                                 // Pass to difference map...
                                 velocityDiffMap[Mx + Nx + xShift, My + Ny + yShift] = propagatedVelocityAfter;
                                 // Lose velocity...
                                 float lostVelocitySoFar = velocityDiffMap[Mx, My];
                                 float lostVelocityAfter = lostVelocitySoFar - propagatedVelocity;
                                 // Pass to difference map...
                                 velocityDiffMap[Mx, My] = lostVelocityAfter;
                                 // Propagate material...
                                 float propagatedMaterialSoFar = suspensionDiffMap[Mx + Nx + xShift, My + Ny + yShift];
                                 float propagatedMaterial = materialAtIndex * propagatedVelocity;
                                 float propagatedMaterialAfter = propagatedMaterialSoFar + propagatedMaterial;
                                 // Pass to difference map...
                                 suspensionDiffMap[Mx + Nx + xShift, My + Ny + yShift] = propagatedMaterialAfter;
                                 // Lose material...
                                 float lostMaterialSoFar = suspensionDiffMap[Mx, My];
                                 float lostMaterialAfter = lostMaterialSoFar - propagatedMaterial;
                                 // Pass to difference map...
                                 suspensionDiffMap[Mx, My] = lostMaterialAfter;
         // Apply suspension difference map to suspension map...
         float suspensionAtCell;
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 suspensionAtCell = suspensionMap[Mx, My] + suspensionDiffMap[Mx, My];
                 if (suspensionAtCell > 1.0f) {
                     suspensionAtCell = 1.0f;
                 } else if (suspensionAtCell < 0.0f) {
                     suspensionAtCell = 0.0f;
                 suspensionMap[Mx, My] = suspensionAtCell;
                 suspensionDiffMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
         // Apply velocity difference map to velocity map...
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 velocityAtCell = velocityMap[Mx, My] + velocityDiffMap[Mx, My];
                 // Calculate entropy...
                 velocityAtCell *= 1.0f - windEntropy;
                 if (velocityAtCell > 1.0f) {
                     velocityAtCell = 1.0f;
                 } else if (velocityAtCell < 0.0f) {
                     velocityAtCell = 0.0f;
                 velocityMap[Mx, My] = velocityAtCell;
                 velocityDiffMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
         // Smooth...
         smoothIterations = 1;
         smoothBlend = 0.25f;
         float[,] smoothedHeightMap = (float[,]) heightMap.Clone();
         GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
         smoothedHeightMap = smooth(smoothedHeightMap, arraySize, generatorProgressDelegate);
         // Combine...
         for (My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
             for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
                 float oldHeightAtPoint = heightMap[Mx, My];
                 float newHeightAtPoint = smoothedHeightMap[Mx, My];
                 float blendAmount = stressMap[Mx, My] * windSmoothing;
                 float blendedHeightAtPoint = (newHeightAtPoint * blendAmount) + (oldHeightAtPoint * (1.0f - blendAmount));
                 heightMap[Mx, My] = blendedHeightAtPoint;
         // Update progress...
         float percentComplete = (float) iter / (float) iterations;
         erosionProgressDelegate("Applying Wind Erosion", "Applying wind erosion.", iter, iterations, percentComplete);
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #8
 private float[,] normalise(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int Tx = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Ty = (int) arraySize.y;
     int Mx;
     int My;
     float highestPoint = 0.0f;
     float lowestPoint = 1.0f;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 0.0f);
     // Find highest and lowest points...
     for (My = 0; My < Ty; My++) {
         for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tx; Mx++) {
             float heightAtPoint = heightMap[Mx, My];
             if (heightAtPoint < lowestPoint) {
                 lowestPoint = heightAtPoint;
             } else if (heightAtPoint > highestPoint) {
                 highestPoint = heightAtPoint;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 0.5f);
     // Normalise...
     float heightRange = highestPoint - lowestPoint;
     float normalisedHeightRange = normaliseMax - normaliseMin;
     for (My = 0; My < Ty; My++) {
         for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tx; Mx++) {
             float normalisedHeight = ((heightMap[Mx, My] - lowestPoint) / heightRange) * normalisedHeightRange;
             heightMap[Mx, My] = normaliseMin + normalisedHeight;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Normalise Filter", "Normalising height map. Please wait.", 1.0f);
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #9
 private float[,] generateVoronoi(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int Tx = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Ty = (int) arraySize.y;
     // Create Voronoi set...
     ArrayList voronoiSet = new ArrayList();
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < voronoiCells; i++) {
         Peak newPeak = new Peak();
         int xCoord = (int) Mathf.Floor(UnityEngine.Random.value * Tx);
         int yCoord = (int) Mathf.Floor(UnityEngine.Random.value * Ty);
         float pointHeight = UnityEngine.Random.value;
         if (UnityEngine.Random.value > voronoiFeatures) {
             pointHeight = 0.0f;
         newPeak.peakPoint = new Vector2(xCoord, yCoord);
         newPeak.peakHeight = pointHeight;
     int Mx;
     int My;
     float highestScore = 0.0f;
     for (My = 0; My < Ty; My++) {
         for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tx; Mx++) {
             ArrayList peakDistances = new ArrayList();
             for (i = 0; i < voronoiCells; i++) {
                 Peak peakI = (Peak) voronoiSet[i];
                 Vector2 peakPoint = peakI.peakPoint;
                 float distanceToPeak = Vector2.Distance(peakPoint, new Vector2(Mx, My));
                 PeakDistance newPeakDistance = new PeakDistance();
        = i;
                 newPeakDistance.dist = distanceToPeak;
             PeakDistance peakDistOne = (PeakDistance) peakDistances[0];
             PeakDistance peakDistTwo = (PeakDistance) peakDistances[1];
             int p1 =;
             float d1 = peakDistOne.dist;
             float d2 = peakDistTwo.dist;
             float scale = Mathf.Abs(d1 - d2) / ((Tx + Ty) / Mathf.Sqrt(voronoiCells));
             Peak peakOne = (Peak) voronoiSet[p1];
             float h1 = (float) peakOne.peakHeight;
             float hScore = h1 - Mathf.Abs(d1 / d2) * h1;
             float asRadians;
             switch (voronoiType) {
                 case VoronoiType.Linear:
                 // Nothing...
                 case VoronoiType.Sine:
                 asRadians = hScore * Mathf.PI - Mathf.PI / 2;
                 hScore = 0.5f + Mathf.Sin(asRadians) / 2;
                 case VoronoiType.Tangent:
                 asRadians = hScore * Mathf.PI / 2;
                 hScore = 0.5f + Mathf.Tan(asRadians) / 2;
             hScore = (hScore * scale * voronoiScale) + (hScore * (1.0f - voronoiScale));
             if (hScore < 0.0f) {
                 hScore = 0.0f;
             } else if (hScore > 1.0f) {
                 hScore = 1.0f;
             heightMap[Mx, My] = hScore;
             if (hScore > highestScore) {
                 highestScore = hScore;
         // Show progress...
         float completePoints = My * Ty;
         float totalPoints = Tx * Ty;
         float percentComplete = completePoints / totalPoints;
         generatorProgressDelegate("Voronoi Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", percentComplete);
     // Normalise...
     for (My = 0; My < Ty; My++) {
         for (Mx = 0; Mx < Tx; Mx++) {
             float normalisedHeight = heightMap[Mx, My] * (1.0f / highestScore);
             heightMap[Mx, My] = normalisedHeight;
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #10
 private float[,] generatePerlin(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int Tw = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Th = (int) arraySize.y;
     // Zero...
     for (int My = 0; My < Th; My++) {
         for (int Mx = 0; Mx < Tw; Mx++) {
             heightMap[Mx, My] = 0.0f;
     PerlinNoise2D[] noiseFunctions = new PerlinNoise2D[perlinOctaves];
     int freq = perlinFrequency;
     float amp = 1.0f;
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) {
         noiseFunctions[i] = new PerlinNoise2D(freq, amp);
         freq *= 2;
         amp /= 2;
     for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) {
         double xStep = (float) Tw / (float) noiseFunctions[i].Frequency;
         double yStep = (float) Th / (float) noiseFunctions[i].Frequency;
         for (int Px = 0; Px < Tw; Px++) {
             for (int Py = 0; Py < Th; Py++) {
                 int Pa = (int) (Px / xStep);
                 int Pb = Pa + 1;
                 int Pc = (int) (Py / yStep);
                 int Pd = Pc + 1;
                 double interpValue = noiseFunctions[i].getInterpolatedPoint(Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd, (Px / xStep) - Pa, (Py / yStep) - Pc);
                 heightMap[Px, Py] += (float) (interpValue * noiseFunctions[i].Amplitude);
         // Show progress...
         float percentComplete = (i + 1) / perlinOctaves;
         generatorProgressDelegate("Perlin Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", percentComplete);
     GeneratorProgressDelegate normaliseProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);
     float oldNormaliseMin = normaliseMin;
     float oldNormaliseMax = normaliseMax;
     float oldNormaliseBlend = normaliseBlend;
     normaliseMin = 0.0f;
     normaliseMax = 1.0f;
     normaliseBlend = 1.0f;
     heightMap = normalise(heightMap, arraySize, normaliseProgressDelegate);
     normaliseMin = oldNormaliseMin;
     normaliseMax = oldNormaliseMax;
     normaliseBlend = oldNormaliseBlend;
     for (int Px = 0; Px < Tw; Px++) {
         for (int Py = 0; Py < Th; Py++) {
             heightMap[Px, Py] = heightMap[Px, Py] * perlinAmplitude;
     for (i = 0; i < perlinOctaves; i++) {
         noiseFunctions[i] = null;
     noiseFunctions = null;
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #11
 private float[,] generateDiamondSquare(float[,] heightMap, Vector2 arraySize, GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate)
     int Tw = (int) arraySize.x;
     int Th = (int) arraySize.y;
     float heightRange = 1.0f;
     int step = Tw - 1;
     heightMap[0, 0] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[Tw - 1, 0] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[0, Th - 1] = 0.5f;
     heightMap[Tw - 1, Th - 1] = 0.5f;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Fractal Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", 0.0f);
     while (step > 1) {
         // diamond
         for (int Tx = 0; Tx < Tw - 1; Tx += step){
             for (int Ty = 0; Ty < Th - 1; Ty += step){
                 int sx = Tx + (step >> 1);
                 int sy = Ty + (step >> 1);
                 Vector2[] points = new Vector2[4];
                 points[0] = new Vector2(Tx, Ty);
                 points[1] = new Vector2(Tx + step, Ty);
                 points[2] = new Vector2(Tx, Ty + step);
                 points[3] = new Vector2(Tx + step, Ty + step);
                 dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, sx, sy, points, heightRange);
         // square
         for (int Tx = 0; Tx < Tw - 1; Tx += step) {
             for (int Ty = 0; Ty < Th - 1; Ty += step) {
                 int halfstep = step >> 1;
                 int x1 = Tx + halfstep;
                 int y1 = Ty;
                 int x2 = Tx;
                 int y2 = Ty + halfstep;
                 Vector2[] points1 = new Vector2[4];
                 points1[0] = new Vector2(x1 - halfstep, y1);
                 points1[1] = new Vector2(x1, y1 - halfstep);
                 points1[2] = new Vector2(x1 + halfstep, y1);
                 points1[3] = new Vector2(x1, y1 + halfstep);
                 Vector2[] points2 = new Vector2[4];
                 points2[0] = new Vector2(x2 - halfstep, y2);
                 points2[1] = new Vector2(x2, y2 - halfstep);
                 points2[2] = new Vector2(x2 + halfstep, y2);
                 points2[3] = new Vector2(x2, y2 + halfstep);
                 dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, x1, y1, points1, heightRange);
                 dsCalculateHeight(heightMap, arraySize, x2, y2, points2, heightRange);
         heightRange *= diamondSquareDelta;
         step >>= 1;
     generatorProgressDelegate("Fractal Generator", "Generating height map. Please wait.", 1.0f);
     return heightMap;
Beispiel #12
 public void VoronoiGenerator(FeatureType featureType, int cells, float features, float scale, float blend)
     generatorTypeInt = 0;
     generatorType = GeneratorType.Voronoi;
     switch (featureType) {
         case FeatureType.Mountains:
         voronoiTypeInt = 0;
         voronoiType = VoronoiType.Linear;
         case FeatureType.Hills:
         voronoiTypeInt = 1;
         voronoiType = VoronoiType.Sine;
         case FeatureType.Plateaus:
         voronoiTypeInt = 2;
         voronoiType = VoronoiType.Tangent;
     voronoiCells = cells;
     voronoiFeatures = features;
     voronoiScale = scale;
     voronoiBlend = blend;
     GeneratorProgressDelegate generatorProgressDelegate = new GeneratorProgressDelegate(dummyGeneratorProgress);