Beispiel #1
    void SpawnHex(int x, int y, GeneratedHex h)
        if (h.type == HexType.Ice)
            h.height = max(h.height, 0.05f);

        //if (h.height >= 0) {
        //	h.height += 0.1f;
        //} else {
        //	h.type = HexType.Water;
        //	h.height = 0;

        h.unit = false;
        if (h.type == HexType.Land && UnityEngine.Random.value < UnitChance)
            h.unit = true;

        var ori = Quaternion.AngleAxis(60 * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 6), Vector3.up);
        var hex = Instantiate(PrefabsDict[h.type], float3(h.pos.x, h.height, h.pos.y), ori, world.transform).GetComponent <Hex>();

        hex.Type = h.type;

        if (h.unit)
            var unit = Instantiate(UnitPrefab, hex.transform, false).GetComponent <Unit>();
            hex.Unit = unit;
            unit.Hex = hex;

        world.Hexes[y, x] = hex;
Beispiel #2
    GeneratedHex GenerateHex(float2 pos)
        var hex = new GeneratedHex {
            pos = pos

        int seed = Seed;

        //float continent = noise.cellular(float3(pos / ContinentSize, seed++)).y; // distance to voronoi cell edee i think
        float continent = get_noise(pos, 1f / ContinentSize, seed++) - 1f;

        // use 3d snoise z component for "seed"
        float land;

        land  = get_noise(pos, 1f / LandSize, seed++);
        land += get_noise(pos, 1f / LandSize * 2, seed++) / 2;
        land += get_noise(pos, 1f / LandSize * 4, seed++) / 8;

        float mountain;

        mountain  = get_noise(pos, 1f / LandSize * 1.5f, seed++) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
        mountain *= (get_noise(pos, 1f / LandSize * 8.5f, seed++) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 2;
        mountain  = pow(mountain * 2 + 0.7f, 1.3f);

        bool mountainous = mountain > 2.5f;

        hex.type = HexType.Land;

        if (mountainous && get_noise(pos, 1f / 1.5f, seed++) > 0.2f)
            hex.type = HexType.Mountain;

        land *= clamp(mountain, 0.5f, 2f);

        hex.height  = land + continent;
        hex.height /= 2;

        float ice;

        ice  = get_noise(pos, 1f / 4f, seed++) * 0.5f;
        ice += get_noise(pos, 1f / 1.3f, seed++) * 1.2f - 0.3f;
        ice  = (world.Height * IceThickness + 1f) - min(pos.y, world.Height - pos.y) + (ice * world.Height * IceThickness);

        if (ice > 0f)
            hex.type = HexType.Ice;

Beispiel #3
    public void GenerateWorld()
        if (world != null)

        world         = Instantiate(WorldPrefab, null).GetComponent <World>();
        world.Columns = Columns;
        world.Rows    = Rows;
        world.Hexes   = new Hex[Rows, Columns];

        if (RandomSeed)
            Seed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2 << 15);

        var hexes       = new GeneratedHex[Rows, Columns];
        var sortedHexes = new List <int2>(Rows * Columns);

        for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
                hexes[y, x] = GenerateHex(world.GetHexPos(x, y));
                sortedHexes.Add(int2(x, y));

        {         // place water, to match LandPercentage
            float land = LandPercentage / 100f;

            sortedHexes.Sort((l, r) => {
                var a = hexes[l.y, l.x];
                var b = hexes[r.y, r.x];

            int lowestLandHex = (int)floor(sortedHexes.Count * (1 - land));

            int2  p        = sortedHexes[lowestLandHex];
            float seaLevel = hexes[p.y, p.x].height;
            seaLevel -= 0.1f;

            for (int i = 0; i < lowestLandHex; ++i)
                p = sortedHexes[i];
                if (hexes[p.y, p.x].type != HexType.Ice)
                    hexes[p.y, p.x].type   = HexType.Water;
                    hexes[p.y, p.x].height = 0.0f;
            for (int i = lowestLandHex; i < sortedHexes.Count; ++i)
                p = sortedHexes[i];
                hexes[p.y, p.x].height -= seaLevel;

        for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
                SpawnHex(x, y, hexes[y, x]);
