Beispiel #1
        private static CameraProperty ReadFloatProperty(PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle, string symbol)
            CameraProperty p = new CameraProperty();

            p.Identifier = symbol;

            NODEMAP_HANDLE nodeMapHandle = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(deviceHandle);
            NODE_HANDLE    nodeHandle    = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, symbol);

            if (!nodeHandle.IsValid)

            EGenApiAccessMode accessMode = GenApi.NodeGetAccessMode(nodeHandle);

            if (accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode._UndefinedAccesMode || accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.NA ||
                accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.NI || accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.WO)

            p.Supported = true;
            p.ReadOnly  = accessMode != EGenApiAccessMode.RW;

            EGenApiNodeType type = GenApi.NodeGetType(nodeHandle);

            if (type != EGenApiNodeType.FloatNode)

            p.Type = CameraPropertyType.Float;

            double min = GenApi.FloatGetMin(nodeHandle);
            double max = GenApi.FloatGetMax(nodeHandle);
            EGenApiRepresentation repr = GenApi.FloatGetRepresentation(nodeHandle);
            double currentValue        = GenApi.FloatGetValue(nodeHandle);

            // We don't support a dedicated control for "pure numbers" just use the regular slider.
            if (repr == EGenApiRepresentation.PureNumber)
                repr = EGenApiRepresentation.Linear;

            // Fix values that should be log.
            double range = Math.Log(max - min, 10);

            if (range > 4 && repr == EGenApiRepresentation.Linear)
                repr = EGenApiRepresentation.Logarithmic;

            p.Minimum        = min.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            p.Maximum        = max.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            p.Representation = ConvertRepresentation(repr);
            p.CurrentValue   = currentValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Beispiel #2
        /* Some features are floating point features. This function illustrates how to set and get floating
         * point parameters. */
        private static void demonstrateFloatFeature(PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE hDev)
            NODEMAP_HANDLE  hNodeMap;
            NODE_HANDLE     hNode;
            string          featureName = "Gamma"; /* The name of the feature used. */
            bool            bval;                  /* Is the feature available? */
            double          min, max, value;       /* Value range and current value. */
            EGenApiNodeType nodeType;

            /* Get a handle for the device's node map. */
            hNodeMap = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(hDev);

            /* Look up the feature node. */
            hNode = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, featureName);
            if (!hNode.IsValid)
                Console.WriteLine("There is no feature named '" + featureName + "'.");

            /* We want a float feature node. */
            nodeType = GenApi.NodeGetType(hNode);

            if (EGenApiNodeType.FloatNode != nodeType)
                Console.WriteLine("'" + featureName + "' is not an floating-point feature.");

            bval = GenApi.NodeIsReadable(hNode);

            if (bval)
                /* Query the value range and the current value. */
                min   = GenApi.FloatGetMin(hNode);
                max   = GenApi.FloatGetMax(hNode);
                value = GenApi.FloatGetValue(hNode);

                Console.WriteLine("{0}: min = {1}, max = {2}, value = {3}", featureName, min, max, value);

                /* Set a new value. */
                bval = GenApi.NodeIsWritable(hNode);

                if (bval)
                    value = 0.5 * (min + max);
                    Console.WriteLine("Setting {0} to {1}", featureName, value);
                    GenApi.FloatSetValue(hNode, value);
                    Console.WriteLine("Cannot set value for feature '{0}' - node not writable.", featureName);
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot read feature '{0}' - node not readable.", featureName);
        public static void Write(PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle, CameraProperty property)
            if (!property.Supported || string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Identifier) || !deviceHandle.IsValid)

            // If "auto" flag is OFF we should write it first. On some cameras the value is not writable until the corresponding auto flag is off.
            // If it's ON (continuous), it doesn't matter as our value will be overwritten soon anyway.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.AutomaticIdentifier))
                string enumValue = property.Automatic ? "Continuous" : "Off";
                PylonHelper.WriteEnum(deviceHandle, property.AutomaticIdentifier, enumValue);

            NODEMAP_HANDLE nodeMapHandle = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(deviceHandle);
            NODE_HANDLE    nodeHandle    = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, property.Identifier);

            if (!nodeHandle.IsValid)

            EGenApiAccessMode accessMode = GenApi.NodeGetAccessMode(nodeHandle);

            if (accessMode != EGenApiAccessMode.RW)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.AutomaticIdentifier) && !property.Automatic)
                    log.ErrorFormat("Error while writing Basler Pylon GenICam property {0}.", property.Identifier);
                    log.ErrorFormat("The property is not writable.");


                switch (property.Type)
                case CameraPropertyType.Integer:
                    long value     = long.Parse(property.CurrentValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    long step      = long.Parse(property.Step, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    long remainder = value % step;
                    if (remainder > 0)
                        value = value - remainder;

                    GenApi.IntegerSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                case CameraPropertyType.Float:
                    double max   = GenApi.FloatGetMax(nodeHandle);
                    double min   = GenApi.FloatGetMin(nodeHandle);
                    double value = double.Parse(property.CurrentValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    value = Math.Min(Math.Max(value, min), max);

                    GenApi.FloatSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                case CameraPropertyType.Boolean:
                    bool value = bool.Parse(property.CurrentValue);
                    GenApi.BooleanSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                log.ErrorFormat("Error while writing Basler Pylon GenICam property {0}.", property.Identifier);
        /* Get the current values from the node and display them. */
        private void UpdateValues()
            try {
                if (m_hNode.IsValid)
                    var nodeType = GenApi.NodeGetType(m_hNode);
                    /* Check if proper node type. */
                    if (GenApi.NodeGetType(m_hNode) == EGenApiNodeType.FloatNode)
                        /* Get the values. */
                        bool writable = GenApi.NodeIsWritable(m_hNode);

                        maxValue = checked ((float)GenApi.FloatGetMax(m_hNode));
                        minValue = checked ((float)GenApi.FloatGetMin(m_hNode));

                        float val = checked ((float)GenApi.FloatGetValue(m_hNode));

                        int inc = 50;

                        int max = 1000;
                        int min = 0;

                        float valueOfThousand = InverseLerp(maxValue, minValue, val) * 1000;

                        int value = (int)valueOfThousand;

                        if (name == "ExposureTimeRaw")
                            max = MaximumExposure;

                            if (val > max)
                                val = max;

                        /* Update the slider. */
                        slider.Minimum       = min;
                        slider.Maximum       = max;
                        slider.Value         = value;
                        slider.SmallChange   = inc;
                        slider.TickFrequency = (max - min + 5) / 10;

                        labelCurrentValue.Maximum = max;
                        labelCurrentValue.Minimum = min;

                        /* Update the values. */
                        labelMin.Text          = "" + min;
                        labelMax.Text          = "" + max;
                        labelCurrentValue.Text = "" + value;

                        /* Update accessibility. */
                        slider.Enabled            = writable;
                        labelMin.Enabled          = writable;
                        labelMax.Enabled          = writable;
                        labelName.Enabled         = writable;
                        labelCurrentValue.Enabled = writable;

            catch  {
                /* If errors occurred disable the control. */
            //Reset ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Write generic property with optional auto flag.
        /// </summary>
        private static void WriteProperty(PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle, CameraProperty property)
            if (property.ReadOnly)

            NODEMAP_HANDLE nodeMapHandle = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(deviceHandle);

            // Switch OFF the auto flag if needed, to be able to write the main property.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.AutomaticIdentifier))
                NODE_HANDLE nodeHandleAuto = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, property.AutomaticIdentifier);
                if (nodeHandleAuto.IsValid)
                    bool writeable   = GenApi.NodeIsWritable(nodeHandleAuto);
                    bool currentAuto = ReadAuto(nodeHandleAuto, property.AutomaticIdentifier);
                    if (writeable && property.CanBeAutomatic && currentAuto && !property.Automatic)
                        WriteAuto(nodeHandleAuto, property.AutomaticIdentifier, false);

            // At this point the auto flag is off. Write the main property.
            NODE_HANDLE nodeHandle = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, property.Identifier);

            if (!nodeHandle.IsValid)

            EGenApiAccessMode accessMode = GenApi.NodeGetAccessMode(nodeHandle);

            if (accessMode != EGenApiAccessMode.RW)

                switch (property.Type)
                case CameraPropertyType.Integer:
                    long value = long.Parse(property.CurrentValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    long min   = GenApi.IntegerGetMin(nodeHandle);
                    long max   = GenApi.IntegerGetMax(nodeHandle);
                    long step  = GenApi.IntegerGetInc(nodeHandle);
                    value = FixValue(value, min, max, step);
                    GenApi.IntegerSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                case CameraPropertyType.Float:
                    double value = double.Parse(property.CurrentValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    double min   = GenApi.FloatGetMin(nodeHandle);
                    double max   = GenApi.FloatGetMax(nodeHandle);
                    value = FixValue(value, min, max);
                    GenApi.FloatSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                case CameraPropertyType.Boolean:
                    bool value = bool.Parse(property.CurrentValue);
                    GenApi.BooleanSetValue(nodeHandle, value);

                log.ErrorFormat("Error while writing Basler Pylon GenICam property {0}.", property.Identifier);

            // Finally, switch ON the auto flag if needed.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.AutomaticIdentifier))
                NODE_HANDLE nodeHandleAuto = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, property.AutomaticIdentifier);
                if (nodeHandleAuto.IsValid && GenApi.NodeIsWritable(nodeHandleAuto) && property.CanBeAutomatic && property.Automatic)
                    WriteAuto(nodeHandleAuto, property.AutomaticIdentifier, true);
        private static CameraProperty ReadFramerate(PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle, Dictionary <string, CameraProperty> properties)
            CameraProperty p = new CameraProperty();

            p.Identifier = "AcquisitionFrameRate";
            p.Supported  = false;
            p.Type       = CameraPropertyType.Float;

            NODEMAP_HANDLE nodeMapHandle = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(deviceHandle);
            NODE_HANDLE    nodeHandle    = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, p.Identifier);

            if (!nodeHandle.IsValid)
                p.Identifier = "AcquisitionFrameRateAbs";
                nodeHandle   = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, p.Identifier);
                if (!nodeHandle.IsValid)

            EGenApiAccessMode accessMode = GenApi.NodeGetAccessMode(nodeHandle);

            if (accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode._UndefinedAccesMode || accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.NA ||
                accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.NI || accessMode == EGenApiAccessMode.WO)
                log.WarnFormat("Could not read Basler property {0}: Access mode not supported. (The property is not readable).", p.Identifier);

            EGenApiNodeType type = GenApi.NodeGetType(nodeHandle);

            if (type != EGenApiNodeType.FloatNode)
                log.WarnFormat("Could not read Basler property {0}: the node is of the wrong type. Expected: Float. Received:{1}", p.Identifier, type.ToString());

            p.ReadOnly  = false;
            p.Supported = true;

            double currentValue = GenApi.FloatGetValue(nodeHandle);
            double min          = GenApi.FloatGetMin(nodeHandle);
            double max          = GenApi.FloatGetMax(nodeHandle);
            double step         = 1.0;

            min = Math.Max(1.0, min);

            p.Minimum      = min.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            p.Maximum      = max.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            p.CurrentValue = currentValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            p.Step         = step.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Fix values that should be log.
            double range = Math.Log10(max) - Math.Log10(min);

            p.Representation = (range >= 4) ? CameraPropertyRepresentation.LogarithmicSlider : CameraPropertyRepresentation.LinearSlider;

            // AcquisitionFrameRateEnable=false: the framerate is automatically set to the max value possible.
            // AcquisitionFrameRateEnable=true: use the custom framerate set by the user in AcquisitionFrameRate.

            string autoIdentifier = "AcquisitionFrameRateEnable";

            p.AutomaticIdentifier = autoIdentifier;
            NODE_HANDLE nodeHandleAuto = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(nodeMapHandle, autoIdentifier);

            p.CanBeAutomatic = nodeHandleAuto.IsValid && GenApi.NodeIsWritable(nodeHandleAuto);
            p.Automatic      = false;
            if (p.CanBeAutomatic)
                string currentAutoValue = GenApi.BooleanGetValue(nodeHandleAuto).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower();
                p.Automatic = currentAutoValue == GetAutoTrue(autoIdentifier);

            if (properties != null)
                properties.Add("framerate", p);
