public IActionResult Index(string username        = null, string manualLoginUsername = null,
                                   string manualLoginCode = null, string message             = null)
            if (Log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                Log.LogDebug("GET: /Geeks/Index");

            TimeZoneInfo gmtTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time");

            var viewModel = new GeeksIndexViewModel()
                ManualLoginUsername   = manualLoginUsername,
                ManualLoginCode       = manualLoginCode,
                Message               = message,
                IsGmtInDaylightSaving = gmtTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime.UtcNow)

            GeekViewModel geekViewModel = GetGeek(username);

            viewModel.Geek = geekViewModel;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) && !geekViewModel.DoesGeekExist)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Geek.Username", "No geek has been found with that username");

        GeekViewModel GetGeek(string username)
            GeekViewModel geekViewModel = new GeekViewModel();

            if (username != null)
                    var geek = _geekService.GetGeekByUsername(username);
                    geekViewModel = new GeekViewModel(geek);
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is ObjectDisposedException || ex is MySqlException)
                    // The database connection occasionally times out when this is hosted on a free
                    // Microsoft Azure instance. The second request should work and this saves
                    // us having to ask the user to reload the page

                    string errorMessage =
                        "Got exception when trying to get the geek from the database. " +
                        "Assuming it's just a timeout and repeating the database call, {0}";

                    Log.LogError(errorMessage, ex);

                    var geek = _geekService.GetGeekByUsername(username);

                    geekViewModel = new GeekViewModel(geek);

            geekViewModel.AlwaysShowPingTimes = _appSettings.AlwaysShowPingTimes;
