public virtual bool prepare(GeContext context) { if (log.TraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("SpriteRenderer")); } if (!Visible) { return(false); } initRendering(context); setVertexTextures(context, v1, v2); if (transform2D) { sourceDepth = (int)v2.p[2]; } else { sourceDepth = (int)prim.p2z; } return(true); }
private bool getNeedDestinationDepthRead(GeContext context, bool needDepthWrite) { if (!clearMode && context.depthTestFlag.Enabled) { if (context.depthFunc != GeCommands.ZTST_FUNCTION_NEVER_PASS_PIXEL && context.depthFunc != GeCommands.ZTST_FUNCTION_ALWAYS_PASS_PIXEL) { return(true); } } if (clearMode) { // Depth writes disabled if (!context.clearModeDepth) { return(true); } } else if (!context.depthTestFlag.Enabled && needDepthWrite) { // Depth writes are disabled when the depth test is not enabled. return(true); } else if (!context.depthMask && needDepthWrite) { // Depth writes disabled return(true); } return(false); }
protected internal virtual void init(GeContext context, CachedTextureResampled texture, bool useVertexTexture, bool isTriangle) { this.cachedTexture = texture; this.useVertexTexture = useVertexTexture; this.isTriangle = isTriangle; nearZ = context.nearZ; farZ = context.farZ; scissorX1 = context.scissor_x1; scissorY1 = context.scissor_y1; scissorX2 = context.scissor_x2; scissorY2 = context.scissor_y2; clearMode = context.clearMode; cullFaceEnabled = context.cullFaceFlag.Enabled; frontFaceCw = context.frontFaceCw; clipPlanesEnabled = context.clipPlanesFlag.Enabled; fbw = context.fbw; zbw = context.zbw; if (context.ditherFlag.Enabled) { ditherMatrix = context.dither_matrix.Clone(); } transform2D = context.vinfo.transform2D; if (!transform2D) { viewportWidth = context.viewport_width; viewportHeight = context.viewport_height; viewportX = context.viewport_cx; viewportY = context.viewport_cy; screenOffsetX = context.offset_x; screenOffsetY = context.offset_y; zscale = context.zscale; zpos = context.zpos; if (context.tex_map_mode == GeCommands.TMAP_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_TEXTURE_COORDIATES_UV) { texTranslateX = context.tex_translate_x; texTranslateY = context.tex_translate_y; texScaleX = context.tex_scale_x; texScaleY = context.tex_scale_y; } else if (context.tex_map_mode == GeCommands.TMAP_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_ENVIRONMENT_MAP) { envMapLightPosU = new float[4]; envMapLightPosV = new float[4]; Utilities.copy(envMapLightPosU, context.light_pos[context.tex_shade_u]); Utilities.copy(envMapLightPosV, context.light_pos[context.tex_shade_v]); envMapDiffuseLightU = context.light_type[context.tex_shade_u] == GeCommands.LIGHT_AMBIENT_DIFFUSE; envMapDiffuseLightV = context.light_type[context.tex_shade_v] == GeCommands.LIGHT_AMBIENT_DIFFUSE; envMapShininess = context.materialShininess; } } if (isLogTraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("Context: {0}", context.ToString())); } }
private bool getNeedTextureUV(GeContext context) { if (context.textureFlag.Enabled && (!transform2D || useVertexTexture) && !clearMode) { // UV always required by the texture reader return(true); } return(false); }
protected internal virtual void captureZbufferImage() { GeContext context = VideoEngine.Instance.Context; int width = context.zbw; int height = Modules.sceDisplayModule.HeightFb; int address = getTextureAddress(zbp, 0, 0, zbw, depthBufferPixelFormat); Buffer buffer = Memory.Instance.getBuffer(address, width * height *[depthBufferPixelFormat]); CaptureManager.captureImage(address, 0, buffer, width, height, width, depthBufferPixelFormat, false, 0, false, false); }
public virtual bool prepare(GeContext context) { for (int i = 0; i < boundingBoxPositions.Length; i++) { addPosition(boundingBoxPositions[i]); } if (!insideScissor()) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void setClut() { VideoEngine videoEngine = VideoEngine.Instance; GeContext context = videoEngine.Context; int clutNumEntries = videoEngine.ClutNumEntries; int[] clut = null; short[] shortClut; switch (context.tex_clut_mode) { case CMODE_FORMAT_16BIT_BGR5650: shortClut = videoEngine.readClut16(0); clut = new int[clutNumEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < clut.Length; i++) { clut[i] = color565to8888(shortClut[i]); } break; case CMODE_FORMAT_16BIT_ABGR5551: shortClut = videoEngine.readClut16(0); clut = new int[clutNumEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < clut.Length; i++) { clut[i] = color5551to8888(shortClut[i]); } break; case CMODE_FORMAT_16BIT_ABGR4444: shortClut = videoEngine.readClut16(0); clut = new int[clutNumEntries]; for (int i = 0; i < clut.Length; i++) { clut[i] = color4444to8888(shortClut[i]); } break; case CMODE_FORMAT_32BIT_ABGR8888: int[] intClut = videoEngine.readClut32(0); clut = new int[clutNumEntries]; Array.Copy(intClut, 0, clut, 0, clut.Length); break; } if (clut != null) { setClut(clut, context.tex_clut_shift, context.tex_clut_mask, context.tex_clut_start); } }
protected internal override void initRendering(GeContext context) { if (renderingInitialized) { return; } base.initRendering(context); pixel.materialAmbient = getColor(context.mat_ambient); pixel.materialDiffuse = getColor(context.mat_diffuse); pixel.materialSpecular = getColor(context.mat_specular); if (!transform2D) { if (context.tex_map_mode == GeCommands.TMAP_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_TEXTURE_MATRIX) { // Copy the Texture matrix Array.Copy(context.texture_uploaded_matrix, 0, pixel.textureMatrix, 0, pixel.textureMatrix.Length); } pixel.hasNormal = context.vinfo.normal != 0; if (pixel.hasNormal) { // Pre-compute the matrix to transform a normal to the eye coordinates // See float[] invertedModelViewMatrix = new float[16]; if (invertMatrix3x3(invertedModelViewMatrix, pixel.modelViewMatrix)) { transposeMatrix3x3(pixel.normalMatrix, invertedModelViewMatrix); } else { // What is using the PSP in this case? Assume it just takes the Model-View matrix Array.Copy(pixel.modelViewMatrix, 0, pixel.normalMatrix, 0, pixel.normalMatrix.Length); if (isLogDebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ModelView matrix cannot be inverted, taking the Model-View matrix itself!")); } } } } }
protected internal override void init(GeContext context, CachedTextureResampled texture, bool useVertexTexture, bool isTriangle) { base.init(context, texture, useVertexTexture, isTriangle); prim.pxMax = int.MinValue; prim.pxMin = int.MaxValue; prim.pyMax = int.MinValue; prim.pyMin = int.MaxValue; prim.pzMax = int.MinValue; prim.pzMin = int.MaxValue; if (!transform2D) { // Pre-compute the Model-View matrix matrixMult(pixel.modelViewMatrix, context.view_uploaded_matrix, context.model_uploaded_matrix); // Pre-compute the Model-View-Projection matrix matrixMult(pixel.modelViewProjectionMatrix, context.proj_uploaded_matrix, pixel.modelViewMatrix); } }
private bool getNeedSourceDepthRead(GeContext context) { if (!clearMode && context.depthTestFlag.Enabled) { if (context.depthFunc != GeCommands.ZTST_FUNCTION_NEVER_PASS_PIXEL && context.depthFunc != GeCommands.ZTST_FUNCTION_ALWAYS_PASS_PIXEL) { return(true); } } if (!clearMode && !transform2D) { if (nearZ != 0x0000 || farZ != 0xFFFF) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public virtual void startExport(GeContext context, string directory) { this.context = context; try { // Prepare the export writers exportObj = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}export.obj", directory)); exportMtl = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}export.mtl", directory)); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error creating the export files", e); } exportVertexCount = 1; exportModelCount = 1; exportTextureCount = 1; exportMaterialCount = 1; exportObjLine(string.Format("mtllib export.mtl")); }
public virtual bool prepare(GeContext context) { if (isLogTraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("TriangleRenderer")); } if (!Visible) { if (isLogTraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("Triangle not visible")); } return(false); } initRendering(context); setVertexTextures(context, v1, v2, v3); return(true); }
private bool getNeedDepthWrite(GeContext context) { if (clearMode) { // Depth writes disabled if (!context.clearModeDepth) { return(false); } } else if (!context.depthTestFlag.Enabled) { // Depth writes are disabled when the depth test is not enabled. return(false); } else if (!context.depthMask) { // Depth writes disabled return(false); } return(true); }
public static IRandomTextureAccess getTextureClip(GeContext context, int mipmapLevel, IRandomTextureAccess textureAccess, int width, int height) { bool needClipWidth = false; bool needClipHeight = false; // No need to clip width if it will be wrapped with "repeat" mode on the required width if (context.tex_wrap_s != TWRAP_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT || context.texture_width[mipmapLevel] > width) { needClipWidth = true; } // No need to clip height if it will be wrapped with "repeat" mode on the required height if (context.tex_wrap_t != TWRAP_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT || context.texture_height[mipmapLevel] > height) { needClipHeight = true; } if (needClipWidth) { if (needClipHeight) { textureAccess = new TextureClipWidthHeight(textureAccess, width, height); } else { textureAccess = new TextureClipWidth(textureAccess, width); } } else { if (needClipHeight) { textureAccess = new TextureClipHeight(textureAccess, height); } } return(textureAccess); }
protected internal virtual void setVertexTextures(GeContext context, VertexState v1, VertexState v2) { setTextures(v1, v2); setVertexTextures(context, v1.c, v2.c, null); }
public abstract bool prepare(GeContext context);
protected internal virtual void initRendering(GeContext context) { if (renderingInitialized) { return; } fbp = getFrameBufferAddress(context.fbp); psm = context.psm; zbp = getFrameBufferAddress(context.zbp); colorTestRef = getColorBGR(context.colorTestRef); colorTestMsk = getColorBGR(context.colorTestMsk); alphaRef = context.alphaRef & context.alphaMask; alphaMask = context.alphaMask; stencilRef = context.stencilRef & context.stencilMask; stencilMask = context.stencilMask; sfix = context.sfix; dfix = context.dfix; colorMask = getColor(context.colorMask); textureWidth = context.texture_width[mipmapLevel]; textureHeight = context.texture_height[mipmapLevel]; texEnvColorB = getColor(context.tex_env_color[2]); texEnvColorG = getColor(context.tex_env_color[1]); texEnvColorR = getColor(context.tex_env_color[0]); texMinFilter = context.tex_min_filter; texMagFilter = context.tex_mag_filter; primaryColor = getColor(context.vertexColor); baseRendererKey = getBaseRendererKey(context); if (!transform2D && context.lightingFlag.Enabled) { lighting = new Lighting(context.view_uploaded_matrix, context.mat_emissive, context.ambient_light, context.lightFlags, context.light_pos, context.light_kind, context.light_type, context.lightAmbientColor, context.lightDiffuseColor, context.lightSpecularColor, context.lightConstantAttenuation, context.lightLinearAttenuation, context.lightQuadraticAttenuation, context.spotLightCutoff, context.spotLightCosCutoff, context.light_dir, context.spotLightExponent, context.materialShininess, context.lightMode, context.vinfo.normal != 0); } // Is the lighting model using the material color from the vertex color? if (!transform2D && context.lightingFlag.Enabled && context.mat_flags != 0 && context.useVertexColor && context.vinfo.color != 0 && isTriangle) { setVertexPrimaryColor = true; } primaryColorSetGlobally = false; if (transform2D || !context.lightingFlag.Enabled) { // No lighting, take the primary color from the vertex. // This will be done by the BasePrimitiveRenderer when the vertices are known. if (context.useVertexColor && context.vinfo.color != 0) { setVertexPrimaryColor = true; if (!isTriangle) { // Use the color of the 2nd sprite vertex primaryColorSetGlobally = true; } } else { // Use context.vertexColor as the primary color primaryColorSetGlobally = true; } } textureAccess = null; if (isUsingTexture(context)) { int textureBufferWidth = VideoEngine.alignBufferWidth(context.texture_buffer_width[mipmapLevel], context.texture_storage); int textureHeight = context.texture_height[mipmapLevel]; int textureAddress = context.texture_base_pointer[mipmapLevel]; if (cachedTexture == null) { int[] clut32 = VideoEngine.Instance.readClut32(mipmapLevel); short[] clut16 = VideoEngine.Instance.readClut16(mipmapLevel); // Always request the whole buffer width IMemoryReader imageReader = ImageReader.getImageReader(textureAddress, textureBufferWidth, textureHeight, textureBufferWidth, context.texture_storage, context.texture_swizzle, context.tex_clut_addr, context.tex_clut_mode, context.tex_clut_num_blocks, context.tex_clut_start, context.tex_clut_shift, context.tex_clut_mask, clut32, clut16); textureAccess = new RandomTextureAccessReader(imageReader, textureBufferWidth, textureHeight); } else { textureAccess = cachedTexture.OriginalTexture; } // Avoid an access outside the texture area textureAccess = TextureClip.getTextureClip(context, mipmapLevel, textureAccess, textureBufferWidth, textureHeight); } renderingInitialized = true; }
private LongLongKey getBaseRendererKey(GeContext context) { LongLongKey key = new LongLongKey(); key.addKeyComponent(RuntimeContext.hasMemoryInt()); key.addKeyComponent(transform2D); key.addKeyComponent(clearMode); if (clearMode) { key.addKeyComponent(context.clearModeColor); key.addKeyComponent(context.clearModeStencil); key.addKeyComponent(context.clearModeDepth); } else { key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); } key.addKeyComponent(nearZ == 0x0000); key.addKeyComponent(farZ == 0xFFFF); key.addKeyComponent(context.colorTestFlag.Enabled ? context.colorTestFunc : GeCommands.CTST_COLOR_FUNCTION_ALWAYS_PASS_PIXEL, 2); if (context.alphaTestFlag.Enabled) { key.addKeyComponent(context.alphaFunc, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.alphaRef == 0x00); key.addKeyComponent(context.alphaRef == 0xFF); } else { key.addKeyComponent(GeCommands.ATST_ALWAYS_PASS_PIXEL, 3); key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); } if (context.stencilTestFlag.Enabled) { key.addKeyComponent(context.stencilFunc, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.stencilOpFail, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.stencilOpZFail, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.stencilOpZPass, 3); } else { key.addKeyComponent(GeCommands.STST_FUNCTION_ALWAYS_PASS_STENCIL_TEST, 3); // Use invalid stencil operations key.addKeyComponent(7, 3); key.addKeyComponent(7, 3); key.addKeyComponent(7, 3); } key.addKeyComponent(context.depthTestFlag.Enabled ? context.depthFunc : GeCommands.ZTST_FUNCTION_ALWAYS_PASS_PIXEL, 3); if (context.blendFlag.Enabled) { key.addKeyComponent(context.blendEquation, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.blend_src, 4); key.addKeyComponent(context.blend_dst, 4); key.addKeyComponent(context.sfix == 0x000000); key.addKeyComponent(context.sfix == 0xFFFFFF); key.addKeyComponent(context.dfix == 0x000000); key.addKeyComponent(context.dfix == 0xFFFFFF); } else { // Use an invalid blend equation value key.addKeyComponent(7, 3); key.addKeyComponent(15, 4); key.addKeyComponent(15, 4); key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); key.addKeyComponent(false); } key.addKeyComponent(context.colorLogicOpFlag.Enabled ? context.logicOp : GeCommands.LOP_COPY, 4); key.addKeyComponent(PixelColor.getColor(context.colorMask) == 0x00000000); key.addKeyComponent(context.depthMask); key.addKeyComponent(context.textureFlag.Enabled); key.addKeyComponent(useVertexTexture); key.addKeyComponent(context.lightingFlag.Enabled); key.addKeyComponent(setVertexPrimaryColor); key.addKeyComponent(primaryColorSetGlobally); key.addKeyComponent(isTriangle); key.addKeyComponent(context.mat_flags, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.useVertexColor); key.addKeyComponent(context.textureColorDoubled); key.addKeyComponent(context.lightMode, 1); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_map_mode, 2); if (context.tex_map_mode == GeCommands.TMAP_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_TEXTURE_MATRIX) { key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_proj_map_mode, 2); } else { key.addKeyComponent(0, 2); } key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_translate_x == 0f); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_translate_y == 0f); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_scale_x == 1f); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_scale_y == 1f); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_wrap_s, 1); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_wrap_t, 1); key.addKeyComponent(context.textureFunc, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.textureAlphaUsed); key.addKeyComponent(context.psm, 2); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_min_filter, 3); key.addKeyComponent(context.tex_mag_filter, 1); key.addKeyComponent(isLogTraceEnabled); key.addKeyComponent(DurationStatistics.collectStatistics); key.addKeyComponent(context.ditherFlag.Enabled); return(key); }
private void setVertexTextures(GeContext context, float[] c1, float[] c2, float[] c3) { textureWidth = context.texture_width[mipmapLevel]; textureHeight = context.texture_height[mipmapLevel]; // The rendering will be performed into the following ranges: // 3D: // - x: [pxMin..pxMax] (min and max included) // - y: [pxMin..pxMax] (min and max included) // 2D: // - x: [pxMin..pxMax-1] (min included but max excluded) // - y: [pxMin..pxMax-1] (min included but max excluded) if (transform2D) { prim.pxMax--; prim.pyMax--; } else { // Restrict the drawn area to the scissor area. // We can just update the min/max values, the TextureMapping filter // will take are of the correct texture mapping. // We do no longer need a scissoring filter. if (needScissoringX) { prim.pxMin = max(prim.pxMin, scissorX1); prim.pxMax = min(prim.pxMax, scissorX2); needScissoringX = false; } if (needScissoringY) { prim.pyMin = max(prim.pyMin, scissorY1); prim.pyMax = min(prim.pyMax, scissorY2); needScissoringY = false; } } prim.destinationWidth = prim.pxMax - prim.pxMin + 1; prim.destinationHeight = prim.pyMax - prim.pyMin + 1; if (isUsingTexture(context)) { simpleTextureUV = !isTriangle; if (!simpleTextureUV && isTriangle && transform2D) { // Check if the 2D triangle can be rendered using a simple texture UV mapping: // this is only possible when the triangle has a square angle. // // 1---2 1---2 1 1 // | / \ | | \ / | // | / \ | | \ / | // 3 3 3---2 3---2 // // 1---3 1---3 1 1 // | / \ | | \ / | // | / \ | | \ / | // 2 2 2---3 2---3 // if (prim.p1x == prim.p2x && prim.t1u == prim.t2u) { if (prim.p1y == prim.p3y && prim.t1v == prim.t3v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } else if (prim.p2y == prim.p3y && prim.t2v == prim.t3v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } } else if (prim.p1x == prim.p3x && prim.t1u == prim.t3u) { if (prim.p1y == prim.p2y && prim.t1v == prim.t2v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } else if (prim.p2y == prim.p3y && prim.t2v == prim.t3v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } } else if (prim.p2x == prim.p3x && prim.t2u == prim.t3u) { if (prim.p1y == prim.p2y && prim.t1v == prim.t2v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } else if (prim.p1y == prim.p1y && prim.t2v == prim.t3v) { simpleTextureUV = true; } } } if (simpleTextureUV) { if (transform2D) { bool flipX = false; bool flipY = false; if (isTriangle) { // Compute texture flips for a triangle if (prim.t1u != prim.t2u) { flipX = (prim.t1u > prim.t2u) ^ (prim.p1x > prim.p2x); } if (prim.t1v != prim.t2v) { flipY = (prim.t1v > prim.t2v) ^ (prim.p1y > prim.p2y); } if (!flipX && prim.t2u != prim.t3u) { flipX = (prim.t2u > prim.t3u) ^ (prim.p2x > prim.p3x); } if (!flipY && prim.t2v != prim.t3v) { flipY = (prim.t2v > prim.t3v) ^ (prim.p2y > prim.p3y); } } else { // Compute texture flips for a sprite flipX = (prim.t1u > prim.t2u) ^ (prim.p1x > prim.p2x); flipY = (prim.t1v > prim.t2v) ^ (prim.p1y > prim.p2y); if (flipX && flipY) { swapTextureUV = true; flipX = false; flipY = false; } } if (isLogTraceEnabled) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line has a Java format specifier which cannot be directly translated to .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: log.trace(String.format("2D texture flipX=%b, flipY=%b, swapUV=%b, point (%d,%d)-(%d,%d), texture (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", flipX, flipY, swapTextureUV, prim.pxMin, prim.pyMin, prim.pxMax, prim.pyMax, prim.tuMin, prim.tvMin, prim.tuMax, prim.tvMax)); log.trace(string.Format("2D texture flipX=%b, flipY=%b, swapUV=%b, point (%d,%d)-(%d,%d), texture (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", flipX, flipY, swapTextureUV, prim.pxMin, prim.pyMin, prim.pxMax, prim.pyMax, prim.tuMin, prim.tvMin, prim.tuMax, prim.tvMax)); } prim.uStart = flipX ? prim.tuMax : prim.tuMin; float uEnd = flipX ? prim.tuMin : prim.tuMax; prim.vStart = flipY ? prim.tvMax : prim.tvMin; float vEnd = flipY ? prim.tvMin : prim.tvMax; prim.uStep = (uEnd - prim.uStart) / (swapTextureUV ? prim.destinationHeight : prim.destinationWidth); prim.vStep = (vEnd - prim.vStart) / (swapTextureUV ? prim.destinationWidth : prim.destinationHeight); } else { // 3D sprite prim.uStart = prim.t1u; float uEnd = prim.t2u; prim.vStart = prim.t1v; float vEnd = prim.t2v; if (prim.p1x == prim.p2x) { prim.uStep = 1f; } else { prim.uStep = (uEnd - prim.uStart) / System.Math.Abs(prim.p2x - prim.p1x); } if (prim.p1y == prim.p2y) { prim.vStep = 1f; } else { prim.vStep = (vEnd - prim.vStart) / System.Math.Abs(prim.p2y - prim.p1y); } if (isLogTraceEnabled) { log.trace(string.Format("3D sprite uStart={0:F}, uStep={1:F}, vStart={2:F}, vStep={3:F}, texTranslateX={4:F}, texTranslateY={5:F}, texScaleX={6:F}, texScaleY={7:F}, point ({8:D},{9:D})-({10:D},{11:D}), texture ({12:D},{13:D})-({14:D},{15:D})", prim.uStart, prim.uStep, prim.vStart, prim.vStep, texTranslateX, texTranslateY, texScaleX, texScaleY, prim.pxMin, prim.pyMin, prim.pxMax, prim.pyMax, prim.tuMin, prim.tvMin, prim.tuMax, prim.tvMax)); } } // Perform scissoring and update uStart/uStep and vStart/vStep if (needScissoringX) { int deltaX = scissorX1 - prim.pxMin; if (deltaX > 0) { prim.uStart += prim.uStep * deltaX; prim.pxMin += deltaX; if (transform2D) { prim.tuMin += Round(prim.uStep * deltaX); } } deltaX = prim.pxMax - scissorX2; if (deltaX > 0) { prim.pxMax -= deltaX; if (transform2D) { prim.tuMax -= Round(prim.uStep * deltaX); } } prim.destinationWidth = prim.pxMax - prim.pxMin + 1; needScissoringX = false; } if (needScissoringY) { int deltaY = scissorY1 - prim.pyMin; if (deltaY > 0) { prim.vStart += prim.vStep * deltaY; prim.pyMin += deltaY; if (transform2D) { prim.tvMin += Round(prim.vStep * deltaY); } } deltaY = prim.pyMax - scissorY2; if (deltaY > 0) { prim.pyMax -= deltaY; if (transform2D) { prim.tvMax -= Round(prim.vStep * deltaY); } } prim.destinationHeight = prim.pyMax - prim.pyMin + 1; needScissoringY = false; } } } if (setVertexPrimaryColor) { if (c3 != null) { pixel.c1a = getColor(c1[3]); pixel.c1b = getColor(c1[2]); pixel.c1g = getColor(c1[1]); pixel.c1r = getColor(c1[0]); pixel.c2a = getColor(c2[3]); pixel.c2b = getColor(c2[2]); pixel.c2g = getColor(c2[1]); pixel.c2r = getColor(c2[0]); pixel.c3a = getColor(c3[3]); pixel.c3b = getColor(c3[2]); pixel.c3g = getColor(c3[1]); pixel.c3r = getColor(c3[0]); pixel.c3 = getColor(c3); } if (isTriangle) { if (context.shadeModel == GeCommands.SHADE_TYPE_FLAT) { // Flat shade model: always use the color of the 3rd triangle vertex sameVertexColor = true; } else { sameVertexColor = Utilities.sameColor(c1, c2, c3); } // For triangles, take the weighted color from the 3 vertices. } else { // For sprites, take only the color from the 2nd vertex primaryColor = getColor(c2); if (context.textureColorDoubled) { primaryColor = doubleColor(primaryColor); } } } // Try to avoid to compute expensive values needDepthWrite = getNeedDepthWrite(context); needSourceDepthRead = needDepthWrite || getNeedSourceDepthRead(context); needDestinationDepthRead = getNeedDestinationDepthRead(context, needDepthWrite); if (zbw <= 0) { needDepthWrite = false; needSourceDepthRead = false; needDestinationDepthRead = false; } needTextureUV = getNeedTextureUV(context); if (transform2D) { needTextureWrapU = prim.tuMin < 0 || prim.tuMax >= context.texture_width[mipmapLevel]; needTextureWrapV = prim.tvMin < 0 || prim.tvMax >= context.texture_height[mipmapLevel]; } else { if (context.tex_map_mode != GeCommands.TMAP_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_TEXTURE_COORDIATES_UV) { needTextureWrapU = true; needTextureWrapV = true; } else if (isTriangle && (prim.p1w <= 0f || prim.p2w <= 0f || prim.p3w <= 0f)) { // Need texture wrapping if one triangle point is behind the eye: // the texture coordinates might exceed the calculated range due to the perspective correction. needTextureWrapU = true; needTextureWrapV = true; } else { float tuMin, tuMax; float tvMin, tvMax; if (isTriangle) { tuMin = Utilities.min(prim.t1u, Utilities.min(prim.t2u, prim.t3u)); tuMax = Utilities.max(prim.t1u, Utilities.max(prim.t2u, prim.t3u)); tvMin = Utilities.min(prim.t1v, Utilities.min(prim.t2v, prim.t3v)); tvMax = Utilities.max(prim.t1v, Utilities.max(prim.t2v, prim.t3v)); } else { tuMin = Utilities.min(prim.t1u, prim.t2u); tuMax = Utilities.max(prim.t1u, prim.t2u); tvMin = Utilities.min(prim.t1v, prim.t2v); tvMax = Utilities.max(prim.t1v, prim.t2v); } tuMin = tuMin * texScaleX + texTranslateX; tuMax = tuMax * texScaleX + texTranslateX; tvMin = tvMin * texScaleY + texTranslateY; tvMax = tvMax * texScaleY + texTranslateY; needTextureWrapU = tuMin < 0f || tuMin >= 0.99999f || tuMax < 0f || tuMax >= 0.99999f; needTextureWrapV = tvMin < 0f || tvMin >= 0.99999f || tvMax < 0f || tvMax >= 0.99999f; } } needSourceDepthClamp = false; if (needDepthWrite && needSourceDepthRead && isTriangle) { if (prim.p1z < 0f || prim.p2z < 0f || prim.p3z < 0f) { needSourceDepthClamp = true; } else if (prim.p1z > 65535f || prim.p2z > 65535f || prim.p3z > 65535f) { needSourceDepthClamp = true; } } prepareWriters(); LongLongKey rendererKey = RendererKey; if (compiledRenderer == null || !rendererKey.Equals(compiledRendererKey)) { compiledRendererKey = rendererKey; compiledRenderer = FilterCompiler.Instance.getCompiledRenderer(this, rendererKey, context); if (isLogTraceEnabled) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: log.trace(string.Format("Rendering using compiled renderer {0}", compiledRenderer.GetType().FullName)); } } if (c3 != null) { prim.preComputeTriangleWeights(); } }
protected internal virtual bool isUsingTexture(GeContext context) { return(context.textureFlag.Enabled && (!transform2D || useVertexTexture) && !clearMode); }
/// <summary> /// Create a triangle renderer using the current settings from the /// GE context and a cached texture. /// /// The GE context values used by the rendering will be copied /// from the GE context during this call. Later updates of the /// GE context values will not be considered. /// /// This triangle renderer can be re-used for rendering multiple /// triangles (i.e. multiple vertex-triples) sharing all the same /// settings from the GE context. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"> the current GE context </param> /// <param name="texture"> the texture to be used (or null if no texture used) </param> public TriangleRenderer(GeContext context, CachedTextureResampled texture, bool useVertexTexture) { init(context, texture, useVertexTexture, true); }
public BoundingBoxRenderer(GeContext context) { init(context, null, false, false); }
public SpriteRenderer(GeContext context, CachedTextureResampled texture, bool useVertexTexture) { init(context, texture, useVertexTexture, false); }
public virtual RendererTemplate getCompiledRenderer(BasePrimitiveRenderer renderer, LongLongKey id, GeContext context) { RendererTemplate compiledRenderer = compiledRenderers[id]; if (compiledRenderer == null) { compiledRenderer = compileRenderer(renderer, id, context); if (compiledRenderer != null) { compiledRenderers[id] = compiledRenderer; } } return(compiledRenderer); }
private RendererTemplate compileRenderer(BasePrimitiveRenderer renderer, LongLongKey id, GeContext context) { if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Compiling Renderer {0}", id)); } Dictionary <string, object> variables = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // All these variables have to be defined as static members in the class RendererTemplate. variables["hasMemInt"] = Convert.ToBoolean(RuntimeContext.hasMemoryInt()); variables["transform2D"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.transform2D); variables["clearMode"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.clearMode); variables["clearModeColor"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.clearModeColor); variables["clearModeStencil"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.clearModeStencil); variables["clearModeDepth"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.clearModeDepth); variables["needSourceDepthRead"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needSourceDepthRead); variables["needDestinationDepthRead"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needDestinationDepthRead); variables["needDepthWrite"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needDepthWrite); variables["needTextureUV"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needTextureUV); variables["simpleTextureUV"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.simpleTextureUV); variables["swapTextureUV"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.swapTextureUV); variables["needScissoringX"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needScissoringX); variables["needScissoringY"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needScissoringY); variables["nearZ"] = new int?(renderer.nearZ); variables["farZ"] = new int?(renderer.farZ); variables["colorTestFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.colorTestFlag.Enabled); variables["colorTestFunc"] = new int?(context.colorTestFunc); variables["alphaTestFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.alphaTestFlag.Enabled); variables["alphaFunc"] = new int?(context.alphaFunc); variables["alphaRef"] = new int?(context.alphaRef); variables["alphaMask"] = new int?(context.alphaMask); variables["stencilTestFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.stencilTestFlag.Enabled); variables["stencilFunc"] = new int?(context.stencilFunc); variables["stencilOpFail"] = new int?(context.stencilOpFail); variables["stencilOpZFail"] = new int?(context.stencilOpZFail); variables["stencilOpZPass"] = new int?(context.stencilOpZPass); variables["stencilRef"] = new int?(context.stencilRef); variables["depthTestFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.depthTestFlag.Enabled); variables["depthFunc"] = new int?(context.depthFunc); variables["blendFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.blendFlag.Enabled); variables["blendEquation"] = new int?(context.blendEquation); variables["blendSrc"] = new int?(context.blend_src); variables["blendDst"] = new int?(context.blend_dst); variables["sfix"] = new int?(context.sfix); variables["dfix"] = new int?(context.dfix); variables["colorLogicOpFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.colorLogicOpFlag.Enabled); variables["logicOp"] = new int?(context.logicOp); variables["colorMask"] = new int?(PixelColor.getColor(context.colorMask)); variables["depthMask"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.depthMask); variables["textureFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.textureFlag.Enabled); variables["useVertexTexture"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.useVertexTexture); variables["lightingFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.lightingFlag.Enabled); variables["sameVertexColor"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.sameVertexColor); variables["setVertexPrimaryColor"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.setVertexPrimaryColor); variables["primaryColorSetGlobally"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.primaryColorSetGlobally); variables["isTriangle"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.isTriangle); variables["matFlagAmbient"] = Convert.ToBoolean((context.mat_flags & CMAT_FLAG_AMBIENT) != 0); variables["matFlagDiffuse"] = Convert.ToBoolean((context.mat_flags & CMAT_FLAG_DIFFUSE) != 0); variables["matFlagSpecular"] = Convert.ToBoolean((context.mat_flags & CMAT_FLAG_SPECULAR) != 0); variables["useVertexColor"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.useVertexColor); variables["textureColorDoubled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.textureColorDoubled); variables["lightMode"] = new int?(context.lightMode); variables["texMapMode"] = new int?(context.tex_map_mode); variables["texProjMapMode"] = new int?(context.tex_proj_map_mode); variables["texTranslateX"] = new float?(context.tex_translate_x); variables["texTranslateY"] = new float?(context.tex_translate_y); variables["texScaleX"] = new float?(context.tex_scale_x); variables["texScaleY"] = new float?(context.tex_scale_y); variables["texWrapS"] = new int?(context.tex_wrap_s); variables["texWrapT"] = new int?(context.tex_wrap_t); variables["textureFunc"] = new int?(context.textureFunc); variables["textureAlphaUsed"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.textureAlphaUsed); variables["psm"] = new int?(context.psm); variables["texMagFilter"] = new int?(context.tex_mag_filter); variables["needTextureWrapU"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needTextureWrapU); variables["needTextureWrapV"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needTextureWrapV); variables["needSourceDepthClamp"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.needSourceDepthClamp); variables["isLogTraceEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(renderer.isLogTraceEnabled); variables["collectStatistics"] = Convert.ToBoolean(DurationStatistics.collectStatistics); variables["ditherFlagEnabled"] = Convert.ToBoolean(context.ditherFlag.Enabled); string specializedClassName = NewCompiledRendererClassName; ClassSpecializer cs = new ClassSpecializer(); Type specializedClass = cs.specialize(specializedClassName, typeof(RendererTemplate), variables); RendererTemplate compiledRenderer = null; if (specializedClass != null) { try { compiledRenderer = (RendererTemplate)System.Activator.CreateInstance(specializedClass); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error while instanciating compiled renderer", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error while instanciating compiled renderer", e); } } return(compiledRenderer); }