Beispiel #1
        // this DC is cached and should only be deleted on Dispose or when the size changes.

        public Gdi32.HDC GetCachedItemDC(Gdi32.HDC toolStripHDC, Size bitmapSize)
            if (_cachedHDCSize.Width < bitmapSize.Width ||
                _cachedHDCSize.Height < bitmapSize.Height)
                if (_cachedItemHDC.IsNull)
                    // Create a new DC - we don't have one yet.
                    _cachedItemHDC = Gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(toolStripHDC);

                // Create compatible bitmap with the correct size.
                _cachedItemBitmap = Gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(toolStripHDC, bitmapSize.Width, bitmapSize.Height);
                Gdi32.HGDIOBJ oldBitmap = Gdi32.SelectObject(_cachedItemHDC, _cachedItemBitmap);

                // Delete the old bitmap
                if (!oldBitmap.IsNull)

                // remember what size we created.
                _cachedHDCSize = bitmapSize;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Restores the device context to the specified state. The DC is restored by popping state information off a
        ///  stack created by earlier calls to the SaveHdc function.
        ///  The stack can contain the state information for several instances of the DC. If the state specified by the
        ///  specified parameter is not at the top of the stack, RestoreDC deletes all state information between the top
        ///  of the stack and the specified instance.
        ///  Specifies the saved state to be restored. If this parameter is positive, nSavedDC represents a specific
        ///  instance of the state to be restored. If this parameter is negative, nSavedDC represents an instance relative
        ///  to the current state. For example, -1 restores the most recently saved state.
        ///  See MSDN for more info.
        /// </summary>
        public void RestoreHdc()
            // Note: Don't use the Hdc property here, it would force handle creation.
            Gdi32.RestoreDC(_hDC, -1);
            Debug.Assert(_contextStack != null, "Someone is calling RestoreHdc() before SaveHdc()");

            if (_contextStack != null)
                GraphicsState g = _contextStack.Pop();

                _hCurrentBmp   = g.hBitmap;
                _hCurrentBrush = g.hBrush;
                _hCurrentPen   = g.hPen;
                _hCurrentFont  = g.hFont;

                if (g.font != null && g.font.IsAlive)
                    ActiveFont = g.font.Target as WindowsFont;
                    WindowsFont?previousFont = ActiveFont;
                    ActiveFont = null;
                    if (previousFont != null && MeasurementDCInfo.IsMeasurementDC(this))

            // in this case, GDI will copy back the previously saved font into the DC.
            // we dont actually know what the font is in our measurement DC so
            // we need to clear it off.
Beispiel #3
        // Due to a problem with calling DeleteObject() on currently selected GDI objects,
        // we now track the initial set of objects when a DeviceContext is created.  Then,
        // we also track which objects are currently selected in the DeviceContext.  When
        // a currently selected object is disposed, it is first replaced in the DC and then
        // deleted.

        private void CacheInitialState()
            _hCurrentPen   = _hInitialPen = Gdi32.GetCurrentObject(this, Gdi32.ObjectType.OBJ_PEN);
            _hCurrentBrush = _hInitialBrush = Gdi32.GetCurrentObject(this, Gdi32.ObjectType.OBJ_BRUSH);
            _hCurrentBmp   = _hInitialBmp = Gdi32.GetCurrentObject(this, Gdi32.ObjectType.OBJ_BITMAP);
            _hCurrentFont  = _hInitialFont = Gdi32.GetCurrentObject(this, Gdi32.ObjectType.OBJ_FONT);
Beispiel #4
        public void GetStockBrushes(int id, uint color, uint brushStyle)
            Gdi32.HGDIOBJ hgdiobj = Gdi32.GetStockObject((Gdi32.StockObject)id);

            Gdi32.GetObjectW(hgdiobj, out Gdi32.LOGBRUSH logBrush);
            Assert.Equal(color, logBrush.lbColor);
            Assert.Equal((Gdi32.BS)brushStyle, logBrush.lbStyle);
Beispiel #5
            private void FillRectDither(Gdi32.HDC dc, RECT rc)
                Gdi32.HGDIOBJ hbrushOld = Gdi32.SelectObject(dc, _hbrushDither);

                if (!hbrushOld.IsNull)
                    int oldTextColor = Gdi32.SetTextColor(dc, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.ControlLightLight));
                    int oldBackColor = Gdi32.SetBkColor(dc, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(SystemColors.Control));

                    Gdi32.PatBlt(dc, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, Gdi32.ROP.PATCOPY);
                    Gdi32.SetTextColor(dc, oldTextColor);
                    Gdi32.SetBkColor(dc, oldBackColor);
Beispiel #6
        public void DeleteObject(Gdi32.HGDIOBJ handle, GdiObjectType type)
            Gdi32.HGDIOBJ handleToDelete = default;
            switch (type)
            case GdiObjectType.Pen:
                if (handle == _hCurrentPen)
                    Gdi32.HGDIOBJ currentPen = Gdi32.SelectObject(this, _hInitialPen);
                    Debug.Assert(currentPen == _hCurrentPen, "DeviceContext thinks a different pen is selected than the HDC");
                    _hCurrentPen = default;
                handleToDelete = handle;

            case GdiObjectType.Brush:
                if (handle == _hCurrentBrush)
                    Gdi32.HGDIOBJ currentBrush = Gdi32.SelectObject(this, _hInitialBrush);
                    Debug.Assert(currentBrush == _hCurrentBrush, "DeviceContext thinks a different brush is selected than the HDC");
                    _hCurrentBrush = default;
                handleToDelete = handle;

            case GdiObjectType.Bitmap:
                if (handle == _hCurrentBmp)
                    Gdi32.HGDIOBJ currentBmp = Gdi32.SelectObject(this, _hInitialBmp);
                    Debug.Assert(currentBmp == _hCurrentBmp, "DeviceContext thinks a different brush is selected than the HDC");
                    _hCurrentBmp = default;
                handleToDelete = handle;
