void OnEnable()
            //Logger.Log("OnEnable " + name);

            // Get or add the raycaster
            gazeRaycaster = eventSource.GetComponent <GazeRaycaster>();
            if (gazeRaycaster == null)
                gazeRaycaster = eventSource.AddComponent <GazeRaycaster>();

            // Register our callbacks
            gazeRaycaster.onGazeEnter += GazeEnter;
            gazeRaycaster.onGazeExit  += GazeExit;
    protected static RaycastHit s_hit; // Only contains valid info when s_gazedObject is not null

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // TODO: avoid doing raycast if all event subscribers unregistered. Probably rare cases

        // Only do it one per frame, the first active instance will do for every others
        if (Time.frameCount != s_lastRaycastFrame)
            s_lastRaycastFrame = Time.frameCount;

            // Get the common raycast camera
            if (!s_cam)
                s_cam = FindObjectOfType <Camera>();
                Debug.Log("GazeRaycaster will use camera " + s_cam.name, s_cam);

            s_gazedObjectLast = s_gazedObject;

            LayerMask mask = LayerMask.GetMask("Interactible");

            bool hitSomething = Physics.Raycast(s_cam.transform.position, s_cam.transform.forward, out s_hit, 50f, mask);
            if (hitSomething)
                s_gazedObject = s_hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <GazeRaycaster>();

                // Display actual raycast being projected by the camera
                Debug.DrawRay(s_cam.transform.position, s_cam.transform.forward * 50f, Color.red);
                s_gazedObject = null;

            // Send events
            if (s_gazedObject != s_gazedObjectLast)
                if (s_gazedObjectLast)
                if (s_gazedObject)