/// <summary>
 /// Validates that the given Bucket has a "somewhat valid" (no URI encoding required) bucket name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bucket">Bucket to validate</param>
 /// <param name="paramName">The parameter name in the calling method</param>
 private void ValidateBucket(Bucket bucket, string paramName)
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(bucket, paramName);
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(bucket.Name != null, paramName, "Bucket must have a name");
                                        "Invalid bucket name '{0}' - see https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/bucket-naming", bucket.Name);
        private BucketsResource.UpdateRequest CreateUpdateBucketRequest(Bucket bucket, UpdateBucketOptions options)
            ValidateBucket(bucket, nameof(bucket));
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(bucket.Acl != null, nameof(bucket), "The Acl property of the bucket to update is null");
            var request = Service.Buckets.Update(bucket, bucket.Name);

        private ObjectsResource.PatchRequest CreatePatchObjectRequest(Object obj, PatchObjectOptions options)
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(obj, nameof(obj));
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(obj.Bucket != null, nameof(obj), "The Bucket property of the object to update is null");
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(obj.Name != null, nameof(obj), "The Name property of the object to update is null");
            var request = Service.Objects.Patch(obj, obj.Bucket, obj.Name);

 /// <summary>
 /// Validates that the given Object has a "somewhat valid" (no URI encoding required) bucket name and an object name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">Object to validate</param>
 /// <param name="paramName">The parameter name in the calling method</param>
 private void ValidateObject(Object obj, string paramName)
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(obj, paramName);
         obj.Name != null && obj.Bucket != null,
         "Object must have a name and bucket");
                                        "Object bucket '{0}' is invalid", obj.Bucket);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a field with the specified details, and adds it to the schema being built.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the field. Must be a valid field name.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of the field. Must be a defined member within <see cref="BigqueryDbType"/>, other than <c>Record</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The mode of the field. Must be a defined member within <see cref="FieldMode"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The description of the field. May be null.</param>
        public void Add(string name, BigqueryDbType type, FieldMode mode = FieldMode.Nullable, string description = null)
            ValidateFieldName(name, nameof(name));
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(type != BigqueryDbType.Record, nameof(type), "Record fields must be specified with their schema");

            Add(new TableFieldSchema
                Name        = name,
                Type        = EnumMap <BigqueryDbType> .ToApiValue(type, nameof(type)),
                Mode        = EnumMap <FieldMode> .ToApiValue(mode, nameof(mode)),
                Description = description,
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Insert(TableReference tableReference, IEnumerable <InsertRow> rows, InsertOptions options = null)
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(tableReference, nameof(tableReference));
            GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(rows, nameof(rows));

            var body = new TableDataInsertAllRequest
                Rows = rows.Select(row =>
                    GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(row != null, nameof(rows), "Entries must not be null");

            var request  = Service.Tabledata.InsertAll(body, tableReference.ProjectId, tableReference.DatasetId, tableReference.TableId);
            var response = request.Execute();

Beispiel #7
 internal void Validate()
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(Timeout == null || Deadline == null, "options",
                                        $"Cannot set both {nameof(Timeout)} and {nameof(Deadline)} to non-null values");
 internal static void ValidateFieldName(string name, string paramName)
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckNotNull(name, paramName);
     GaxRestPreconditions.CheckArgument(s_fieldNamePattern.IsMatch(name), paramName, "Invalid field name '{0}'", name);