Beispiel #1
        public override Gate CreateUserInstance()
            Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt = _gate as Gates.IOGates.Comment;

            Comment c = new Comment();

            ((Gates.IOGates.Comment)c.AbGate).Value = cmt.Value;

Beispiel #2
        public Comment(Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt) : base(cmt, new TerminalID[0])
            ph = new Path();

            ph.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
            ph.StrokeThickness = 2;
            ph.Fill            = Brushes.White;
            ph.Margin          = new System.Windows.Thickness(15);

            nm      = new TextBox();
            nm.Text = cmt.Value;
            nm.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            nm.VerticalAlignment   = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            nm.Margin          = new System.Windows.Thickness(20);
            nm.Width           = this.Width - 40;
            nm.Height          = this.Height - 40;
            nm.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0);


            nm.TextChanged += (sender, e) =>
                cmt.Value = nm.Text;
            nm.LostFocus += (sender, e) =>
                // because I don't want to create an undo event
                // for every single keypress!
                if (UndoProvider != null)
                    UndoProvider.Add(new UndoRedo.ChangeUserText(this, prevcmt, nm.Text, txt => { cmt.Value = txt; }));

                prevcmt = nm.Text;
            nm.GotFocus += (sender, e) =>
                if (MyGateCanvas != null)
            cmt.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "Value")
Beispiel #3
        private void ResizeDueToName()
            Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt = _gate as Gates.IOGates.Comment;

            FormattedText ft = new FormattedText(cmt.Value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                                 new Typeface(nm.FontFamily, nm.FontStyle, nm.FontWeight, nm.FontStretch),
                                                 nm.FontSize, nm.Foreground);

            // I would assume 40 b/c that is the total below
            // for diff between label width and gate width
            // but it is not enough
            // hacking it
            this.Width = Math.Max(64, ft.Width + 50);

            string path = "M0,0 ";

            for (int i = 20; i < this.Width - 20; i += 9)
                path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 9,0 ";
            path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 9,0 ";

            for (int i = 20; i < this.Height - 20; i += 9)
                path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 0,9 ";
            path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 0,9 ";

            for (int i = 20; i < this.Width - 20; i += 9)
                path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 -9,0 ";
            path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 -9,0 ";

            for (int i = 20; i < this.Height - 20; i += 9)
                path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 0,-9 ";
            path += "a 5,5 45 1 1 0,-9 ";

            ph.Data = StreamGeometry.Parse(path);

            nm.Text   = cmt.Value;
            nm.Width  = this.Width - 40;
            nm.Height = this.Height - 40;
Beispiel #4
        private Gates.AbstractGate CreateGate(XElement gate)
            int numInputs = 2; // default for variable input gates
            if (gate.Attribute("NumInputs") != null)
                numInputs = int.Parse(gate.Attribute("NumInputs").Value);

            switch (gate.Attribute("Type").Value)
                case "And":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.And(numInputs);
                case "Not":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Not();
                case "Or":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Or(numInputs);
                case "Nand":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Nand(numInputs);
                case "Nor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Nor(numInputs);
                case "Xor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Xor();
                case "Xnor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Xnor();
                case "Buffer":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Buffer();
                case "UserInput":
                    Gates.IOGates.UserInput ui = new Gates.IOGates.UserInput();
                    return ui;
                case "UserOutput":
                    Gates.IOGates.UserOutput uo = new Gates.IOGates.UserOutput();
                    return uo;
                case "NumericInput":
                    Gates.IOGates.NumericInput ni = new Gates.IOGates.NumericInput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                    ni.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation)int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);
                    ni.Value = gate.Attribute("Value").Value;
                    return ni;
                case "NumericOutput":
                    Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput no = new Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                    no.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation)int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);
                    return no;
                case "Clock":
                    Gates.IOGates.Clock clk = new Gates.IOGates.Clock(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Milliseconds").Value));
                    return clk;
                case "IC":
                    // check if this ic has been renamed
                    string cname = gate.Attribute("Name").Value;
                    // check first if we need to rename
                    if (UpdateICNames.ContainsKey(cname))
                        cname = UpdateICNames[cname];
                    return icl.GetIC(cname).AbGate.Clone();
                case "Comment":
                    Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt = new Gates.IOGates.Comment();
                    cmt.Value = gate.Element("Comment").Value;
                    return cmt;
            throw new ArgumentException("unknown gate");
Beispiel #5
        //Modified method from CircuitXML.CreateGate Method
        private Gates.AbstractGate CreateGate(XElement gate)
            int numInputs = 2; // default for variable input gates
            if (gate.Attribute("NumInputs") != null)
                numInputs = int.Parse(gate.Attribute("NumInputs").Value);

            switch (gate.Attribute("Type").Value)
                case "And":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.And(numInputs);
                case "Not":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Not();
                case "Or":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Or(numInputs);
                case "Nand":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Nand(numInputs);
                case "Nor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Nor(numInputs);
                case "Xor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Xor();
                case "Xnor":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Xnor();
                case "Buffer":
                    return new Gates.BasicGates.Buffer();
                case "UserInput":
                    Gates.IOGates.UserInput ui = new Gates.IOGates.UserInput();
                    return ui;
                case "UserOutput":
                    Gates.IOGates.UserOutput uo = new Gates.IOGates.UserOutput();
                    return uo;
                case "NumericInput":
                    Gates.IOGates.NumericInput ni = new Gates.IOGates.NumericInput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                    ni.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation)int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);
                    ni.Value = gate.Attribute("Value").Value;
                    return ni;
                case "NumericOutput":
                    Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput no = new Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                    no.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation)int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);
                    return no;
                case "Clock":
                    Gates.IOGates.Clock clk = new Gates.IOGates.Clock(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Milliseconds").Value));
                    return clk;
                case "Comment":
                    Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt = new Gates.IOGates.Comment();
                    cmt.Value = gate.Element("Comment").Value;
                    return cmt;
            throw new ArgumentException("unknown gate");
Beispiel #6
        private Gates.AbstractGate CreateGate(XElement gate)
            int numInputs = 2; // default for variable input gates

            if (gate.Attribute("NumInputs") != null)
                numInputs = int.Parse(gate.Attribute("NumInputs").Value);

            switch (gate.Attribute("Type").Value)
            case "And":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.And(numInputs));

            case "Not":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Not());

            case "Or":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Or(numInputs));

            case "Nand":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Nand(numInputs));

            case "Nor":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Nor(numInputs));

            case "Xor":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Xor());

            case "Xnor":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Xnor());

            case "Buffer":
                return(new Gates.BasicGates.Buffer());

            case "UserInput":
                Gates.IOGates.UserInput ui = new Gates.IOGates.UserInput();

            case "UserOutput":
                Gates.IOGates.UserOutput uo = new Gates.IOGates.UserOutput();

            case "NumericInput":
                Gates.IOGates.NumericInput ni = new Gates.IOGates.NumericInput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                ni.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation) int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);
                ni.Value = gate.Attribute("Value").Value;

            case "NumericOutput":
                Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput no = new Gates.IOGates.NumericOutput(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Bits").Value));
                no.SelectedRepresentation = (Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric.Representation) int.Parse(gate.Attribute("SelRep").Value);

            case "Clock":
                Gates.IOGates.Clock clk = new Gates.IOGates.Clock(int.Parse(gate.Attribute("Milliseconds").Value));

            case "IC":
                // check if this ic has been renamed
                string cname = gate.Attribute("Name").Value;
                // check first if we need to rename
                if (UpdateICNames.ContainsKey(cname))
                    cname = UpdateICNames[cname];


            case "Comment":
                Gates.IOGates.Comment cmt = new Gates.IOGates.Comment();
                cmt.Value = gate.Element("Comment").Value;
            throw new ArgumentException("unknown gate");