Beispiel #1
    protected void YCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GanaVibhajana G1 = new GanaVibhajana(TextBox1.Text, Chandam.Rules.RuleLanguage.Telugu);
        bool          f  = YatiCheck(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, false);
        string        s  = f ? String.Format("Yati matached between  <b>{0}</b>  and <b>{1}</b>", TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text) :
                           String.Format("Yati <b>Not</b> matached between  <b>{0}</b>  and <b>{1}</b>", TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text);

        result.InnerHtml = s;
Beispiel #2
        private string StringWithList(int w, List <string> whiteList)
            string s  = "";
            string nm = "";

            while (!whiteList.Contains(nm))
                s = StringWith_i(w);
                GanaVibhajana G = new GanaVibhajana(s, lang);
                nm = GDefinition.GName(G.SymbolsStream.Replace(" ", "")).Trim();
Beispiel #3
        private string StringWith2(int w, string blackList)
            string s  = "";
            string nm = blackList;

            while (nm == blackList)
                s = StringWith_i(w);
                GanaVibhajana G = new GanaVibhajana(s, lang);
                nm = GDefinition.GName(G.SymbolsStream.Replace(" ", "")).Trim();
Beispiel #4
        private string PrasaString3(int w, string prasa, string blackList)
            string s  = "";
            string nm = blackList;

            while (nm == blackList)
                s = PrasaString(w, prasa);
                GanaVibhajana G = new GanaVibhajana(s, lang);
                nm = GDefinition.GName(G.SymbolsStream.Replace(" ", "")).Trim();
Beispiel #5
        private string YatiString3(int w, string yati, string blackList)
            string s  = "";
            string nm = blackList;

            while (nm == blackList)
                s = YatiString2(w, yati);
                GanaVibhajana G = new GanaVibhajana(s, lang);
                nm = GDefinition.GName(G.SymbolsStream.Replace(" ", "")).Trim();
Beispiel #6
        public string CheckPrasa(string s1, string s2, bool allowSantiPrasa)
            YatiPrasaChecker2 Y = new YatiPrasaChecker2();

            s1 = s1.Replace(" ", "");
            s2 = s2.Replace(" ", "");

            Y.AllowSantiPrasa = allowSantiPrasa;
            Y.SoundexSandhi   = false;
            GanaVibhajana G1 = new GanaVibhajana(s1, lang);
            GanaVibhajana G2 = new GanaVibhajana(s2, lang);

            if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 0)
                return("<span class='gName'>Group-1 is not valid</span>");
            if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 0)
                return("<span class='gName'>Group-2 is not valid</span>");

            bool f = false;

            if (G1.GWiseString.Count > 1 && G2.GWiseString.Count > 1)
                p1 = G1.GWiseString[0] + "<u>" + G1.GWiseString[1] + "</u>";
                p2 = G2.GWiseString[0] + "<u>" + G2.GWiseString[1] + "</u>";

                Prasa P1 = new Prasa(StringPlus.CharAt(G1.SymbolsStream, 0).ToString(), false, G1.GWiseString[1], G1.GWiseString[0]);
                Prasa P2 = new Prasa(StringPlus.CharAt(G2.SymbolsStream, 0).ToString(), false, G2.GWiseString[1], G2.GWiseString[0]);

                f = Y.IsPrasaMatched3(P1, P2);

                if (f && Y.NoMoreChecks)
                    return(Success(p1, p2, PRASA, Y.LastName));

                if (f)
                    if (P1.Symbol == Symbols.LAGHUVU)
                        //Nothing to do..
                        f = (P1.Symbol == P2.Symbol);

                if (f)
                    Errors E = CheckPrasaPoorva2(Y, P1, P2);
                    if (E == null)
                        return(Success(p1, p2, PRASA, Y.LastName));
                    return(FailWith(p1, p2, E, PRASA));
                    return(FailWith(p1, p2, null, PRASA));
                p1 = G1.GWiseString[0];
                p2 = G2.GWiseString[0];
                f  = Y.IsPrasaMatched(p1, p2);
                if (f)
                    return(Success(p1, p2, PRASA, Y.LastName));
            return(FailWith(p1, p2, null, PRASA));
Beispiel #7
        public string CheckYati(string s1, string s2, bool Sandhi)
            GanaVibhajana G1 = new GanaVibhajana(s1, lang);
            GanaVibhajana G2 = new GanaVibhajana(s2, lang);

            if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 0)
                return("<span class='gName'>Group-1 is not valid</span>");
            if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 0)
                return("<span class='gName'>Group-2 is not valid</span>");

            string c1  = null;
            string y1  = null;
            string py1 = null;

            string c2  = null;
            string y2  = null;
            string py2 = null;

            YatiPrasaChecker2 YPC = new YatiPrasaChecker2();

            YPC.SoundexSandhi = Sandhi;

            #region ...
            if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 3)
                c1  = StringPlus.EndsWith(G1.GWiseString[0], 'ం') ? "ం" : null;
                y1  = G1.GWiseString[1];
                py1 = G1.GWiseString[2];
                p1  = (c1 != null) ? G1.GWiseString[0] + G1.GWiseString[1] : G1.GWiseString[1];
                p1  = p1 + G1.GWiseString[2];

            if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 2)
                c1 = StringPlus.EndsWith(G1.GWiseString[0], 'ం') ? "ం" : null;
                y1 = G1.GWiseString[1];
                p1 = (c1 != null) ? G1.GWiseString[0] + G1.GWiseString[1] : G1.GWiseString[1];

            if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 3)
                c2  = StringPlus.EndsWith(G2.GWiseString[0], 'ం') ? "ం" : null;
                y2  = G2.GWiseString[1];
                py2 = G2.GWiseString[2];
                p2  = (c2 != null) ? G2.GWiseString[0] + G2.GWiseString[1] : G2.GWiseString[1];
                p2  = p2 + G2.GWiseString[2];
            if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 1)
                y1 = G1.GWiseString[0];
                p1 = G1.GWiseString[0];

            if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 2)
                c2 = StringPlus.EndsWith(G2.GWiseString[0], 'ం') ? "ం" : null;
                y2 = G2.GWiseString[1];
                p2 = (c2 != null) ? G2.GWiseString[0] + G2.GWiseString[1] : G2.GWiseString[1];
            if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 1)
                y2 = G2.GWiseString[0];
                p2 = G2.GWiseString[0];

            bool res = YPC.IsYatiMatched(p1, p2);
            if (res)
                return(Success(p1, p2, YATI, YPC.LastName));
                //Context not matched  so prepare for Prasa Yati

                if (G1.GWiseString.Count == 2)
                    y1  = G1.GWiseString[0];
                    py1 = G1.GWiseString[1];

                if (G2.GWiseString.Count == 2)
                    y2  = G2.GWiseString[0];
                    py2 = G2.GWiseString[1];

                res = YPC.IsYatiMatched(y1, y2);
                if (res)
                    return(Success(y1, y2, YATI, YPC.LastName));
                    string s = FailWith(p1, p2, null, YATI);
                    if (G1.GWiseString.Count > 1 && G2.GWiseString.Count > 1)
                        s = s + "<br/>అందువల్ల ప్రాస యతి సరి పోతుందేమో చూస్తున్నా<br/>";
                        s = s + CheckPrasa(py1, py2, false);