Beispiel #1
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Initialising
         * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        static void ui_enter_init(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            show_splashscreen(type, data, user);

            /* Set up our splashscreen handlers */
            Game_Event.add_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.INITSTATUS, splashscreen_note, null);
Beispiel #2
         * Called when we enter the birth mode - so we set up handlers, command hooks,
         * etc, here.
        static void ui_enter_birthscreen(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            ///* Set the ugly static global that tells us if quickstart's available. */
            quickstart_allowed = data.flag;

Beispiel #3
        static void show_splashscreen(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            //ang_file *fp;

            //char buf[1024];

            /*** Verify the "news" file ***/

            string buf = Misc.path_build(Misc.ANGBAND_DIR_FILE, "news.txt");

            if (!File.Exists(buf))
                //char why[1024];

                /* Crash and burn */
                string why = "Cannot access the '" + buf + "' file!";

                throw new NotImplementedException();                 //<-- Uncomment below and remove this

            /*** Display the "news" file ***/


            /* Open the News file */
            buf = Misc.path_build(Misc.ANGBAND_DIR_FILE, "news.txt");             //Didn't we just do this?
            FileStream   fp = File.OpenRead(buf);
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fp);

            Misc.text_out_hook = Utilities.text_out_to_screen;

            /* Dump */
            //if (fp)
            /* Dump the file to the screen */
            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                buf = sr.ReadLine();
                //We are skipping the version stuff, we will do that later I gues...
                //No big deal if we skip it, right?
                //string version_marker = strstr(buf, "$VERSION");
                //if (version_marker)
                //    ptrdiff_t pos = version_marker - buf;
                //    strnfmt(version_marker, sizeof(buf) - pos, "%-8s", buildver);

                Utilities.text_out_e("{0}", buf);


            /* Flush it */
Beispiel #4
 public static void hp_colour_change(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
      * hack:  redraw player, since the player's color
      * now indicates approximate health.  Note that
      * using this command when graphics mode is on
      * causes the character to be a black square.
     if ((Option.hp_changes_color.value) && (Misc.arg_graphics == Misc.GRAPHICS_NONE))
         Cave.cave_light_spot(Cave.cave,, Misc.p_ptr.px);
Beispiel #5
         * Print the status line.
        public static void update_statusline(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            int row = Term.instance.hgt - 1;
            int col = 13;
            int i;

            /* Clear the remainder of the line */
            Utilities.prt("", row, col);

            /* Display those which need redrawing */
            for (i = 0; i < status_handlers.Length; i++)
                col += status_handlers[i](row, col);
Beispiel #6
         * This prints the sidebar, using a clever method which means that it will only
         * print as much as can be displayed on <24-line screens.
         * Each row is given a priority; the least important higher numbers and the most
         * important lower numbers.  As the screen gets smaller, the rows start to
         * disappear in the order of lowest to highest importance.
        public static void update_sidebar(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            int x, y, row;
            int max_priority;
            int i;

            Term.get_size(out x, out y);

            /* Keep the top and bottom lines clear. */
            max_priority = y - 2;

            /* Display list entries */
            for (i = 0, row = 1; i < side_handlers.Length; i++)
                side_handler_t hnd         = side_handlers[i];
                int            priority    = hnd.priority;
                bool           from_bottom = false;

                /* Negative means print from bottom */
                if (priority < 0)
                    priority    = -priority;
                    from_bottom = true;

                /* If this is high enough priority, display it */
                if (priority <= max_priority)
                    if (hnd.type == type && hnd.hook != null)
                        if (from_bottom)
                            hnd.hook(Term.instance.hgt - (side_handlers.Length - i), 0);
                            hnd.hook(row, 0);

                    /* Increment for next time */
Beispiel #7
        /* This is called whenever the points totals are changed (in birth.c), so
         * that we can update our display of how many points have been spent and
         * are available. */
        static void point_based_points(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            int sum = 0;

            int[] stats = data.birthstats.stats;

            /* Display the costs header */
            Utilities.put_str("Cost", COSTS_ROW - 1, COSTS_COL);

            /* Display the costs */
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)Stat.Max; i++)
                /* Display cost */
                Utilities.put_str(stats[i].ToString("D4"), COSTS_ROW + i, COSTS_COL);
                sum += stats[i];

            Utilities.put_str("Total Cost: " + sum.ToString("D2") + "/" +
                              (data.birthstats.remaining + sum).ToString("D2"), COSTS_ROW + (int)Stat.Max, TOTAL_COL);
Beispiel #8
        static void ui_leave_game(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            /* Because of the "flexible" sidebar, all these things trigger
             * the same function. */
            Game_Event.remove_handler_set(player_events, Sidebar.update_sidebar, null);

            /* The flexible statusbar has similar requirements, so is
             * also trigger by a large set of events. */
            Game_Event.remove_handler_set(statusline_events, Statusline.update_statusline, null);

            /* Player HP can optionally change the colour of the '@' now. */
            Game_Event.remove_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.HP, Sidebar.hp_colour_change, null);

            /* Simplest way to keep the map up to date - will do for now */
            Game_Event.remove_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.MAP, Map.update_maps, Misc.angband_term[0]);
            //#if 0
            //    event_remove_handler(EVENT_MAP, trace_map_updates, angband_term[0]);
            /* Check if the panel should shift when the player's moved */
            Game_Event.remove_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.PLAYERMOVED, Floor.check_panel, null);
            Game_Event.remove_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.SEEFLOOR, Floor.see_floor_items, null);
Beispiel #9
 public flag_event_trigger(uint f, Game_Event.Event_Type e)
     flag = f;
     evt =e;
Beispiel #10
        public static void see_floor_items(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            int py =;
            int px = Misc.p_ptr.px;

            int floor_num = 0;

            int[] floor_list = new int[Misc.MAX_FLOOR_STACK + 1];
            bool  blind      = ((Misc.p_ptr.timed[(int)Timed_Effect.BLIND] != 0) || (Cave.no_light()));

            string p          = "see";
            int    can_pickup = 0;
            int    i;

            /* Scan all marked objects in the grid */
            floor_num = Object.Object.scan_floor(floor_list, floor_list.Length, py, px, 0x03);
            if (floor_num == 0)

            for (i = 0; i < floor_num; i++)
                can_pickup += Object.Object.byid((short)floor_list[i]).inven_carry_okay()?1:0;

            /* One object */
            if (floor_num == 1)
                /* Get the object */
                Object.Object o_ptr = Object.Object.byid((short)floor_list[0]);
                //char o_name[80];
                string o_name = null;

                if (can_pickup == 0)
                    p = "have no room for";
                else if (blind)
                    p = "feel";

                /* Describe the object.  Less detail if blind. */
                if (blind)
                    o_name = o_ptr.object_desc(Object.Object.Detail.PREFIX | Object.Object.Detail.BASE);
                    o_name = o_ptr.object_desc(Object.Object.Detail.PREFIX | Object.Object.Detail.FULL);

                /* Message */
                Utilities.msg("You {0} {1}.", p, o_name);
                ui_event e;

                if (can_pickup == 0)
                    p = "have no room for the following objects";
                else if (blind)
                    p = "feel something on the floor";

                throw new NotImplementedException();
                /* Display objects on the floor */
                //show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, (OLIST_WEIGHT));
                //prt(format("You %s: ", p), 0, 0);

                ///* Wait for it.  Use key as next command. */
                //e = inkey_ex();

                ///* Restore screen */
Beispiel #11
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Temporary (hopefully) hackish solutions.
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 public static void check_panel(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
Beispiel #12
 public side_handler_t(hook_func a, int b, Game_Event.Event_Type c)
     hook     = a;
     priority = b;
     type     = c;
Beispiel #13
 /* This is called whenever any of the other miscellaneous stat-dependent things
  * changed.  We are hooked into changes in the amount of gold in this case,
  * but redisplay everything because it's easier. */
 static void point_based_misc(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
Beispiel #14
 static void ui_leave_birthscreen(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
Beispiel #15
 static void ui_leave_init(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
     /* Remove our splashscreen handlers */
     Game_Event.remove_handler(Game_Event.Event_Type.INITSTATUS, splashscreen_note, null);
Beispiel #16
            public Game_Event.Event_Type type; /* PR_* flag this corresponds to */

            #endregion Fields

            #region Constructors

            public side_handler_t(hook_func a, int b, Game_Event.Event_Type c)
                hook = a;
                priority = b;
                type = c;
Beispiel #17
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Map redraw.
         * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        //#if 0
        //static void trace_map_updates(game_event_type type, game_event_data *data, void *user)
        //    if (data.point.x == -1 && data.point.y == -1)
        //    {
        //        printf("Redraw whole map\n");
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        printf("Redraw (%i, %i)\n", data.point.x, data.point.y);
        //    }

        public static void update_maps(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
            Term t = user as Term;

            /* This signals a whole-map redraw. */
            if (data.point.x == -1 && data.point.y == -1)
            /* Single point to be redrawn */
                Grid_Data    g = new Grid_Data();
                ConsoleColor a = ConsoleColor.White, ta = ConsoleColor.White;
                char         c = ' ', tc = ' ';

                int ky, kx;
                int vy, vx;

                /* Location relative to panel */
                ky = data.point.y - t.offset_y;
                kx = data.point.x - t.offset_x;

                if (t == Misc.angband_term[0])
                    /* Verify location */
                    if ((ky < 0) || (ky >= Misc.SCREEN_HGT))

                    /* Verify location */
                    if ((kx < 0) || (kx >= Misc.SCREEN_WID))

                    /* Location in window */
                    vy = ky + Misc.ROW_MAP;
                    vx = kx + Misc.COL_MAP;

                    if (Term.tile_width > 1)
                        vx += (Term.tile_width - 1) * kx;
                    if (Term.tile_height > 1)
                        vy += (Term.tile_height - 1) * ky;
                    if (Term.tile_width > 1)
                        kx += (Term.tile_width - 1) * kx;
                    if (Term.tile_height > 1)
                        ky += (Term.tile_height - 1) * ky;

                    /* Verify location */
                    if ((ky < 0) || (ky >= t.hgt))
                    if ((kx < 0) || (kx >= t.wid))

                    /* Location in window */
                    vy = ky;
                    vx = kx;

                /* Redraw the grid spot */
                Cave.map_info(data.point.y, data.point.x, ref g);
                Cave.grid_data_as_text(ref g, ref a, ref c, ref ta, ref tc);
                t.queue_char(vx, vy, a, c, ta, tc);
                //#if 0
                //        /* Plot 'spot' updates in light green to make them visible */
                //        Term_queue_char(t, vx, vy, TERM_L_GREEN, c, ta, tc);

                if ((Term.tile_width > 1) || (Term.tile_height > 1))
                    t.big_queue_char(vx, vy, a, c, ConsoleColor.White, ' ');
Beispiel #18
  * Hack -- take notes on line 23
 static void splashscreen_note(Game_Event.Event_Type type, Game_Event data, object user)
     Term.erase(0, 23, 255);
     Term.putstr(20, 23, -1, ConsoleColor.White, "[" + data.text + "]");