void Start()
        Transform  newCell;
        CellScript myCellScript;

        myBoard = new GameOfLifeBoard(boardSize);

        timeForNextBoard = 0.25F;
        gamePlaying      = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++)     // starts in bottom left corner goes right to left
            for (int j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) // starts in bottom left corner goes bottom to top
                // Create a new instance of the prefab. This creates a Transform, not a GameObject
                newCell = Instantiate(masterCell, new Vector3(i * 1.5F, j * 1.5F, 0.0F), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;

                // You get to a GameObject by accessing the Transform's GameObject property.
                // Once we have a GameObject, can call GetComponent to retrieve the CellScript component on it.
                // CellScript is the name of the class defined on the prefab.
                // This is how we get access to the script defined on the prefab.
                myCellScript = newCell.gameObject.GetComponent <CellScript>();

                // Now that we have a reference to the script on the prefab (an instance of type of CellScript)
                // it is possible to call methods or directly set public variables. This is how we pass data
                // from the master initialization script into each grid cell's GameObject.
                myCellScript.SetRowCol(i, j);
Beispiel #2
        public void ShouldThrowIfBoardIsBelowMinimumSize()
            gameOfLifeRuleMock.Setup(x => x.LifeStatusForNextTick(It.IsAny <DeadOrAliveNeighboursCount>(), It.IsAny <LifeStatus>())).Returns(LifeStatus.Alive);
            var gol = new GameOfLifeBoard(gameOfLifeRuleMock.Object);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidBoardSizeException>(() => gol.CreateNewBoard(2, 2));
Beispiel #3
        public void ShouldThrowIfPlayIsCalledBeforeBoardCreated()
            gameOfLifeRuleMock.Setup(x => x.LifeStatusForNextTick(It.IsAny <DeadOrAliveNeighboursCount>(), It.IsAny <LifeStatus>())).Returns(LifeStatus.Alive);

            var gol = new GameOfLifeBoard(gameOfLifeRuleMock.Object);

            Assert.Throws <BoardNotCreatedException>(() => gol.PlayGame(1, It.IsAny <Action <LifeStatus[, ]> >()));
Beispiel #4
        public void ShouldThrowIfSeedIsCalledBeforeBoardCreated()
            gameOfLifeRuleMock.Setup(x => x.LifeStatusForNextTick(It.IsAny <DeadOrAliveNeighboursCount>(), It.IsAny <LifeStatus>())).Returns(LifeStatus.Alive);

            var gol = new GameOfLifeBoard(gameOfLifeRuleMock.Object);

            Assert.Throws <BoardNotCreatedException>(() => gol.Seed(new List <RowColumnLifeStatus>()
                new RowColumnLifeStatus(-4, 4, LifeStatus.Alive)
Beispiel #5
        public void ShouldThrowErrorForInvalidSeedValues()
            gameOfLifeRuleMock.Setup(x => x.LifeStatusForNextTick(It.IsAny <DeadOrAliveNeighboursCount>(), It.IsAny <LifeStatus>())).Returns(LifeStatus.Alive);
            var gol = new GameOfLifeBoard(gameOfLifeRuleMock.Object);

            gol.CreateNewBoard(4, 4);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidSeedException>(() => gol.Seed(new List <RowColumnLifeStatus>()
                new RowColumnLifeStatus(-4, 4, LifeStatus.Alive)
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            random = new Random();
            var gol = new GameOfLifeBoard(new GameOfLifeRules());

            string[] rowsAndColumnsArray        = GetRowsAndColumnsFromConsole();
            int      tickGenerations            = GeTickGenerations();
            List <RowColumnLifeStatus> seedList = GetSeed(RowFrom(rowsAndColumnsArray), ColumnFrom(rowsAndColumnsArray));

            SetupAndPlayGameOfLife(gol, RowFrom(rowsAndColumnsArray), ColumnFrom(rowsAndColumnsArray), tickGenerations, seedList);
Beispiel #7
        private static void SetupAndPlayGameOfLife(GameOfLifeBoard gol, int rows, int columns, int tickGenerations, List <RowColumnLifeStatus> seedList)
            var boardVisualizer = new ConsoleBoardOutput();

            gol.CreateNewBoard(rows, columns);
            if (seedList.Any())

            gol.PlayGame(tickGenerations, boardVisualizer.Output);
Beispiel #8
    void InitializeBoard()
        myBoard = new GameOfLifeBoard(boardSize);
        Transform  newCell;
        CellScript myCellScript;

        for (int i = 0; i < boardSize; i++)     // starts in bottom left corner goes right to left
            for (int j = 0; j < boardSize; j++) // starts in bottom left corner goes bottom to top
                // Create a new instance of the cell prefab
                newCell = Instantiate(masterCell, new Vector3(i * 1.5F, j * 1.5F, 0.0F), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;

                // Get a reference to the cells script
                myCellScript = newCell.gameObject.GetComponent <CellScript>();

                // Set the row and col value for the cell
                myCellScript.SetRowCol(i, j);

                // Create the intitial board
Beispiel #9
 public void SetGameOfLifeBoard(GameOfLifeBoard myBoard)
     this.myBoard = myBoard;