Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>Called whenever any of the CheckBoxes used to activate/deactivate cheats from the trainer gets checked or unchecked.</summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Object which sent the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">Arguments from the event.</param>
 private void CheckBoxCheatToggled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (GameMemoryIO.IsAttached())
        /// <summary>Called when the trainer needs to be detached from the game's process.</summary>
        private void DetachFromGame()
            // Detach from the target process
            if (GameMemoryIO.IsAttached())
                // If the game's process is still running, all cheats must be disabled
                if (GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.HasExited == false)
                    foreach (ECheat curCheat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECheat)))
                        SetCheatEnabled(curCheat, false);

                // Release injected memory, cleanup and detach

            // Reset all of the values of the DependencyProperty objects which represent injected variables
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DependencyProperty, EVariable> curPair in sm_dependencyPropertyToInjectedVariable)
                // Retrieve the initial value of the injected variable
                DependencyProperty varDepProp = curPair.Key;
                EVariable          varID      = curPair.Value;

                FieldInfo enumeratorInfo           = typeof(EVariable).GetField(varID.ToString());
                VariableDefinitionAttribute varDef = enumeratorInfo.GetCustomAttribute <VariableDefinitionAttribute>();

                // Reset the variable back to its initial value
                this.SetValue(varDepProp, varDef.InitialValue);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Called when the trainer needs to be detached from the game's process.</summary>
        private void DetachFromGame()
            // Detach from the target process
            if (GameMemoryIO.IsAttached())
                // If the game's process is still running, all cheats must be disabled
                if (GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.HasExited == false)
                    foreach (ECheat curCheat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECheat)))
                        GameMemoryInjector.SetMemoryAlterationsActive(curCheat, false);

                // Disable any manually-activated Memory Alteration

                // Release injected memory, cleanup and detach

            // Restart the timer which looks for the game's process
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user clicks the "'Attach to' (or 'Detach from') game" button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object which sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments from the event.</param>
        private void ButtonClickAttachToGame(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Is the trainer currently attached to the game's process?
            if (GameMemoryIO.Attached)
                // Try to find the game's process
                Process gameProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(GAME_PROCESS_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                if (gameProcess != null)
                    // Try to attach to the game's process
                    if (GameMemoryIO.AttachToProcess(gameProcess))
                        // Inject the trainer's code and variables into the game's memory!

                        // When the game's process exits, the MainWindow's dispatcher is used to invoke the DetachFromGame() method
                        // in the same thread which "runs" our MainWindow
                        GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                        GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Exited += (caller, args) => {
                            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.DetachFromGame(); });

                        #if DEBUG
                        // In debug mode, print some useful debug information
                        Console.WriteLine("Attached to process: {0} (PID: {1}", GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.ProcessName, GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Base injection address: 0x{0}", ((long)GameMemoryInjector.BaseInjectionAddress).ToString("X8"));
                        Console.WriteLine("Injected code caves:");
                        foreach (ECodeCave curCodeCave in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECodeCave)))
                            Console.WriteLine("   {0} at 0x{1}", curCodeCave, ((long)GameMemoryInjector.InjectedCodeCaveAddress[curCodeCave]).ToString("X8"));
                        Console.WriteLine("Injected variables:");
                        foreach (EVariable curVariable in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EVariable)))
                            Console.WriteLine("   {0} at 0x{1}", curVariable, ((long)GameMemoryInjector.InjectedVariableAddress[curVariable]).ToString("X8"));
                                        Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttach, Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttachCaption,
                                        MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                                    Properties.Resources.strMsgGamesProcessNotFound, Properties.Resources.strMsgGamesProcessNotFoundCaption,
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Called when the trainer needs to be detached from the game's process.</summary>
        private void DetachFromGame()
            // Detach from the target process
            if (GameMemoryIO.IsAttached())
                // If the game's process is still running, all cheats must be disabled
                if (GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.HasExited == false)
                    foreach (ECheat curCheat in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECheat)))
                        GameMemoryInjector.SetMemoryAlterationsActive(curCheat, false);

                    m_memAlterationHPAddressTracker.SetEnabled(GameMemoryInjector, false);

                // Release injected memory, cleanup and detach
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever any of the CheckBoxes used to activate/deactivate cheats from the trainer gets checked or unchecked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object which sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments from the event.</param>
        private void CheckBoxCheatToggled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Retrieve information which will be used to enable or disable the cheat
            CheckBox chkBox       = (CheckBox)e.Source;
            ECheat   cheatID      = (ECheat)chkBox.Tag;
            bool     bEnableCheat = (chkBox.IsChecked == true);

            // Update the list of cheats to be enabled
            if (bEnableCheat)

            // Enable or disable the cheat in the game's memory space
            if (GameMemoryIO.IsAttached())
                GameMemoryInjector.SetMemoryAlterationsActive(cheatID, bEnableCheat);
        /// <summary>This method is called to enable or disable cheats, altering the game's process' memory space accordingly.</summary>
        /// <param name="cheatID">The identifier of the cheat that needs to be enabled/disabled on the game.</param>
        /// <param name="bEnable">A flag specifying if the cheat is to be enabled or disabled.</param>
        private void SetCheatEnabled(ECheat cheatID, bool bEnable)
            FieldInfo     fieldInfo     = typeof(ECheat).GetField(cheatID.ToString());
            CheatTypeInfo cheatTypeInfo = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute <CheatTypeInfo>();

            IntPtr targetInstructionAddress = LowLevelConstants.GetCheatTargetInstructionAddress(cheatID, GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.MainModule.BaseAddress);

            // Verify if we're enabling or disabling the cheat...
            if (bEnable == false)
                // Disabling the cheat is just a matter of writing the original bytes of the instruction into the right place
                GameMemoryIO.WriteToTarget(targetInstructionAddress, cheatTypeInfo.OriginalInstructionBytes);
                // Enable the cheat based on its type...
                switch (cheatTypeInfo.CheatType)
                case ECheatType.evCheatTypeNOP:
                    // Enabling a NOP cheat is just a matter of replacing the instruction's original bytes by NOP instructions
                    byte [] arrayOfNOPs = Enumerable.Repeat <byte>(LowLevelConstants.INSTRUCTION_NOP, cheatTypeInfo.OriginalInstructionBytes.Length).ToArray();
                    GameMemoryIO.WriteToTarget(targetInstructionAddress, arrayOfNOPs);

                case ECheatType.evCheatTypeCodeCave:
                    GameMemoryInjector.WriteCodeCaveDetour(targetInstructionAddress, cheatTypeInfo.CodeCave, cheatTypeInfo.OriginalInstructionBytes.Length);

                    throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("[{0}] Activation of cheats of type \"{1}\" are not yet implemented!",
                                                                    this.GetType().Name, cheatTypeInfo.CheatType.ToString()));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>Starts a timer which is responsible for periodically looking for the game's process.</summary>
        private void StartLookingForGameProcess()
            // Define the callback function to be used for the timer
            TimerCallback timerCallback = ( object state ) =>
                // Force timer's task to be executed in the SAME THREAD as the MainWindow
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    // This flag controls whether the timer used for looking for the game's process should be restarted or not
                    bool bRestartLookForGameTimer = true;

                    // Try to find the game's process
                    Process gameProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(GAME_PROCESS_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (gameProcess != null)
                        // Try to attach to the game's process
                        if (GameMemoryIO.AttachToProcess(gameProcess))
                            // Inject the trainer's code and variables into the game's memory!

                            // When the game's process exits, the MainWindow's dispatcher is used to invoke the DetachFromGame() method
                            // in the same thread which "runs" our MainWindow
                            GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                            GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Exited += (caller, args) =>
                                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.DetachFromGame(); });

                            // Register all of the memory alteration sets that the trainer has
                            IntPtr mainModuleAddress = GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.MainModule.BaseAddress;

                            // Enable the cheats that the user has checked in the trainer's interface
                            foreach (ECheat curEnabledCheat in m_enabledCheats)
                                GameMemoryInjector.SetMemoryAlterationsActive(curEnabledCheat, true);

                            // In DEBUG mode, print some debugging information that might be interesting when developing cheats
                                                        #if DEBUG
                            int longestCodeCaveNameLength = 0;
                            foreach (ECodeCave curCodeCave in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECodeCave)))
                                longestCodeCaveNameLength = Math.Max(longestCodeCaveNameLength, curCodeCave.ToString().Length);

                            int longestVariableNameLength = 0;
                            foreach (EVariable curVariable in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EVariable)))
                                longestVariableNameLength = Math.Max(longestVariableNameLength, curVariable.ToString().Length);

                            Console.WriteLine("[INJECTED: {0}]", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm':'ss"));
                            Console.WriteLine("PID: {0}", GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Id.ToString("X8"));
                            Console.WriteLine("Main Module: {0} (base address: 0x{1})", GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.MainModule.ModuleName, mainModuleAddress.ToString("X8"));

                            Console.WriteLine("Injected CODE CAVES:");
                            foreach (ECodeCave curCodeCave in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ECodeCave)))
                                Console.WriteLine("   {0}: 0x{1}",

                            Console.WriteLine("Injected VARIABLES:");
                            foreach (EVariable curVariable in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EVariable)))
                                Console.WriteLine("   {0}: 0x{1}",

                            // The timer which looks for the game shouldn't be restarted, as the game has already been found
                            bRestartLookForGameTimer = false;
                            // Show a message box telling the user that the trainer has failed to attach to the game's process.
                                            Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttach, Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttachCaption,
                                            MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

                    // RESTART the timer as a ONE-SHOT timer
                    if (bRestartLookForGameTimer)
                        m_gameSearchTimer.Change(TIMER_LOOK_FOR_GAME_PROCESS_PERIOD_MS, Timeout.Infinite);

            // Start the timer as a ONE-SHOT timer
            m_gameSearchTimer = new Timer(timerCallback, null, TIMER_LOOK_FOR_GAME_PROCESS_PERIOD_MS, Timeout.Infinite);
        /// <summary>Starts a timer which is responsible for periodically looking for the game's process.</summary>
        private void StartLookingForGameProcess()
            // Define the callback function to be used for the timer
            TimerCallback timerCallback = ( object state ) => {
                // Force timer's task to be executed in the SAME THREAD as the MainWindow
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    // This flag controls whether the timer used for looking for the game's process should be restarted or not
                    bool bRestartLookForGameTimer = true;

                    // Try to find the game's process
                    Process gameProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(GAME_PROCESS_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (gameProcess != null)
                        // Try to attach to the game's process
                        if (GameMemoryIO.AttachToProcess(gameProcess))
                            // Inject the trainer's code and variables into the game's memory!

                            // When the game's process exits, the MainWindow's dispatcher is used to invoke the DetachFromGame() method
                            // in the same thread which "runs" our MainWindow
                            GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                            GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Exited += (caller, args) => {
                                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.DetachFromGame(); });

                            // Build the cheat activation steps...
                            IntPtr mainModuleAddress = GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.MainModule.BaseAddress;

                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatHPHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x5866B, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveHPHack, 6));

                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatManaHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x11B61E8, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveManaHack, 6));

                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14D60, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveSkillPointsHack1, 6));
                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14E90, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveSkillPointsHack2, 6));
                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14FC0, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveSkillPointsHack3, 6));
                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14C46, 6));
                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14D76, 6));
                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSkillPointsHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x14EA6, 6));

                            GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatOneHitKillsHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x5A22E4, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveOneHitKills, 6));

                            // Enable the code cave that keeps track of the address of the player's current character's HP variable
                            m_memAlterationStorePlayerHPAddress = new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x117A80E, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveStorePtrCharHP, 6);
                            m_memAlterationStorePlayerHPAddress.SetEnabled(GameMemoryInjector, true);

                            // Enable the cheats that the user has checked in the trainer's interface
                            foreach (ECheat curEnabledCheat in m_enabledCheats)
                                GameMemoryInjector.SetMemoryAlterationsActive(curEnabledCheat, true);

                            // The timer which looks for the game shouldn't be restarted, as the game has already been found
                            bRestartLookForGameTimer = false;
                                            Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttach, Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttachCaption,
                                            MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);

                    // RESTART the timer as a ONE-SHOT timer
                    if (bRestartLookForGameTimer)
                        m_gameSearchTimer.Change(TIMER_LOOK_FOR_GAME_PROCESS_PERIOD_MS, Timeout.Infinite);

            // Start the timer as a ONE-SHOT timer
            m_gameSearchTimer = new Timer(timerCallback, null, TIMER_LOOK_FOR_GAME_PROCESS_PERIOD_MS, Timeout.Infinite);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user clicks the "'Attach to' (or 'Detach from') game" button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object which sent the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments from the event.</param>
        private void ButtonClickAttachToGame(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Is the trainer currently attached to the game's process?
            if (GameMemoryIO.Attached)
                // Try to find the game's process
                Process gameProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(GAME_PROCESS_NAME).FirstOrDefault();
                if (gameProcess != null)
                    // Try to attach to the game's process
                    if (GameMemoryIO.AttachToProcess(gameProcess))
                        // Inject the trainer's code and variables into the game's memory!

                        // When the game's process exits, the MainWindow's dispatcher is used to invoke the DetachFromGame() method
                        // in the same thread which "runs" our MainWindow
                        GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                        GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.Exited += (caller, args) => {
                            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.DetachFromGame(); });

                        // When trainer's code is injected into the game's memory space, always activate (manually) the code cave that keeps track of the player's HP variable's address
                        IntPtr mainModuleAddress = GameMemoryIO.TargetProcess.MainModule.BaseAddress;

                        m_memAlterationHPAddressTracker = new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x37D9BB, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveHPAddressTracker, 8);
                        m_memAlterationHPAddressTracker.SetEnabled(GameMemoryInjector, true);

                        // Build the cheat activation steps...
                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatHPHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x37DABF, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveHPHack, 7));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatMoneyHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x4BED25, 3));
                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatMoneyHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x4B074, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveMoneyHack, 5));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSaltsHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x88079E, 3));
                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSaltsHack, new MemoryAlterationX86FarJump(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x6A0048, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveSaltsHack, EJumpInstructionType.evJMP, 6));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatLockpickHack, new MemoryAlterationNOP(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x67B094, 3));
                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatLockpickHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x212C8B, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveLockpicksHack, 5));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatAmmoHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x887920, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveAmmoHack, 6));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatOneHitKill, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x9A690, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveOneHitKill1, 6));
                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatOneHitKill, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x3D2B10, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveOneHitKill2, 6));

                        GameMemoryInjector.AddMemoryAlteration(ECheat.evCheatSongbirdHack, new MemoryAlterationX86Call(GameMemoryIO, mainModuleAddress + 0x6CEC6D, ECodeCave.evCodeCaveSongBirdHack, 8));
                                        Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttach, Properties.Resources.strMsgFailedToAttachCaption,
                                        MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                                    Properties.Resources.strMsgGamesProcessNotFound, Properties.Resources.strMsgGamesProcessNotFoundCaption,
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);