// setup the game
    void Start()
        // set the current time to the startTime specified
        currentTime = startTime;

        // set the current ammo to the starting ammo
        ammo = startAmmo;

        // get a reference to the GameManager component for use by other scripts
        if (gm == null)
            gm = this.gameObject.GetComponent <GameManagerLvl2>();

        // init scoreboard to 0
        mainScoreDisplay.text = "0";

        // inactivate the gameOverScoreOutline gameObject, if it is set
        if (gameOverScoreOutline)

        // inactivate the playAgainButtons gameObject, if it is set
        if (playAgainButtons)

        // inactivate the nextLevelButtons gameObject, if it is set
        if (nextLevelButtons)
    // setup the game
    void Start()
        // set the current time to the startTime specified
        currentTime = startTime;

        // set the current ammo to the starting ammo
        ammo = startAmmo;

        // get a reference to the GameManager component for use by other scripts
        if (gm == null)
            gm = this.gameObject.GetComponent<GameManagerLvl2>();

        // init scoreboard to 0
        mainScoreDisplay.text = "0";

        // inactivate the gameOverScoreOutline gameObject, if it is set
        if (gameOverScoreOutline)
            gameOverScoreOutline.SetActive (false);

        // inactivate the playAgainButtons gameObject, if it is set
        if (playAgainButtons)
            playAgainButtons.SetActive (false);

        // inactivate the nextLevelButtons gameObject, if it is set
        if (nextLevelButtons)
            nextLevelButtons.SetActive (false);