Beispiel #1
 public static Dictionary <string, float> CombineAttributes(Dictionary <string, float> d1, Dictionary <string, float> d2)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> kvPair in d2)
         if (d1.ContainsKey(kvPair.Key))
             d1[kvPair.Key] = d1[kvPair.Key] + kvPair.Value;
             d1[kvPair.Key] = kvPair.Value;
     GameDebugUtility.Debug_ShowDictionary("Combined dic:\n", d1);
    public Dictionary <string, float> CalculateBaseAttributes(string heroName)
        Dictionary <string, float> baseAttributes = new Dictionary <string, float>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> kvPair in CalculateHeroStat(heroName))
            baseAttributes[kvPair.Key] = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(kvPair.Value, 0f, 1);//TODO
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> kvPair in runeInfo.GetAttributes())
            if (baseAttributes.ContainsKey(kvPair.Key))
                baseAttributes[kvPair.Key] += kvPair.Value;
                baseAttributes[kvPair.Key] = kvPair.Value;
        GameDebugUtility.Debug_ShowDictionary("Base attributes \n", baseAttributes);
Beispiel #3
    public static Dictionary <string, float> CalculateEffectiveAttributes(Dictionary <string, float> d0, Dictionary <string, int> dExtras)
        Dictionary <string, float> d1 = new Dictionary <string, float>();
        float ip = 0f;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("price"))
            ip = d0["price"];
            Debug.Log("Total price: " + ip);
            Debug.Log("Total price is 0");
        //Item AP
        float iap = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("AP", out iap))
            Debug.Log("Item AP: " + iap);
            Debug.Log("No AP From items");

        //Base AP
        float bap = 0f;

        //Item AD
        float iad = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("AD", out iad))
            Debug.Log("Item AD: " + iad);
            Debug.Log("No AD From items");
        //Base AD
        float bad = 0f;
        float baseAD;
        float ADGrowth;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseAD", out baseAD))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fADGrowth", out ADGrowth))
                bad = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(baseAD, ADGrowth, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base AD: " + (bad + iad).ToString());
            Debug.Log("No AD From BaseAttributes");

        float imr = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("MR", out imr))
            Debug.Log("Item MR: " + imr);
            Debug.Log("No MR From items");

        float bmr = 0f;
        float baseMR;
        float MRGrowth;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseMR", out baseMR))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fMRGrowth", out MRGrowth))
                bmr = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(baseMR, MRGrowth, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base MR: " + bmr);
            Debug.Log("No MR From BaseAttributes");
        Debug.Log("Total MR: " + (bmr + imr).ToString());
        float iam = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("Armor", out iam))
            Debug.Log("Item Armor: " + iam);
            Debug.Log("No Armor From items");

        float bam = 0f;
        float baseArmor;
        float ArmorGrowth;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseArmor", out baseArmor))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fArmorGrowth", out ArmorGrowth))
                bam = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(baseArmor, ArmorGrowth, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base Armor: " + bam);
            Debug.Log("No Armor From BaseAttributes");
        float ram = 0f;
        float ihp = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("health", out ihp))
            Debug.Log("Item health: " + ihp);
            Debug.Log("No health From items");

        float bhp = 0f;
        float baseHP;
        float HPGrowth;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseHP", out baseHP))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fHPGrowth", out HPGrowth))
                bhp = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(baseHP, HPGrowth, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base HP: " + bhp);
            Debug.Log("No HP From BaseAttributes");

        float rhp = 0f;
        float rhpBase;
        float rhpIncrement;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("ScalingHealthBase", out rhpBase))
            rhpIncrement = d0["ScalingHealthIncrement"];
            rhp          = rhpBase + rhpIncrement * d0["level"];
            Debug.Log("Rune HP: " + rhp);
            Debug.Log("No health from rune");
        Debug.Log("Total HP: " + (bhp + ihp + rhp).ToString());
        float ihr = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("healthRegen", out ihr))
            Debug.Log("Item healthRegen: " + ihr);
            Debug.Log("No healthRegen From items");
        float bhr = 0f;
        float bhrBase;
        float bhrIncrement;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseHPRegen", out bhrBase))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fHPRegenGrowth", out bhrIncrement))
                bhr = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(bhrBase, bhrIncrement, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base health regen: " + bhr.ToString());
            Debug.Log("No HPRegen From BaseAttributes");

        float rhr = 0f;
        float imn = 0f;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("mana", out imn))
            Debug.Log("Item mana: " + imn);
            Debug.Log("No mana From items");
        float bmn = 0f;
        float baseMana;
        float ManaGrowth;

        if (d0.TryGetValue("fBaseMana", out baseMana))
            if (d0.TryGetValue("fManaGrowth", out ManaGrowth))
                bmn = GameStatsUtility.CalculateStats(baseMana, ManaGrowth, (int)d0["level"]);
                Debug.Log("Base Mana: " + bmn);
            Debug.Log("No mana BaseAttributes");

        float rmn = 0f;//from runes

        int icd = 0;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Haste"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_Haste Detected");
            icd += 10;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_CDR_FiendishCodex"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_CDR_FiendishCodex Detected");
            icd += 10;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_CDR_Frostfang"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_CDR_Frostfang Detected");
            icd += 10;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_CDR_EyeOfFrost"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_CDR_EyeOfFrost Detected");
            icd += 10;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_CDR_LostChapter"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_CDR_LostChapter Detected");
            icd += 10;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("CDR"))
            Debug.Log("CDR items Detected");
            icd += (int)d0["CDR"];
        Debug.Log("Item CDR: " + icd + "%");

        //Item passives----------------------------------------------------
        int doOrDiePassive = 0;
        int i0             = 0;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Dread_MejaisSoulstealer"))
            doOrDiePassive = dExtras["Unique_Passive_DoOrDie_MejaisSoulstealer"] * 5;
            Debug.Log("MejaisSoulstealer AP: " + doOrDiePassive);
        else if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Dread_TheDarkSeal"))
            doOrDiePassive = dExtras["Unique_Passive_DoOrDie_TheDarkSeal"] * 3;
            Debug.Log("The Dark Seal AP: " + doOrDiePassive);
            Debug.Log("No Do Or Die Items");
        iap += doOrDiePassive;

        int rodOfAgesPassiveAP   = 0;
        int rodOfAgesPassiveHP   = 0;
        int rodOfAgesPassiveMana = 0;

        if (dExtras.TryGetValue("Unique_Passive_RodOfAges", out i0))
            rodOfAgesPassiveAP   = i0 * 4;
            rodOfAgesPassiveHP   = i0 * 20;
            rodOfAgesPassiveMana = i0 * 10;
            Debug.Log("Rod Of Ages AP: " + rodOfAgesPassiveAP);
            Debug.Log("Rod Of Ages HP: " + rodOfAgesPassiveHP);
            Debug.Log("Rod Of Ages Mana: " + rodOfAgesPassiveMana);
            Debug.Log("No Rod Of Ages");
        iap += rodOfAgesPassiveAP;
        ihp += rodOfAgesPassiveHP;
        imn += rodOfAgesPassiveMana;

        int   aStaffMana = 0;
        float aStaffAP   = 0;

        if (dExtras.TryGetValue("Unique_Passive_ManaCharge", out i0))
            aStaffMana = i0;
            Debug.Log("aStaff Mana: " + aStaffMana);
            Debug.Log("No aStaff Mana");
        imn += aStaffMana;
        float totalMana = imn + bmn + rmn;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_AweAP"))
            aStaffAP = (float)0.01 * totalMana;
            Debug.Log("aStaffAP: " + aStaffAP);
        iap += aStaffAP;

        float seekersArmguardAP    = 0f;
        float seekersArmguardArmor = 0f;

        if (dExtras.TryGetValue("Unique_Passive_SeekersArmguard", out i0))
            seekersArmguardAP    = (float)0.5 * i0;
            seekersArmguardArmor = (float)0.5 * i0;
            Debug.Log("seekersArmguard AP : " + seekersArmguardAP);
            Debug.Log("seekersArmguard Armor : " + seekersArmguardArmor);
            Debug.Log("No SeekersArmguard");
        iap += seekersArmguardAP;
        imr += seekersArmguardArmor;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_RabadonsDeathcap"))//Assume that only item ap are increased
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_RabadonsDeathcap detected");
            iap = iap * 1.4f;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Echo"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_Echo detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_Echo", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_MagicBolt"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_MagicBolt detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_MagicBolt", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Active_FireBolt"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Active_FireBolt detected: " + dExtras["Unique_Active_FireBolt"]);
            d1.Add("Unique_Active_FireBolt", dExtras["Unique_Active_FireBolt"]);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Active_Spellbinder"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Active_Spellbinder detected: " + dExtras["Unique_Active_Spellbinder"]);
            d1.Add("Unique_Active_Spellbinder", dExtras["Unique_Active_Spellbinder"]);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_TouchOfCorruption"))
            Debug.Log("CorruptingPotion Detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_TouchOfCorruption", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_SpellBlade"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_SpellBlade Detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_SpellBlade", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Icy"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_Icy Detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_Icy", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Torment"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_Torment Detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_Torment", 0);
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_Madness"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_Madness Detected");
            d1.Add("Unique_Passive_Madness", 0);

        //AP penetration from item
        float apPene = 0f;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_TouchOfDeath"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_TouchOfDeath detected");
            apPene += 15f;
        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_SorcerersShoes"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_SorcerersShoes detected");
            apPene += 18f;

        float apPercentPene = 0f;

        if (d0.ContainsKey("Unique_Passive_VoidStaff"))
            Debug.Log("Unique_Passive_VoidStaff detected");
            apPercentPene = 0.4f;

        float aap = 0f;
        float aad = 0f;

        if (iap >= iad)
            if (d0.TryGetValue("AdaptiveAP", out aap))
                Debug.Log("Adaptive AP: " + aap);
                Debug.Log("No AdaptiveAP From runes");
            if (d0.TryGetValue("AdaptiveAD", out aad))
                Debug.Log("Adaptive AD: " + aad);
                Debug.Log("No AdaptiveAD From runes");

        float totalAP = iap + bap + aap;

        d1.Add("AP", totalAP);
        d1.Add("AD", bad + iad + aad);
        d1.Add("BAD", bad);
        d1.Add("IAD", iad);
        d1.Add("IAP", iap);
        d1.Add("ICD", icd);
        d1.Add("CDR", 0);
        d1.Add("MR", bmr + imr);
        d1.Add("Armor", iam + bam + ram);
        d1.Add("HP", bhp + ihp + rhp);
        d1.Add("MaxHP", bhp + ihp + rhp);
        d1.Add("Mana", totalMana);
        d1.Add("APPenetration", apPene);
        d1.Add("APPPenetration", apPercentPene);
        d1.Add("Lethality", 0f);
        d1.Add("CurrentHealth", bhp + ihp);
        d1.Add("HealthRegen", ihr + bhr + rhr);
        d1.Add("price", ip);
        GameDebugUtility.Debug_ShowDictionary("d0", d0);
        GameDebugUtility.Debug_ShowDictionary("d1", d1);