//Makes a call to update the score on the server
 public async void updateScore(int scoreTeam1, int scoreTeam2)
     currentGame.team1.score = scoreTeam1;
     currentGame.team2.score = scoreTeam2;
     if (scoreTeam1 == 10 || scoreTeam2 == 10)
         currentGame.isActive = false;
     await GameCall.updateGame(currentGame);
Beispiel #2
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


            //Get the game which is send from the other view
            jsonMyObject = Intent.GetStringExtra("game");

            //Deserialize String to Game
            Game game = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Game>(jsonMyObject);

            //Set the score of the teams
            FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.scoreTeam1).Text = game.team1.score + "";
            FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.scoreTeam2).Text = game.team2.score + "";

            //Set clickhandler on save button
            Button saveEditGameBtn = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.saveScoreBtn);

            saveEditGameBtn.Click += async(object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                    //Parse the string score to int
                    game.team1.score = int.Parse(FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.scoreTeam1).Text);
                    game.team2.score = int.Parse(FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.scoreTeam2).Text);

                    //Update the game with te new score
                    await GameCall.updateGame(game);

                    //Redirect to GameActivity with the new Game
                    var activity = new Intent(this, typeof(GameActivity));
                    activity.PutExtra("game", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(game));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Toast.MakeText(this, ex.Message, ToastLength.Short).Show();