public static Game2DWaterKitPropertyLabel CreatePropertyLabel(string text, string tooltip)
                const float labelRightMargin = 4f;

                var labelContent = new Game2DWaterKitPropertyLabel();

                labelContent.Content      = new GUIContent(text, tooltip);
                labelContent.WidthRegular = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(labelContent.Content).x + labelRightMargin;
                labelContent.WidthBold    = EditorStyles.boldLabel.CalcSize(labelContent.Content).x + labelRightMargin;

            public static void Initialize()

                #region GUI Styles
                HelpBoxStyle  = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox);
                GroupBoxStyle = new GUIStyle("GroupBox");
                ButtonStyle   = new GUIStyle("button");

                #region Icon Buttons Labels
                BoldFoldoutStyle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);
                BoldFoldoutStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

                string prefix = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "d_" : string.Empty;

                PreviewIconOffButtonLabel = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_preview_off", "Preview On");
                PreviewIconOnButtonLabel  = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_preview_on", "Preview Off");

                EditSizeIconOffButtonLabel = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_resize_off", "Edit Size On");
                EditSizeIconOnButtonLabel  = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_resize_on", "Edit Size Off");

                PreviewSimulationOffButtonLabel = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_start_off", "Enter Simulation Mode", "Enter Simulation Mode");
                PreviewSimulationOnButtonLabel  = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_stop_on", "Quit Simulation Mode", "Quit Simulation Mode");
                RestartSimulationButtonLabel    = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_restart_off", "Restart Simulation", "Restart Simulation");
                StopSimulationButtonLabel       = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_stop_off", "Stop Simulation", "Stop Simulation");
                RunSimulationButtonLabel        = GetButtonIconContent(prefix + "btn_start_off", "Run Simulation");

                #region Properties Labels
                SizePropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Size", "Sets the object width/height");
                SubdivisionsPerUnitPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Subdivisions Per Unit", "Sets the number of water’s surface vertices within one unit.");
                UseEdgeColliderPropertyLabel     = CreatePropertyLabel("Use Edge Collider", "Adds/Removes an EdgeCollider2D component that limits the water boundaries (left, right and bottom edges). The water script takes care of updating the edge collider points.");
                UseBuoyancyEffectorPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Use Buoyancy Effector", "Adds/Removes a Buoyancy Effector 2D component");

                WaveStiffnessPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Stiffness", "Controls the frequency of wave vibration. A low value will make waves oscillate slowly, while a high value will make waves oscillate quickly.");
                WaveDampingPropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Damping", "Controls how fast the waves decay. A low value will make waves oscillate for a long time, while a high value will make waves oscillate for a short time.");
                WaveShouldClampDisturbancePropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Limit maximum disturbance to", "Limit the maximum disturbance caused by different types of ripples. For instance, when two ripples happen to disturb the same surface vertex, the sum of the disturbance caused by those two ripples are added together and applied to that vertex. When this property is enabled, the resultant disturbance is clamped to this maximum disturbance value. So the applied disturbance to the surface vertex is never greater than this maximum value.");
                WaveSpreadPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Spread", "Controls how fast the waves spread.");
                WaveUseCustomBoundariesPropertyLabel              = CreatePropertyLabel("Use Custom Boundaries", "Enable/Disable using custom wave boundaries. When waves reach a boundary, they bounce back.");
                WaveFirstCustomBoundaryPropertyLabel              = CreatePropertyLabel("First Boundary", "The location of the first boundary.");
                WaveSecondCustomBoundaryPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Second Boundary", "The location of the second boundary.");
                BuoyancyEffectorSurfaceLevelPropertyLabel         = CreatePropertyLabel("Buoyancy Level", "Sets the surface location of the buoyancy fluid. When an object is above this line, no buoyancy forces are applied. When an object is intersecting or completely below this line, buoyancy forces are applied.");
                BuoyancyEffectorSurfaceLevelLocationPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Match Buoyancy Level To", null);
                CanWavesAffectRigidbodies       = CreatePropertyLabel("Waves Can Affect Rigidbodies", "Controls whether or not floating rigidbodies follow the undulations of water.");
                WavesStrengthOnRigidbodiesLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Strength", "Controls the strength of the force to apply to rigidbodies floating on water.");

                ActivateOnCollisionOnWaterEnterRipples                         = CreatePropertyLabel("A Rigidbody Enters The Water", null);
                ActivateOnCollisionOnWaterExitRipples                          = CreatePropertyLabel("A Rigidbody Exits The Water", null);
                ActivateOnCollisionOnWaterMoveRipples                          = CreatePropertyLabel("A Rigidbody Moves In Water", null);
                OnCollisionRipplesRaycastMaskPropertyLabel                     = CreatePropertyLabel("Collision Mask", "Only objects on these layers will disturb the water’s surface and will trigger the OnWaterEnter and the OnWaterExit events when they get into or out of the water.");
                OnCollisionRipplesRaycastMinimumDepthPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Depth", "Only objects with Z coordinate (depth) greater than or equal to this value will disturb the water’s surface.");
                OnCollisionRipplesRaycastMaximumDepthPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Depth", "Only objects with Z coordinate (depth) less than or equal to this value will disturb the water’s surface.");
                OnCollisionRipplesRaycastMaximumDistancePropertyLabel          = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Distance", "The maximum distance from the water's surface over which to check for collisions (Default: 0.5)");
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterEnterExitMinimumVelocityPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Velocity", "Sets the minimum velocity that a rigidbody falling into water should have to cause the maximum disturbance to the water's surface.");
                OnCollisionRipplesIgnoreTriggersPropertyLabel                  = CreatePropertyLabel("Ignore Triggers", "Controls whether or not a collider that is marked as \"Is Trigger\" can disturb the water’s surface and trigger the OnWaterEnter and the OnWaterExit events when it gets into or out of the water.");
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterEnterEventPropertyLabel               = CreatePropertyLabel("On Water Enter", "Event that is triggered when a rigidbody falls into water.");
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterExitEventPropertyLabel                = CreatePropertyLabel("On Water Exit", "Event that is triggered when a rigidbody gets out of the water.");
                OnCollisionRipplesMatchBoxColliderTopEdgePropertyLabel         = CreatePropertyLabel("Match Box Collider's Top Edge To", null);
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterMoveMaximumDisturbancePropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Disturbance", "Sets the maximum displacement of the water’s surface.");
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterMoveSmoothFactorPropertyLabel         = CreatePropertyLabel("Smoothing Factor", "The relative amount of disturbance to apply to neighbor surface vertices to create a smoother ripple.");
                OnCollisionRipplesOnWaterMoveMinimumVelocityPropertyLabel      = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Velocity", "Sets the minimum velocity that a rigidbody moving in water should have to cause the maximum disturbance to the water's surface.");

                ScriptGeneratedRipplesDisturbanceFactorPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Disturbance Factor", "Range: [0..1]: The disturbance is linearly interpolated between the minimum disturbance and the maximum disturbance by this factor.");

                TimeIntervalPropertyLabel          = CreatePropertyLabel("Time Interval", "Generate ripples at regular time interval (expressed in seconds).");
                RandomizeTimeIntervalPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Randomize Time Inteval", "Randomize the time interval.");
                MinimumTimeIntervalPropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Time Interval", "The minimum time interval.");
                MaximumTimeIntervalPropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Time Interval", "The maximum time interval");
                DisturbancePropertyLabel           = CreatePropertyLabel("Disturbance", "Sets the displacement of the water’s surface.");
                MinimumDisturbancePropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Disturbance", "Sets the minimum displacement of the water’s surface.");
                MaximumDisturbancePropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Disturbance", "Sets the maximum displacement of the water’s surface.");
                SmoothRipplesPropertyLabel         = CreatePropertyLabel("Smooth Ripples", "Disturb neighbor surface vertices to create a smoother ripple.");
                SmoothingFactorPropertyLabel       = CreatePropertyLabel("Smoothing Factor", "The relative amount of disturbance to apply to neighbor surface vertices.");

                SoundEffectAudioClipPropertyLabel        = CreatePropertyLabel("Audio Clip", "The AudioClip asset to play.");
                SoundEffectPoolSizePropertyLabel         = CreatePropertyLabel("Pool Size", "Sets the number of audio source objects that will be created and pooled when the game starts.");
                SoundEffectPoolCanExpandPropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Can Expand", "Enables/Disables increasing the number of pooled audio source objects at runtime if needed.");
                SoundEffectUseConstantPitchPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Constant Pitch", "Apply constant audio clip playback speed.");
                SoundEffectPitchPropertyLabel            = CreatePropertyLabel("Pitch", "Apply constant audio clip playback speed.");
                SoundEffectMinimumPitchPropertyLabel     = CreatePropertyLabel("Minimum Pitch", "Sets the audio clip’s minimum playback speed. (when ‘Constant Pitch’ is toggled off)");
                SoundEffectMaximumPitchPropertyLabel     = CreatePropertyLabel("Maximum Pitch", "Sets the audio clip’s maximum playback speed. (when constant pitch is toggled off)");
                SoundEffectVolumePropertyLabel           = CreatePropertyLabel("Volume", "Sets the audio clip’s volume.");

                ParticleEffectParticleSystemPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Particle System", "Sets the particle effect system to play.");
                ParticleEffectPoolSizePropertyLabel       = CreatePropertyLabel("Pool Size", "Sets the number of particle system objects that will be created and pooled when the game starts.");
                ParticleEffectPoolCanExpandPropertyLabel  = CreatePropertyLabel("Can Expand", "Enables/Disables increasing the number of pooled particle system objects at runtime if needed.");
                ParticleEffectSpawnOffsetPropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Spawn Offset", "Shifts the particle system spawn position.");
                ParticleEffectStopActionPropertyLabel     = CreatePropertyLabel("Stop Action", "This UnityEvent is triggered when the particle system finishes playing.");

                ConstantRipplesUpdateWhenOffscreenPropertyLabel            = CreatePropertyLabel("Continue creating ripples when off-screen", "Continue creating ripples even when the water object is not visible to any camera in the scene.");
                ConstantRipplesRandomizeDisturbancePropertyLabel           = CreatePropertyLabel("Randomize Disturbance", "Randomize the disturbance (displacement) of the water's surface.");
                ConstantRipplesSourcesPositionsPropertyLabel               = CreatePropertyLabel("Ripples Sources Positions (X-Axis)", "Ripples sources positions list.");
                ConstantRipplesRandomizeSourcesPositionsPropertyLabel      = CreatePropertyLabel("Randomize Positions", "Randomize constant ripples sources positions. When checked, random surface vertices are disturbed each time the constant ripples are generated.");
                ConstantRipplesRandomSourceCountPropertyLabel              = CreatePropertyLabel("Ripples Source Count", "When Randomize Positions is checked, this sets the number of random surface vertices to disturb when generating constant ripples.");
                ConstantRipplesAllowDuplicateSourcesPositionsPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Allow Duplicate Positions", "Allow generating multiple ripples in the same position and at the same time.");
                ConstantRipplesEditSourcesPositionsButtonLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Edit Positions", "Add/Remove ripples sources positions in the sceneview.");

                RefractionReflectionMaskPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Objects To Render", "Only objects on these layers will be rendered by the water camera.");
                RefractionReflectionPartiallySubmergedObjectsMaskPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Partially Submerged Objects", "Objects on these layers will be rendered as partially submerged into water when they intersect the submerge level.");
                ReflectionPartiallySubmergedObjectsViewingFrustumHeightScalingFactorPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Partially Submerged Objects", "Sets how much to scale the partially submerged objects reflection camera viewing frustum height. The default viewing frustum height is equal to the distance between the surface level and the submerge level.");
                ReflectionOtherObjectsViewingFrustumHeightScalingFactorPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Other Objects", "Sets how much to scale the reflection camera viewing frustum height when rendering other objects (all objects specified in ‘Objects to render’ layers except those specified in ‘Partially Submerged Objects’ layers). The default viewing frustum height for the reflection camera is equal to the surface thickness.");
                ReflectionViewingFrustumHeightScalingFactorPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Height Scaling Factor", "Sets how much to scale the reflection camera viewing frustum height.");
                ReflectionZOffsetPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Z-Offset", "Controls where to start rendering the reflection relative to the water object z-position.");
                ReflectionYOffsetPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Y-Offset", "Controls how much to offset the position of the reflection camera along the y-axis.");

                RenderTextureFixedSizePropertyLabel      = CreatePropertyLabel("Size", "Sets the render texture size.");
                RenderTextureResizingFactorPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Resizing Factor", "Specifies how much the RenderTexture is resized. The \"normal\" (before resizing) RenderTexture size is equal to the water visible area size");
                RenderTextureUseFixedSizePropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Use Fixed Size", "Use a fixed render texture size.");
                RenderTextureFilterModePropertyLabel     = CreatePropertyLabel("Filter Mode", "Sets the render texture filter mode.");
                MaterialPropertyLabel            = CreatePropertyLabel("Material", null);
                FarClipPlanePropertyLabel        = CreatePropertyLabel("Far Clip Plane", "Sets the furthest point relative to the water that will be included in the refraction/reflection rendering.");
                AllowMSAAPropertyLabel           = CreatePropertyLabel("Allow MSAA", "Allow multi-sample anti-aliasing rendering.");
                AllowHDRPropertyLabel            = CreatePropertyLabel("Allow HDR", "Allow high dynamic range rendering.");
                RenderPixelLightsPropertyLabel   = CreatePropertyLabel("Render Pixel Lights", "Controls whether or not the rendered objects will be affected by pixel lights. Disabling this property could increase performance at the expense of visual fidelity.");
                SortingLayerPropertyLabel        = CreatePropertyLabel("Sorting Layer", "The name of the mesh renderer sorting layer.");
                SortingOrderInLayerPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Order In Layer", "The order within the sorting layer.");

                MeshMaskSubdivisionsPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Subdivisions", "Sets how many time to split a segment into subsegments.");
                MeshMaskArePositionAndSizeLockedPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Lock Position And Size", "When this property is enabled, the mesh mask's position and size are no longer updated to match the water object's position and size.");

                WaterfallAffectedWaterObjectPropertyLabel             = CreatePropertyLabel("Water Object", "The water object to disturb.");
                WaterfallAffectedWaterObjectRippleSpreadPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Spread", "Controls the weight of the disturbance. Setting this property to 1 (full weight), the waterfall disturbs all the water surface vertices it overlaps.");
                WaterfallAffectedWaterObjectRippleUpdateWhenOffscreenPropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Continue creating ripples when off-screen", "Continue creating ripples even when the waterfall object is not visible to any camera in the scene.");

                SimulationSineWaveAmplitudePropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Amplitude", "The height from the water's rest position (top edge) to the wave crest.");
                SimulationSineWaveLengthPropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Length", "The crest-to-crest distance between sine waves in units.");
                SimulationSineWaveVelocityPropertyLabel  = CreatePropertyLabel("Velocity", "The distance the crest moves in units per second.");
                SimulationSineWaveOffsetPropertyLabel    = CreatePropertyLabel("Offset", "The starting phase of the sine wave.");

                SimulationModeTargetFrameratePropertyLabel                     = CreatePropertyLabel("Target Framerate", "Sets the target number of simulation iterations per second.");
                SimulationModeTimeStepPropertyLabel                            = CreatePropertyLabel("Timestep", "The interval in seconds at which the simulation updates.");
                SimulationModeOnCollisionRipplesRegionPropertyLabel            = CreatePropertyLabel("Region", "Specifies the region where to simulate collision forces.");
                SimulationModeScriptGeneratedRipplesSourcePositionropertyLabel = CreatePropertyLabel("Position", "Sets the position where to create the ripple.");

                IsInitialized = true;