Beispiel #1
    }                                                                      //untested

    public static Game.ActionType[] getActionSet(Game.EntityType unitType) // contents modified by Nick Lee, 18-9-2014
    {                                                                      //Gets and returns the action set of each specific unit type
        if (unitType == Game.EntityType.Blip)
            Game.ActionType[] BlipActions = { Game.ActionType.Move, Game.ActionType.Reveal, Game.ActionType.ToggleDoor };
            //returns Blip actions if unit is a Blip
        else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.GS)
            Game.ActionType[] GSActions = { Game.ActionType.Move, Game.ActionType.ToggleDoor, Game.ActionType.Attack };
            //returns Genestealer actions if unit is a Genestealer
        else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.SM)
            Game.ActionType[] SMActions = { Game.ActionType.Move, Game.ActionType.ToggleDoor, Game.ActionType.Shoot, Game.ActionType.Overwatch };
            //returns space marines actions if unit is a space marine
            Debug.Log("Invalid actionSet, no valid unit type selected. (getActionSet, UnitData)");
            //Error checking and message
    }                                                                                  //untested
Beispiel #2
    //Method to find all the marines on the map, especially for updating LoS or checking
    //overwatch and such.
    public List <Unit> getUnits(Game.EntityType unitType)
        List <Unit> returnList = new List <Unit>();

        //Check map
        for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; i++)
            if (map[i].isOccupied)
                if (map[i].occupant.unitType == unitType)

        //Check deployment areas
        for (int i = 0; i < otherAreas.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < otherAreas[i].units.Count; j++)
                if (otherAreas[i].units[j].unitType == unitType)

Beispiel #3
 public static int getRangedDiceCount(Game.EntityType unitType) //contents modified by Nick Lee, 13-9-2014
 {                                                              //returns the ranged dice (attacks) of a unit based on its type
     if (unitType == Game.EntityType.SM)
         return(2);            //if space marine returns 2
         Debug.Log("Invalid unit type selected, no ranged attack available to selected unit. (getRangedDiceCount, UnitData)");
         return(0);                                  //Error catching and message
 }                                                   //untested
Beispiel #4
 public Unit(string name, Game.EntityType unitType,
             Vector2 position, Game.Facing facing)
 {                = name;
     this.unitType            = unitType;
     this.position            = position;
     this.facing              = facing;
     this.AP                  = 0;
     this.isOnOverwatch       = false;
     this.hasSustainedFire    = false;
     this.isJammed            = false;
     this.sustainedFireTarget = null;
     this.currentLoS          = new List <Vector2>();
     this.noOfGS              = 1;
	public Unit(string name, Game.EntityType unitType,
	            Vector2 position, Game.Facing facing)
	{ = name;
		this.unitType = unitType;
		this.position = position;
		this.facing = facing;
		this.AP = 0;
		this.isOnOverwatch = false;
		this.hasSustainedFire = false;
		this.isJammed = false;
		this.sustainedFireTarget = null;
		this.currentLoS = new List<Vector2>();
		this.noOfGS = 1;
Beispiel #6
    //Created by Ian Mallett 1.9.14
    //removed monobehaviour and made static 11-9-14, by Nick Lee

    public static int getMaxAP(Game.EntityType unitType) //Written by Nick Lee, 13-9-2014
    {                                                    //Returns the max AP based on the unit type
        if (unitType == Game.EntityType.SM)
            return(4);                    //If space marine returns 4
        else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.GS || unitType == Game.EntityType.Blip)
            return(6);                    //If blip or genestealer returns 6
            Debug.Log("Invalid unit type selected, no max AP value. (getMaxAP, UnitData)");
            return(0);                                                     //Error catching and message
    }                                                                      //untested
Beispiel #7
 public static int getMeleeDice(Game.EntityType unitType) //contents modified by Nick Lee, 13-9-2014
 {                                                        //returns amount of melee dice (attacks) based on the unit type
     if (unitType == Game.EntityType.SM)
         return(1);            //if space marine returns 1
     else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.GS)
         return(3);            //if genestealer returns 3
         Debug.Log("Invalid unit type selected, no melee available to selected unit. (getMeleeDice, UnitData)");
         return(0); //Error catching and message
 }                  //untested
Beispiel #8
    }                                                                                  //untested

    public static Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int> getMoveSet(Game.EntityType unitType) // contents modified by Nick Lee, 25-10-2014, Ian Mallett 29.10.14
    {                                                                                  //Gets and returns the movement set of each specific unit type
        if (unitType == Game.EntityType.Blip)
            Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int> BlipMovements = new Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int>();
            //Ian Mallett 29.10.14 Removed 0 AP cost turning
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Forward, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Left, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Right, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Back, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.ForwardTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.ForwardTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRightTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRightTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeftTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeftTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.RightTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.RightTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.LeftTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.LeftTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRightTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeftTurnRight, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeftTurnLeft, 1);
            BlipMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRightTurnRight, 1);
            //returns Blip movements if unit is a blip
        else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.GS)
            Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int> GSMovements = new Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int>();
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Forward, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Left, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Right, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Back, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRight, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeft, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.TurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.TurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.TurnBack, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.ForwardTurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.ForwardTurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRightTurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRightTurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeftTurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeftTurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.RightTurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.RightTurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.LeftTurnRight, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.LeftTurnLeft, 1);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackTurnRight, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackTurnLeft, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRightTurnLeft, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeftTurnRight, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeftTurnLeft, 2);
            GSMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRightTurnRight, 2);
            //returns Genestealer movements if unit is a Genestealer
        else if (unitType == Game.EntityType.SM)
            Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int> SMMovements = new Dictionary <Game.MoveType, int>();
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Forward, 1);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.Back, 2);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontRight, 1);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.FrontLeft, 1);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackRight, 2);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.BackLeft, 2);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.TurnRight, 1);
            SMMovements.Add(Game.MoveType.TurnLeft, 1);
            //returns Space marine movements if unit is a Space marine
            Debug.Log("Invalid actionSet, no valid unit type selected. (getMoveSet, UnitData)");
            //Error checking ad message
Beispiel #9
    }                  //untested

    public static int getDeathHitCount(Game.EntityType unitType)
    {              //returns amount of hits a unit can take
        return(1); //hits required to die
Beispiel #10
 public static Game.ActionType[] getTargetActionSet(Game.EntityType executor, Game.EntityType target)