Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a virtual album containing gallery objects that match the specified search strings and
        /// for which the current user has authorization to view. Guaranteed to not return null. A gallery
        /// object is considered a match when all search terms are found in the relevant fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchStrings">The strings to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery containing the objects to search.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an <see cref="IAlbum" /> containing the matching items. This may include albums and media
        /// objects from different albums.
        /// </returns>
        public static IAlbum GetGalleryObjectsHavingSearchString(string[] searchStrings, int galleryId)
            if (searchStrings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            var tmpAlbum = Factory.CreateEmptyAlbumInstance(galleryId);

            tmpAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum   = true;
            tmpAlbum.VirtualAlbumType = VirtualAlbumType.Search;
            tmpAlbum.Title            = String.Concat("Search results for ", String.Join(" AND ", searchStrings));
            tmpAlbum.Caption          = String.Empty;

            var searchOptions = new GalleryObjectSearchOptions
                GalleryId           = galleryId,
                SearchType          = GalleryObjectSearchType.SearchByKeyword,
                SearchTerms         = searchStrings,
                IsUserAuthenticated = Utils.IsAuthenticated,
                Roles = RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser()

            var searcher = new GalleryObjectSearcher(searchOptions);

            foreach (var galleryObject in searcher.Find())

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a virtual album containing gallery objects that match the specified <paramref name="tags" /> or <paramref name="people" />
        /// belonging to the specifed <paramref name="galleryId" />. Guaranteed to not return null. The returned album
        /// is a virtual one (<see cref="IAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum" />=<c>true</c>) containing the collection of matching
        /// items the current user has permission to view. Returns an empty album when no matches are found or the
        /// query string does not contain the search terms.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tags">The tags to search for. If specified, the <paramref name="people" /> parameter must be null.</param>
        /// <param name="people">The people to search for. If specified, the <paramref name="tags" /> parameter must be null.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID of the gallery. Only objects in this gallery are returned.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="IAlbum" />.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Throw when the tags and people parameters are both null or empty, or both
        /// have values.</exception>
        public static IAlbum GetGalleryObjectsHavingTags(string[] tags, string[] people, int galleryId)
            if (((tags == null) || (tags.Length == 0)) && ((people == null) || (people.Length == 0)))
                throw new ArgumentException("GalleryObjectController.GetGalleryObjectsHavingTags() requires the tags or people parameters to be specified, but they were both null or empty.");

            if ((tags != null) && (tags.Length > 0) && (people != null) && (people.Length > 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("GalleryObjectController.GetGalleryObjectsHavingTags() requires EITHER the tags or people parameters to be specified, but not both. Instead, they were both populated.");

            //var tags = Utils.GetQueryStringParameterStrings("tag") ?? Utils.GetQueryStringParameterStrings("people");
            var searchType = (tags != null && tags.Length > 0 ? GalleryObjectSearchType.SearchByTag : GalleryObjectSearchType.SearchByPeople);
            var searchTags = (searchType == GalleryObjectSearchType.SearchByTag ? tags : people);

            var tmpAlbum = Factory.CreateEmptyAlbumInstance(galleryId);

            tmpAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum   = true;
            tmpAlbum.VirtualAlbumType = (searchType == GalleryObjectSearchType.SearchByTag ? VirtualAlbumType.Tag : VirtualAlbumType.People);
            tmpAlbum.Title            = String.Concat("Items tagged with ", String.Join(" AND ", searchTags));
            tmpAlbum.Caption          = String.Empty;

            var searcher = new GalleryObjectSearcher(new GalleryObjectSearchOptions
                SearchType          = searchType,
                Tags                = searchTags,
                GalleryId           = galleryId,
                Roles               = RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(),
                IsUserAuthenticated = Utils.IsAuthenticated

            foreach (var galleryObject in searcher.Find())
