Beispiel #1
 internal void ConfigButton()
     if (GadgetModConfigs.IsConfigMenuOpen((modIndex << 16) + (gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF)))
         GadgetModConfigs.CloseConfigMenu((modIndex << 16) + (gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF));
         GadgetModConfigs.OpenConfigMenu((modIndex << 16) + (gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF));
Beispiel #2
 internal void UMFConfigButton()
     if (GadgetModConfigs.IsConfigMenuOpen(-1))
Beispiel #3
        internal void ConfigButton()
            if (GadgetModConfigs.IsConfigMenuOpen(modIndex))

            /*string filePath;
             * if (modIndex < GadgetMods.CountMods())
             * {
             *  filePath = UMFData.ConfigsPath + "/" + GadgetMods.GetModInfo(modIndex).UMFName + ".ini";
             * }
             * else if (modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() < GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count)
             * {
             *  filePath = UMFData.ConfigsPath + "/" + GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods()] + ".ini";
             * }
             * else if (modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count < GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count)
             * {
             *  filePath = UMFData.ConfigsPath + "/" + GadgetCore.disabledMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count] + ".ini";
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  filePath = UMFData.ConfigsPath + "/" + GadgetCore.disabledMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count - GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count] + ".ini";
             * }
             * try
             * {
             *  if (!originalConfig.ContainsKey(modIndex))
             *  {
             *      originalConfig.Add(modIndex, File.ReadAllText(filePath));
             *  }
             *  ConfigHandles.Add(Process.Start(filePath));
             * }
             * catch (Exception e) { GadgetCore.Log(e.ToString()); }*/
Beispiel #4
        public void UpdateInfo(Toggle toggle, int modIndex, int gadgetIndex = -1)
                if (GadgetModConfigs.IsConfigMenuOpen((this.modIndex << 16) + (this.gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF)))
                    GadgetModConfigs.CloseConfigMenu((this.modIndex << 16) + (this.gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF));
                this.toggle      = toggle;
                this.modIndex    = modIndex;
                this.gadgetIndex = gadgetIndex;

                string[] disabledMods = GadgetCoreConfig.enabledMods.Where(x => !x.Value).Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();

                StringBuilder descTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                bool          modEnabled      = modEntries[modIndex].Type == ModMenuEntryType.GADGET || modEntries[modIndex].Type == ModMenuEntryType.UMF;

                if (gadgetIndex >= 0)
                    GadgetInfo mod = modEntries[modIndex].Gadgets[gadgetIndex];
                    enableButton.interactable = modEnabled;
                    reloadButton.interactable = mod.Attribute.AllowRuntimeReloading;
                    configButton.interactable = GadgetModConfigs.GetConfigMenuObject((modIndex << 16) + (gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF)) != null;
                    enableButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = mod.Gadget.Enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable";
                    descTextBuilder.Append((mod.Gadget.Enabled ? "Gadget Enabled" : "Gadget Disabled") + (modEnabled ? "" : " (Disabled by mod) ") + '\n');
                    Dictionary <string, string> gadgetInfo = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        ["Name"]                = mod.Attribute.Name,
                        ["Version"]             = mod.Mod.Version.ToString(),
                        ["Required On Clients"] = mod.Attribute.RequiredOnClients ? "Yes" : "No",
                        ["Dependencies"]        = mod.Attribute.Dependencies.Length > 0 ? mod.Attribute.Dependencies.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (a, b) => { if (a.Length == 0)
                                                                                                                                                                    a.Append(", ");
                                                                                                                                                                a.Append(b); return(a); }).ToString() : "None"
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> info in gadgetInfo)
                        descTextBuilder.Append(info.Key + ": " + info.Value);
                    string gadgetDesc = mod.Gadget.GetModDescription();
                    descTextBuilder.Append("\n\n" + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gadgetDesc) ? gadgetDesc : modEntries[modIndex].Description));
                    enableButton.interactable = modEntries[modIndex].Name != "GadgetCore" && (modEnabled || modEntries[modIndex].Type == ModMenuEntryType.DISABLED_UMF);
                    reloadButton.interactable = modEntries[modIndex].Name != "GadgetCore" && (modEntries[modIndex].Type == ModMenuEntryType.GADGET || modEntries[modIndex].Type == ModMenuEntryType.UMF);
                    configButton.interactable = GadgetModConfigs.GetConfigMenuObject((modIndex << 16) + (gadgetIndex & 0xFFFF)) != null;
                    enableButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = (modEnabled ^ modsToToggle.Contains(modEntries[modIndex].Name)) ? "Disable" : "Enable";
                    descTextBuilder.Append((modEnabled ? "Mod Enabled" : "Mod Disabled") + (modsToToggle.Contains(modEntries[modIndex].Name) ? (modEnabled ? " (Will disable after restart)" : " (Will enable after restart)") : "") + '\n');
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> info in modEntries[modIndex].Info)
                        descTextBuilder.Append(info.Key + ": " + info.Value);
                    descTextBuilder.Append("\n\n" + modEntries[modIndex].Description);
                descText.text = descTextBuilder.ToString();
            catch (Exception e)
                descText.text = "An error occured while populating the info panel for this mod! Check GadgetCore.log for details.";
                if (gadgetIndex >= 0)
                    GadgetCore.CoreLogger.LogError("An error occured while populating the info panel for the gadget with the mod index " + modIndex + " and gadget index " + gadgetIndex + ": " + e.ToString(), false);
                    GadgetCore.CoreLogger.LogError("An error occured while populating the info panel for the mod with the index " + modIndex + ": " + e.ToString(), false);
Beispiel #5
 public void UpdateInfo(Toggle toggle, int modIndex)
         if (GadgetModConfigs.IsConfigMenuOpen(this.modIndex))
         if (!File.Exists(UMFData.DisabledModsFile))
         this.toggle   = toggle;
         this.modIndex = modIndex;
         string[] disabledMods = File.ReadAllLines(UMFData.DisabledModsFile).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
         if (modIndex < GadgetMods.CountMods())
             GadgetModInfo mod = GadgetMods.GetModInfo(modIndex);
             unpackButton.gameObject.SetActive(Directory.GetFiles(UMFData.ModsPath, mod.UMFName + "*.zip").Length > 0);
             enableUMFButton.interactable = !GadgetCore.dependencies.Any(x => !disabledMods.Contains(x.Key) && x.Value.Any(d => { string[] split = d.Split(' '); return(split[split.Length - 2].Equals(mod.UMFName)); }));
             if (mod.Attribute.Dependencies.All(x => GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos().Where(y => y.Mod.Enabled).Select(y => y.Attribute.Name).Contains(x) || GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos().Where(y => y.Mod.Enabled).Select(y => y.Mod.GetPreviousModNames()).Any(y => y.Contains(x))))
                 enableButton.interactable = true;
                 string[][]      splitDependencies = mod.Attribute.Dependencies.Select(x => x.Split(' ')).Where(x => x.Length == 2).ToArray();
                 GadgetModInfo[] dependencies      = splitDependencies.Select(x => GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos().Where(y => y.Mod.Enabled).FirstOrDefault(y => y.Attribute.Name.Equals(x[0])) ?? GadgetMods.ListAllModInfos().Where(y => y.Mod.Enabled).First(y => y.Mod.GetPreviousModNames().Contains(x[0]))).ToArray();
                 for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++)
                     int[] currentVersionNums = dependencies[i].Mod.GetModVersionString().Split('.').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray();
                     int[] targetVersionNums  = splitDependencies[i][1].TrimStart('v').Split('.').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray();
                     VersionSpecificity versionSpecificity = (VersionSpecificity)targetVersionNums.Length;
                     if (!((versionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.MAJOR && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && (currentVersionNums[1] > targetVersionNums[1] || (currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && (currentVersionNums[2] > targetVersionNums[2] || (currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]))))) ||
                           (versionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.MINOR && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && (currentVersionNums[2] > targetVersionNums[2] || (currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]))) ||
                           (versionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.NONBREAKING && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] >= targetVersionNums[3]) ||
                           (versionSpecificity == VersionSpecificity.BUGFIX && currentVersionNums[0] == targetVersionNums[0] && currentVersionNums[1] == targetVersionNums[1] && currentVersionNums[2] == targetVersionNums[2] && currentVersionNums[3] == targetVersionNums[3])))
                         enableButton.interactable = false;
                 enableButton.interactable = false;
             configButton.interactable = GadgetModConfigs.GetConfigMenuObject(modIndex) != null;
             enableButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text    = mod.Mod.Enabled ? "Disable Gadget" : "Enable Gadget";
             enableUMFButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = File.ReadAllLines(UMFData.DisabledModsFile).Any(x => x.Equals(mod.UMFName)) ? "Enable Mod" : "Disable Mod";
             string desc       = mod.Mod.GetModDescription();
             bool   isDescNull = desc == null;
             bool   isModInfo  = false;
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                     desc = File.ReadAllText(UMFData.ModInfosPath + "/" + mod.UMFName + "_v" + UMFMod.GetModVersion(mod.UMFName) + "_ModInfo.txt");
                 catch (Exception) { }
                     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc) || desc == "A UMF Mod( for Roguelands")
                         desc = "This mod does not have a description, or a ModInfo file." + Environment.NewLine + (isDescNull ? "You should suggest to the mod author that they add a description." : "");
                         isModInfo = true;
             descText.text =
                 mod.Attribute.Name + " v" + UMFMod.GetModVersion(mod.UMFName).ToString() + (mod.Mod.Enabled ? " (Enabled)" : " (Disabled)") + Environment.NewLine +
                 "UMF Mod: " + mod.UMFName + Environment.NewLine +
                 (GadgetCore.dependencies.ContainsKey(mod.UMFName) ? ("Dependencies: " + GadgetCore.dependencies[mod.UMFName].Aggregate((x, y) => x + ", " + y) + Environment.NewLine) : "") +
                 "Required on clients: " + (mod.Attribute.RequiredOnClients ? "Yes" : "No") + Environment.NewLine +
                 (isModInfo ? "UMF Mod Info: " : "Description: ") + UMFMod.GetModDescription(mod.UMFName) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + desc;
         else if (modIndex < GadgetMods.CountMods() + GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count + GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count + GadgetCore.incompatibleMods.Count)
             bool enabled = !File.ReadAllLines(UMFData.DisabledModsFile).Any(x => x.Equals(modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() < GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count ? GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods()] : modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count < GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count ? GadgetCore.disabledMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count] : GadgetCore.incompatibleMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count - GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count]));
             enableButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text    = modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count >= 0 && modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count < GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count ? "Disabled" : "Not Gadget";
             enableUMFButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = enabled ? "Disable Mod" : "Enable Mod";
             string mod = modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() < GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count ? GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods()] : modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count < GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count ? GadgetCore.disabledMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count] : GadgetCore.incompatibleMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count - GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count];
             unpackButton.gameObject.SetActive(Directory.GetFiles(UMFData.ModsPath, mod + "*.zip").Length > 0);
             if (modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() < GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count && GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods()].Equals("GadgetCore"))
                 enableUMFButton.interactable = false;
                 enableUMFButton.interactable = !GadgetCore.dependencies.Any(x => !disabledMods.Contains(x.Key) && x.Value.Any(d => { string[] split = d.Split(' '); return(split[split.Length - 2].Equals(mod)); }));
             enableButton.interactable = false;
             configButton.interactable = GadgetModConfigs.GetConfigMenuObject(modIndex) != null;
             string desc = null;
                 desc = File.ReadAllText(UMFData.ModInfosPath + "/" + mod + "_v" + UMFMod.GetModVersion(mod) + "_ModInfo.txt");
             catch (Exception) { }
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc) || desc == "A UMF Mod( for Roguelands")
                     desc = "This mod does not have a ModInfo file.";
                 descText.text =
                     mod + " v" + UMFMod.GetModVersion(mod).ToString() + (enabled ? " (Enabled)" : " (Disabled)") + Environment.NewLine +
                     (GadgetCore.dependencies.ContainsKey(mod) ? ("Dependencies: " + GadgetCore.dependencies[mod].Aggregate((x, y) => x + ", " + y) + Environment.NewLine) : "") +
                     "UMF Mod Info: " + UMFMod.GetModDescription(mod) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + desc;
             string mod = GadgetCore.packedMods[modIndex - GadgetMods.CountMods() - GadgetCore.nonGadgetMods.Count - GadgetCore.disabledMods.Count - GadgetCore.incompatibleMods.Count];
             enableButton.interactable    = false;
             enableUMFButton.interactable = false;
             configButton.interactable    = false;
             unpackButton.interactable    = !unpackedMods.Contains(mod);
             descText.text = Path.GetFileName(mod) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "This mod is still packed in its .zip, and needs to be unpacked to run!";
     catch (Exception e)
         descText.text = "An error occured while populating the info panel for this mod! Check GadgetCore.log for details.";
         GadgetCore.Log("An error occured while populating the info panel for the mod with the index " + modIndex + ": " + e.ToString());