Beispiel #1
    private void BinData()
        string m_tjyf = dateedtTJYF.Text.Trim();

        //  string m_gxid = cbGX.Value.ToString().Trim();
        //   string m_xxlx = cbXXLX.Text.ToString().Trim();
        string m_yg = txtYG.Text.ToString().Trim();

        string where = " SELECT * FROM GZ_YGZTJ WHERE 1=1";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_tjyf))
            where = string.Format(" {0} and SCYF = '{1}'", where, m_tjyf);
        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_gxid))
        //    where = string.Format(" {0} and GXID = '{1}'", where, m_gxid);
        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_xxlx) && m_xxlx != "全部")
        //    if (m_xxlx == "其它")
        //    {
        //        where = string.Format(" {0} and ( XXLX = '{1}' OR XXLX = NULL)", where, "");
        //    }
        //    else if (m_xxlx == "三相")
        //    {
        //        where = string.Format(" {0} and substring(XXLX,1,2) = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        where = string.Format(" {0} and XXLX = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
        //    }
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_yg))
            where = string.Format(" {0} and (YGBH LIKE '%{1}%' OR YGXM LIKE'%{1}%')", where, m_yg);

        GZ_YGZTJ valYgz  = new GZ_YGZTJ();
        GZ_YGZTJ condYgz = new GZ_YGZTJ();

        conn = "connMES";
        DataTable dtbYGZ = BLLTable <GZ_YGZTJ> .Factory(conn).qDataTable(where);

        this.gridYGZ.DataSource = dtbYGZ;
        gridYGZ.KeyFieldName    = "YGBH";
        gridYGZ.DataBind();                //执行绑定
        ViewState["detailtable"] = dtbYGZ; //dtbRGZMX;
Beispiel #2
    private void BinData()
        string m_tjyf = dateedtTJYF.Text.Trim();

            //  string m_gxid = cbGX.Value.ToString().Trim();
            //   string m_xxlx = cbXXLX.Text.ToString().Trim();
            string m_yg = txtYG.Text.ToString().Trim();

            string where = " SELECT * FROM GZ_YGZTJ WHERE 1=1";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_tjyf))
                where = string.Format(" {0} and SCYF = '{1}'", where, m_tjyf);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_gxid))
            //    where = string.Format(" {0} and GXID = '{1}'", where, m_gxid);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_xxlx) && m_xxlx != "全部")
            //    if (m_xxlx == "其它")
            //    {
            //        where = string.Format(" {0} and ( XXLX = '{1}' OR XXLX = NULL)", where, "");
            //    }
            //    else if (m_xxlx == "三相")
            //    {
            //        where = string.Format(" {0} and substring(XXLX,1,2) = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        where = string.Format(" {0} and XXLX = '{1}'", where, m_xxlx);
            //    }
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_yg))
                where = string.Format(" {0} and (YGBH LIKE '%{1}%' OR YGXM LIKE'%{1}%')", where, m_yg);

            GZ_YGZTJ valYgz = new GZ_YGZTJ();
            GZ_YGZTJ condYgz = new GZ_YGZTJ();

            conn = "connMES";
            DataTable dtbYGZ = BLLTable<GZ_YGZTJ>.Factory(conn).qDataTable(where);
            this.gridYGZ.DataSource = dtbYGZ;
            gridYGZ.KeyFieldName = "YGBH";
            gridYGZ.DataBind();  //执行绑定
            ViewState["detailtable"] = dtbYGZ;//dtbRGZMX;