/// <summary>
 /// Check authentication.
 /// </summary>
 protected override SourceDiagnostic ValidateAuthentication(Authentication authentication, byte[] password)
     if (this.UseLogicalNameReferencing)
         GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName target = null;
         foreach (GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName it in Items.GetObjects(ObjectType.AssociationLogicalName))
             if (it.AuthenticationMechanismName.MechanismId == authentication)
                 target = it;
         if (target != null)
             if (authentication != Authentication.Low)
                 //Other authentication levels are check later.
             if (GXCommon.EqualBytes(target.Secret, password))
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to update meter firmware.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public void ImageUpdate(GXDLMSImageTransfer target, byte[] identification, byte[] data)
            //Check that image transfer ia enabled.
            GXReplyData reply = new GXReplyData();

            ReadDataBlock(Client.Read(target, 5), reply);
            Client.UpdateValue(target, 5, reply.Value);
            if (!target.ImageTransferEnabled)
                throw new Exception("Image transfer is not enabled");

            //Step 1: Read image block size.
            ReadDataBlock(Client.Read(target, 2), reply);
            Client.UpdateValue(target, 2, reply.Value);

            // Step 2: Initiate the Image transfer process.
            ReadDataBlock(target.ImageTransferInitiate(Client, identification, data.Length), reply);

            // Step 3: Transfers ImageBlocks.
            int imageBlockCount;

            ReadDataBlock(target.ImageBlockTransfer(Client, data, out imageBlockCount), reply);

            //Step 4: Check the completeness of the Image.
            ReadDataBlock(Client.Read(target, 3), reply);
            Client.UpdateValue(target, 3, reply.Value);

            // Step 5: The Image is verified;
            ReadDataBlock(target.ImageVerify(Client), reply);
            // Step 6: Before activation, the Image is checked;

            //Get list to images to activate.
            ReadDataBlock(Client.Read(target, 7), reply);
            Client.UpdateValue(target, 7, reply.Value);
            bool bFound = false;

            foreach (GXDLMSImageActivateInfo it in target.ImageActivateInfo)
                if (GXCommon.EqualBytes(it.Identification, identification))
                    bFound = true;

            //Read image transfer status.
            ReadDataBlock(Client.Read(target, 6), reply);
            Client.UpdateValue(target, 6, reply.Value);
            if (target.ImageTransferStatus != Gurux.DLMS.Objects.Enums.ImageTransferStatus.VerificationSuccessful)
                throw new Exception("Image transfer status is " + target.ImageTransferStatus.ToString());

            if (!bFound)
                throw new Exception("Image not found.");

            //Step 7: Activate image.
            ReadDataBlock(target.ImageActivate(Client), reply);