Beispiel #1
 void Client_OnSystemErrorsAdded(object sender, GXAmiSystemError[] errors)
     if (this.InvokeRequired)
         this.BeginInvoke(new SystemErrorsAddedEventHandler(OnSystemErrorsAdded), sender, errors);
         OnSystemErrorsAdded(sender, errors);
		public GXErrorsResponse(GXAmiSystemError[] errors)
			this.SystemErrors = errors;
Beispiel #3
        void OnSystemErrorsAdded(object sender, GXAmiSystemError[] errors)
            //If pause is checked or component has destroied.
            if (this.IsDisposed || EventPauseMenu.Checked)
			//If information messages are not shown...
			if (severity == -2 && !m_ShowInformationMessages)
             * */
            foreach (GXAmiSystemError err in errors)
                //Remove first item if maximum item count is reached.
                if (Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Settings.Default.ErrorMaximumCount > 0 && 
                    EventsList.Items.Count == Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Settings.Default.ErrorMaximumCount)
                ListViewItem it = new ListViewItem(new string[] { err.TimeStamp.ToString(), "", err.Message });
                if (EventFollowLast)
Beispiel #4
 void Client_OnSystemErrorsRemoved(object sender, GXAmiSystemError[] errors)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override object HandleException(IRequest requestContext, TRequest request, Exception ex)
            //Do not handle connection close exceptions.
            if (ex is System.Net.WebException && (ex as System.Net.WebException).Status != System.Net.WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed)
                catch (Exception ex2)
                    if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("GuruxAMI"))
                        System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("GuruxAMI", "Application");
                    System.Diagnostics.EventLog appLog = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog();
                    appLog.Source = "GuruxAMI";
                catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
                    //Security exception is thrown if GuruxAMI source is not exists and it's try to create without administrator privilege.
                    //Just skip this, but errors are not write to eventlog.

#if !SS4
                    var httpReq = requestContext.Get <IHttpRequest>();
                    var httpReq = request.GetDto <IHttpRequest>();

                    int id = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(httpReq.GetSession(false).Id, out id) && id != 0)
                        ActionTargets target;
                        Actions       action;
                        GetExecutedAction(request, out target, out action);
#if !SS4
                        IDbConnectionFactory f = this.TryResolve <IDbConnectionFactory>();
                        IDbConnectionFactory f = this.ResolveService <IDbConnectionFactory>(requestContext);
                        using (IDbConnection Db = f.OpenDbConnection())
                            lock (Db)
                                GXAmiSystemError e = new GXAmiSystemError(id, target, action, ex);
                    else //If DC. TODO:
                catch (Exception ex2)
            return(base.HandleException(requestContext, request, ex));
 /// <summary>
 /// Start listen events.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public GXEventsRegisterResponse Post(GXEventsRegisterRequest request)
     if (request.SessionListener.Equals(Guid.Empty) ||
         throw new Exception("Listener Guid is empty.");
     if (request.Actions == Actions.None && request.Targets == ActionTargets.None)
         return new GXEventsRegisterResponse();
     IAuthSession s = this.GetSession(false);
     long id = 0;
     bool superAdmin = false;
     Guid guid = request.DataCollectorGuid;
     //Guid is set if DC is retreaving new tasks.
     if (long.TryParse(s.Id, out id))
         superAdmin = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.IsSuperAdmin(s);
         if (request.DataCollectorGuid.Equals(Guid.Empty))
             throw new Exception("Data collector Guid is empty.");
     AppHost host = this.ResolveService<AppHost>();
     //Check that there are no several DCs with same Guid.
     //Note! This might happend when DC is restarted wrong.
     //For this reason we are only give a warning.
     List<GXEventsItem> events = new List<GXEventsItem>();
     if (host.IsDCRegistered(guid))
         lock (Db)
             GXAmiSystemError e = new GXAmiSystemError(1, ActionTargets.SystemError, Actions.State, new Exception("Data collector already exists."));
             events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.SystemError, Actions.Add, e));
     ulong mask = (ulong)(((int)request.Targets << 16) | (int)request.Actions);
     GXEvent e1 = new GXEvent(id, superAdmin, guid, request.Instance, mask);
     host.AddEvent(request.SessionListener, e1);
     if (guid != Guid.Empty)
         //Notify that DC is connected.
         lock (Db)
             GXAmiDataCollector dc = Db.Select<GXAmiDataCollector>(q => q.Guid == guid)[0];
             dc.State = Gurux.Device.DeviceStates.Connected;
             Db.UpdateOnly(dc, p => p.StatesAsInt, p => p.Id == dc.Id);
             events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.DataCollector, Actions.State, dc));
         host.SetEvents(Db, this.Request, 0, events);
     return new GXEventsRegisterResponse();
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Start listen events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GXEventsRegisterResponse Post(GXEventsRegisterRequest request)
            if (request.SessionListener.Equals(Guid.Empty) ||
                throw new Exception("Listener Guid is empty.");
            if (request.Actions == Actions.None && request.Targets == ActionTargets.None)
                return(new GXEventsRegisterResponse());
            IAuthSession s          = this.GetSession(false);
            long         id         = 0;
            bool         superAdmin = false;
            Guid         guid       = request.DataCollectorGuid;

            //Guid is set if DC is retreaving new tasks.
            if (long.TryParse(s.Id, out id))
                superAdmin = GuruxAMI.Server.GXBasicAuthProvider.IsSuperAdmin(s);
                if (request.DataCollectorGuid.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                    throw new Exception("Data collector Guid is empty.");
            AppHost host = this.ResolveService <AppHost>();
            //Check that there are no several DCs with same Guid.
            //Note! This might happend when DC is restarted wrong.
            //For this reason we are only give a warning.
            List <GXEventsItem> events = new List <GXEventsItem>();

            if (host.IsDCRegistered(guid))
                lock (Db)
                    GXAmiSystemError e = new GXAmiSystemError(1, ActionTargets.SystemError, Actions.State, new Exception("Data collector already exists."));
                    Db.Insert <GXAmiSystemError>(e);
                    events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.SystemError, Actions.Add, e));
            ulong   mask = (ulong)(((int)request.Targets << 16) | (int)request.Actions);
            GXEvent e1   = new GXEvent(id, superAdmin, guid, request.Instance, mask);

            host.AddEvent(request.SessionListener, e1);
            if (guid != Guid.Empty)
                //Notify that DC is connected.
                lock (Db)
                    GXAmiDataCollector dc = Db.Select <GXAmiDataCollector>(q => q.Guid == guid)[0];
                    dc.State = Gurux.Device.DeviceStates.Connected;
                    Db.UpdateOnly(dc, p => p.StatesAsInt, p => p.Id == dc.Id);
                    events.Add(new GXEventsItem(ActionTargets.DataCollector, Actions.State, dc));
                host.SetEvents(Db, this.Request, 0, events);
            return(new GXEventsRegisterResponse());