Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes data from a table (usually deserialized table from the clipboard) into a worksheet, which has
        /// currently selected rows. The number of selected rows has to match the number of rows of the source table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet to paste into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcetable">The table which contains the data to paste into the worksheet.</param>
        /// <remarks>The operation is defined as follows: if the is no column selection, the data are inserted beginning at the first column of the destination table.
        /// If there is a column selection, the data are inserted in the selected columns, and then in the columns after the last selected columns.
        /// No exception is thrown if a column type does not match the corresponding source column type.
        /// The columns to paste into do not change their name, kind or group number. Property columns in the source table
        /// are pasted into the destination table.</remarks>
        protected static void PasteFromTableRowsToSelectedRows(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable desttable = dg.DataTable;

            Altaxo.Data.DataColumn[] propertycolumnmap = MapOrCreatePropertyColumns(desttable, sourcetable);
            Altaxo.Data.DataColumn[] destdatacolumnmap = MapOrCreateDataColumns(desttable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, sourcetable);

            for (int nCol = 0; nCol < sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount; nCol++)
                // now fill the data into that column

                    int nDestRow = -1;
                    for (int nSrcRow = 0; nSrcRow < sourcetable.DataColumns.RowCount; nSrcRow++)
                        nDestRow = nSrcRow < dg.SelectedDataRows.Count ? dg.SelectedDataRows[nSrcRow] : nDestRow + 1;
                        destdatacolumnmap[nCol][nDestRow] = sourcetable.DataColumns[nCol][nSrcRow];
                catch (Exception)

                // also fill in the property values
                int nDestColumnIndex = desttable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destdatacolumnmap[nCol]);
                FillRow(propertycolumnmap, nDestColumnIndex, sourcetable.PropCols, nCol);
            } // for all data columns
Beispiel #2
        public static void CopyToClipboard(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable           dt  = dg.DataTable;
            System.Windows.Forms.DataObject dao = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();

            if (dg.AreDataCellsSelected)
                WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfDataCellsSelected(dg, dao);
            else if (dg.ArePropertyCellsSelected && !(dg.AreDataCellsSelected))
                WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfOnlyPropertyCellsSelected(dg, dao);

            if (dg.AreColumnsOrRowsSelected)
                // copy the data as table with the selected columns
                Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento tablememento = new Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento(
                    dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, dg.SelectedDataRows, dg.SelectedPropertyColumns, dg.SelectedPropertyRows);
                dao.SetData("Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento", tablememento);

                // now copy the data object to the clipboard
                System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(dao, true);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
 public static void PlotLinePolar(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
     Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument graph = new Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument();
     Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.XYPlotLayer   layer = new Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.XYPlotLayer(graph.DefaultLayerPosition, graph.DefaultLayerSize, new Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.CS.G2DPolarCoordinateSystem());
     IGraphController gc = Plot(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, graph, PlotStyle_Line, GroupStyle_Color_Line);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes ASCII to the clipboard if data cells are selected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller</param>
        /// <param name="dao">The clipboard data object</param>
        protected static void WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfDataCellsSelected(GUI.WorksheetController dg, System.Windows.Forms.DataObject dao)
            // columns are selected
            DataTable dt = dg.DataTable;

            Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selCols     = dg.SelectedDataColumns;
            Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selRows     = dg.SelectedDataRows;
            Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selPropCols = dg.SelectedPropertyColumns;
            WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfDataCellsSelected(dt, selCols, selRows, selPropCols, dao);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes ASCII to the clipboard if only property cells are selected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller</param>
        /// <param name="dao">The clipboard data object</param>
        protected static void WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfOnlyPropertyCellsSelected(GUI.WorksheetController dg, System.Windows.Forms.DataObject dao)
            // columns are selected
            DataTable dt = dg.DataTable;

            Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selCols = dg.SelectedPropertyColumns;
            Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selRows = dg.SelectedPropertyRows;
            if (selRows.Count == 0)
                selRows = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
                selRows.AddRange(0, dg.Doc.PropertyRowCount);

            System.IO.StringWriter str = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
                    if (j < selCols.Count - 1)
            dao.SetData(System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue, str.ToString());

            // now also as tab separated text
            System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();

            for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
                    if (j < selCols.Count - 1)
Beispiel #6
        public static string TwoDimCenteredFFT(Altaxo.AltaxoDocument mainDocument, GUI.WorksheetController dg)
            int rows = dg.Doc.DataColumns.RowCount;
            int cols = dg.Doc.DataColumns.ColumnCount;

            // reserve two arrays (one for real part, which is filled with the table contents)
            // and the imaginary part - which is left zero here)

            double[] rePart;
            double[] imPart;

            string stringresult = TwoDimFFT(mainDocument, dg, out rePart, out imPart);

            if (stringresult != null)

            Altaxo.Data.DataTable table = new Altaxo.Data.DataTable("Fourieramplitude of " + dg.Doc.Name);

            // Fill the Table so that the zero frequency point is in the middle
            // this means for the point order:
            // for even number of points, i.e. 8 points, the frequencies are -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4  (the frequency 4 is the nyquist part)
            // for odd number of points, i.e. 9 points, the frequencies are -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (for odd number of points there is no nyquist part)

            int colsNegative = (cols - 1) / 2;      // number of negative frequency points
            int colsPositive = cols - colsNegative; // number of positive (or null) frequency points
            int rowsNegative = (rows - 1) / 2;
            int rowsPositive = rows - rowsNegative;

            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                int sc = i < colsNegative ?  i + colsPositive : i - colsNegative;// source column index centered
                Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn col = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    int sr = j < rowsNegative ? j + rowsPositive : j - rowsNegative; // source row index centered
                    col[j] = rePart[sc * rows + sr];
            // create a new worksheet without any columns

Beispiel #7
        protected static string TwoDimFFT(Altaxo.AltaxoDocument mainDocument, GUI.WorksheetController dg, out double[] rePart, out double[] imPart)
            int rows = dg.Doc.DataColumns.RowCount;
            int cols = dg.Doc.DataColumns.ColumnCount;

            // reserve two arrays (one for real part, which is filled with the table contents)
            // and the imaginary part - which is left zero here)

            rePart = new double[rows * cols];
            imPart = new double[rows * cols];

            // fill the real part with the table contents
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = dg.Doc[i] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
                if (null == col)
                    return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since column number {0}, name:{1} is not numeric", i, dg.Doc[i].FullName));

                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    rePart[i * rows + j] = col[j];

            // test it can be done
            if (!Pfa235FFT.CanFactorized(cols))
                return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since the number of cols ({0}) are not appropriate for this kind of fourier transform.", cols));
            if (!Pfa235FFT.CanFactorized(rows))
                return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since the number of rows ({0}) are not appropriate for this kind of fourier transform.", rows));

            // fourier transform
            Pfa235FFT fft = new Pfa235FFT(cols, rows);

            fft.FFT(rePart, imPart, FourierDirection.Forward);

            // replace the real part by the amplitude
            for (int i = 0; i < rePart.Length; i++)
                rePart[i] = Math.Sqrt(rePart[i] * rePart[i] + imPart[i] * imPart[i]);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes data from a table (usually deserialized table from the clipboard) into a worksheet, which has
        /// currently selected columns. The number of selected columns has to match the number of columns of the source table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet to paste into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcetable">The table which contains the data to paste into the worksheet.</param>
        /// <remarks>The operation is defined as follows: if the is no ro selection, the data are inserted beginning at row[0] of the destination table.
        /// If there is a row selection, the data are inserted in the selected rows, and then in the rows after the last selected rows.
        /// No exception is thrown if a column type does not match the corresponding source column type.
        /// The columns to paste into do not change their name, kind or group number. But property columns in the source table
        /// are pasted into the destination table.</remarks>
        protected static void PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedColumns(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable desttable = dg.DataTable;

            Altaxo.Data.DataColumn[] propertycolumnmap = MapOrCreatePropertyColumns(desttable, sourcetable);

            // use the selected columns, then use the following columns, then add columns
            int nDestCol = -1;

            for (int nSrcCol = 0; nSrcCol < sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount; nSrcCol++)
                nDestCol = nSrcCol < dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count ? dg.SelectedDataColumns[nSrcCol] : nDestCol + 1;
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn destcolumn;
                if (nDestCol < desttable.DataColumns.ColumnCount)
                    destcolumn = desttable.DataColumns[nDestCol];
                    string name  = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(nSrcCol);
                    int    group = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(nSrcCol);
                    Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind kind = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(nSrcCol);
                    destcolumn = (Altaxo.Data.DataColumn)Activator.CreateInstance(sourcetable.DataColumns[nSrcCol].GetType());
                    desttable.DataColumns.Add(destcolumn, name, kind, group);

                // now fill the data into that column
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn sourcecolumn = sourcetable.DataColumns[nSrcCol];

                    int nDestRow = -1;
                    for (int nSrcRow = 0; nSrcRow < sourcetable.DataColumns.RowCount; nSrcRow++)
                        nDestRow             = nSrcRow < dg.SelectedDataRows.Count ? dg.SelectedDataRows[nSrcRow] : nDestRow + 1;
                        destcolumn[nDestRow] = sourcecolumn[nSrcRow];
                catch (Exception)

                // also fill in the property values
                int nDestColumnIndex = desttable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destcolumn);
                FillRow(propertycolumnmap, nDestColumnIndex, sourcetable.PropCols, nSrcCol);
            } // for all data columns
Beispiel #9
        public static void PasteFromClipboard(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable           dt  = dg.DataTable;
            System.Windows.Forms.DataObject dao = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetDataObject() as System.Windows.Forms.DataObject;

            string[] formats = dao.GetFormats();
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Available formats:");
            //foreach(string format in formats) System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(format);

            if (dao.GetDataPresent("Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento"))
                Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento tablememento = (Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento)dao.GetData("Altaxo.Data.DataTable.ClipboardMemento");
                PasteFromTable(dg, tablememento.DataTable);

            object clipboardobject = null;

            Altaxo.Data.DataTable table = null;

            if (dao.GetDataPresent("Csv"))
                clipboardobject = dao.GetData("Csv");
            else if (dao.GetDataPresent("Text"))
                clipboardobject = dao.GetData("Text");

            if (clipboardobject is System.IO.MemoryStream)
                table = Altaxo.Serialization.Ascii.AsciiImporter.Import((System.IO.Stream)clipboardobject);
            else if (clipboardobject is string)
                table = Altaxo.Serialization.Ascii.AsciiImporter.Import((string)clipboardobject);

            if (null != table)
                PasteFromTable(dg, table);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Plots a density image of the selected columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg"></param>
        /// <param name="bLine"></param>
        /// <param name="bScatter"></param>
        public static void PlotDensityImage(GUI.WorksheetController dg, bool bLine, bool bScatter)
            DensityImagePlotStyle plotStyle = new DensityImagePlotStyle();

            // if nothing is selected, assume that the whole table should be plotted
            int len = dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count;

            XYZMeshedColumnPlotData assoc = new XYZMeshedColumnPlotData(dg.Doc.DataColumns, len == 0 ? null : dg.SelectedDataColumns);

            // now create a new Graph with this plot associations

            Altaxo.Graph.GUI.IGraphController gc = Current.ProjectService.CreateNewGraph();

            IGPlotItem pi = new DensityImagePlotItem(assoc, plotStyle);

Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes data from a table (usually deserialized table from the clipboard) into a worksheet, which has
        /// no current selections. This means that the data are appended to the end of the worksheet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet to paste into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcetable">The table which contains the data to paste into the worksheet.</param>
        protected static void PasteFromTableToUnselected(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable    desttable         = dg.DataTable;
            Altaxo.Data.DataColumn[] propertycolumnmap = MapOrCreatePropertyColumns(desttable, sourcetable);

            // add first the data columns to the end of the table
            for (int nCol = 0; nCol < sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount; nCol++)
                string name  = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(nCol);
                int    group = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(nCol);
                Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind kind       = sourcetable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(nCol);
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn destcolumn = (Altaxo.Data.DataColumn)sourcetable.DataColumns[nCol].Clone();
                desttable.DataColumns.Add(destcolumn, name, kind, group);

                // also fill in the property values
                int nDestColumnIndex = desttable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destcolumn);
                FillRow(propertycolumnmap, nDestColumnIndex, sourcetable.PropCols, nCol);
            } // for all data columns
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes data columns from the source table (usually deserialized table from the clipboard) into rows of the destination table, which has
        /// currently selected rows. The number of selected rows has to match the number of columns of the source table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet to paste into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcetable">The table which contains the data to paste into the worksheet.</param>
        /// <remarks>The operation is defined as follows: if there is no column selection, the data are inserted beginning at the first column of the destination table.
        /// If there is a column selection, the data are inserted in the selected columns, and then in the columns after the last selected columns.
        /// No exception is thrown if a cell type does not match the corresponding source cell type.
        /// The columns to paste into do not change their name, kind or group number. Property columns in the source table
        /// are not used for this operation.</remarks>
        protected static void PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedRows(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable    desttable         = dg.DataTable;
            Altaxo.Data.DataColumn[] destdatacolumnmap = MapOrCreateDataColumnsToRows(desttable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, sourcetable);

            int nDestRow = -1;

            for (int nSrcCol = 0; nSrcCol < sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount; nSrcCol++)
                nDestRow = nSrcCol < dg.SelectedDataRows.Count ? dg.SelectedDataRows[nSrcCol] : nDestRow + 1;

                for (int nSrcRow = 0; nSrcRow < sourcetable.DataColumns.RowCount; nSrcRow++)
                    int nDestCol = nSrcRow;
                    try { destdatacolumnmap[nDestCol][nDestRow] = sourcetable.DataColumns[nSrcCol][nSrcRow]; }
                    catch (Exception) {}
Beispiel #13
        public static string TwoDimFFT(Altaxo.AltaxoDocument mainDocument, GUI.WorksheetController dg)
            int rows = dg.Doc.DataColumns.RowCount;
            int cols = dg.Doc.DataColumns.ColumnCount;

            // reserve two arrays (one for real part, which is filled with the table contents)
            // and the imaginary part - which is left zero here)

            double[] rePart;
            double[] imPart;

            string stringresult = TwoDimFFT(mainDocument, dg, out rePart, out imPart);

            if (stringresult != null)

            Altaxo.Data.DataTable table = new Altaxo.Data.DataTable("Fourieramplitude of " + dg.Doc.Name);

            // Fill the Table
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn col = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    col[j] = rePart[i * rows + j];

            // create a new worksheet without any columns

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes data from a table (usually deserialized table from the clipboard) into a worksheet.
        /// The paste operation depends on the current selection of columns, rows, or property columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet to paste into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcetable">The table which contains the data to paste into the worksheet.</param>
        /// <remarks>The paste operation is defined in the following way:
        /// If nothing is currently selected, the columns are appended to the end of the worksheet and the property data
        /// are set for that columns.
        /// If only columns are currently selected, the data is pasted in that columns (column by column). If number of
        /// selected columns not match the number of columns in the paste table, but match the number of rows in the paste table,
        /// the paste is done column by row.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void PasteFromTable(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
            if (!dg.AreColumnsOrRowsSelected)
                PasteFromTableToUnselected(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count > 0 && dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count == sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount)
                PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedColumns(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count > 0 && dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count == sourcetable.DataColumns.RowCount)
                PasteFromTableRowsToSelectedColumns(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedDataRows.Count > 0 && dg.SelectedDataRows.Count == sourcetable.DataColumns.RowCount)
                PasteFromTableRowsToSelectedRows(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedDataRows.Count > 0 && dg.SelectedDataRows.Count == sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount)
                PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedRows(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedPropertyColumns.Count > 0 && dg.SelectedPropertyColumns.Count == sourcetable.DataColumns.ColumnCount)
                PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedPropertyColumns(dg, sourcetable);

            // now the not exact matches
            else if (dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count > 0)
                PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedColumns(dg, sourcetable);
            else if (dg.SelectedDataRows.Count > 0)
                PasteFromTableRowsToSelectedRows(dg, sourcetable);
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet as horzizontal bar diagram.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
 public static void PlotColumnChartRelativeStack(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
     Plot(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, PlotStyle_Bar, GroupStyle_RelativeStack_Bar);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet as horzizontal bar diagram.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
        public static void PlotBarChartRelativeStack(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
            IGraphController gc = Plot(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, PlotStyle_Bar, GroupStyle_RelativeStack_Bar);

            ((G2DCartesicCoordinateSystem)gc.Doc.Layers[0].CoordinateSystem).IsXYInterchanged = true;
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
 public static void PlotLineWaterfall(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
     Plot(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, PlotStyle_Line, GroupStyle_Waterfall_Color_Line);
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
 public static void PlotLineRelativeStack(GUI.WorksheetController dg)
     Plot(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, PlotStyle_Line, GroupStyle_RelativeStack_Color_Line);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Plots the currently selected data columns of a worksheet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller where the columns are selected in.</param>
 /// <param name="bLine">If true, a line is plotted.</param>
 /// <param name="bScatter">If true, scatter symbols are plotted.</param>
 public static void PlotLine(GUI.WorksheetController dg, bool bLine, bool bScatter)
     PlotLine(dg.DataTable, dg.SelectedDataColumns, bLine, bScatter);
Beispiel #20
 protected static void PasteFromTableRowsToSelectedColumns(GUI.WorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Data.DataTable sourcetable)
     PasteFromTableColumnsToSelectedRows(dg, sourcetable);