/// <summary>
    /// Adds the new animal to the spreadsheet online
    /// if you want to access a different sheet replace "Animal Stats" and "Stats" with the revelant spreadsheet title and sheet name
    /// all title names must be in lowercase and contain no spaces
    /// </summary>
    void SendAnimalDataToSheet()
        SpreadSheetManager manager   = new SpreadSheetManager();
        GS2U_Worksheet     worksheet = manager.LoadSpreadSheet("Animal Stats").LoadWorkSheet("Stats");

        worksheet.AddRowData(new Dictionary <string, string>
            //NOTE: all data names are in lower case
            { "name", animal.name },
            { "health", animal.health.ToString() },
            { "attack", animal.health.ToString() },
            { "defence", animal.health.ToString() },
    public void AddResultsToSheet()
        int            myRandom           = Random.Range(0, 30);
        GS2U_Worksheet gameplaysWorksheet = haribo_spreadsheet.LoadWorkSheet("gameplays");

        gameplaysWorksheet.AddRowData(new Dictionary <string, string>
            { "nombre", GameDataScript.instance.nombre },
            { "paterno", GameDataScript.instance.apellido_paterno },
            { "materno", GameDataScript.instance.apellido_materno },
            { "tiros", "30" },
            { "detenidos", myRandom.ToString() },
            { "goles", (30 - myRandom).ToString() },
            { "puntos", GameDataScript.instance.puntos.ToString() },
            { "fecha", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") },
            { "hora", System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString() }
