Beispiel #1
        public static bool IsEnabledFor(
            this DebugLightFilterMode mode,
            GPULightType gpuLightType,
            SpotLightShape spotLightShape
            switch (gpuLightType)
            case GPULightType.ProjectorBox:
            case GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid:
            case GPULightType.Spot:
                switch (spotLightShape)
                case SpotLightShape.Box: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectSpotBox) != 0);

                case SpotLightShape.Cone: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectSpotCone) != 0);

                case SpotLightShape.Pyramid: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectSpotPyramid) != 0);

                default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(spotLightShape));

            case GPULightType.Tube: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectTube) != 0);

            case GPULightType.Point: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectPunctual) != 0);

            case GPULightType.Rectangle: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectRectangle) != 0);

            case GPULightType.Directional: return((mode & DebugLightFilterMode.DirectDirectional) != 0);

            default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(gpuLightType));
Beispiel #2
        //Packs a sort key for a light
        public static uint PackLightSortKey(LightCategory lightCategory, GPULightType gpuLightType, LightVolumeType lightVolumeType, int lightIndex)
            //We sort directional lights to be in the beginning of the list.
            //This ensures that we can access directional lights very easily after we sort them.
            uint isDirectionalMSB = gpuLightType == GPULightType.Directional ? 0u : 1u;
            uint sortKey          = (uint)isDirectionalMSB << 31 | (uint)lightCategory << 27 | (uint)gpuLightType << 22 | (uint)lightVolumeType << 17 | (uint)lightIndex;

        public static bool MapLightType(LightArchetype la, LightType lt, out GPULightType gputype, out GPUShadowType shadowtype)
            switch (la)
            case LightArchetype.Punctual: return(MapLightType(lt, out gputype, out shadowtype));

            case LightArchetype.Rectangle: gputype = GPULightType.Rectangle; shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Unknown; return(true);

            case LightArchetype.Line: gputype = GPULightType.Line; shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Unknown; return(true);

            default: gputype = GPULightType.Spot; shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Unknown; return(false);                         // <- probably not what you want
        public static bool MapLightType(LightType lt, out GPULightType gputype, out GPUShadowType shadowtype)
            switch (lt)
            case LightType.Spot: gputype = GPULightType.Spot;          shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Spot;        return(true);

            case LightType.Directional: gputype = GPULightType.Directional;   shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Directional; return(true);

            case LightType.Point: gputype = GPULightType.Point;         shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Point;       return(true);

            case LightType.Area: gputype = GPULightType.Rectangle; shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Unknown; return(false);           // area lights by themselves can't be mapped to any GPU type
Beispiel #5
        public static bool MapLightType(LightType lt, AdditionalLightData ald, out GPULightType gputype, out GPUShadowType shadowtype)
            shadowtype = GPUShadowType.Unknown; // Default for all non-punctual lights
            gputype    = GPULightType.Spot;

            switch (ald.archetype)
            case LightArchetype.Punctual:  return(MapLightType(lt, out gputype, out shadowtype));

            case LightArchetype.Area:      gputype = (ald.lightWidth > 0) ? GPULightType.Rectangle : GPULightType.Line; return(true);

            case LightArchetype.Projector:
                switch (lt)
                case LightType.Directional: gputype = GPULightType.ProjectorOrtho;   return(true);

                case LightType.Spot:        gputype = GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid; return(true);

                default: Debug.Assert(false, "Projectors can only be Spot or Directional lights."); return(false);

            default: return(false);    // <- probably not what you want
        void BuildLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCamera, HDRayTracingLights rayTracingLights, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
            // If no lights, exit
            if (rayTracingLights.lightCount == 0)

            // Also we need to build the light list data
            if (m_LightDataGPUArray == null || m_LightDataGPUArray.count != rayTracingLights.lightCount)


            // Grab the shadow settings
            var hdShadowSettings = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent <HDShadowSettings>();
            BoolScalableSetting contactShadowScalableSetting = HDAdditionalLightData.ScalableSettings.UseContactShadow(m_RenderPipeline.asset);

            // Build the data for every light
            for (int lightIdx = 0; lightIdx < rayTracingLights.hdLightArray.Count; ++lightIdx)
                // Grab the additinal light data to process
                HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData = rayTracingLights.hdLightArray[lightIdx];

                LightData lightData = new LightData();
                // When the user deletes a light source in the editor, there is a single frame where the light is null before the collection of light in the scene is triggered
                // the workaround for this is simply to add an invalid light for that frame
                if (additionalLightData == null)

                // Evaluate all the light type data that we need
                LightCategory   lightCategory   = LightCategory.Count;
                GPULightType    gpuLightType    = GPULightType.Point;
                LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType.Count;
                HDLightType     lightType       = additionalLightData.type;
                HDRenderPipeline.EvaluateGPULightType(lightType, additionalLightData.spotLightShape, additionalLightData.areaLightShape, ref lightCategory, ref gpuLightType, ref lightVolumeType);

                // Fetch the light component for this light
                additionalLightData.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out lightComponent);

                // Build the processed light data  that we need
                ProcessedLightData processedData = new ProcessedLightData();
                processedData.additionalLightData = additionalLightData;
                processedData.lightType           = additionalLightData.type;
                processedData.lightCategory       = lightCategory;
                processedData.gpuLightType        = gpuLightType;
                processedData.lightVolumeType     = lightVolumeType;
                // Both of these positions are non-camera-relative.
                processedData.distanceToCamera       = (additionalLightData.gameObject.transform.position -;
                processedData.lightDistanceFade      = HDUtils.ComputeLinearDistanceFade(processedData.distanceToCamera, additionalLightData.fadeDistance);
                processedData.volumetricDistanceFade = HDUtils.ComputeLinearDistanceFade(processedData.distanceToCamera, additionalLightData.volumetricFadeDistance);
                processedData.isBakedShadowMask      = HDRenderPipeline.IsBakedShadowMaskLight(lightComponent);

                // Build a visible light
                Color finalColor = lightComponent.color.linear * lightComponent.intensity;
                if (additionalLightData.useColorTemperature)
                    finalColor *= Mathf.CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(lightComponent.colorTemperature);
                visibleLight.finalColor = finalColor;
                visibleLight.range      = lightComponent.range;
                // This should be done explicitely, localtoworld matrix doesn't work here
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(3, lightComponent.gameObject.transform.position);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(2, lightComponent.transform.forward);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(1, lightComponent.transform.up);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(0, lightComponent.transform.right);
                visibleLight.localToWorldMatrix = localToWorldMatrix;
                visibleLight.spotAngle          = lightComponent.spotAngle;

                int     shadowIndex            = additionalLightData.shadowIndex;
                int     screenSpaceShadowIndex = -1;
                int     screenSpaceChannelSlot = -1;
                Vector3 lightDimensions        = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                // Use the shared code to build the light data
                m_RenderPipeline.GetLightData(cmd, hdCamera, hdShadowSettings, visibleLight, lightComponent, in processedData,
                                              shadowIndex, contactShadowScalableSetting, isRasterization: false, ref lightDimensions, ref screenSpaceShadowIndex, ref screenSpaceChannelSlot, ref lightData);

                // We make the light position camera-relative as late as possible in order
                // to allow the preceding code to work with the absolute world space coordinates.
                Vector3 camPosWS = hdCamera.mainViewConstants.worldSpaceCameraPos;
                HDRenderPipeline.UpdateLightCameraRelativetData(ref lightData, camPosWS);

                // Set the data for this light

            // Push the data to the GPU
 public static bool IsSpot(this GPULightType lightType)
     return(lightType == GPULightType.Spot || lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorBox || lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid);
 public static bool IsAreaLight(this GPULightType lightType)
     return(lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle || lightType == GPULightType.Tube);
Beispiel #9
        void BuildLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCamera, List <HDAdditionalLightData> lightArray)
            // Also we need to build the light list data
            if (m_LightDataGPUArray == null || m_LightDataGPUArray.count != lightArray.Count)

            // Build the data for every light
            for (int lightIdx = 0; lightIdx < lightArray.Count; ++lightIdx)
                var lightData = new LightData();

                HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData = lightArray[lightIdx];
                // When the user deletes a light source in the editor, there is a single frame where the light is null before the collection of light in the scene is triggered
                // the workaround for this is simply to add an invalid light for that frame
                if (additionalLightData == null)
                    m_LightDataCPUArray[lightIdx] = lightData;
                Light light = additionalLightData.gameObject.GetComponent <Light>();

                // Both of these positions are non-camera-relative.
                float distanceToCamera  = (light.gameObject.transform.position -;
                float lightDistanceFade = HDUtils.ComputeLinearDistanceFade(distanceToCamera, additionalLightData.fadeDistance);

                bool contributesToLighting = ((additionalLightData.lightDimmer > 0) && (additionalLightData.affectDiffuse || additionalLightData.affectSpecular)) || (additionalLightData.volumetricDimmer > 0);
                contributesToLighting = contributesToLighting && (lightDistanceFade > 0);

                if (!contributesToLighting)

                lightData.lightLayers = additionalLightData.GetLightLayers();
                LightCategory lightCategory = LightCategory.Count;
                GPULightType  gpuLightType  = GPULightType.Point;
                GetLightGPUType(additionalLightData, light, ref gpuLightType, ref lightCategory);

                lightData.lightType = gpuLightType;

                lightData.positionRWS = light.gameObject.transform.position -;

                bool applyRangeAttenuation = additionalLightData.applyRangeAttenuation && (gpuLightType != GPULightType.ProjectorBox);

                lightData.range = light.range;

                if (applyRangeAttenuation)
                    lightData.rangeAttenuationScale = 1.0f / (light.range * light.range);
                    lightData.rangeAttenuationBias  = 1.0f;

                    if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle)
                        // Rect lights are currently a special case because they use the normalized
                        // [0, 1] attenuation range rather than the regular [0, r] one.
                        lightData.rangeAttenuationScale = 1.0f;
                else // Don't apply any attenuation but do a 'step' at range
                    // Solve f(x) = b - (a * x)^2 where x = (d/r)^2.
                    // f(0) = huge -> b = huge.
                    // f(1) = 0    -> huge - a^2 = 0 -> a = sqrt(huge).
                    const float hugeValue = 16777216.0f;
                    const float sqrtHuge  = 4096.0f;
                    lightData.rangeAttenuationScale = sqrtHuge / (light.range * light.range);
                    lightData.rangeAttenuationBias  = hugeValue;

                    if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle)
                        // Rect lights are currently a special case because they use the normalized
                        // [0, 1] attenuation range rather than the regular [0, r] one.
                        lightData.rangeAttenuationScale = sqrtHuge;

                Color value = light.color.linear * light.intensity;
                if (additionalLightData.useColorTemperature)
                    value *= Mathf.CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(light.colorTemperature);
                lightData.color = new Vector3(value.r, value.g, value.b);

                lightData.forward = light.transform.forward;
                lightData.up      = light.transform.up;
                lightData.right   = light.transform.right;

                if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorBox)
                    // Rescale for cookies and windowing.
                    lightData.right *= 2.0f / Mathf.Max(additionalLightData.shapeWidth, 0.001f);
                    lightData.up    *= 2.0f / Mathf.Max(additionalLightData.shapeHeight, 0.001f);
                else if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid)
                    // Get width and height for the current frustum
                    var spotAngle = light.spotAngle;

                    float frustumWidth, frustumHeight;

                    if (additionalLightData.aspectRatio >= 1.0f)
                        frustumHeight = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                        frustumWidth  = frustumHeight * additionalLightData.aspectRatio;
                        frustumWidth  = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
                        frustumHeight = frustumWidth / additionalLightData.aspectRatio;

                    // Rescale for cookies and windowing.
                    lightData.right *= 2.0f / frustumWidth;
                    lightData.up    *= 2.0f / frustumHeight;

                if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Spot)
                    var spotAngle = light.spotAngle;

                    var innerConePercent      = additionalLightData.GetInnerSpotPercent01();
                    var cosSpotOuterHalfAngle = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Cos(spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    var sinSpotOuterHalfAngle = Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - cosSpotOuterHalfAngle * cosSpotOuterHalfAngle);
                    var cosSpotInnerHalfAngle = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Cos(spotAngle * 0.5f * innerConePercent * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0.0f, 1.0f); // inner cone

                    var val = Mathf.Max(0.0001f, (cosSpotInnerHalfAngle - cosSpotOuterHalfAngle));
                    lightData.angleScale  = 1.0f / val;
                    lightData.angleOffset = -cosSpotOuterHalfAngle * lightData.angleScale;

                    // Rescale for cookies and windowing.
                    float cotOuterHalfAngle = cosSpotOuterHalfAngle / sinSpotOuterHalfAngle;
                    lightData.up    *= cotOuterHalfAngle;
                    lightData.right *= cotOuterHalfAngle;
                    // These are the neutral values allowing GetAngleAnttenuation in shader code to return 1.0
                    lightData.angleScale  = 0.0f;
                    lightData.angleOffset = 1.0f;

                if (lightData.lightType != GPULightType.Directional && lightData.lightType != GPULightType.ProjectorBox)
                    // Store the squared radius of the light to simulate a fill light.
                    lightData.size = new Vector2(additionalLightData.shapeRadius * additionalLightData.shapeRadius, 0);

                if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle || lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Tube)
                    lightData.size = new Vector2(additionalLightData.shapeWidth, additionalLightData.shapeHeight);

                lightData.lightDimmer           = lightDistanceFade * (additionalLightData.lightDimmer);
                lightData.diffuseDimmer         = lightDistanceFade * (additionalLightData.affectDiffuse ? additionalLightData.lightDimmer : 0);
                lightData.specularDimmer        = lightDistanceFade * (additionalLightData.affectSpecular ? additionalLightData.lightDimmer * hdCamera.frameSettings.specularGlobalDimmer : 0);
                lightData.volumetricLightDimmer = lightDistanceFade * (additionalLightData.volumetricDimmer);

                lightData.contactShadowIndex       = -1;
                lightData.cookieIndex              = -1;
                lightData.shadowIndex              = -1;
                lightData.rayTracedAreaShadowIndex = -1;

                if (light != null && light.cookie != null)
                    // TODO: add texture atlas support for cookie textures.
                    switch (light.type)
                    case LightType.Spot:
                        lightData.cookieIndex = m_LightLoop.cookieTexArray.FetchSlice(cmd, light.cookie);

                    case LightType.Point:
                        lightData.cookieIndex = m_LightLoop.cubeCookieTexArray.FetchSlice(cmd, light.cookie);
                else if (light.type == LightType.Spot && additionalLightData.spotLightShape != SpotLightShape.Cone)
                    // Projectors lights must always have a cookie texture.
                    // As long as the cache is a texture array and not an atlas, the 4x4 white texture will be rescaled to 128
                    lightData.cookieIndex = m_LightLoop.cookieTexArray.FetchSlice(cmd, Texture2D.whiteTexture);
                else if (lightData.lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle && additionalLightData.areaLightCookie != null)
                    lightData.cookieIndex = m_LightLoop.areaLightCookieManager.FetchSlice(cmd, additionalLightData.areaLightCookie);

                    lightData.shadowDimmer           = 1.0f;
                    lightData.volumetricShadowDimmer = 1.0f;

                    // fix up shadow information
                    lightData.shadowIndex = additionalLightData.shadowIndex;

                // Value of max smoothness is from artists point of view, need to convert from perceptual smoothness to roughness
                lightData.minRoughness = (1.0f - additionalLightData.maxSmoothness) * (1.0f - additionalLightData.maxSmoothness);

                // No usage for the shadow masks
                lightData.shadowMaskSelector =;
                    // use -1 to say that we don't use shadow mask
                    lightData.shadowMaskSelector.x = -1.0f;
                    lightData.nonLightMappedOnly   = 0;

                // Set the data for this light
                m_LightDataCPUArray[lightIdx] = lightData;

            //Push the data to the GPU
Beispiel #10
        void GetLightGPUType(HDAdditionalLightData additionalData, Light light, ref GPULightType gpuLightType, ref LightCategory lightCategory)
            lightCategory = LightCategory.Count;
            gpuLightType  = GPULightType.Point;

            if (additionalData.lightTypeExtent == LightTypeExtent.Punctual)
                lightCategory = LightCategory.Punctual;

                switch (light.type)
                case LightType.Spot:
                    switch (additionalData.spotLightShape)
                    case SpotLightShape.Cone:
                        gpuLightType = GPULightType.Spot;

                    case SpotLightShape.Pyramid:
                        gpuLightType = GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid;

                    case SpotLightShape.Box:
                        gpuLightType = GPULightType.ProjectorBox;

                        Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered an unknown SpotLightShape.");

                case LightType.Directional:
                    gpuLightType = GPULightType.Directional;

                case LightType.Point:
                    gpuLightType = GPULightType.Point;

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered an unknown LightType.");
                lightCategory = LightCategory.Area;

                switch (additionalData.lightTypeExtent)
                case LightTypeExtent.Rectangle:
                    gpuLightType = GPULightType.Rectangle;

                case LightTypeExtent.Tube:
                    gpuLightType = GPULightType.Tube;

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered an unknown LightType.");
Beispiel #11
 //Unpacks a sort key for a light
 public static void UnpackLightSortKey(uint sortKey, out LightCategory lightCategory, out GPULightType gpuLightType, out LightVolumeType lightVolumeType, out int lightIndex)
     lightCategory   = (LightCategory)((sortKey >> 27) & 0xF);
     gpuLightType    = (GPULightType)((sortKey >> 22) & 0x1F);
     lightVolumeType = (LightVolumeType)((sortKey >> 17) & 0x1F);
     lightIndex      = (int)(sortKey & 0xFFFF);
        void BuildLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCamera, HDRayTracingLights rayTracingLights, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
            // If no lights, exit
            if (rayTracingLights.lightCount == 0)

            // Also we need to build the light list data
            if (m_LightDataGPUArray == null || m_LightDataGPUArray.count != rayTracingLights.lightCount)


            // Grab the shadow settings
            var hdShadowSettings = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent <HDShadowSettings>();
            BoolScalableSetting contactShadowScalableSetting = HDAdditionalLightData.ScalableSettings.UseContactShadow(m_RenderPipeline.asset);

            // Build the data for every light
            HDLightRenderDatabase lightEntities = HDLightRenderDatabase.instance;
            var processedLightEntity            = new HDProcessedVisibleLight()
                shadowMapFlags = HDProcessedVisibleLightsBuilder.ShadowMapFlags.None

            var globalConfig     = HDGpuLightsBuilder.CreateGpuLightDataJobGlobalConfig.Create(hdCamera, hdShadowSettings);
            var shadowInitParams = m_RenderPipeline.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.hdShadowInitParams;

            for (int lightIdx = 0; lightIdx < rayTracingLights.hdLightEntityArray.Count; ++lightIdx)
                // Grab the additinal light data to process
                int dataIndex = lightEntities.GetEntityDataIndex(rayTracingLights.hdLightEntityArray[lightIdx]);
                HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData = lightEntities.hdAdditionalLightData[dataIndex];

                LightData lightData = new LightData();
                // When the user deletes a light source in the editor, there is a single frame where the light is null before the collection of light in the scene is triggered
                // the workaround for this is simply to add an invalid light for that frame
                if (additionalLightData == null)

                // Evaluate all the light type data that we need
                LightCategory   lightCategory   = LightCategory.Count;
                GPULightType    gpuLightType    = GPULightType.Point;
                LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = LightVolumeType.Count;
                HDLightType     lightType       = additionalLightData.type;
                HDRenderPipeline.EvaluateGPULightType(lightType, additionalLightData.spotLightShape, additionalLightData.areaLightShape, ref lightCategory, ref gpuLightType, ref lightVolumeType);

                // Fetch the light component for this light
                additionalLightData.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out lightComponent);

                ref HDLightRenderData lightRenderData = ref lightEntities.GetLightDataAsRef(dataIndex);

                // Build the processed light data  that we need
                processedLightEntity.dataIndex                   = dataIndex;
                processedLightEntity.gpuLightType                = gpuLightType;
                processedLightEntity.lightType                   = additionalLightData.type;
                processedLightEntity.distanceToCamera            = (additionalLightData.transform.position -;
                processedLightEntity.lightDistanceFade           = HDUtils.ComputeLinearDistanceFade(processedLightEntity.distanceToCamera, lightRenderData.fadeDistance);
                processedLightEntity.lightVolumetricDistanceFade = HDUtils.ComputeLinearDistanceFade(processedLightEntity.distanceToCamera, lightRenderData.volumetricFadeDistance);
                processedLightEntity.isBakedShadowMask           = HDRenderPipeline.IsBakedShadowMaskLight(lightComponent);

                // Build a visible light
                visibleLight.finalColor = LightUtils.EvaluateLightColor(lightComponent, additionalLightData);
                visibleLight.range      = lightComponent.range;
                // This should be done explicitly, localToWorld matrix doesn't work here
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(3, lightComponent.gameObject.transform.position);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(2, lightComponent.transform.forward);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(1, lightComponent.transform.up);
                localToWorldMatrix.SetColumn(0, lightComponent.transform.right);
                visibleLight.localToWorldMatrix = localToWorldMatrix;
                visibleLight.spotAngle          = lightComponent.spotAngle;

                int     shadowIndex     = additionalLightData.shadowIndex;
                Vector3 lightDimensions = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                // Use the shared code to build the light data
                    lightCategory, gpuLightType, globalConfig,
                    lightComponent.lightShadowCasterMode, lightComponent.bakingOutput,
                    visibleLight, processedLightEntity, lightRenderData, out var _, ref lightData);
                m_RenderPipeline.gpuLightList.ProcessLightDataShadowIndex(cmd, shadowInitParams, lightType, lightComponent, additionalLightData, shadowIndex, ref lightData);

                // We make the light position camera-relative as late as possible in order
                // to allow the preceding code to work with the absolute world space coordinates.
                Vector3 camPosWS = hdCamera.mainViewConstants.worldSpaceCameraPos;
                HDRenderPipeline.UpdateLightCameraRelativetData(ref lightData, camPosWS);

                // Set the data for this light